Pet skills: Am I on the right track?

Zahlee - Lost City
Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Venomancer
I'm just looking for a bit of advice as to whether i'm on the right track with choosing what final pet skills to get for my pets. I would rather not get rid of any skills as i'm horrible at making money lol. The list goes:

lvl 71 Darkbreed Wolfkin
Lvl 3 Flesh Ream
Lvl 3 Howl
Lvl 1 Roar

Q1: Basically up until now, I've used my wolf for absolutely everything, from luring to tanking bosses and of course normal questing and he's done quite fine. I normally prefer to do a lot of soloing or duoing with a cleric friend of mine, and this is the reason i added roar onto his skills and it's proved to come in quite handy. I'm thinking of adding bash for his 4th skill, but would just like some advice on whether this is the right move, and if not, then what should i get? lol

Lvl 71 Glacial Walker
Lvl 2 Icicle
Lvl 2 Roar
Lvl 3 Tough

Q2: My Walker is actually a new addition, and from now on I only plan on using him for tanking bosses or hard hitting mobs. I find him too slow and too big to use while normal questing/grinding, hence why i have the wolf. I'm thinking of adding threaten as his 4th skill as I've read in a lot of threads asking about skills for the glacial walker, that when alternated with tough, it can really be a good combo. Again, tell me if you think there is a better skill to suit my specific needs.

Lvl 57 Petite Sawfly
Lvl 1 Bash
Lvl 1 Toxic Mist

Q3: Other than getting flesh ream for when i'm being pked in the air, i have absolutely no idea what else to put on this lol. Please head me in the right direction b:thanks

Q4: Another question is, is it worth levelling up Roar on my wolf? The way i understand it, is that roar resets aggro while putting a hidden amount on your pet. Does levelling it up increase the hidden amount? Therefore it takes more damage in order to draw aggro away from your pet? So to put it another way, if my roar is at level 1, it would take say 3000 damage to steal aggro, whereas at lvl 3 roar, it would take 8000.... Ok, those figures are nowhere near bring correct, but u get my drift? lol. I only ask this for the wolf and not the walker as i figure having a fully levelled roar in squad/boss situations would probably be more handy. I guess the question is, is having a fully leveled roar in solo/duo questing/grinding necessary?

Q5: Last question, I promise..... Is having a ranged pet absolutely positively neccessary as I get a higher level? Or is it just a pet that will "be helpful" in some situations?
Post edited by Zahlee - Lost City on


  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You could but Bash on your DarkBreed if you want only lvl it to 2.I would probably put Bash on your GW and only lvl it up to 2 ,3 max.The reason is I have seen a Crystalline Magmite take on a lvl 90 with only a lvl 2 bash.I am surprised though you haven't replaced Icicle with Bash.

    You could add Flesh Ream lvl 2 only to your Petite Sawfly no higher lvls.I would leave roar alone at lvl 1.Yes it is nice having ranged pet like an Eldergroth MarksMan for the ranged attacks.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lvl 71 Darkbreed Wolfkin
    Lvl 3 Flesh Ream
    Lvl 3 Howl
    Lvl 1 Roar

    Q1: Basically up until now, I've used my wolf for absolutely everything, from luring to tanking bosses and of course normal questing and he's done quite fine. I normally prefer to do a lot of soloing or duoing with a cleric friend of mine, and this is the reason i added roar onto his skills and it's proved to come in quite handy. I'm thinking of adding bash for his 4th skill, but would just like some advice on whether this is the right move, and if not, then what should i get?
    Wolf <3 Gosh I miss those...
    Adding bash is a smart move especially if it's your main pet. Well, you could add an elemental bash that is neither wood nor metal. Personally I'd recommend an elemental bash for the wolf since it's not an actual tank pet. The elemental bash will benefit you and your friend when one of you is against an element that has advantage over your element. Level 2 should be fine for the time being considering that you cannot afford spending too much on skills.

