About WBs, about QQmes



  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You know Zav trowing offenses left and right don't make you look mature and important. On the contrary the content of your wc and forum posts make you look just an immature, uncivilized individual without arguments.


    And to remain on topic racing for a boss or pk fighting for a boss is one thing.
    Abusing a game mechanic that is there for other reasons to glich and reset a boss so other would not kill it is far form fair play.

    Difference between you and I: I don't really care. e-Reps = piddly squat. Am I gonna be ostracized by the cool kids on RT? Yawn. Fact of the matter is is that Vicious keeps losing because your members have no sense of loyalty. Your crew gets all butthurt about it. Cries foul. Logs in their alt-troll-accounts on forums. Posts inflammatory remarks towards QQme. Vicious reaps what it sows. While the hanger ons quit after losing, or don't even sign up and come to TW.

    If your faction mates spent more energy in TW as it does on RT forums perhaps Vicious could win again QQme.

    Besides which, Aasimar comes on forums; posts manure about getting people banned; has been known to be involved in sheisty activities himself. I on the other hand have never claimed to be angelic. Nor have I tattled on other players because of whatever has been posted on WC. Guess he never learned about the Barbara Streisland effect.

    You know for as much hate as Spell_Caster/ArchMichael gets from Vicious, he can say one thing no member of Vicious can say. And that is he can say he is loyal to the core.

    As far as I go, I laugh at the schoolyard bullies of your faction. They're pathetic, and should probably go check out some books instead of spending so much time on forums.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    where is your proof you were there first? of course you will claim this in the forums

    and you were always a lying 2 face SOB man, you never thought much of me anyway so dont even try to play that card. and FFS if you are going to quote me, quote me right. i told vicious to "go forth and wreak havoc"

    and any WC hate i had was in retaliation to you and spell caster accusing me of recruiting QQme members to vicious, etak came to vicious out of her own free will and if you ask her she will let you know that recruitment wasnt the case.

    I am confident in myself and my reputation to have my word taken as truth. And never once did i claim you stole anything. Seduce qqme people away to your hearts content. But you don't have womanly allure so i doubt you can replicate what pearl did with you.

    If QQme person doesn't want to be in faction that is their choice, and they should be where they want too be, they should be where their comrades are.

    Anyways i think we should demand standard for this forum. I don't play this game to argue with idiots but it seems like thats what i do 90% of the time. Maybe you feel the same way?

    I like to farm TT's efficiently, figure out the best strategies to use, learn about my friends lives customs and languages. Maybe even argue about moral practices and talk silliness on faction chat. These are things I enjoy, trying to refine stuff without dragon orbs, gambling and taking risks.

    I don't care what standard Vicious wants to develop or maintain. Like many people say on this forum we can only worry about our own backyard and will try to enjoy the game without personally insulting people on forum world chat.
  • RainZ - Raging Tide
    RainZ - Raging Tide Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Now, how about we drop this act of QQme being saints huh? Sometimes you r forgetting who you talking to Man.
    Lets go back to my proposal. Do you have intentions of making this server enjoyable for people or make people miserable. It really comes down to what's agreed upon here.

    I am still a saint b:cute

  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    slander... flaming... defamation.. trolling.. and then some more by Zavx...

    Let me quote myself (09-19-2010) in correlation to you continuous bashing:
    I hope you realize that all your comments and actions in WC and some of them here on the forum were something that a raging racist and a bigot would do.
    I'm not trying to offend, lecture, or patronize you, I'm just pointing out that, whatever your intentions might have been, that is how it looked like.

    This was after I talked to QQme leader asking him to calm you down b4 you get banned. The fact that I would be the one submitting the ticket with a SS of your "mature and educated" racial/nationalistic comments in world chat is rather irrelevant. It could have been anyone.
    Now I c you are clearly refuse to be civil.
    Warned, half saved; old saying.

    With that on mind, please restrained your self of any further provocations on this thread. We are trying to figure out if there can be some sort of server wide arrangement on faction level to prevent any further exploitation of game mechanics regarding WB's.
    After all this thread is about that.

    If we are lucky we can reach some sort of gentlemen agreement and respect the "fist in line" rule so every person on the server has a better game experience.

    Man, I read your post and I failed to c a clear stance on the mater.
    Are we condemning the idea of exploiting game mechanics or not?

    I am still a saint b:cute

    We should get Hope to hook you up with some of those Cupid heart pointed arrows so when you shoot ppl in tw you make them fall in love. :D -jk-
    You cool man. :)

  • Nicole_ - Raging Tide
    Nicole_ - Raging Tide Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I am confident in myself and my reputation to have my word taken as truth. And never once did i claim you stole anything. Seduce qqme people away to your hearts content. But you don't have womanly allure so i doubt you can replicate what pearl did with you.

