What class gets killed the most?



  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Clerics, for sure.. I see more dead clerics than any other race. I'm a wiz and I've defeated a veno, a sin, and a cleric in duels before.

    For the cleric, I usually go Pitfall -> Force of Will -> Blade Tempest; if sparked. Not sparked: Force of Will -> Divine Pyrogram -> Pitfall -> Will of Phoenix. It'll be easier once I get my lvl 79 skills.

    I've come close to beating a BM, but they got the last shot in. Failed against Archers lol. Never gone against the other races yet. I'm talking about duels though, never done PK yet (but I will soon).


    You and me need to have a talk about pking as a wizard...
  • BigPizza - Lost City
    BigPizza - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It Depends what class you are you and Who fights who its like a circle. Once class kills another class more efficiently than another does.
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Clerics, for sure.. I see more dead clerics than any other race. I'm a wiz and I've defeated a veno, a sin, and a cleric in duels before.

    For the cleric, I usually go Pitfall -> Force of Will -> Blade Tempest; if sparked. Not sparked: Force of Will -> Divine Pyrogram -> Pitfall -> Will of Phoenix. It'll be easier once I get my lvl 79 skills.

    I've come close to beating a BM, but they got the last shot in. Failed against Archers lol. Never gone against the other races yet. I'm talking about duels though, never done PK yet (but I will soon).

    If you didn't read OP that person said who dies the most in PvP/PK not Duels. lol b:chuckle

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • DrHook - Lost City
    DrHook - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Right now its the earthguard on ******* KoS...
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I say archer because they have such horrible skills and are squishy, sins do better dmg than archer, other classes like bm, barb and sin gets bloodpaint with 5aps. even hard to kill lower levels :( i say that archer is the most killed class unless when they are in a group at least from there they are last focused on in group pk
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'd say whatever class Yulk plays.. but pk is for noobs... and you know.. Yulk's pro and everything.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Why the hell is cleric winning this poll by a landslide?

    You attack a cleric and they sleep you. Then they're free to trip spark attack you or to run away. Either way, they'll probably avoid death. That and there's a lot of clerics that like to play the "omg I'm so holy and good" BS, which usually earns them a personal bodyguard. That or it's somebody's girlfriend playing the cleric, so same story: they defend her to the death.

    Sin and Psy are god damn squishy, so they're prone to death no matter who's playing them. Wizzie and archer are also good candidates: wizzie does horrible against sins (and there's a LOT of friggin sins) and archer is pretty squishy with limited resistances. (only one stun, running is their main defense)
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Where is the idiot that goes in PK mode cause if you are in PK mode? You WILL die, not matter how skilled you are or how godly gear you have, people are going to jump out of no where and gank the stupidity out of you. Which is why I avoid PK from gank fights and ambush instead of a fair fight, fighting dirty is for funny duddies and wussies anyway and that is what PK is all about. I lol @ the cleric votes, apparently they are most often targeted cause they main healers keeping their allies alive which are mainly the reasons why. PK have no rules, if you don't know how to PK, just uninstall the game, that is the EASIEST thing to do, just pick a player YOU know you will kill and get kill counts. Dueling is a difference, where you get ready to fight as the counter clocks you. Then start whenever ready or not, you look at gear to see if they have the same level kind of gear as you and take a spare. PK is not like that, you just kill or KOS or RPK the people, if you go in PK mode and get jumped by LVL 100s when you're not even 90 yet, that is your fault. I went in PK mode and only got PKed like 4 times total by LVL80+, killed one person that was MY level (d-bag archer picking on people and trolling, had to kill him). I don't QQ about getting PKed though. Some people can't even PK in this game, sad.

    Still QQ about sins eh top 4 fail cleric? How about you learn how to do some REAL fighting instead of looking to gank a lower level? Maybe you're the reason why clerics have such a high vote LOL!!! I do not die much at all especially when I was a newbie on barb and veno or even BM which I play best as? :P Well why I mention veno cause venoes are just blasted OP to the point of boring.

    Ugh, guys like you give a bad example to newbies, I feel sorry for people who actually believe in such **** on the forums.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Where is the idiot that goes in PK mode cause if you are in PK mode? You WILL die, not matter how skilled you are or how godly gear you have, people are going to jump out of no where and gank the stupidity out of you. Which is why I avoid PK from gank fights and ambush instead of a fair fight, fighting dirty is for funny duddies and wussies anyway and that is what PK is all about. I lol @ the cleric votes, apparently they are most often targeted cause they main healers keeping their allies alive which are mainly the reasons why. PK have no rules, if you don't know how to PK, just uninstall the game, that is the EASIEST thing to do, just pick a player YOU know you will kill and get kill counts. Dueling is a difference, where you get ready to fight as the counter clocks you. Then start whenever ready or not, you look at gear to see if they have the same level kind of gear as you and take a spare. PK is not like that, you just kill or KOS or RPK the people, if you go in PK mode and get jumped by LVL 100s when you're not even 90 yet, that is your fault. I went in PK mode and only got PKed like 4 times total by LVL80+, killed one person that was MY level (d-bag archer picking on people and trolling, had to kill him). I don't QQ about getting PKed though. Some people can't even PK in this game, sad.

