You make me feel like i'm in love.



  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Unfortunately as a cleric myself, I don't like them very much. You can't even get one to buff you before event. b:angry

    <-- Doesn't use cleric for event.

    Events bring out the "rez please" "buff please" and the famous "Heal me!!!" spams.
    -Ignore spam-b:cuteb:cute
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • GohRaL - Sanctuary
    GohRaL - Sanctuary Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I love clerics, i really do as a barb...

    i always ask for buffs when i go grind or do daily such OHT, but i go like "can you PLEASE buff me or exchange buffs?" and then thank them if they answer...

    squad buffs are better so im always trying to EXCHANGE BUFFS not only ASKING

    if you help me ill help you, thats my way of playing b:laugh

  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I love clerics, i really do as a barb...

    i always ask for buffs when i go grind or do daily such OHT, but i go like "can you PLEASE buff me or exchange buffs?" and then thank them if they answer...

    squad buffs are better so im always trying to EXCHANGE BUFFS not only ASKING

    if you help me ill help you, thats my way of playing b:laugh

    And who doesn't like Barb buffs... b:dirty
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Me luvz clerics too b:avoid
    It really takes skills to keep your whole squad alive in instances while being attack by a several mobs for example ( or when the squishy sin/archer/psy steals aggro (kill him!) ). One wrong button and you're all dead b:shutup
    So yea, we luv ya clerics <33
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I love clerics.My first character was a cleric and I wished I hadn't deleted him.

    I started a new cleric and now finding ways to level it as fast as possible to help my guildies and people.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Futurelord, I remember that one time during Dragon Temple, you kept coming out of the starting area and kept getting one shotted over and over and over and over, yet youe kept coming. Good times b:bye.
  • RouxLouka - Dreamweaver
    RouxLouka - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Events bring out the "rez please" "buff please" and the famous "Heal me!!!" spams.
    -Ignore spam-b:cuteb:cute

    That's funny since there is usually only 3 people asking for buffs and 5-6 clerics standing around. They can't even throw out one quick spirit's gift buff? I see more barbs, wiz and venos buffing than clerics.

    If they didn't want to buff, then they shouldn't stand there 10-20 minutes before event starts and pretend they're the only one there.

    </3 All packs/Awful community.
  • KrazyKleric - Lost City
    KrazyKleric - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I love partying with GOOD clerics.

    awwww I'm flattered b:kissb:cuteb:dirty
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That's funny since there is usually only 3 people asking for buffs and 5-6 clerics standing around. They can't even throw out one quick spirit's gift buff? I see more barbs, wiz and venos buffing than clerics.

    If they didn't want to buff, then they shouldn't stand there 10-20 minutes before event starts and pretend they're the only one there.

    completely disagree, it's not an obligation.
    besides, they may be afk or just dont like the person.
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I love Clerics.. I love my cleric.. I love the class, I love everything about them. My favorite parts have to be that Clerics are always on the move and almost always multitasking. Ooh and BB is the most epic skill in game! =D
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • RouxLouka - Dreamweaver
    RouxLouka - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    completely disagree, it's not an obligation.
    That's why I don't like them. They may not be obligated to, but it shows to me that they aren't nice.

    </3 All packs/Awful community.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That's why I don't like them. They may not be obligated to, but it shows to me that they aren't nice.

    Or maybe like someone else said they are afk? Or maybe it's just that buffing 50 people everyday you play gets rather tiresome? Or maybe it ticks their MP charm everytime someone asks for group buffs and people get pissy about singles?

    Seriously let people play their char as they wish without the judgements.....
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Or maybe like someone else said they are afk? Or maybe it's just that buffing 50 people everyday you play gets rather tiresome? Or maybe it ticks their MP charm everytime someone asks for group buffs and people get pissy about singles?

    Seriously let people play their char as they wish without the judgements.....

