Harshlands Gossip



  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Get moar Post count forum ****.

    (It doesnt make you look anymore intelligent)

    Panda barb needs his pacifier. D:<
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Delusional moron needs a check in to a institution.

    Its okay... They'll keep you safe from yourself there ..

    hopefully not...
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Delusional moron needs a check in to a institution.

    Its okay... They'll keep you safe from yourself there ..

    hopefully not...

    Panda barb needs to stop before he gets in trouble. ^.^
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Way to go Pro Forum Troll...

    Wait till mod comes by and locks this, and you can claim a self victory.

    Your a joke Kool kid.
  • Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lutirica rides in the shortbus.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    She also sucks the mod teet's when she knows she cant troll her way out of a paperbag..

    Im pretty sure Hello Kitty has a kool kid forum you can troll.. Maybe they will be more accepting of Lutirica then we are..
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Way to go Pro Forum Troll...

    Wait till mod comes by and locks this, and you can claim a self victory.

    Your a joke Kool kid.

    Panda barb im not trolling im just answering your posts. ^.^
    Lutirica rides in the shortbus.

    I ride on a shortbus what fun. ^.^
    She also sucks the mod teet's when she knows she cant troll her way out of a paperbag..

    Im pretty sure Hello Kitty has a kool kid forum you can troll.. Maybe they will be more accepting of Lutirica then we are..

    As i said im not a troll i just answer posts its not my fault they get violent. ^.^
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Stupid excuse is stupid. Come back when your post is actually going to be more intelligent, instead of the clusterfcuk that it is now.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Stupid excuse is stupid. Come back when your post is actually going to be more intelligent, instead of the clusterfcuk that it is now.

    Okopogo you should stop before you get banned. I wouldnt want to lose the chance to kill you later. ^.~
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Okopogo you should stop before you get banned. I wouldnt want to lose the chance to kill you later. ^.~

    You should just leave, because you, are a waste of space. Go die.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This still makes you a moron.

    Just because I get banned for being more vocal telling you that you are a ret@rded ****, doesnt mean other people will still think you are.

    Try a different strategy instead of hiding behind the mod's and praying that I get banned.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You should just leave, because you, are a waste of space. Go die.

    Woneo if i would leave zulu would go mad.
    This still makes you a moron.

    Just because I get banned for being more vocal telling you that you are a ret@rded ****, doesnt mean other people will still think you are.

    Try a different strategy instead of hiding behind the mod's and praying that I get banned.

    Im not hiding behind mods i just know when to stop and i stopped with all the rage because its not even worth the typing time taken.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yet you still take the time to post again... Ok Kool Kid.

    You are probably the biggest "ZULU DID THIS QQ WAHHHH SO THEY SHULD DIE WAHHH!!!" on this forum. Zulu would not go mad at all, we actually laugh at everything you squander up to re-post and consider flamebait, but its not really working out for you.

  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yet you still take the time to post again... Ok Kool Kid.

    You are probably the biggest "ZULU DID THIS QQ WAHHHH SO THEY SHULD DIE WAHHH!!!" on this forum. Zulu would not go mad at all, we actually laugh at everything you squander up to re-post and consider flamebait, but its not really working out for you.


    Is Panda barb talking about someone else? But on a serious note Just stop Okopogo your only making yourself look worse.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I officially hate the color blue. FFS.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Are you really that stupid?

    Is this really your pathetic attempt to at least try to comeback at what I just said?

    You are quite possibly the worst troll on this forum. You are not witty, nor are you funny. You are illogical, and senseless. I could get my 12 year old brother on this forum, and he could do a much better job then you are doing. The matter of the fact is Lutirica, you are plain and simple, an idiot, who just wants some attention. I can see why you would come to a forum such as this to try and get it, because maybe for you it might be hard to get in out there in the RL. I understand this.

    But seriously though, dont second guess yourself. Just jump off a bridge.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Are you really that stupid?

    Is this really your pathetic attempt to at least try to comeback at what I just said?

