What class gets killed the most?

Miss_Nikko - Lost City
Miss_Nikko - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Arigora Colosseum
Please make sure you are addressing the Question. DURING PK ONLY... NOT DUELS

Just wondering what class gets killed the most? and why is it?

And if you pker, do you go out of your way to kill a certain class? or just mere luck?
Post edited by Miss_Nikko - Lost City on


  • Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well for me the easiest class to kill by far is archers because most of them are stupid they mostly always open on me with a stun which i reflect back at them b:chuckle then i have the choice of stunning, (which would probly 1 shot most archers after the reflected damage from their stun) or i could use psychic will then just DD until they die. Or i could psychic will and soulburn, or if i am in a 10 metre range i just use demon landslide and there is like 20% chance they will get 1 shot. (Demon landslide gives a 30% chance to increase crit by 50% for 4 seconds) b:victory

    And in pk i attack everyone except for friends and faction members doesnt matter if they have +12 r9 or +1 npc armour i still attack xD
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    As a sin I generally go after anything I see. I have a soft spot for barbs though since they can usually live long enough to fight back, and sometimes kill me, or escape; failure is half the fun.

    I'm 46 at the moment if you're wondering.
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.
  • Lauxly - Archosaur
    Lauxly - Archosaur Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    EA and sins are the squishiest classes.
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I usually go for barbs, clerics, archers and wizards...I hate fighting psy and BM. Ugh...
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Ratsael - Raging Tide
    Ratsael - Raging Tide Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    PvE Clerics

    PvP 1 - o.O Clerics imho
    PvP 2 - Archers but they do have evasion
    Friends call me, "RaveR." My enemies call me, "..." b:bye

    RaveR_mnant RT
    Asura_Shiva RT
  • RauI - Archosaur
    RauI - Archosaur Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well for me the easiest class to kill by far is archers because most of them are stupid they mostly always open on me with a stun which i reflect back at them b:chuckle then i have the choice of stunning, (which would probly 1 shot most archers after the reflected damage from their stun) or i could use psychic will then just DD until they die. Or i could psychic will and soulburn, or if i am in a 10 metre range i just use demon landslide and there is like 20% chance they will get 1 shot. (Demon landslide gives a 30% chance to increase crit by 50% for 4 seconds) b:victory

    And in pk i attack everyone except for friends and faction members doesnt matter if they have +12 r9 or +1 npc armour i still attack xD

    How do you reflect it back vs archers genie skill? if so name?
  • Teppeii - Dreamweaver
    Teppeii - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I ish confused. Is it "Which class gets killed the most?" or "Which class is the squishiest?"

    I said barb. Cause they're the ones targeted most in TW, and RPK honestly. Every time I go to a PK hotspot I see at least one dead kitty. People see their high pools of hp as a challenge and tend to take em down to increase their E-Peen +12
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    How do you reflect it back vs archers genie skill? if so name?

    They always try to stun me with there stunning arrow skill lol. Um i think there has been 2 archers i cant kill (maybe 1 now cause last time i fought one of them i had FF and gold TT80 gear now i have r8 xD) but one of the archers 1 shot me with stunning arrow even after it reflected this archer has i think 16k hp buffed so even after i hit him a few times he still didnt drop :(. The other well i opened with psy will on him and he 1 shot me with a magic skill (when i had nooby FF armour and the attack lvl on his nirvana bow helped).

    The other 99% of archers i have pked always open on me with a stun (except 1 fail archer that spammed magic skills)

    about the genie skill i honestly dont think any of them have it cause they mostly fill genie with AD, holypath, undinestrike and poison.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Speaking with my cleric hat on - I don't need this poll to tell me that clerics are the most abused class in this game...this poll is just further confirmation b:surrender
  • threepointone
    threepointone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    PvP 2 - Archers but they do have evasion

    Thank God for Evasion, our problems are now over.
  • Mahboobehs - Lost City
    Mahboobehs - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Speaking with my cleric hat on - I don't need this poll to tell me that clerics are the most abused class in this game...this poll is just further confirmation b:surrender

    yea clerics are the most abused class
    if a squad dies its the clerics fault
    if the barb dies due to no armor on and cleric is healing its clerics fault
    everything is the clerics fault so when im on my cleric and the barb fails to arrgo evrything i just yell out that it was the barbs fault the squad dies

    (cleric psys venos and wizzys are what i go after)
    lvl 60- barbs sins archers and blades)
    ((i did 1 hit a lvl 100 archer befor on my lvl 95 cleric))
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    early game?
    I'm a wizard, and even I'd being going after wizards b:avoid

    Avoid barbs and well geared psychics, drop a sin in 1-2 hits if they're outa stealth, everything else pretty easy pickings.
  • ketorak
    ketorak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If you know your clas and geini skils all are easy to kill ( exept barbs with 40k hp with charms that is preaty hard to 1 on 1 ) at end game its all about gear and how well u play

