Brutal Honesty



  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    sorry kat u can play the good girl card and the pity card all u want but to some of us (myself included) we dont buy it...

    if they did in fact go from her to u then yeah who's to say it wasn't u who decided to take it and scram? what makes u so holy and innocent that u are not capable of this? please enlighten me if u will...

    NP: The Offspring - She`s got issues.

    Zhadi actually put it nicely, had he gotten apos back, hiding them would have not made any sense as those apos would have been needed, in something that was close to his heart.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I was part of it too because that account was basically mine.
    I got the apothecary up to lvl 7 on it and I was the one who was in charge of everything that went into our herb bank and what went out.
    After we lost that, we had tons of people farming throughout the day to try to get our bank up to a decent level

    There are two possibilities:
    1. We never got anything back
    2. Proski decided to keep all the herbs and apothecary to himself.

    I refuse to believe the second one for a couple of reasons.
    He wanted to win against Narla more than anything
    He's been very selfless throughout his Elusive leadership

    Once again, it's my PoV.
    But, very well. With this last post, I'll drop it.

    Yeah, there isn't much more to say is there? You're stuck in a position of either believing Pro or me. Frankly, I can't blame you for your conclusions. He is your friend and you should trust him, I trust my friends. All I know is she contacted us, not us her, we didnt even know you had her acct., so that's the first falacy, I met with her, I got the apoth and herbs, I met with Pro and gave him what she gave me. I just don't know what else to say. I was not aware that he didn't tell Elusive he got the stuff back. I still want to believe there is some kind of misunderstanding here. Another thing I find strange is if Pro truly believed the 10 mil we gave him was some kind of buy off money, why he take it? I mean, I just wouldn't. I'd be like **** you, you just ripped me off, I'm not taking your freaking money!! I just don't get it. Guess I never will.
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Not true?
    No, Kat. I was the one who owned that account.
    Only other person who had the information was in Narla.
    I never questioned her about it when the herbs and apoth went missing. I would have never thought that she had taken them. Never once did I bring this up to her, but she, herself, messaged me on MSN one day apologizing, asking me to forgive her. I asked what she was on about and she told me that she had taken all the herbs and apothecary. They ended up in Narla's stash. Only a few days after that was that Mango "aided" with 10mil when he "found out" about our "tragic loss". We never recieved any of our apothecary back. We never said anything about this to anybody, but if he's going to come off as somebody he's not with a bunch of bs, like he always tries to, then I'm going to state what actually goes on.

    Kat, the only thing people on this forum can read is what somebody claims, but they don't see the whole story behind it. I laugh at Proski when he talks about "context this" "context that", but it's true. I can easily quote you on what you just said right now, and make it seem like you're being a biitch and trash talking me so easily. That's what Mango was doing with his little "I gave them 10mil to support their cause".

    Same goes with him saying he never negotiated with Mexy(Impulse/PHOENIX) and Siio(Fatalis/PHOENIX). He claimed that he endorsed PHOENIX because it would help for TW this, and TW that, but we all know the truth of the matter is that he just didn't want the good players that still remained in those factions to go to Elusive.

    Both Mexy and Siio openly admitted to the fact that they negotiated all the time, but Mango won't because of the trolling. Mexy and Siio don't care. They do their thing and disregard any claims because they simply don't give so much of a damn about their reputation the way Mango does and that's why we have left them alone.


    Not true... the OWNER came back and reset it... gave Kat the herbs and we gave them back to Proski... She didn't want you guys putting it in factions as if it was a main (WHICH YOU WERE), just to make apoth. You were not the owner of that account... You people really like to distort the truth man.
    Winning b:pleased
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    NP: The Offspring - She`s got issues.

    Zhadi actually put it nicely, had he gotten apos back, hiding them would have not made any sense as those apos would have been needed, in something that was close to his heart.

    Zhadi was not playing the game any longer at the time. Again, you do not know the facts. Zhadi had stepped down and was taking a break from the game if I remember correctly.
  • KaiserNeko - Archosaur
    KaiserNeko - Archosaur Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Not true... the OWNER came back and reset it... gave Kat the herbs and we gave them back to Proski... She didn't want you guys putting it in factions as if it was a main (WHICH YOU WERE), just to make apoth. You were not the owner of that account... You people really like to distort the truth man.

    odd, u never told any of the officers about this little bit of info. u said that the banks were GONE and tried to say that Zhadi or someone else had taken them. i remeber the vent discussion. gg

    you flail
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Zhadi was not playing the game any longer at the time. Again, you do not know the facts. Zhadi had stepped down and was taking a break from the game if I remember correctly.

    No I dont, I neither has anything to affect my opinion fot that exact matter, I`m outsider, for that I can judge things more objectively than anybody part of the situation. And right now kitty is confused, I doubt we`ve seen the truth here yet, both sides got some arguments that make sense and stories are so different they cant both be true.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    odd, u never told any of the officers about this little bit of info. u said that the banks were GONE and tried to say that Zhadi or someone else had taken them. i remeber the vent discussion. gg

    LOL...Kaiser, I know it's getting confusing but we are not talking about Narla's herb or apoth banks. We are talking about an acct. that Zhadi had control of that was in Elusive being used to make apoth and herbs for them. And for the record Zhadi was never accused of being involved with our banks, lol. *facepalm*
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Back from class in a good mood and a slightly clear mind. I'll try to make this make as much sense as possible b:surrender


    FACT-People still rehash old drama

    Case Study 1- Proc's Ascii rage's from HL as an attack on him being leader of Rescind. People when they move servers can change and alot of people have faith in Proc and what he does. For all accounts and what Ive seen back when he was accepted into Narla under Mango near the end of the Mango era and up until now, all the BS about his attitude I've found to be just that-BS. Now whetehr he "ascii rages" or not is entirely in the air but how is that anyone's concern for thos eon the outside? He's not Ex Elusive yet youre still grabbing for something? You people are a bit desperate.

    Of course since Proski's not lead you can't call out Elusive Act 3, so what more damning can you get than draging up the leader's past from another server?