    You are quite possibly the worst troll on this forum. You are not witty, nor are you funny. You are illogical, and senseless. I could get my 12 year old brother on this forum, and he could do a much better job then you are doing. The matter of the fact is Lutirica, you are plain and simple, an idiot, who just wants some attention. I can see why you would come to a forum such as this to try and get it, because maybe for you it might be hard to get in out there in the RL. I understand this.

    But seriously though, dont second guess yourself. Just jump off a bridge.

    Well no but im done with this fight with you. I want attension? wow never would of seen that coming. Maybe if you were smart you would stop because i already said "Insults dont work on me" All your are doing at this point is keeping it going which is a waste of your and my time.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I got tons of time to kill before I have to go to work.

    The only one who is wasting time is you. You think you are accomplishing something being a badddassss troll? Well Let me tell you...


    In fact you are wasting everybody's time, having them have to tell you how big of an idiot/ forum **** you are. Seriously? This doesnt make you cool. You are not going to impress the hotty girl/boy that you see everyday but never talk to, or any of your friends (If you have any). Your family is not going to view this as an acceptable achievement in life. And you tell me insult do not work on you.. I seem to have your attention do I not? You are responding hoping that I will just quit because you told me to. As long as you keep posting here, I will be here to tell you that you are a facking moron.

    Good Day Kool Kid.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I got tons of time to kill before I have to go to work.

    The only one who is wasting time is you. You think you are accomplishing something being a badddassss troll? Well Let me tell you...


    In fact you are wasting everybody's time, having them have to tell you how big of an idiot/ forum **** you are. Seriously? This doesnt make you cool. You are not going to impress the hotty girl/boy that you see everyday but never talk to, or any of your friends (If you have any). Your family is not going to view this as an acceptable achievement in life. And you tell me insult do not work on you.. I seem to have your attention do I not? You are responding hoping that I will just quit because you told me to. As long as you keep posting here, I will be here to tell you that you are a facking moron.

    Good Day Kool Kid.

    Im not a troll. I dont care about impressing anyone because i dont need anyone. I dont need friends they are just good to have. As far as my family goes I disowned them. Yes you have my attension but what your saying has no meaning for me. No I know i cant command you to do anything, but you started this not me. I act like a moron i know and its annoying dealing with all the stuff people say about me all the time. But I will never quit until i win or decide that its pointless to keep on.

    My sig says it all.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lets just ignore everything Lutirica says and post pictures of rainbows and kittens.

    It'd be a much more fulfilling use of our time than attempting to argue with her.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lutirica is proof that anyone can troll a Canadian......
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Im not a troll. I dont care about impressing anyone because i dont need anyone. I dont need friends they are just good to have. As far as my family goes I disowned them. Yes you have my attension but what your saying has no meaning for me. No I know i cant command you to do anything, but you started this not me. I act like a moron i know and its annoying dealing with all the stuff people say about me all the time. But I will never quit until i win or decide that its pointless to keep on.

    My sig says it all.

    LMFAO!!!!!! Sux to be you huh? No sympathy here i say go play in traffic. Just end it now. No really DOOOO EEEEEEETTT
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    When I saw Erzenzia was the last to post on this thread when I logged on, I had a premonition there would be a ROFL in his/her's post.


    Anyway...who is trolling who here? Judging by the amount of posts from Okopodlkhfskldh and Lutrition, I'd say both and it's a tie.

    Now kiss and make up pls!
  • Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lutirica is proof that anyone can troll a Canadian......

    **** Yea!

    ← canadian
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I'm pretty sure someone told me that rank8 poleaxe is cheaper than getting GX, making it the better choice for TW.

    Not sure of the cost comparison but on the damage out put

    R8 Poleaxe +5 > GX +10 on average damage is what the calculation showed.

    Pros for R8 : has more than decent constant damage + crit over GX
    Pros for GX : Zerk + VIT bonus over R8
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Hey, it's your friendly moderator here to say, once again...


    Seriously, guys...enough is enough. Learn to let things go, and stop flaming. Not only will you live longer, but some of your threads might make it past a week of life...

    Thanks! b:thanks
This discussion has been closed.