    Lvl 71 Glacial Walker
    Lvl 2 Icicle
    Lvl 2 Roar
    Lvl 3 Tough

    Q2: My Walker is actually a new addition, and from now on I only plan on using him for tanking bosses or hard hitting mobs. I find him too slow and too big to use while normal questing/grinding, hence why i have the wolf. I'm thinking of adding threaten as his 4th skill as I've read in a lot of threads asking about skills for the glacial walker, that when alternated with tough, it can really be a good combo. Again, tell me if you think there is a better skill to suit my specific needs.
    I'd suggest that you change Icicle for a normal Bash. This is because numbers have proven in the past that Bash is overall better for a tank pet than an elemental one. Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I remember the conclusion in that topic was that Bash is better.
    As for a 4th skill I'd highly recommend Threaten. Use Threaten when Tough is off and use Tough when Threaten is off. That should give a good survivability to your pet. If you're thinking of acquiring a Hercules in the future Threaten/Tough could stay at levels 2/3 or 3/4 but if you're going to keep the Glacial till the end all skills should be maxed (thought Roar could wait).

    Lvl 57 Petite Sawfly
    Lvl 1 Bash
    Lvl 1 Toxic Mist

    Q3: Other than getting flesh ream for when i'm being pked in the air, i have absolutely no idea what else to put on this lol. Please head me in the right direction b:thanks
    If you're going to buy a Phoenix just add a Flesh Ream lvl 2 or so for the time being (Venomancers with PvP experience may know better than me about this issue). If you're going to keep the Sawfly then you should add Flesh Ream and max it, Howl and max it. Another good idea would be to replace toxic mist with Fireball so you can be more effective against Clerics and perhaps another debuff such as Shriek or Slow. Well in general, I'll leave this to be explained by a Venomancer who does PvP. My advice is only theoritical as I haven't done and I'm not interested in PvP/PK.

    Q4: Another question is, is it worth levelling up Roar on my wolf? The way i understand it, is that roar resets aggro while putting a hidden amount on your pet. Does levelling it up increase the hidden amount? Therefore it takes more damage in order to draw aggro away from your pet? So to put it another way, if my roar is at level 1, it would take say 3000 damage to steal aggro, whereas at lvl 3 roar, it would take 8000.... Ok, those figures are nowhere near bring correct, but u get my drift? lol. I only ask this for the wolf and not the walker as i figure having a fully levelled roar in squad/boss situations would probably be more handy. I guess the question is, is having a fully leveled roar in solo/duo questing/grinding necessary?
    Personally I saw no difference between Roar lvl2 and Roar lvl4 when I upgraded it. It did the job right in both cases. Perhaps you'll need a higher lvl of Roar when you approach the endgame in which even your own damage will be high....or maybe I just happened to be lucky? Keep it at that level until you feel or see that upgrading it is necessary.
    Q5: Last question, I promise..... Is having a ranged pet absolutely positively neccessary as I get a higher level? Or is it just a pet that will "be helpful" in some situations?
    Well, most people use the ranged pet for pulling since Hercules is tanking anyway (or other tank pet). The ranged pet has to have its skills turned off in order to use ranged attacks which means that it can't keep aggro effectively unless you're only spamming Heal Pet.

    Hope these helps! Remember, however, that you shouldn't only listen to the advice received from the forum. Sometimes skills don't work in practice like they work in theory. For example, at first, I hadn't Roar on my Shaodu Cub but then I saw that it's necessary because people (and myself) kept stealing aggro from bosses etc.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You could but Bash on your DarkBreed if you want only lvl it to 2.I would probably put Bash on your GW and only lvl it up to 2 ,3 max.The reason is I have seen a Crystalline Magmite take on a lvl 90 with only a lvl 2 bash.I am surprised though you haven't replaced Icicle with Bash.

    You could add Flesh Ream lvl 2 only to your Petite Sawfly no higher lvls.I would leave roar alone at lvl 1.Yes it is nice having ranged pet like an Eldergroth MarksMan for the ranged attacks.

    Why that , i thought Icicle and bash is same , just the 1 is physical and the other is magical.