    Case Study 2- Twice rejection of Nem app. I didnt really have any inclination to bring this particular point up as it can easily turn into a "you're just QQIng cause of someone who doesnt like you that has CS power and you're blaming them for not getting in" business. But just to lay this out there-after I had left Zulusive when it was falling appart, Nem took in Met in a heart beat, took in Lillith (whom ran a rather important role in Zulusive/Elusive cough cough) and even when my friends had requested me constantly to app I hadn't until that time. My first app was swiftly shot down-why? Because of people assuming Kaiser was going to follow me. I cleared that up w/ Mango and re-submitted a much more detailed app (which I will not cite here as I have a version saved on my comp unless peopel ask to see it). While I was in the process of asking whether I should try again under the new angle of "Kaiser will not follow/not to drag up the old past w/ Narla" I was told the GAMMIT of interesting rumors-that people didnt like me because they were blaming ME for the downfall of Narla, that I caused drama, that certain ppl were wondeirng what happened to 2 months worth of Mirages + 50 mil etc. etc. SS can be provided upon request.

    ((TBH I woudl have rather been rejected for- "oh you were in Zulusive for a week so we can't trust you" than this long winded "ohhh its because of yor past and it's because of crowd control this and that" ))

    So erm who's rehashing what old drama now? The cycle of karma-why are you all surprised that people are STILL calling out old stuff? Becuase this is how people base their judgements-on rumors and details of the past, rather than based upon who the person is, what they contribute etc. Now, not that ANY faction/person should not be selective of who they do or don't let in/associate with, but I'm not as "infamous" as some of the server's most notorious. >.<

    Case Study 3: Rion's immedite reaction to Rescind's forming and subsiquent comments after. I happened to be in Immunity at the time Rescind was formed. Right away Rion was scrambling to try and get ahold of Fluffy and BOOLD wanting to "talk with them as it was very important". Of course he didnt want to loose them to Rescind, whom in his eyes was Elusive v3. Not that I can particularily blame him as immediately some ex Elusive flocked there but what he failed to realize is that Rescind's goals were not grounded upon TW only. Yes just as the whole "Mango stepping out of Rob's Narla" buisness was brought up so was this notion of "making a faction that WILL aim to take the map as opposed to constantly camping top faction TW every week." So this encompased PvE aspects along with everything that shared similar premises w/ Narla. It was much different than what Eluisve was founded on-check the core connect roster yourself. Is it truely all ex Elusive or did you all not notice the Ex old school Impulse who have returned to game that are there as well as ex Narla?

    ((As I've stated in another thread a LONG time ago everyone who's been on this server for a very long time in the big factions was either ex Narla, ex Impulse or ex Fatalis-and Im talking about the super old school players not those who came in way after the fact))

    At any rate as Rescind started to grow in members and while Immunity lost some here and there, Rion became incresingly bitter in fac chat at time to the point where I would turn it off while farming. There's only so much back bite talk I can stand and the Nem bashing was getting old to read. Heard it enough from the forums so I didnt need to see it in there.

    Case in point-people bring up old drama/past for the sake of making a point, to defend their claims or to give credibility to it. While it may or may not be true, while there be any SS proof in exsistance to back it up or not, teh past is still rehashed. To tell people not to always cosnider the past or that their sick of hearing about it will not do you any good, especially if it get's revisted CONSTANTLY. Don't innitiate it if you don't want to continue the vicious cycle-at least don't do it where people can get proof of it.


    Now since apparently this got all misconstrued and catch 22'd like no tomorrow I will try to detail as I've hear it stand exactlly what was going down w/ the Rescind v Immunity phase on the Friday slot TW. NOTE-I will say what is "hear-say" or things I do not know to be complete fact, but rather what Ive heard form others and whatever is "fact" I'll brackt it as such.

    Case Study- Immunity v Rescind

    [Hear-Say] Rion was informed that Rescind would wait until 1 hour after the Nem TW wudl start and/or when they won. I am foggy as to who told them this or even why, as I am not in a TW corrdination spot.
    [Hear-Say] One hour before TW w/ Rescind, Rion was contacted that Rescind would NOT wait teh full hour but they would wait for a little bit. Actual time stated unknown. Again, foggy, no real info on this-can not get much conformation on who said what in this instance.
    [Fact] Rescind DID wait approx 23 minutes before full flegded attacking the crystal (there were ppl **** around by soul degening the crystal/normal attacking but if youre really gonna make any case off this technicality Ima have to slap you)
    [Fact] Some people in Rescind were getting rather annoyed, wondering if Immunity would even show. Which begets the whole WCing they were doing. IMOunless the leader hismelf says "well Im speaking for the WHOLE faction on this" don't assume EVERYONE in Rescind was doing/feeling the same as w/e was WC.
    [Fact, slight Hear-Say] Rion DID say he would no show Rescind to starve them of TW's and to getthem to disband. However it's unclear as to exactly when he was saying this whetehr it was during Rescind's wait, halfway through the Nem TW or after the New TW. I'm 90% possitive it was after Nem's TW as I managed to get a look off of Kaiser's screen before he left the faction what Rion had said, though I can't say for certain whether he had said anything prior to that.

    Case Study: TW Expectations and Nem v Immunity

    Nem v Immunity
    [Hear-Say] Nem was not coordinating very well on both nights, though performance was better as they managed to drop it to 30 minutes rather than that hour long fight. I heard everything from peopel were talking about other games for a huge block of time in vent to peopel not taking it seriously-all in all, it was something I was NOT expecting to hear. What was more shocking to me however is how out of proportion it got blown to. [/Hear-Say]

    Now head my words carefully-NOWHERE DO I HAVE CLAMINED NOR WILL EVER CLAIM THAT IMMUNITY CAN NOT NOR SHOULD NOT TW WITH NEM/ THAT IMMUNITY IS NON FACTORS. I don't speak for anyone else in Rescind or outside of it that I know that says otehrwise-so don't lump me in that group. I respect the fact that they as am I are entitled to express an opnion as how they see it and unless its bar butt WRONG I'm not going to bother correcting their OPINION. My opinion lies only on certain leadership in Immunity not on the faction as a whole as there are many nice and respectable peopel in there.

    I have stated clearly eslewhere that every person who shows up to TW is a factor-but if you have 170+ and ppl arent showing or all those players at some point CAN NOT GET ON AT THE SAME TIME (not that we're not taking into consideration time zones RL etc but Im saying the actual raw fact of the ability for those 170+ to get on at the same time as in-log in as seperate individual characters) then it is a waste of resources. Why do you think factions like Narla set a no alt policy? Because this gave use the RAW numbers of how many POSSIBLE people we could have at any given time in an instance. Besides, a group of 100+ members who all have the capability to come on at one time looks more attarctive than a faction full to its capacity where at least 20 are alts/dead accounts etc. (This isnt a comparison between Rescind and Immunity FYI-Ive seen factions on HT that match up like this and pump in alts just to make the numbers look good.)