    If QQme person doesn't want to be in faction that is their choice, and they should be where they want too be, they should be where their comrades are.

    Anyways i think we should demand standard for this forum. I don't play this game to argue with idiots but it seems like thats what i do 90% of the time. Maybe you feel the same way?

    I like to farm TT's efficiently, figure out the best strategies to use, learn about my friends lives customs and languages. Maybe even argue about moral practices and talk silliness on faction chat. These are things I enjoy, trying to refine stuff without dragon orbs, gambling and taking risks.

    I don't care what standard Vicious wants to develop or maintain. Like many people say on this forum we can only worry about our own backyard and will try to enjoy the game without personally insulting people on forum world chat.

    What our wise,beloved cat say) And stop the flaming already b:bye
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I am confident in myself and my reputation to have my word taken as truth. And never once did i claim you stole anything. Seduce qqme people away to your hearts content. But you don't have womanly allure so i doubt you can replicate what pearl did with you.

    LMAO u kidding right? i have screenshots when i asked u about what happened that day...

    and these were some of ur words:

    Man whispers: I have decided
    Man whispers: wb arent even worth fighting over
    Man whispers: not even as good of money
    Man whispers: so i wont be stealing any wb ;)

    What reputation could a stealer have? u tell me b:chuckle

    If u were there first you wont be accepting that u stealed the wb.... and as u say it looks that it was common practice of yours lol, and u are going to stop STEALING wb because is not worth the stealing. Whats stuff is still worth stealing to you Man? o.O
    I like to farm TT's efficiently, figure out the best strategies to steal and evaluate if they are worth stealing. Maybe even argue about how to look better on pwi forums when i make something obviously wong to mantain my high reputation as the QQme leader. These are things I enjoy, trying to refine stuff without dragon orbs, gambling and taking risks.

    fixed b:chuckle

    So QQme members i dont know if Man already publish this on your forums or faction chat, but QQme members wont be stealing more wb because is not worth it lol, so look for another way worth the coins....

    I have a lot of qqme member friends and i know not all of them are like that, so dont take it personally...

    And as our leader said to us already "Well easy said, the deal is over. They had their chance to better and they screwed it up. So lets do it in a good way since we're not like them, we are better."
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    LMAO u kidding right? i have screenshots when i asked u about what happened that day...

    and these were some of ur words:

    Man whispers: I have decided
    Man whispers: wb arent even worth fighting over
    Man whispers: not even as good of money
    Man whispers: so i wont be stealing any wb ;)

    What reputation could a stealer have? u tell me b:chuckle

    If u were there first you wont be accepting that u stealed the wb.... and as u say it looks that it was common practice of yours lol, and u are going to stop STEALING wb because is not worth the stealing. Whats stuff is still worth stealing to you Man? o.O

    fixed b:chuckle

    So QQme members i dont know if Man already publish this on your forums or faction chat, but QQme members wont be stealing more wb because is not worth it lol, so look for another way worth the coins....

    I have a lot of qqme member friends and i know not all of them are like that, so dont take it personally...

    And as our leader said to us already "Well easy said, the deal is over. They had their chance to better and they screwed it up. So lets do it in a good way since we're not like them, we are better."

    Too pro lez too pro
  • Kali - Raging Tide
    Kali - Raging Tide Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I want popcorn :<
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Too pro lez too pro

    Love you too Man b:dirty
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Stupid FW CB is taking so long ><
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I guess the War of Words has began again between Vicious and QQme.

    You accuse us of:

    -stealing world bosses-more like we are too noobs to know the agro mechanics
    -being rude on the official forum-more like ...check the reply's of the following: Aasimar, Arvandor, Bastilla, Dylena...and see who speaks bad about others.

    The painful fact is that Vicious started loosing members, TWs, the atmosphere it their faction is tensed and full of drama. You guys have members who dont even come to TW but they like to see Vicious above their heads.

    I dont say i am a pro person but in TW, weather we did a good job or not, we won. You guy lost. That means you should work on your strategies more and less on attacking QQme on the forum.

    Of course we have to retaliate on WC and of forum to so many fake accusations from Vicious members.

    Call for battle vs QQme was a fail, cause all faction attack now the dead Leviathan that you guys killed. Remember the old crew from levi, the core Vicious crew, with some NPC additives. You guys killed the anti-QQme movement on the server. NPC and Levi have done a muuuch better work in the past vs QQme. I dont see Vicious performing so good right now, even with all the OP R9 people that you have.