    To OP : I dont think lvling Roar would make a difference , people will steal get aggro from u if they wish too b:surrender
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    For a 4th skill on a walker, I'd recommend either Bash (icicle + bash = better aggro holding than either alone) or Threaten (Threaten + Tough = 45 seconds out of ~60 of reduced damage taken from phys mobs/bosses)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i don't see much reason to replace icicle (or any elemental bash) with plain bash, either. icicle will do less damage on water-resistant mobs, but by the same token bash will do less damage on mobs with high phys def. when adding a damage-and-aggro skill to a pet that doesn't have any, i personally like to go with plain bash, but that may be because i like doing physical damage more than i perhaps should. =) i wouldn't bother switching over to it when a pet already has some kind of bash, though.

    for a fourth skill on my walker, i'm saving up for threaten. the way i figure, my walker is the take-lots-of-punishment tank pet, and threaten would help it do that; if i want a pet to do lots of damage, i pull out my dark wanderer, which i've put bash on and leveled same up.

    on my own character, i try to balance out weaknesses with strengths to make the gameplay even and balanced; but my pets, i specialize for one purpose each. i don't want or need my tank pet to be good at dealing damage, or vice versa. but that's just how my personal gameplay works for me, your mileage may vary.

    so, that said, my answer for what skills to put on your pets would depend on how you use them, and for what. for example, if your wolf is mainly a puller i'd perhaps consider slow, to give you more time for resummoning and buffing a catcher pet or to give your squad's tank more leisure to get ready. or some other debuff, to put the mob already at a disadvantage before it reaches you.

    your sawfly... is kitted out much like my skatefish, two bashes. that does awesome damage if you can remember to keep them both firing, but i don't really know what else to put on mine either. it's got slow, but i seldom pull with it so that's kindof wasted. maybe i'll give it tough, to balance out its squishiness. then again, i'm PvE and don't really know what you'd want on a PvP pet.

    on ranged tanking... obviously it's not necessary, as folks have leveled venos very far indeed without ever getting a ranged pet. but i'm finding it a surprisingly powerful tool, especially against ranged mobs, and i wouldn't be without it. it does have limitations --- like any specialized tool --- but it can do things you can't really get done any other way, or not as easily / safely at any rate. i especially like the ability to keep ranged and magical mobs from kiting my pet, keeping the fight from spilling into clusters of other mobs. but on the other hand, the very weak aggro keeping does slow the fight down.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Zahlee - Lost City
    Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wolf <3 Gosh I miss those...
    Adding bash is a smart move especially if it's your main pet. Well, you could add an elemental bash that is neither wood nor metal. Personally I'd recommend an elemental bash for the wolf since it's not an actual tank pet. The elemental bash will benefit you and your friend when one of you is against an element that has advantage over your element. Level 2 should be fine for the time being considering that you cannot afford spending too much on skills.

    I never really thought about adding an elemental bash for the wolf. Thank you, I'll definatley consider it now.
    I'd suggest that you change Icicle for a normal Bash. This is because numbers have proven in the past that Bash is overall better for a tank pet than an elemental one. Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I remember the conclusion in that topic was that Bash is better.
    Phoenix_Eye-Heavens Tear: Why that , i thought Icicle and bash is same , just the 1 is physical and the other is magical.

    In regards to the walker and the better tanking skills, this is what is confusing me somewhat. What i thought, from what i've read in other threads is that they're exactly the same except one is water and the other physical. Honestly I don't want to be getting rid of a skill just to replace it with another skill that is exactly the same, or there is such a miniscule amount of difference that in normal play, you wouldn't even tell the difference. Of course if someone tells me there is a noticable amount of difference between the two i'd be happy to replace it. (Although wouldn't this mean that roar would then be the default skill?) b:sweat
    Personally I saw no difference between Roar lvl2 and Roar lvl4 when I upgraded it. It did the job right in both cases. Perhaps you'll need a higher lvl of Roar when you approach the endgame in which even your own damage will be high....or maybe I just happened to be lucky? Keep it at that level until you feel or see that upgrading it is necessary.

    Yes i think perhaps i'll just keep my wolf's roar at lvl 1, at least for the time being.