    Case Study-TW Expectations

    This partly falls hand in hand with what happned w/ Rescind's TW along with some of the other examples of TW's on thsi server being handeled. In the case fo Rescind v Immunity, some peopel were bringing this stance to teh table- "If you wanted a TW so badly why couldn't you have waited the whole hour for us? You knew we were going to put all our forces into Nem and after we're done with that, you'd get your TW."

    Case Point 1- The whole TW world does not revolve around what you plan out with your forces weeks or even months in advance. No faction who wants land or wants TW will consider your plans. Try that on any other server and you'd prbably be laughed at. It'd be unheard of to expect ANY faction who's gathered up it's players, gears, strats the whole week to be revolving around what YOURE doing under a gank situation. Why do you think the system allows for ganks to happen? Not so that your opponent can roll over and take a one hour nap while you take care of business on another faction. No-its to give factions the opportunity to put pressure on teh land holding factions and to possibly score a land. Of course when factions like Enrage get SO strong they can easily hold off 3 way ganks every weekend straight, you know they mean buisness. Do you seriously think they were expecting the factions to give them 10-15 minutes to steam roll an 80 v 80 3 way gank weekend because they needed to focus their very best first in one TW? That doesnt happen because land is land and some factions dont really have that "respect", if you want to call it that. (But its more of they see it as what it is to its core which is TW not a specially instanced treaty room)

    Case Point 2- Always expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst. Though people did not attack Narla for MONTHS on end after Imuplse kind of feel to the wayside we were always half hoping there would be some point to prove our steel. And we did manage to beat off a 3 way gank-the only 3 way gank I've ever experienced. And for what it was worth whether the factions attacking were strong or not (all a matter of opinion of course), we managed to do it. Assume that not everything will go according to the perfect conquest plan inside your mind because people will some time decide to take up arms and do away with it.

    Considering these 2 points it should be quite clear why anyone would get pissy. When dying Narla tried to no show growing Nem into frustration, did that change anything? No-"starving" them of TW's did nothing to stop their objective. Expecting anything more from other factions when one of the higher teir factions has done this is a bit foolish.

    If you tout you're a force to be reckoned with, then whine about another faction's attack landing on a day where you're dumping ALL your forces onto another TW, you probably should know better. The more competitive you are or the more widely accepted you get as a TW faction, the more people will want to test you for themselves. And if all you'll do is tell them "wait an hour we're busy with a more competitive TW/with a faction that's worth our time" I'd be surprised if they didnt immediately crystal walk you for saying something like that, implied or not.


    People still rehash old Drama even if people are sick of it- and they do it to make a point, to defend their claims or to give credibility to it. whether peopel have proof or not it still gets overdone.

    My opinions DO NOT bear on whether people believe Imunity is or is not a factor, nor is that my main focus. How someone wants to express their opinions is their buisness and I have no right (unless their stupidly wrong about it) to correct them. Those two TW's were a disapointment as I know that the people in Nem can do much better-whether they were **** around, not caring etc. is only something they know. To call it just "them making excuses" and that "you're not responsible for it" isn't the point.

    The world of TW does not revolve around any one factions carefully made plans. Its a do or die facility in the game. To expect a faction to try and accomidate YOU would be laughed at by other factions on different servers. ALways expect teh unexpected and prepare accordingly. If you can not defend sucessfully get stronger, gear up,learn your class,create strats,level up. DOn't be surprised if factions becoe offended when you dont considered them enough of a showing, whether its implied or not.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Not true... the OWNER came back and reset it... gave Kat the herbs and we gave them back to Proski... She didn't want you guys putting it in factions as if it was a main (WHICH YOU WERE), just to make apoth. You were not the owner of that account... You people really like to distort the truth man.

    Oh God...
    Dude, the account was in Impulse, and they were aware that it was in there just for apoth. I stated that in the application. The person who contacted you about that account wasn't even the original owner of the account (Vernie), it was Abiigail (soz for using your name<3 :<) who also had access to it. I never said I was the ORIGINAL owner of the account, but I did ask her if I could use it for buffs, etc. The fact that it happened to be in Narla at that time was never planned out, but sure, I took advantage that it was in there and used it to make some 1k stream apothecary for PK purposes. Most of the apothecary we used in TW was either dew stars (made anywhere else), or it came from within your faction. Few members in Narla gave me Ironguards, Sutras, and White Powders by the hundreds... for free... no need to farm herbs either, so I never had the necessity to put it anywhere just to **** you guys or anybody else over. It was just a herb bank.

    As for the rest of the story, we're not going to agree. You guys say we got it back, we say we never got it back. Somebody's lying, and I know it's not me.

    You're right, Kat, I was inactive, but my skype started getting flooded by Elusive, asking me for the herbs. They thought at first that I had taken it all when I quit. I actually reinstalled the game at that point and logged on to check. Proski asked me about it. Mizandry asked me about it. yReMaeRD asked me about it. PrettyNPink asked me about it. A lot. All fingers were actually pointing at me for a bit. Can't say I wasn't involved at all.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    -narla bank got robbed and made public by mango because besides nahktuul, he also accused or entertained the idea of the ex-narla now in elusive taking them
    -few days later all our herbs went missing that personally had millions of coins from myself molovo mizandry and zhadi and another thousand donations+- from godsgirl and about 10 other regular farmers over two weeks.
    -i left kat and bdoomed both messages about it
    -bdoomed said it was probably dreamery after I asked if he knew much more about him that I didnt, as zhadi had given him access to the account
    -got on vent with kat & gaddi
    -after I had went on about what happened and you guys acted like you had NO idea, which you were probably deciding whether or not you wanted to just tell me, or if i "deserved" to kknow, gaddi interuptted me and said it was none of who I suspected, that instead he knew what happened because the vernie account was returned after that girl, the owner, whatever, was told "a great wrong was being done against narla" when you guys criminilzed zhadi for what he was doing. which we all no now is a big joke, christ there are like 3 elusive players in nemesis just making ironguards, but at least showing up for the TWs so im sure you tolerate that now. fact of the matter was it wasnt a big deal
    -towards the end kat said something along the lines of oh yes I remember getting some herbs back here have these - some dew stars and left over scrap herbs
    -i was dissappointed, of course, we were all friends or so I thought without other interests proving to matter more. topic got changed back to narlas bank being robbed and I was ready to leave vent when ->
    -gaddi asked me to "come here" but never specified for what when I asked. he wanted to trade compensation to me in game because I personally believe he knew how much value was on that account when whoever took vernies account back was talking about it with him for him to obviously knwo in the first place. but I said no I couldnt take that. he persisted until he had to mail it to me. I knew how much phoney shiit was going on after what happened to narla and people were saying mango used some of it for his gear to buy tt99mats, and so no, I didnt trust that he gave me 10mill for any other reason than to not add to the drama. AFTER how much my members had put into that account I just decided to keep it and reinvest it back into the apoth which we actually worked for without just having all the 10minute crystal walk lands worth of income narla did. anyway would later go on to use to help us in our first real TW against narla. zhadi doesnt know about that because around the same time he also quit for about a week and we were not on the best of grounds. besides I took over complete control over the herbs on a new account after that because I was also a little disappointed about dreamery being on there when he was seemingly taking the faction for granted and threatening to leave a few times.