    As far as TW, I am frustrated that I cannot do more to help my guild.

    Special thanks to people like:

    Lez: he pawned me so many times I raged.
    Aasimar: he'd come in hell for me just to crit and oneshot me, chased me in TW alot and made me feel useless.
    Miyake+Lilywind+Arvandor: Pro dmg dealers: phew phew dead.
    Kali: she plays like a sin, so hard to get to kill her...omg
    LucretiaX: the assassin who kills me 4/5 times in tw...damn you daggers, play more like Bastilla or Mr.Malice plz

    I can say I miss Talim, Mara and xHeavenly...I dont know why u keep them in the box, guys.

    Now that I am done with QQing(cause i am in QQme still) I'd suggest you to gather the splashed morale after this week's 2xTWs lost and come to your true TW power, pawn QQme on the battle field and then claim the server.

    Ofcourse, QQme invites every Vicious member to try and outDD us in every WB we kill.

    Man promised me that each day, he would not kill the Camel WorldBoss from 1st OHT map and leave that boss for Vicious. Bantonesa can surely kill that boss, QQme will not interfere.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    We should get Hope to hook you up with some of those Cupid heart pointed arrows so when you shoot ppl in tw you make them fall in love. :D -jk-
    You cool man. :)


    :O *stares at my stash of love tipped arrows*
    Was saving these for Valentines day so people would fall in love everywhere QQ
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Now I dunno about the rest of QQme, and I dunno what you would define as stealing, but if I get to a WB and discover that some Vicious member or any other guild member has started the WB and I think that I could even have a chance of out DDing them, I will not hesitate to attack the WB.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I am confident in myself and my reputation to have my word taken as truth. And never once did i claim you stole anything. Seduce qqme people away to your hearts content. But you don't have womanly allure so i doubt you can replicate what pearl did with you.

    If QQme person doesn't want to be in faction that is their choice, and they should be where they want too be, they should be where their comrades are.

    Anyways i think we should demand standard for this forum. I don't play this game to argue with idiots but it seems like thats what i do 90% of the time. Maybe you feel the same way?

    I like to farm TT's efficiently, figure out the best strategies to use, learn about my friends lives customs and languages. Maybe even argue about moral practices and talk silliness on faction chat. These are things I enjoy, trying to refine stuff without dragon orbs, gambling and taking risks.

    I don't care what standard Vicious wants to develop or maintain. Like many people say on this forum we can only worry about our own backyard and will try to enjoy the game without personally insulting people on forum world chat.

    i see you STILL have misconceptions of me leaving QQme. and STILL accuse me of trying to "seduce" QQme members. as far as your reputation, nothing you say should be taken as truth.

    I guess the War of Words has began again between Vicious and QQme.

    You accuse us of:

    -stealing world bosses-more like we are too noobs to know the agro mechanics
    -being rude on the official forum-more like ...check the reply's of the following: Aasimar, Arvandor, Bastilla, Dylena...and see who speaks bad about others.

    The painful fact is that Vicious started loosing members, TWs, the atmosphere it their faction is tensed and full of drama. You guys have members who dont even come to TW but they like to see Vicious above their heads.

    I dont say i am a pro person but in TW, weather we did a good job or not, we won. You guy lost. That means you should work on your strategies more and less on attacking QQme on the forum.

    Of course we have to retaliate on WC and of forum to so many fake accusations from Vicious members.

    Call for battle vs QQme was a fail, cause all faction attack now the dead Leviathan that you guys killed. Remember the old crew from levi, the core Vicious crew, with some NPC additives. You guys killed the anti-QQme movement on the server. NPC and Levi have done a muuuch better work in the past vs QQme. I dont see Vicious performing so good right now, even with all the OP R9 people that you have.

    As far as TW, I am frustrated that I cannot do more to help my guild.

    Special thanks to people like:

    Lez: he pawned me so many times I raged.
    Aasimar: he'd come in hell for me just to crit and oneshot me, chased me in TW alot and made me feel useless.
    Miyake+Lilywind+Arvandor: Pro dmg dealers: phew phew dead.
    Kali: she plays like a sin, so hard to get to kill her...omg
    LucretiaX: the assassin who kills me 4/5 times in tw...damn you daggers, play more like Bastilla or Mr.Malice plz

    I can say I miss Talim, Mara and xHeavenly...I dont know why u keep them in the box, guys.