    And in pk most arent expecting the first shot
  • Niteshadows - Harshlands
    Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    clerics drop the fastest. but if not careful those who face them will get dropped faster.
    Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Since this topic is under PvP Ponderings i assume you talk about getting killed in PK TW Duel Situations and not in PvE

    duels = here it depends which class faces which class so for instance an equally geared wiz will in 80% of the cases defeat a barb while he will lose most of the times against a sin or a psychic or Archer

    in PK it mainly depends on the stuff a player has got + who's the first hit + sins have an advantage due to their stealth

    in TWs i would say it comes down to the tactics the faction has. Clerics become a preferred target here since they can res players and heal on the battlefield which can help a lot during an attack. Then i guess next target are squishy classes or classes with low hp like wiz archer because they are relatively easy to oneshot/charmtick. Sins and Psy will also die when they get hit by aoes or when their survival skills are on cooldown.

    So i guess it's hard to make a general statement here and point things down on 1 class.
  • Miss_Nikko - Lost City
    Miss_Nikko - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    From what i seen when playing,

    I got killed the most on my cleric, this was avoiding and going around populated areas of pkers. Most of the pkers that pked my cleric were high lv white names barbs/sins/bms so all the HA group. So wasn't expecting them, but then agian i was bit naive, thinking a cleric wont get killed becasue i thought other players would be glad to see someone playing a cleric so in the future they can have another healer/buffer in their faction or in a fb/bh or wine run, instead of shouting for 30 mins trying to find one on world chat. Guess i was wrong.

    While on my veno, i hardly saw any pkers. Unless it was a random sin or bm that wanted to kill me but most of the time i could out run them with a few holy paths, moon chaser, with summer sprit active, while my pet stun them.

    I was kinda amaze i didn't get killed that much on my psy vs. the other two. Most of the time i would only get killed by a random sin (but thats normal i guess).... kinda sad when i think about it, playing the casting type class made me paranoid, i check to see who's around me like every 3 mins, who flying above my head if they are white or red. And the thing that ususally make me go urgh why me... why couldn't i be a barb, is when i see little green dot that just randomly appeared by another one and then both of them disapper on my minimap....*must be a sin close by* i smell death in the air... *poof they kill me then they disapper again* (x_X) i was right death was near....

    but w/o a bit of fear the game wouldn't be that much fun... atleast you pay more attention this way XD lol
  • Niteshadows - Harshlands
    Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    From what i seen when playing,

    I got killed the most on my cleric, this was avoiding and going around populated areas of pkers. Most of the pkers that pked my cleric were high lv white names barbs/sins/bms so all the HA group

    never knew sins were a HA classb:chuckle
    Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
  • Miss_Nikko - Lost City
    Miss_Nikko - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    From what i seen when playing,

    I got killed the most on my cleric, this was avoiding and going around populated areas of pkers. Most of the pkers that pked my cleric were high lv white names barbs/sins/bms so all the HA group

    never knew sins were a HA classb:chuckle

    XD lol i should of said the close range class instead....

    but you get the point i hope <.<
  • Exkaede - Lost City
    Exkaede - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would say wizards. squishy as ***, and no weird thing will bite you in the *** when you hit them, as opposed to psy (eww) and veno (if they have the good sense to put nix on defend)
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would say wizards. squishy as ***, and no weird thing will bite you in the *** when you hit them, as opposed to psy (eww) and veno (if they have the good sense to put nix on defend)

    I love how psys are treated like lepers. But imo, sins are my favorite kills. Most suck at their class so that helps. They also love to trash talk the most.

    But I still think clerics die the most in the majority of pvp situations.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    would a wiz with 20k pdef we easy kill i think NOT so **** of
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Since this topic is under PvP Ponderings i assume you talk about getting killed in PK TW Duel Situations and not in PvE

    duels = here it depends which class faces which class so for instance an equally geared wiz will in 80% of the cases defeat a barb while he will lose most of the times against a sin or a psychic or Archer
    if by equally geared you mean that the wiz and barb have the same or close to same refine levels on weapons/armor, then I would have to disagree on that aspect in regards to dueling. Mainly because the wiz would have to 1 shot me if I dont invoke up front, otherwise im in their face with alacrity and demon surf (immobilize) then a quick swap to humanoid with MS to stun -> demon onslaught -> penetrate armor -> wiz gone. not may "equally geared" wizzies can one shot me if I'm prepared for it. (if i see a wiz sparking at start of duel - you can be sure im going to invoke).

    PK is another story altogether, a wiz can spark and drop a barb in one hit easily without the barb even seeing them - flipside a barb can ninja armageddon a wiz, here again a one shot kill.