    anyway theres a reason why I didnt post in this thread or bring it up, and just messaged you on skype about it laughing zhadi. its just funny that mango can so conveniently say he gave us 10mill to 'support us' without people knowing what happened as if he did that for no reason but to support is, than it would've been to say heres 10mill for us confiscating your herb account and losing thousands of herbs that got played hot potato with some hands in narla that I have no way of knowing where they all went, but lets not talk about it. him saying he gave us 10 mill to "SUPPORT US" is as much conjecture as the latter. looking at all the context about how you guys stayed quiet and pretended you didnt know what happened until you probably felt bad for me after I went on about it so long is a lot different than mango just saying he gave us 10mill to support us to try and demonstrate a point to kazamir.

    that alone wasnt even why I brought it up to zhadi. its the very fact that he was using that as an example to try to get at kazamir when he also said he never made an alliance. uh WHAT!?

    more facts:
    -when mirage pay and the new bidding system came about siio and mexy came on vent once or twice a week with mango to openly discuss their bids and other shiet pertaining to TW
    -I left narla and told kat I wanted to lead a faction to rival narla and lead TW because im sick and tired of the way things were now
    -she felt I should talk to mango about it, at the time i said there was nothing to talk about. in my mind, everybody else was telling him everything and it wasnt doing anything for competition so why would I. besides I said I wanted to kick their ***, back then it was purely friendly and competitive, but still the way to do it wasnt to get their permission.
    -irregardless, I did. but when I talked to mango very broadly about the best way to shake the server up with zhadi and get some action, before elusive really became grounded or even got much of its following, I suggested he attack fatalis because they werent doing anything and hadn't been doing anything in months. and that they had some great high levels who could be freed up from the same hopeless leadership that was in impulse keeping players there but not doing anything constructive. bringing the idea to mango might have offended his holiness (again, mind you this is before elusive was even really a faction, we didnt get most of our players till we fought fatalis). but he said he has a DUTY because of an AGREEMENT with siio to not attack fatalis because in his eyes they "deserved" to be on the map. mango instead just wanted to keep good relations with as much on the map he could while continuing to take particular dead impulse lands. zhadi said about 5 minutes into our 20 minute discussion something along the lines of "yo **** this guy listen to the way hes talking to you mike why are we even sitting around for this bogus **** lets just leave and **** fatalis up to prove him wrong"
    -this was on a weekend i believe? anyway before tw bidding came in mango wantd to talk to me once more about bidding and suggested I attack impulse but I said nah we're just guna do our own plans.

    -we attacked fatalis and got some of their members, no impulse yet though.
    -prevailing point: mexy siio and mango had been really close, so when we started to actually get momentum after there had been some drama in pk and we were the "new kids on the block" coming guns blazing, it became less attractive for these 3 guys who were controlling the TW map for 3 months before I came back to the game, to REALLY be about endorsing the highest competition. not till it really became a threat.

    -I was about to attack more fatalis land when siio and mexy approached me and layed this guilt trip on me about their members. they also wanted to gank narla and look, I know a thing or two about TW and I know how overrated ganks. though I thought it could've been an opportunity to do something nice and show that we werent just selfish and that I could instead work with other factions and give them a chance to fight narla besides saying oh you had to come to elusive if you wanted the best competition.

    -I had 2 stipulations that as men they had to give me their honest word on. 1) that they would show me and give me a reason to believe they would come to TW with their best and actually give effort, otherwise its a lost cause to attack narla with 3 people when we could've just done more for ourselves. and 2) that mexy, who had been holding lead and there was lots of impulse players quitting and other turmoil and, it was a dead faction, with soochi also trying to get lead back, that mexy would finally agree impulse was a dead idea and that if this gank didnt work he would undoubtedly bring himself and some more of his impulse friends in as mergers.

    -all along I found out it was bs. after we lost mexy and siio wanted to JOIN NARLA but somewhere in that those 3 guys agreed on their other plan which was for the go ahead of the creation of this new faction phoenix. a way to not actually bring about good competition, but to spite those who truly represented it JUST because neither of them ended up liking me anymore as they all had a reason to become bitter.

    -mexy still to this day openly admits he had an alliance with mango and that mango was endorsing them (duh, read the forums) and that together they were going to allow phoenix to hand pick certain impulse lands back while using impulse to put up some resistance to train their members. hoping this new thing could detract from some of elusives momentum

    -more drama

    -proski bids on ancient wall and narla goes oh qq proski you promised you'd attack narla every week

    -i world chat about how they would feel about 8 catas

    -it finally occured to those in narla that there were new requirements to attack lvl 1 cities
    -proski got banned
    -mango attacked us the following week to take away our 8 cata advantage and the server had its first 3 hour war in forever. elusives crystal was hardly touched but we got theirs to 5%.

    -lots of 'internal drama' in narla that apparently is the only reason they fell apart. not because of the pressure of losing and NEARLY losing their crystal for the first time EVER. oh but it was fine when they were together forever and not losing, mind you.

    -some narla didnt want kat as director
    -some narla blamed the poor TW on bdoomed

    -mango was adamant on working with me to 'figure stuff out' and understand teh conditions of my ban. after narla got their *** kicked he didnt want to attack us the up and coming week because he knew I was still banned. I told him and everybody else I would be back very soon and that I would attack 1k. prompted mango to attack us again in fear of the threat of losing 1k remaining

    -they loss

    -i said i would disband with you guys as a faction as my word with you two ALL along to prove to people nobody had to wait for narla to reset the map before people could have. and that isntead with our two powerhouses we could reset it NOW and give everybody fun.

