TW Report by Amrd

Amrd - Raging Tide
Amrd - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Tideswell (East)
After the distinct lack of proper TW report (aka they never update), I decided to make one of my own based of Noob's format. Really trying and not trolling, so don't hate on me yob:thanks


Territory War Weekend of 12/17/2010-12/19/2010

Post TW map of Raging Tides - wv7fdf.jpg


Friday (12/17/2010)

Varden attacks S.Clouds Island held by Vicious - 8:00 PM EST

Saturday (12/18/2010)

Horizons attacks Ancient Peak held by Leviathan - 8:00 PM EST
Wanted attacks Misfortune held by Leviathan - 8:03 PM EST
QQme attacks Windswept Grasslands held by Leviathan - 8:06 EST
HellFirez attacks Dragons End held by Murr - 8:09 PM EST
KIngsOfMS attacks Courage Path held by Murr - 8:12 PM EST
*ONYX* attacks Black Mountain held by Varden - 8:15 PM EST
Vicious attacks Dreaming Cloud held by Varden - 8:18 PM EST

Sunday (12/19/2010)


Guilds/Factions on the map not participating in TW this week


Amrd's random thoughts on this weeks turn out

Whats with all the no name factions? Maybe they see Murr as a easy win or something.

Amrd's predictions

Friday (12/17/2010)
Varden attacks S.Clouds Island held by Vicious - A 1v1 defense for Vicious and this time, Vicious isn't supported by War taking away people from Varden towards their own TW. Vicious will probably be outnumbered 2v1 in numbers but have a lot of freakishly OP people in their faction. 1 hour win for Varden.

Saturday (12/18/2010)
Horizons attacks Ancient held by Leviathan - 15min roll, Leviathan wins
Wanted attacks Misfortune held by Leviathan - 15min roll, Leviathan wins
QQme attacks Windswept Grasslands held by Leviathan - 5min roll, QQme wins
HellFirez attacks Dragons End held by Murr -15min roll, Murr wins
KIngsOfMS attacks Courage Path held by Murr - 15min roll, Murr wins
*ONYX* attacks Black Mountain held by Varden - Did they outbid War or something? A nonfactor faction regardless. 5min roll, Varden wins
Vicious attacks Dreaming Cloud held by Varden - Same as fridays TW, 1 hour win for Varden.

Sunday (12/19/2010)


TW Results! - 12/17/2010 (Friday)

Varden attacks S.Clouds Island held by Vicious - Varden split catas between A and C lanes with occasional strong pushes on B. Vicious did various lane rushes on both B and A and a little bit on C. Massive amount of fighting and Varden pulled off an excellent defense. First push did barely any damage and were repulsed. Second pushed took down 4 of the gate towers. Other pushes managed to take down inner towers and then cut crystal down to 5mil before repulsed. The last push ended it. Good diversions on part of Varden to split the small attack force Vicious fielded because of lack of showups. 1 hour win for Vicious

TW Results! - 12/18/2010(Saturday)

Horizons attacks Ancient held by Leviathan - 15min roll, Leviathan wins
Wanted attacks Misfortune held by Leviathan - 15min roll, Leviathan wins
QQme attacks Windswept Grasslands held by Leviathan - 5min roll, QQme wins
HellFirez attacks Dragons End held by Murr -15min roll, Murr wins
KIngsOfMS attacks Courage Path held by Murr - 15min roll, Murr wins
*ONYX* attacks Black Mountain held by Varden - Did they outbid War or something? A nonfactor faction regardless. 5min roll, Varden wins
Vicious attacks Dreaming Cloud held by Varden - 20minute win for Vicious

TW Results! - 12/19/10(Sunday)


TW map of Raging Tides after wars - 35mqh01.jpg


QQme - 29
Leviathan - 11
Varden - 4
Murr - 2
Vicious - 1


QQme - 30
Leviathan - 10
Varden - 3
Murr - 2
Vicious - 2

This thread was not made to flame or insult anyone in the PWI community. If you have any problems please leave me a message and I will do my best to change anything offensive on this thread.
Sorry if the colours may not match the ones in game if you have any suggestions on what colours may be better suited pm me once again.
If any officers of TWing guilds wish to pm me afterwards for information on TW results please do so :D
Post edited by Amrd - Raging Tide on