    Also, i'm not planning on getting a herc or nix in the near future, if ever lol. As much as i would like one, i just don't have the real life time to spend grinding/farming/merchanting endlessly b:surrender, and i'm def not paying that much irl money lol. So my common pets will be with me end game. b:pleased
  • Vortella - Archosaur
    Vortella - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    On Bash vs. Elemental attack:

    In my examinations of the mob database, the general pattern I've noticed is that the mob's defenses (from low to high) follow this pattern:
    a) element that the mob is weakest against.
    b) physical defense.
    c) other elements.
    d) element that the mob is strongest against.

    So if you are trying to max damage (and hold agro with damage), then a physical bash gives you the most benefit across the widest range of pets. In addition, ironwood enhances the bash damage (you would have to switch to fox and amp to enhanse the elemental attack).
  • Vortella - Archosaur
    Vortella - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Another idea on the wolf is to add flesh ream. While it might not do as much damage as an elemental bash, since it has a longer cool time, it means that you have less button pushing.

    However if you are trying to save coin, elemental bashes can often be purchased cheap (50K-100K) in the auction house.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Q1. Darkbreeds make for great pets, they're able to take on most mini-bosses and can deal some decent damage. I see you have leveled your Howl, which is also a smart move. Roar, as you have found out yourself, is a great skill and comes in handy in some scenarios. I must say you have made some great choices. Now, Bash is likely the best addition you can make, it will greatly improve your pet's damage output (by about 9.5% if i remember correctly) and will generate better aggro than Ream, so yes, my advice on this is to put it in your pet. There's no much difference with elemental Bashes, except Bash, as phys damage, will better benefit from Ironwood, and makes much more effective the pet part of your veno combo against mag resistant mobs, all things being equal i'd suggest you go for phys Bash first. Roar you can certainly keep, although usually i'd recommend Threaten more for an attack pet as it a) doubles as a deffensive skill, allowing your pet to hold out longer against certain mobs (such as Sac Assault) or dealing with multiples and b) it will allow you to actually help a Barb if you see a spike take out most of his hp or to better protect DD classes off-tanking. Another option would be to add an elemental Bash as a 3rd damage skill, which should greatly improve damage and make it much more difficult to steal aggro away from the wolf, or even to regain it in most circumstances. I personally think Roar is more suited for tanking pets or those on the role of back up, that is just my opinion however.

    I recommend you simply add Bash, max it as soon as you're able (remember to right click it to make it a default, as it will be more effective than Ream except when pulling) and afterwards max Ream, then Howl.

    Q2. Please make absolutely sure your Walker is the pet you'll be keeping as a permanent tank (other than perhaps a future herc) before you commit to skilling it. You somehow strike me as not being too fond of it and is important that you consider all alternatives before making an investment, although stat wise the Walker really is the best tanking pet you can get. Do not touch Icicle, as Solandri recently pointed out in a different thread, this will make a more situational skill its default. I'd recommend leveling it, and yes, Threaten is likely the best addition you can make. As you've pointed out yourself, it comboes nicely with Tough (i've got both on my tanking pet, and it has so far worked wonders) while Roar will likely prove it's worth on a tanking pet, especially if you use it mainly as a back up.

    I wouldn't touch anything else in this set up and would leave it as is after you've added Threaten, and would simply recommend you work on maxing the skills, Icicle being the first choice.

    Q3. Air pets are usually fragile, so a deffensive skill such as Tough or Threaten would probably make for the best 4th skill. Shriek is another posibility i would strongly consider, since most air mobs tend to do mostly slow casting mag attacks, and it would provide you access to this skill when out in the open world. Ream is certainly the best choice for a 3rd skill precisely because of PvP.

    Being on a PvP server, i'd recommend you make it your first priority to skill Ream and to max it as soon as posible, other than that leave skilling this pet for later however, since working on your land pets will benefit you much more.

    Q4. Tricky one, my own experience with leveling Roar does seem to suggest it actually does become more effective at stealing aggro as you level it up, although from what i know you're certainly right in your understanding of how this skill works, and technically the amount of aggro it applies after the reset should be the same as that provided by a same level debuff, perhaps a bit higher. This is one i'll be honest in admitting i can't fully answer. I would ask you again to consider Threaten or an elemental Bash for the wolf however, even if Roar has provided great results to you so far. Roar is situational and a back up or worst case scenario type of skill, and i'm afraid you may be loosing too much of an oportunity keeping it on an attack pet. Once again, this is only my opinion.