    -mango wanted nothing to do with that right away, fair enough

    -then he said he did when it was too much drama on you (kat) and him

    -then he said he didnt because the members were guilt tripping him and griefing

    -so he passed lead to kaiser and made nemesis

    -the others went to darkside, some remained in narla

    -before I was aobut to quit for good because i was still bannned i encouraged people to go to nemesis bc of how weak the ywere while I knew the rest would go elsewhere, and what would you know we'd have a nice little map of the seemingly impossible scenario of 3-4 strong factions.

  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    -narla bank got robbed and made public by mango because besides nahktuul, he also accused or entertained the idea of the ex-narla now in elusive taking them
    -few days later all our herbs went missing that personally had millions of coins from myself molovo mizandry and zhadi and another thousand donations+- from godsgirl and about 10 other regular farmers over two weeks.
    -i left kat and bdoomed both messages about it
    -bdoomed said it was probably dreamery after I asked if he knew much more about him that I didnt, as zhadi had given him access to the account
    -got on vent with kat & gaddi
    -after I had went on about what happened and you guys acted like you had NO idea, which you were probably deciding whether or not you wanted to just tell me, or if i "deserved" to kknow, gaddi interuptted me and said it was none of who I suspected, that instead he knew what happened because the vernie account was returned after that girl, the owner, whatever, was told "a great wrong was being done against narla" when you guys criminilzed zhadi for what he was doing. which we all no now is a big joke, christ there are like 3 elusive players in nemesis just making ironguards, but at least showing up for the TWs so im sure you tolerate that now. fact of the matter was it wasnt a big deal
    -towards the end kat said something along the lines of oh yes I remember getting some herbs back here have these - some dew stars and left over scrap herbs
    -i was dissappointed, of course, we were all friends or so I thought without other interests proving to matter more. topic got changed back to narlas bank being robbed and I was ready to leave vent when ->
    -gaddi asked me to "come here" but never specified for what when I asked. he wanted to trade compensation to me in game because I personally believe he knew how much value was on that account when whoever took vernies account back was talking about it with him for him to obviously knwo in the first place. but I said no I couldnt take that. he persisted until he had to mail it to me. I knew how much phoney shiit was going on after what happened to narla and people were saying mango used some of it for his gear to buy tt99mats, and so no, I didnt trust that he gave me 10mill for any other reason than to not add to the drama. AFTER how much my members had put into that account I just decided to keep it and reinvest it back into the apoth which we actually worked for without just having all the 10minute crystal walk lands worth of income narla did. anyway would later go on to use to help us in our first real TW against narla. zhadi doesnt know about that because around the same time he also quit for about a week and we were not on the best of grounds. besides I took over complete control over the herbs on a new account after that because I was also a little disappointed about dreamery being on there when he was seemingly taking the faction for granted and threatening to leave a few times.

    anyway theres a reason why I didnt post in this thread or bring it up, and just messaged you on skype about it laughing zhadi. its just funny that mango can so conveniently say he gave us 10mill to 'support us' without people knowing what happened as if he did that for no reason but to support is, than it would've been to say heres 10mill for us confiscating your herb account and losing thousands of herbs that got played hot potato with some hands in narla that I have no way of knowing where they all went, but lets not talk about it. him saying he gave us 10 mill to "SUPPORT US" is as much conjecture as the latter. looking at all the context about how you guys stayed quiet and pretended you didnt know what happened until you probably felt bad for me after I went on about it so long is a lot different than mango just saying he gave us 10mill to support us to try and demonstrate a point to kazamir.

    that alone wasnt even why I brought it up to zhadi. its the very fact that he was using that as an example to try to get at kazamir when he also said he never made an alliance. uh WHAT!?

    more facts:
    -when mirage pay and the new bidding system came about siio and mexy came on vent once or twice a week with mango to openly discuss their bids and other shiet pertaining to TW
    -I left narla and told kat I wanted to lead a faction to rival narla and lead TW because im sick and tired of the way things were now
    -she felt I should talk to mango about it, at the time i said there was nothing to talk about. in my mind, everybody else was telling him everything and it wasnt doing anything for competition so why would I. besides I said I wanted to kick their ***, back then it was purely friendly and competitive, but still the way to do it wasnt to get their permission.
    -irregardless, I did. but when I talked to mango very broadly about the best way to shake the server up with zhadi and get some action, before elusive really became grounded or even got much of its following, I suggested he attack fatalis because they werent doing anything and hadn't been doing anything in months. and that they had some great high levels who could be freed up from the same hopeless leadership that was in impulse keeping players there but not doing anything constructive. bringing the idea to mango might have offended his holiness (again, mind you this is before elusive was even really a faction, we didnt get most of our players till we fought fatalis). but he said he has a DUTY because of an AGREEMENT with siio to not attack fatalis because in his eyes they "deserved" to be on the map. mango instead just wanted to keep good relations with as much on the map he could while continuing to take particular dead impulse lands. zhadi said about 5 minutes into our 20 minute discussion something along the lines of "yo **** this guy listen to the way hes talking to you mike why are we even sitting around for this bogus **** lets just leave and **** fatalis up to prove him wrong"
    -this was on a weekend i believe? anyway before tw bidding came in mango wantd to talk to me once more about bidding and suggested I attack impulse but I said nah we're just guna do our own plans.

    -we attacked fatalis and got some of their members, no impulse yet though.
    -prevailing point: mexy siio and mango had been really close, so when we started to actually get momentum after there had been some drama in pk and we were the "new kids on the block" coming guns blazing, it became less attractive for these 3 guys who were controlling the TW map for 3 months before I came back to the game, to REALLY be about endorsing the highest competition. not till it really became a threat.

    -I was about to attack more fatalis land when siio and mexy approached me and layed this guilt trip on me about their members. they also wanted to gank narla and look, I know a thing or two about TW and I know how overrated ganks. though I thought it could've been an opportunity to do something nice and show that we werent just selfish and that I could instead work with other factions and give them a chance to fight narla besides saying oh you had to come to elusive if you wanted the best competition.

    -I had 2 stipulations that as men they had to give me their honest word on. 1) that they would show me and give me a reason to believe they would come to TW with their best and actually give effort, otherwise its a lost cause to attack narla with 3 people when we could've just done more for ourselves. and 2) that mexy, who had been holding lead and there was lots of impulse players quitting and other turmoil and, it was a dead faction, with soochi also trying to get lead back, that mexy would finally agree impulse was a dead idea and that if this gank didnt work he would undoubtedly bring himself and some more of his impulse friends in as mergers.