    Now that I am done with QQing(cause i am in QQme still) I'd suggest you to gather the splashed morale after this week's 2xTWs lost and come to your true TW power, pawn QQme on the battle field and then claim the server.

    Ofcourse, QQme invites every Vicious member to try and outDD us in every WB we kill.

    Man promised me that each day, he would not kill the Camel WorldBoss from 1st OHT map and leave that boss for Vicious. Bantonesa can surely kill that boss, QQme will not interfere.

    you dont know whats going on in vicious, the only member im aware of leaving was talim to reroll archo server. as far as the others. they were booted. and as ive said spell, any rudeness was in retaliation to your's, man's, and any other QQme nonsense.
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i see you STILL have misconceptions of me leaving QQme. and STILL accuse me of trying to "seduce" QQme members. as far as your reputation, nothing you say should be taken as truth.

    you dont know whats going on in vicious, the only member im aware of leaving was talim to reroll archo server. as far as the others. they were booted. and as ive said spell, any rudeness was in retaliation to your's, man's, and any other QQme nonsense.

    Why do you always start **** with factions that you've been in? First Infamy, now QQme. After you leave Vicious, will you start **** with them too? It's like a never ending cycle.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i see you STILL have misconceptions of me leaving QQme. and STILL accuse me of trying to "seduce" QQme members. as far as your reputation, nothing you say should be taken as truth.

    you dont know whats going on in vicious, the only member im aware of leaving was talim to reroll archo server. as far as the others. they were booted. and as ive said spell, any rudeness was in retaliation to your's, man's, and any other QQme nonsense.
    Are you saying you didn't try to get QQme members to join Vicious?
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You accuse us of:

    -stealing world bosses-more like we are too noobs to know the agro mechanics
    -being rude on the official forum-more like ...check the reply's of the following: Aasimar, Arvandor, Bastilla, Dylena...and see who speaks bad about others.

    I have not accused anyone about stealing world bosses.... i just let everyone know that Man is aware that when he steals world bosses is not worth the coins and he wont do it again... so i am not saying he is a thief... he accepted it b:chuckle

    and i am not saying the entire faction, maybe just the leader that encourage that behavior or doesnt seems to see whats wrong with stealing and the one that did the pro stealing Dancing_eyes.
    The painful fact is that Vicious started loosing members, TWs, the atmosphere it their faction is tensed and full of drama. You guys have members who dont even come to TW but they like to see Vicious above their heads.

    We all know that you shine on making look bad other factions without being rude to give them a bad reputation (even doing tw you have to trashtalk LOL), but the real painful fact is that Vicious is a new faction that is growing quick and getting stronger each day and you guys are afraid of us or at least ur are afraid. b:victory

    I dont know dude, but try to play fair once and for all... QQme is a strong faction that i am sure doesnt need to steal world bosses to limit other factions source of coins and doesnt need to make other factions look like they are falling apart so that they get less applications...
    Special thanks to people like:

    Lez: he pawned me so many times I raged.

    i will try to take it slightly with you next time, so that you dont rage much b:chuckle
    Now I dunno about the rest of QQme, and I dunno what you would define as stealing, but if I get to a WB and discover that some Vicious member or any other guild member has started the WB and I think that I could even have a chance of out DDing them, I will not hesitate to attack the WB.

    Duddde get it right already! Dancing_eyes didnt out DD Bantonessa squad, he took aggro and resetted the boss intentionally.

    Guys this is going nowhere... just let it go. We just wanted to point out that the "FAIR PLAY" deal was broken because some QQme members did something wrong, and you guys will never accept it.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Duddde get it right already! Dancing_eyes didnt out DD Bantonessa squad, he took aggro and resetted the boss intentionally.

    I'm aware that this is the tale.

    My point is that I will attempt to outDD anyone doing a worldboss if I believe I can, and idgaf if people want to cry about stealing or not.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Why do you always start **** with factions that you've been in? First Infamy, now QQme. After you leave Vicious, will you start **** with them too? It's like a never ending cycle.

    why do you always try to start **** on forums? also get it right, Insight was first. and i dont forsee vicious doing what QQme or infamy or insight did. from the beginning it has been a faction entirely different from any ive been in. but to answer your question, if pushed to it then yes, i would.
    Are you saying you didn't try to get QQme members to join Vicious?

    thats exactly what im saying. i left QQme to get away from most of you, why would i try to get them in vicious?
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • The_Boss - Raging Tide
    The_Boss - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Inexperienced player in COA will go "QQ you KS-ed my COA boss".