    My own biggest challenge in PvP is anything APS related especially if said player has high HP and (in pk) a charm. as a non claw barb that doesnt have an insane HP pool, I get dropped a lot by sins and interval anythings when i go into PK mode - but i do fairly well against the odd wizard, bow archer, cleric, some psys, some venos, and non interval BM's.
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    MY opinion is a Psy and not cleric because they have a shield that absorbs physical attack and mp food is crazy cheap. I think psy is squishy in pvp because they normally use black voodo and makes them even squishier. So if they physical resist against me, I just roar. wait like 5 seconds. Drake Bash, punch punch.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    if by equally geared you mean that the wiz and barb have the same or close to same refine levels on weapons/armor, then I would have to disagree on that aspect in regards to dueling. Mainly because the wiz would have to 1 shot me if I dont invoke up front, otherwise im in their face with alacrity and demon surf (immobilize) then a quick swap to humanoid with MS to stun -> demon onslaught -> penetrate armor -> wiz gone. not may "equally geared" wizzies can one shot me if I'm prepared for it. (if i see a wiz sparking at start of duel - you can be sure im going to invoke).

    PK is another story altogether, a wiz can spark and drop a barb in one hit easily without the barb even seeing them - flipside a barb can ninja armageddon a wiz, here again a one shot kill.

    My own biggest challenge in PvP is anything APS related especially if said player has high HP and (in pk) a charm. as a non claw barb that doesnt have an insane HP pool, I get dropped a lot by sins and interval anythings when i go into PK mode - but i do fairly well against the odd wizard, bow archer, cleric, some psys, some venos, and non interval BM's.

    In a Duel charms wont tick so i guess the wiz has no problem in finishing the barb by simply keeping it slowed/stunned

    sleep ( instant) -->Glacial Snare ( 80% slow) --> distance shrink --> undine -->Gush -->Fow sandstorm distance shrink -->gush or phoenix
  • Chickpea - Lost City
    Chickpea - Lost City Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Clerics and wizards dies the most.

    Even if a wizard can reach over 20k phy def fully buffed endgame, they still die a lot at 100+ since its one of the first targets that will be focus fired in PvP. Everyone goes for the wizard to avoid getting 1 shot by aoe. They also have low hp compared to Heavy classes, lacks defensive skill. Once Earth Barrier is purged and they used up genie/pvp-pot, they're pretty much dead.

    Wizards at low 9X is probably everyone favorite pk-victim to, since they're pretty much a 1-3 shoot for any other class.

    Same with clerics. Even if we have several skills to keep us alive like Plume Shell + 79 skills + lvl 100 skill etc and can afford to add a bit of vitality for survivability, we will die first pretty much since everyone aims for the poor cleric :(

    Archers dies a lot to, its probably the squishiest class endgame since low magic def and low physical def. But their range, immune and free movement skills allows them to stay alive a little bit longer - also cleric/wizards are more popular targets lol. People generally dont go for the archers until the casters are dead.
  • Lenley - Dreamweaver
    Lenley - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Speaking for the low levels on a PvE server, I'd say sins just because they're the most likely to go into PvP mode.
  • StrangeScar - Lost City
    StrangeScar - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    clerics by far, easiest target + dont let them live... heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal..
  • Tightend - Heavens Tear
    Tightend - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    MY opinion is a Psy and not cleric because they have a shield that absorbs physical attack and mp food is crazy cheap. I think psy is squishy in pvp because they normally use black voodo and makes them even squishier. So if they physical resist against me, I just roar. wait like 5 seconds. Drake Bash, punch punch.

    no psy in their right mind would stand out of SZ without white voodoo on. if u do then u are stupid unless u either have a ton of hp or are sharded with jade of steady defense in everything. otherwise a sin will jsut pop out of stealth, stun, kill.
  • cptjackroger
    cptjackroger Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    They always try to stun me with there stunning arrow skill lol. Um i think there has been 2 archers i cant kill (maybe 1 now cause last time i fought one of them i had FF and gold TT80 gear now i have r8 xD) but one of the archers 1 shot me with stunning arrow even after it reflected this archer has i think 16k hp buffed so even after i hit him a few times he still didnt drop :(. The other well i opened with psy will on him and he 1 shot me with a magic skill (when i had nooby FF armour and the attack lvl on his nirvana bow helped).

    The other 99% of archers i have pked always open on me with a stun (except 1 fail archer that spammed magic skills)

    about the genie skill i honestly dont think any of them have it cause they mostly fill genie with AD, holypath, undinestrike and poison.

    I think hes asking how you reflect the stun back.
  • Silcad - Heavens Tear
    Silcad - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Clerics, for sure.. I see more dead clerics than any other race. I'm a wiz and I've defeated a veno, a sin, and a cleric in duels before.

    For the cleric, I usually go Pitfall -> Force of Will -> Blade Tempest; if sparked. Not sparked: Force of Will -> Divine Pyrogram -> Pitfall -> Will of Phoenix. It'll be easier once I get my lvl 79 skills.

    I've come close to beating a BM, but they got the last shot in. Failed against Archers lol. Never gone against the other races yet. I'm talking about duels though, never done PK yet (but I will soon).