    -all along I found out it was bs. after we lost mexy and siio wanted to JOIN NARLA but somewhere in that those 3 guys agreed on their other plan which was for the go ahead of the creation of this new faction phoenix. a way to not actually bring about good competition, but to spite those who truly represented it JUST because neither of them ended up liking me anymore as they all had a reason to become bitter.

    -mexy still to this day openly admits he had an alliance with mango and that mango was endorsing them (duh, read the forums) and that together they were going to allow phoenix to hand pick certain impulse lands back while using impulse to put up some resistance to train their members. hoping this new thing could detract from some of elusives momentum

    -more drama

    -proski bids on ancient wall and narla goes oh qq proski you promised you'd attack narla every week

    -i world chat about how they would feel about 8 catas

    -it finally occured to those in narla that there were new requirements to attack lvl 1 cities
    -proski got banned
    -mango attacked us the following week to take away our 8 cata advantage and the server had its first 3 hour war in forever. elusives crystal was hardly touched but we got theirs to 5%.

    -lots of 'internal drama' in narla that apparently is the only reason they fell apart. not because of the pressure of losing and NEARLY losing their crystal for the first time EVER. oh but it was fine when they were together forever and not losing, mind you.

    -some narla didnt want kat as director
    -some narla blamed the poor TW on bdoomed

    -mango was adamant on working with me to 'figure stuff out' and understand teh conditions of my ban. after narla got their *** kicked he didnt want to attack us the up and coming week because he knew I was still banned. I told him and everybody else I would be back very soon and that I would attack 1k. prompted mango to attack us again in fear of the threat of losing 1k remaining

    -they loss

    -i said i would disband with you guys as a faction as my word with you two ALL along to prove to people nobody had to wait for narla to reset the map before people could have. and that isntead with our two powerhouses we could reset it NOW and give everybody fun.

    -mango wanted nothing to do with that right away, fair enough

    -then he said he did when it was too much drama on you (kat) and him

    -then he said he didnt because the members were guilt tripping him and griefing

    -so he passed lead to kaiser and made nemesis

    -the others went to darkside, some remained in narla

    -before I was aobut to quit for good because i was still bannned i encouraged people to go to nemesis bc of how weak the ywere while I knew the rest would go elsewhere, and what would you know we'd have a nice little map of the seemingly impossible scenario of 3-4 strong factions.


    Ugh no you're mixing up too separate occasions. The 10,000,000 was given to you well before that **** with your apothecary happened. I gave that 10m to you because you said no one in your faction is assisting you with funding TW. This was after you had requested that we leave you with 2 lands on the TW map for the 200 Mirages for TW funds... The Apothecary deal with completely separate. Don't mix up **** in your convenient story to make your case...
    Winning b:pleased
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    you ****ING liar, is that why you wanted nobody to know you gave me the money after our herbs went missing? because it wouldnt look like you were actually doing an honest thing to those who knew more about you than I did at the time? I even told kat after it happened that you gave me 10m as compensation and if she is willing to take another bullet of bull shiit for you i'm done entirely with her. thats her decision if she wants to ruin all her friendships for some self-serving jackass.

    kat knows how much I was saying how I was doing alot of the stuff beween the herbs the vent and the forums and all of TW while people were seemingly lazy, hence why I was a little irritable to her and burned out, but I NEVER asked for your permission to leave us with 2 lands. what the hell? we were doing more for you by giving you a tw than you were ever doing for us. there were only two times I ever brought elusives TW business to you, everything else was just about rumors and drama with our members and pk.

    1) before we even had 1 land. which is when I said if i can get two or so lands it would provide substantial income to attack you guys every week, but I never ASKED for your permission. in fact I made a point of emphasis to everybody as zhadi knows that if they (you) attacked us once we got land just because you guys hated us for running you out of west gate that it would make no difference. we never had land before so whats it to us, we'd just go do it else where and they (you) wouldnt have the tw's until we could bid. we were pkers.

    2) i felt bad for kat about all the drama she was dealing with that ensued after we shooped your *** in TW. I came to you about the idea of 'resetting the map now' so it could look better on your part and you could save face instead of what actually ended up happening. you leaving narla with your tail beween your legs
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Martin! where were u :P b:cute

    I have been so busy, I literally don't have the time to login and do crazy stone over the weekend. I used my free-time to go to a bar that had a friend of mines band playing.

    Enjoying your PWI experience?

    Yo this thread is some pro soap opera stuff bro! Why hasn't blood posted yet?
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    you ****ING liar, is that why you wanted nobody to know you gave me the money after our herbs went missing? because it wouldnt look like you were actually doing an honest thing to those who knew more about you than I did at the time? I even told kat after it happened that you gave me 10m as compensation and if she is willing to take another bullet of bull shiit for you i'm done entirely with her. thats her decision if she wants to ruin all her friendships for some self-serving jackass.

    kat knows how much I was saying how I was doing alot of the stuff beween the herbs the vent and the forums and all of TW while people were seemingly lazy, hence why I was a little irritable to her and burned out, but I NEVER asked for your permission to leave us with 2 lands. what the hell? we were doing more for you by giving you a tw than you were ever doing for us. there were only two times I ever brought elusives TW business to you, everything else was just about rumors and drama with our members and pk.

    1) before we even had 1 land. which is when I said if i can get two or so lands it would provide substantial income to attack you guys every week, but I never ASKED for your permission. in fact I made a point of emphasis to everybody as zhadi knows that if they (you) attacked us once we got land just because you guys hated us for running you out of west gate that it would make no difference. we never had land before so whats it to us, we'd just go do it else where and they (you) wouldnt have the tw's until we could bid. we were pkers.

    2) i felt bad for kat about all the drama she was dealing with that ensued after we shooped your *** in TW. I came to you about the idea of 'resetting the map now' so it could look better on your part and you could save face instead of what actually ended up happening. you leaving narla with your tail beween your legs

    1) Yes you did ask for permission.

    2) I did tell my officers about the ordeal with your apothecary, you're only hearing things from Kaiser... which has been proven not to be a trustworthy. He told all of Narla I didn't give the mirages nor the Narla Bank back when I left but there are plenty of people who helped us transfer all the items over from Kats and Aries alt banks (The Narla_Bank and Apoth_Bank are Kat's and Aries' banks that they paid with their money to extend). So... taking his word for things isn't a good choice.