    Q5. From what i know the pet is only a convenience, since you still have to get just as close as with other pets to send it in, and you do have alternatives such as tame pet or Earthflame if what you want to is to catch a mob a little further back or only stay in that position for a few seconds. The ranged tanking job is specialized, and while certainly an improvement to your capabilities, not necessary in the strict sense, it only allows you to tank some bosses you otherwise wouldn't. I would recommend you give it some time, as unlike other pet roles ranged luring is actually improved by a higher level pet, and there are a couple of choices at the 90+ level range where such skill is mostly required.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I'd suggest that you change Icicle for a normal Bash. This is because numbers have proven in the past that Bash is overall better for a tank pet than an elemental one. Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I remember the conclusion in that topic was that Bash is better.
    Well, Bash is better primarily due to the synergy with Ironwood. Ironwood's pdef debuff increases Bash's damage about as much as if you were using an elemental bash and the mob were weak to that element.

    However, for the Walker in particular, I still say you should keep Icicle and add Bash as a 4th skill. With Bash as the 4th skill, you have to manually select it to make it active every time you summon your pet. Play with that config for a few weeks, forcing yourself to make Bash active every time you summon your pet (including right after luring). If you're comfortable doing it (every herc owner has to do it), then feel free to delete Icicle for something else. If you find it hopelessly annoying, then keep Icicle. Deleting Icicle and making it so Bash is automatically the active skill involves also deleting Roar and Tough, then buying them again and adding them. Not something I'd recommend unless you have lots of money.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Why that , i thought Icicle and bash is same , just the 1 is physical and the other is magical.

    To OP : I dont think lvling Roar would make a difference , people will steal get aggro from u if they wish too b:surrender

    It isn't though is it and I wouldn't get all those skills to max or you are wasting coin as you can just save up for Herc and a Nix.There I said it like tweaks.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    None of those pets are worth the cost of skills/ upgrades. Save your coin for better things, and catch pets with better skills.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Even if you're saving up for legendary pets, keeping your pet's main aggro skill up to level is well worth a measly 200k every 20 levels. Maxed Bash will pay for itself unless you already are upwards of 90% there...

    Other skills are contingent on whether you'll continue using any given pet for good. Some, like the Wanderer or the Scorp, will not be made obsolete by herc. If you don't plan to save for a herc then proper skilling is certainly a worthy investment.
  • Zahlee - Lost City
    Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well, Bash is better primarily due to the synergy with Ironwood. Ironwood's pdef debuff increases Bash's damage about as much as if you were using an elemental bash and the mob were weak to that element.

    Ahh i'm a doofus lol. I never even thought of ironwood being able to increase bash's damage. Seems a bit obvious now b:surrender b:chuckle
    Roar you can certainly keep, although usually i'd recommend Threaten more for an attack pet as it a) doubles as a deffensive skill, allowing your pet to hold out longer against certain mobs (such as Sac Assault) or dealing with multiples and b) it will allow you to actually help a Barb if you see a spike take out most of his hp or to better protect DD classes off-tanking. Another option would be to add an elemental Bash as a 3rd damage skill, which should greatly improve damage and make it much more difficult to steal aggro away from the wolf, or even to regain it in most circumstances. I personally think Roar is more suited for tanking pets or those on the role of back up, that is just my opinion however.

    As i mostly just duo this game with a cleric friend, i basically got roar on my wolf just to help when my friend would either accidently pull aggro while dealing damage or healing in dungeons, or for when i'm soloing normal mobs and i accidently pull veno aggro. I know it's a very situational skill but it's saved our butts more than a few times lol. I suppose now i have the walker i think i might just wait and see if it is still going to be as useful to me as it always was. If not, then yes, i might think about getting threaten or an elemental bash.
    Q2. Please make absolutely sure your Walker is the pet you'll be keeping as a permanent tank (other than perhaps a future herc) before you commit to skilling it. You somehow strike me as not being too fond of it and is important that you consider all alternatives before making an investment, although stat wise the Walker really is the best tanking pet you can get.