    People still wear mp charms? o.o;
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Futurelord, I remember that one time during Dragon Temple, you kept coming out of the starting area and kept getting one shotted over and over and over and over, yet youe kept coming. Good times b:bye.
    I got fighting spirit lol, sides i have as much fun trying as i do winning.
    People still wear mp charms? o.o;
    Best way to not run out of mana while dealing with the bosses in FC lol. between keeping everyone alive and keeping yourself alive you sometimes forget to pot.
    That's why I don't like them. They may not be obligated to, but it shows to me that they aren't nice.

    We are nice, just not forever.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That's funny since there is usually only 3 people asking for buffs and 5-6 clerics standing around. They can't even throw out one quick spirit's gift buff? I see more barbs, wiz and venos buffing than clerics.

    If they didn't want to buff, then they shouldn't stand there 10-20 minutes before event starts and pretend they're the only one there.
    That's why I don't like them. They may not be obligated to, but it shows to me that they aren't nice.

    I wholeheartedly disagree. They could be in squad chat or afk. They might be low on MP food and don't want to waste their MP unnecessarily. They could also be like me; you don't get buffs unless you PM me. There could be a million reasons why they can't or don't buff.
  • Chewizard - Lost City
    Chewizard - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My cleric is still low lvl (34) and I haven't been in a real squad.

    But I do love handing out random buffs. Even to those who ask politely.

    I do however ignore the people that spam me with buff requests over and over again.
    There is nothing more irritating than when you're out grinding and someone ks's then asks for buffs.
    Nothing amazing
    happens here.
    Only the ordinary.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I wholeheartedly disagree. They could be in squad chat or afk. They might be low on MP food and don't want to waste their MP unnecessarily. They could also be like me; you don't get buffs unless you PM me. There could be a million reasons why they can't or don't buff.

    My favourite cleric b:dirty

    I don't need to PM for buffs.. b:mischievous
  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I would thank you, dearie. You're an awesome cleric. b:kiss
    If he was in PK, you should've went PK, slept him and pew pew him.
    As far as bad and good clerics go, I love clerics (not the dumb ones...). I even have a newbie cleric myself and plan on leveling her more, although I'm kinda regretting not making her on DW since they are expensive to play. b:surrender

    Apparently, now tanks and clerics are not only one class... >.>

    You click quote on the second one you want to include in your reply, copy it, then go to the first quote that will be in your reply and quote it, then past the other one. ^^

    Oh....earthguard mediation b:shocked

    + Thanks SerenityMare b:thanks

    That's what I used to do until recently. There is an easier way. If you wanna quote more than 1 person, click the 'multi off' button next to quote on all posts that u wanna quote. Next, click quote on one of them. All your quotes will be in 1 place for you to respond.

    @topic... I luv skillful clerics... sucks to have a lot of... incompetent once, though...
  • KingThis - Heavens Tear
    KingThis - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i <3's CLERIC'S!b:cute

    E S P E C I A L L Y~ when they take the time to hourly buff me b:kiss

    It's like they can read my game play soon as i squad with some cleric in the middle of Randomness... lets say middle of west arch... it's like the holy light~ *beautiful melody in background* HOURLY BUFFS b:dirtyb:kiss

    <3s Clerics Until I Quit
    <3 SLITNOTb:chuckle
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My favourite cleric b:dirty

    I don't need to PM for buffs.. b:mischievous

    Of course you don't have to PM. b:dirty I luff you and just standing there gets you buffs.
  • Mr_Cupid - Raging Tide
    Mr_Cupid - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I know it's just a game so i can say this, i feel like the God of Life as my cleric. As, my barb i love nothing more than saying ty to all my cleric lady friends. btw i thank the guy ones too but i don't love it lol. as cleric i save you time, money, exp, stress, wtf else you want from me?????b:kissb:victoryb:cryb:cry
  • Qingzi - Harshlands
    Qingzi - Harshlands Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I know it's just a game so i can say this, i feel like the God of Life as my cleric. As, my barb i love nothing more than saying ty to all my cleric lady friends. btw i thank the guy ones too but i don't love it lol. as cleric i save you time, money, exp, stress, wtf else you want from me?????b:kissb:victoryb:cryb:cry

    That you shut up and do as you're told, biotch!

    Oh, and necro.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
This discussion has been closed.