    Barbs have flesh ream, genies have alphamale skill, pets have roar skill, these skills exist to steal or obtain aggro.

    Monsters have no ownership whatsoever, there is no such thing as a KS-ingame that is an offence, its either the strongest DD squad wins it, or a barb,etc flesh reams it well and brings the mob away and positions it well.

    Bantonessa the R9 cleric, cried like a baby when they lost a WB cos they don't know how its aggro system works. Their archer Zuxxes even said "I will take a video and report you". Is this how Vicious rolls? Its merely fighting over a monster in the game, all within rules and terms of service. Someone of Bantonessa's calibre, Rank9 and generically knows his stuff, should be able to survive on a PvE server right?

    If u say dancing is a nab or a rat, you got beaten by a nab/rat at a simple boss, what are you? Makes me wonder if Bantonessa ever survived on a PvP server before.

    Play the game, and stop whining. Only know how to QQ when you are beaten by a poor, skillful player.

    well said dancing

    What crybabies
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    well said dancing

    What crybabies

  • Blunnon - Raging Tide
    Blunnon - Raging Tide Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Close the thread please Fuzzy, its gone on for too long.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Close the thread please Fuzzy, its gone on for too long.

    i didnt know you were a mod. or got to make mod decisions.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I do

    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    lol its called sarcasm
  • Mirko - Raging Tide
    Mirko - Raging Tide Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    wow!, this is like best thread ever!

    i even felt urge to come back in game for a moment or two..

    so.. whats new on RT since i was gone?

    Man is still pro in avoiding accusations?
    i would say yes, although he got some challenge as i can see..
    no worries Man, ppl will forget if you continue playing "i dont know what are you talking about" card..

    Aasimar still trying to make this server fun to play for everyone? he is still playing "i dont wanna interfere with faction business, but i have been talking with (enter random player name) and do you know what he said to me" card?
    no worries Aasimar, you will get there, every single player of this server will have insane amount of fun, they will have so much fun that whey will make that a banable offense.. if not now, maybe in your next guild..

    Boogie still using his smooth stealth trolling skills.. (<3)
    Rawrgh trying to get his alpha troll position back.. (u got dis)
    Bastilla and Truth still cybering S/M style.. (time for marriage guys)
    Spell still looking silly in his trolling attempts.. (1. learn your class(es) 2. troll.. dont skip steps!)
    Fuzzy still looking down at you insignificant non mod players.. (i know its your job now to play it nice, but still..)
    Pimpy still rationalizing everything.. (yap, you make sense.. but save your strength for some hot and wet activities..)
    Russ still here poking everyone.. (keep up the good work)
    Hope still living in wonderland.. (send me number of your dealer.. his stuff is so gooood!)
    Lavoslav still the best leader Infamu ever had.. (i wanna be you man!)
    Random ppl entering trolling competition.. (dont even try, Rawrgh got dis, although he is kinda rusty atm.. i know you got orders from your leaders.. but still, grow a backbone)

    cya in a couple of months b:pleasedb:bye
  • daveted
    daveted Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ^trolling competitor, 100% off topic.. ijs, this is like best troll post ever!


    Random ppl entering trolling competition.. (dont even try, Rawrgh got dis, although he is kinda rusty atm.. i know you got orders from your leaders.. but still, grow a backbone)

    cya in a couple of months b:pleasedb:bye

    Take some of your own medicine pl0x. b:thanks

    I've noticed you took extra time to address two people in particular.
    Does it have anything to do with your group running back room deals with man&co. then asimar catching you with your pants down while you were at it?
    That is how it looks like to "Random ppl" playing this game and posting here.
    I remember the time when your group was fighting qqme.
    I also remember the time when your group was starting fights with people that are fighting qqme.

    Everyone back on topic pl0x. Ignore the trolls.
    Are we going to have fair fight on RT?
    yes or no?
  • Mirko - Raging Tide
    Mirko - Raging Tide Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    daveted wrote: »
    Take some of your own medicine pl0x. b:thanks

    I've noticed you took extra time to address two people in particular.
    Does it have anything to do with your group running back room deals with man&co. then asimar catching you with your pants down while you were at it?
    That is how it looks like to "Random ppl" playing this game and posting here.
    I remember the time when your group was fighting qqme.
    I also remember the time when your group was starting fights with people that are fighting qqme.

    Everyone back on topic pl0x. Ignore the trolls.
    Are we going to have fair fight on RT?
    yes or no?

    oh, hai aasimar b:bye
    i knew you will take the bait <3
    you can do better than this, ijsb:laugh
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    backroom deals? i dun know what your talking about bro.