    Yes my walker is the pet i'll be keeping for a permanent tank and indeed i'm not that fond of it lol. Just a personal preference on my part. I don't know what it is really, but everytime i send him to grab some mobs i just want to poke him with a stick to make him move a bit faster. Also, everytime i go to pick up drops, there he is, sitting on the damn things so i can't pick them up....Click a new mob?.....there he is, blocking my view b:laugh...I spose I can't really blame the poor guy, it's not his fault he's big boned (or big stoned) but i spose that's the downside to being used to running with a wolf from day one. On the plus side, I have found that he does come in particularly handy when farming mats with a lot of mobs around. I just stick tough on him and send him in to distract the mobs while i farm away. I don't know what other servers are like, but on Lost City, I realised u have to be extremely quick or you'll either get pked, or the mat taken from under your nose. Having a pet that I don't have to worry about healing while I farm, is definately helpful and it is not something I could do with the wolf.
    Q5. From what i know the pet is only a convenience, since you still have to get just as close as with other pets to send it in, and you do have alternatives such as tame pet or Earthflame if what you want to is to catch a mob a little further back or only stay in that position for a few seconds. The ranged tanking job is specialized, and while certainly an improvement to your capabilities, not necessary in the strict sense, it only allows you to tank some bosses you otherwise wouldn't. I would recommend you give it some time, as unlike other pet roles ranged luring is actually improved by a higher level pet, and there are a couple of choices at the 90+ level range where such skill is mostly required.

    I'm thinking that perhaps a ranged pet may just be a pet i'll get one day when i'm bored enough to level one up b:chuckle
  • RiiC - Raging Tide
    RiiC - Raging Tide Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Q3: Other than getting flesh ream for when i'm being pked in the air, i have absolutely no idea what else to put on this lol. Please head me in the right direction b:thanks

    I am wondering why no one has mentioned "Boost", this skill seems to be less helpful in it's lower levels but how does it do at level 5? I would think it would help if you were battling a tough mob and couldn't keep up the pets health by yourself.
    My questionfor pet skills would be how do you get some of those rare skills like Bloodhunger, Bloodhuger, Consume, Devour, Sacrifice, Blessing of the Pack ect?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I am wondering why no one has mentioned "Boost", this skill seems to be less helpful in it's lower levels but how does it do at level 5? I would think it would help if you were battling a tough mob and couldn't keep up the pets health by yourself.
    My questionfor pet skills would be how do you get some of those rare skills like Bloodhunger, Bloodhuger, Consume, Devour, Sacrifice, Blessing of the Pack ect?
    Those legendary pet skills comes for the event Temple of the Dragon that takes place every Tuesday. A PK enabled area where you can find chests to dig. The chests contain a variety of things including those skills however the chances of getting any of them are very very low.

    Unless you go to that event (need to be lvl60+) you can only hope to find them in the Auction House and they usually cost between 10-40 mil depending on the skill and server.

    As for Boost... theoretically it's a great skill and it did save my pet at lower levels with Devayen (she has a froggy) since her healing power is lower due to the LA build (now HA). I don't know about its usefulness at later levels though. Now, no one of my pets (except Devayen's) has that skill and therefore I have little experience with it.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Boost only has three levels, not five like most other skills... And at its best it only heals 12% of a pet's hp... The only situation i can think of it would become useful is if you could barely tank something and Boost could make up the difference, this a highly situational scenario as you can see, and one that would only last for a relatively short level range.

    I know Boost may come off as an attractive skill at lower levels, after all this is the pet healing itself on a very reasonable cooldown, but it comes down to being absolutely useless. It will not save your pet from a damage spike and most of the time its effect will be overwhelmed by your own heal.

    Trust me, this skill you only keep if you don't have money to swap out for something better...
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Boost only has three levels, not five like most other skills... And at its best it only heals 12% of a pet's hp... The only situation i can think of it would become useful is if you could barely tank something and Boost could make up the difference, this a highly situational scenario as you can see, and one that would only last for a relatively short level range.