    3) Leaving Narla with my tail between my legs? No I don't like the drama you guys make by distorting reality and shoving you agendas down everyone's throat here on the forums. Keep it up I'll do it again. You guys want competition but all you guys do is destroy this game with your lies. You all accuse me of having hidden agendas and I lie to everyone. I'm sick of trying to defend myself. Surely you guys want competition. I'm the last person you want to see walk away from this whole situation which I am on the brink of doing because you guys won't stop with your ****. You take my good nature and make it out to be like I am some bad person for even caring. And surely you guys will do the same thing with this post and flip it around like I am guilty of some manipulative thing.

    This game isn't worth the bull shiat crying you guys add to it.

    I can't defend myself here or it makes things worse, I can't shut you guys up because all you like to do is whine. If I don't say anything I'm wrong, if I say something I am wrong.

    If all you want to hear is... You win... then, you f'king win. Just shut the f'k up and stop making up lies for everyone to fit your stupid *** agenda.
    Winning b:pleased
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Fact: Pro, I contacted YOU about the apoth and herbs being given to us and about the acct Zhadi had been using. I asked you to come on vent so I could tell you about it and I gave you back everything that was given to me. I don't understand why you are saying it didnt happen that way. I mean what's the big deal? If you did not get back everything you had on there then it was not given to me.

    Fact: I honestly don't remember at what point the 10 mil was given to you.

    Fact: You DID talk to us on vent about leaving you with 2 lands. Your premise was it would give Elusive a chance to strengthen faster and be able to provide fun TW's sooner for all involved. Seemed reasonable to me. This is not me standing up for anyone this is how it happened. Again, I don't even understand what the big deal is. For the record your attitude about it was..hey, I'm not asking you to do this but if it were to happen it could benefit all involved.

    I'm not going to rehash that whole freaking list of history that both sides will never agree on, lol. Everything I was discussing with Zhadi was in regards to the apoth and herbs and that alone.

    I really don't see why this is such a big deal. Why is it being turned into something it was not or more then it was.

    Look, it's clear by my earlier posts that I had every confidence that as soon as Zhadi spoke with you it would all be cleared up about what I perceieved to be a misconception regarding the apoth and herbs. I personally was the one that handled that affair and I knew you were aware of exactly what went down and would confirm to Zhadi. Then he posts the skype chat. Clearly, I was wrong. It's done now, end of story. I know what I know and I have a clear conscience on it. I guess you feel the same. So be it.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1) Yes you did ask for permission.

    2) I did tell my officers about the ordeal with your apothecary, you're only hearing things from Kaiser... which has been proven not to be a trustworthy. He told all of Narla I didn't give the mirages nor the Narla Bank back when I left but there are plenty of people who helped us transfer all the items over from Kats and Aries alt banks (The Narla_Bank and Apoth_Bank are Kat's and Aries' banks that they paid with their money to extend). So... taking his word for things isn't a good choice.

    3) Leaving Narla with my tail between my legs? No I don't like the drama you guys make by distorting reality and shoving you agendas down everyone's throat here on the forums. Keep it up I'll do it again. You guys want competition but all you guys do is destroy this game with your lies. You all accuse me of having hidden agendas and I lie to everyone. I'm sick of trying to defend myself. Surely you guys want competition. I'm the last person you want to see walk away from this whole situation which I am on the brink of doing because you guys won't stop with your ****. You take my good nature and make it out to be like I am some bad person for even caring. And surely you guys will do the same thing with this post and flip it around like I am guilty of some manipulative thing.

    This game isn't worth the bull shiat crying you guys add to it.

    I can't defend myself here or it makes things worse, I can't shut you guys up because all you like to do is whine. If I don't say anything I'm wrong, if I say something I am wrong.

    If all you want to hear is... You win... then, you f'king win. Just shut the f'k up and stop making up lies for everyone to fit your stupid *** agenda.

    shut the f'k up and stop trying to act like the victim when you bring it all on yourself. you think anybody besides kat gives enough shiit about you to stretch the truth past what you in your self-proclaimed bigheadedness give us? go away you drunk
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ugh no you're mixing up too separate occasions. The 10,000,000 was given to you well before that **** with your apothecary happened. I gave that 10m to you because you said no one in your faction is assisting you with funding TW. This was after you had requested that we leave you with 2 lands on the TW map for the 200 Mirages for TW funds... The Apothecary deal with completely separate. Don't mix up **** in your convenient story to make your case...

    ok this is how full of shiit u are... i alone gave proski 15 mil of TW funds. dmon gave him another 5 mil and some other members also put in a few mil so stop coming around with ur bs dude
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    shut the f'k up and stop trying to act like the victim when you bring it all on yourself. you think anybody besides kat gives enough shiit about you to stretch the truth past what you in your self-proclaimed bigheadedness give us? go away you drunk

    Sht just got real!!

    Well I did multiply by the complex conjugate...
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    shut the f'k up and stop trying to act like the victim when you bring it all on yourself. you think anybody besides kat gives enough shiit about you to stretch the truth past what you in your self-proclaimed bigheadedness give us? go away you drunk

    Wow you're going to make things personal now? That desperate to get your point across? Like I said you're destroying this game for a lot of people with your actions here on the forums. I think you should really take a step back man and think about what you're doing.
    Winning b:pleased
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Fact: Pro, I contacted YOU about the apoth and herbs being given to us and about the acct Zhadi had been using. I asked you to come on vent so I could tell you about it and I gave you back everything that was given to me. I don't understand why you are saying it didnt happen that way. I mean what's the big deal? If you did not get back everything you had on there then it was not given to me.

    go read my post, I clarified the truth. the 'big deal' isnt what you, being naieve, can't comprehend. that it was never about the apoth, it was about brogaddi doing what he does best, trying to lie to disprove kazamir. nobody cares, but spare us of such a joke when you say you never had an alliance or that you gave me 10m to "support us" when it was compensation for what happened.
    Fact: I honestly don't remember at what point the 10 mil was given to you

    i don't even know how you don't remember when it happened. blood said it best, some of you could bite an apple in front of someones face than deny that it ever happened. what the hell is the point of even arguing with a bunch of ****ing liars? I wouldnt expect you to say it here as hes your boyfriend and his reputation IS AT RISK AGAIN OH NO! something that obviously means the world to him, but whatever.