    Still QQ about sins eh top 4 fail cleric? How about you learn how to do some REAL fighting instead of looking to gank a lower level? Maybe you're the reason why clerics have such a high vote LOL!!!

    Ugh, guys like you give a bad example to newbies, I feel sorry for people who actually believe in such **** on the forums.

    You have to uninstall the game now.. you said people that don't know how to pk should do so and you obviously have no clue how to fight so... bye bye b:bye

    Oh.. and... ask any of the PKers on DW, I rarely gank unless it's someone I hate and they've done the exact same to me... in fact I'm usually the one getting ganked. 90% of my fights are with equal levelled players, I hate fighting lowbies because they're not really fun. :D
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You have to uninstall the game now.. you said people that don't know how to pk should do so and you obviously have no clue how to fight so... bye bye b:bye

    Hey funny duddy, anyone SHOULD know how to PK, funny you flame me on this BS. I said I PKed a LVL30+ archer when I was on my barb when he was LVL32, all he done was run like a little wuss and I caught him when he stopped running. I think you can't fight people even your level so you do PKing to say that it takes skill when it does not, 1 shotting people lower level than you is not even fighting. PKing and PVPing is 2 differences, you need to uninstall because you do not even GET the difference at least. Kthxbai b:bye
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Hey funny duddy, anyone SHOULD know how to PK, funny you flame me on this BS. I said I PKed a LVL30+ archer when I was on my barb when he was LVL32, all he done was run like a little wuss and I caught him when he stopped running. I think you can't fight people even your level so you do PKing to say that it takes skill when it does not, 1 shotting people lower level than you is not even fighting. PKing and PVPing is 2 differences, you need to uninstall because you do not even GET the difference at least. Kthxbai b:bye

    Congrats.... you killed someone at level 30... the game is completely different at end game, which you haven't experienced. What you have experienced is level 40 and below PvP, which means your experience is extremely limited and you don't really have much say on any aspect on PvP.

    Seriously.. if I had no skill PvPing with people my level how'd I make it to the top 4? Then when I rolled a BM how'd I manage to take on people my level (usually with better weapon/gear) and win or at least force them to back off me. Oh.. right.. because unlike you I don't spend all my time trolling the forums and I learn how to play my classes.
  • _Spot_ - Lost City
    _Spot_ - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I say clerics they go the worst defence of all....

    I always aim first at them cause they are the easiest kill....

    archers have **** defense too but theres a bigger chence that my headhunt will fail on a archer and they do have more hp...

    while wiz have barrier psy defence lvl and venos the nix poor cleric got nothing....

    yes they have that shield who absorbs a lot of dmg but well u cant cast a shield if i dont know im there can u.....b:laugh
  • Niteshadows - Harshlands
    Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    from my own experience clerics r the easiest to kill for a number of reasons. but sins r easy to kill 2 depending how u can deal with them. i'd say barbs r the hardest to kill cuz of that monster hp and if they have a charm... yikes!b:shocked
    Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
  • Assailer - Harshlands
    Assailer - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    As an archer, if i spot you from 40yds away all classes are the easiest to kill...but id say clerics get dropped the most, not cause they are teh easiest or anyhting but simply cause they heal other classes...in TW i only go for clerics...cata barbs drop alot faster when their pocket cleric gets pin coushined, same in group fights..clerics and wizzards, anything in robes really

    but yea like its been stated all classes have thier banes, and tbh its mostly who has suprise, who has the best gear and who plays their character the best that wins
    ....Free 2 play but Pay 2 win
    Ex Heavenly Marshal-- Ex Leader of Divinity--
    The Point of Battle is not die for your beliefs, But instead Slay the enemy for theirs.~

    The mere fact that I am attacking, intices the enemy to believe I am stronger than They~

    Pkin Pkers is fun, and rewarding b:laugh
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I say clerics they go the worst defence of all....

    I always aim first at them cause they are the easiest kill....

    archers have **** defense too but theres a bigger chence that my headhunt will fail on a archer and they do have more hp...

    while wiz have barrier psy defence lvl and venos the nix poor cleric got nothing....

    yes they have that shield who absorbs a lot of dmg but well u cant cast a shield if i dont know im there can u.....b:laugh

    demon shield costs 15 chi. you can and probably should keep it on 66% of the time. use IH STACK to cover your *** while it's off, or jut jump around tardedly.