    Fact: You DID talk to us on vent about leaving you with 2 lands. Your premise was it would give Elusive a chance to strengthen faster and be able to provide fun TW's sooner for all involved. Seemed reasonable to me. This is not me standing up for anyone this is how it happened. Again, I don't even understand what the big deal is. For the record your attitude about it was..hey, I'm not asking you to do this but if it were to happen it could benefit all involved.

    listen to yourself: leaving US with two lands, then agree that my attitude was 'in general' and just stating a fact that it in and of itself was enough to fund wars, but that I did not ask for your permission. yet mango says I did. again, a straight ****ing lie. so why wouldnt I clarify?
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Wow you're going to make things personal now? That desperate to get your point across? Like I said you're destroying this game for a lot of people with your actions here on the forums. I think you should really take a step back man and think about what you're doing.

    and u ****** wondered why the elsuvie members went back to elusive after proski got unbanned? dude u are aware that there are others that have been here for this whole ordeal and remember it CLEARLY.... stop talking so much shiit because the only people who belive it are the ones that weren't here when elusive and narla were around.
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    and u ****** wondered why the elsuvie members went back to elusive after proski got unbanned? dude u are aware that there are others that have been here for this whole ordeal and remember it CLEARLY.... stop talking so much shiit because the only people who belive it are the ones that weren't here when elusive and narla were around.

    I haven't once called people names here. Not once put a false accusation out there. Just defended myself against a bunch of disrespectful players. Lets looks at the whole server in its entirety. You have a small group of people that hate me or Nemesis in a clique that bounces from faction to faction... Immunity, overall has no issues with us nor me. You only represent a small percentage of the server that happens to have a loud and outwardly expressive behavior. In comparison I think you guys should really stop this ranting on the forums because there are a lot more who dislike you guys... at least in my perspective.
    Winning b:pleased
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Wow you're going to make things personal now? That desperate to get your point across? Like I said you're destroying this game for a lot of people with your actions here on the forums. I think you should really take a step back man and think about what you're doing.

    go away you drunk wasn't used to support any of my points. it was used for your benefit, to tell you, someone who is, at least by appearance based on your inability to remember anything as it actually happened, a "drunk," to go away and save yourself because all you do is shoot your own foot and then act the victim. hardly personal. if you are actually perpetually drunk then well my bad (lol really.. do I have to explain myself over the word DRUNK?), but I didn't sit there and write about your real life like banana did about ice. i'm careful about the lines.
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    On second thought...

    I have to ask myself what exactly you all are trying to accomplish with all of this? Are you trying to get me to quit? Are you trying to ruin your reputation with me QQ'ing and trash talking other players here in the forums? Are you trying to make yourselves look like victims to the rest of the server so you gain more supporters of your "just cause." What is your motive here?
    Winning b:pleased
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I haven't once called people names here. Not once put a false accusation out there. Just defended myself against a bunch of disrespectful players. Lets looks at the whole server in its entirety. You have a small group of people that hate me or Nemesis in a clique that bounces from faction to faction... Immunity, overall has no issues with us nor me. You only represent a small percentage of the server that happens to have a loud and outwardly expressive behavior. In comparison I think you guys should really stop this ranting on the forums because there are a lot more who dislike you guys... at least in my perspective.

    Cuz nobody else except Elusive dislikes you. At all.
    You're Pope Mango, after all. Why would anybody dislike you?
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    On second thought...

    I have to ask myself what exactly you all are trying to accomplish with all of this? Are you trying to get me to quit? Are you trying to ruin your reputation with me QQ'ing and trash talking other players here in the forums? Are you trying to make yourselves look like victims to the rest of the server so you gain more supporters of your "just cause." What is your motive here?

    theres your problem. you think theres a reason to do any of this past the stupid shiit you provide us to comment on and clarify.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Forum activity gives me the giggles
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I haven't once called people names here. Not once put a false accusation out there. Just defended myself against a bunch of disrespectful players. Lets looks at the whole server in its entirety. You have a small group of people that hate me or Nemesis in a clique that bounces from faction to faction... Immunity, overall has no issues with us nor me. You only represent a small percentage of the server that happens to have a loud and outwardly expressive behavior. In comparison I think you guys should really stop this ranting on the forums because there are a lot more who dislike you guys... at least in my perspective.

    thats extremely convenient i seem to recall immunities goal was to beat u guys because of how angry rion was that u land locked him.... and u portrait urself as this holy godly figure and half the dumbasses in this server believe it. buuuuut, i know how much of a troll u are. btw darkside isnt very found of u.... but oh wait just start saying that it was elusive that blamed bdoomed for u guys losing and not urselves that should get em back... b:bye
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    -gaddi asked me to "come here" but never specified for what when I asked. he wanted to trade compensation to me in game because I personally believe he knew how much value was on that account when whoever took vernies account back was talking about it with him for him to obviously knwo in the first place. but I said no I couldnt take that. he persisted until he had to mail it to me. I knew how much phoney shiit was going on after what happened to narla and people were saying mango used some of it for his gear to buy tt99mats, and so no, I didnt trust that he gave me 10mill for any other reason than to not add to the drama. AFTER how much my members had put into that account I just decided to keep it and reinvest it back into the apoth which we actually worked for without just having all the 10minute crystal walk lands worth of income narla did. anyway would later go on to use to help us in our first real TW against narla.

    So we stole your apoth and herbs, called you on vent and made up a story then felt bad about it and mailed you 10 mil? And you, knowing we did all that were happy to take the 10 mil to help out your faction? Seriously? Pro, that's crazy! If I believed you had just stolen my apoth and herb acct i sure as hell wouldn't be willing to let you "compensate" me for it. I'd be like..f'ck you and f'ck off. This is not all adding up to me especially when I was there and know how it all happened. Meh, w/e, I'm just done with it. The truth is nobody even gives a damn about any of this except for those of us who were involved and those who want to jump on the QQ bandwagon, lol. I'm done with it.
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    thats extremely convenient i seem to recall immunities goal was to beat u guys because of how angry rion was that u land locked him.... and u portrait urself as this holy godly figure and half the dumbasses in this server believe it. buuuuut, i know how much of a troll u are. btw darkside isnt very found of u.... but oh wait just start saying that it was elusive that blamed bdoomed for u guys losing and not urselves that should get em back... b:bye

    I don't portray myself to be anything other than another playing in this game... You don't even know me studmuffin, all you know is people that you're friends with... dislike me, you're just following the leader so to speak.
    Winning b:pleased
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