    I know Boost may come off as an attractive skill at lower levels, after all this is the pet healing itself on a very reasonable cooldown, but it comes down to being absolutely useless. It will not save your pet from a damage spike and most of the time its effect will be overwhelmed by your own heal.

    Trust me, this skill you only keep if you don't have money to swap out for something better...

    I swapped my Windwalking piggy's Boost for threaten , and it became much much better.
    Tough + threaten = success

    and finally avatar shows lvl 60
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Zahlee - Lost City
    Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I am wondering why no one has mentioned "Boost", this skill seems to be less helpful in it's lower levels but how does it do at level 5? I would think it would help if you were battling a tough mob and couldn't keep up the pets health by yourself.
    My questionfor pet skills would be how do you get some of those rare skills like Bloodhunger, Bloodhuger, Consume, Devour, Sacrifice, Blessing of the Pack ect?

    I agree that Boost doesn't seem like it would be all that helpful at higher levels, for the reasons already mentioned above.
    Those legendary pet skills comes for the event Temple of the Dragon that takes place every Tuesday. A PK enabled area where you can find chests to dig. The chests contain a variety of things including those skills however the chances of getting any of them are very very low.

    Unless you go to that event (need to be lvl60+) you can only hope to find them in the Auction House and they usually cost between 10-40 mil depending on the skill and server.

    I've been to that event once, got there and had no idea what to do lol. I found the npc by following other people, and thought woo, this will be easy, i'll just google where all the chests are, so i had a look where they were, got back to the event and died inside when i realised it doesn't show u where u are on the map lol. So i promptly swam around for 1/2 hour, died multiple times from roaming mobs and found one chest but i couldn't farm it. I'm still not quite sure why. It's the only damn thing i can't find a guide on lol

    But anyhoo... Sorry, I'm rambling

    Back to business...... I've made my decision in regards to the skills for the wolf and the walker. I'm going to get bash for the wolf as it works well with ironwood, and for the walker i'm going to just get threaten and leave it at that, since i think i prefer survivability better for my tank pet. Also i'm going to leave icicle alone as the thought of messing with that and having roar become my default makes me cringe, and getting rid of all the skills to put them in order again is just out of the question for me.

    Being on a pvp server, I'm going to put flesh ream on the sawfly, but i still can't decide on the 4th skill. So if anyone's got more input for that, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Btw i'm leveling up my sawfly atm on carrion vultures around sanctuary, since they have a good drop rate, but since they are all kind of on top of each other and they move pretty fast, i keep getting aggro on multiple mobs. Not a huge issue, i can deal with it ok, it just gets annoying and if i'm not on the ball it can lead to me having to rez my pet a few times since it's 14 levels lower lol. So anyone know of a better spot or a better mob around that level to level up on? I know the staunch worms are untimately the fastest way to level a fly pet, but i just find it way too boring, plus i need the coin/drops.

    And thank you to everyone who has replied so far. You've helped heaps! b:pleased
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The non-aggro foxwings supremes until your sawfly outlevels them (north end of Lost, or just outside Hidden Heroes are the most convenient places), then vampiric minions by the Altar of Disbelief would be my recommendations for leveling your sawfly.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Zahlee - Lost City
    Zahlee - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The non-aggro foxwings supremes until your sawfly outlevels them (north end of Lost, or just outside Hidden Heroes are the most convenient places), then vampiric minions by the Altar of Disbelief would be my recommendations for leveling your sawfly.

    Yeah i was leveling on the foxwings up until lvl 57 on my sawfly, but because of my char being over +10 levels, i was getting a drop penalty. So basically in the time it took to grind 12k on the foxwings i was grinding 30k on the vultures, which obviously is alot more profitable. Forgot about the vampiric minions though, thanks, i'll give them a try. b:victory
  • rinuruc
    rinuruc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    another question about bash vs icicle,
    when vs wurlord, in solo 2-x
    is it worth to max icicle so it does more dmg than bash (i just got demon ironwood n it seems to proc almost never)

    (will it do more than bash is the question actually ;-) )
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    According to pwdatabase, Wurlord's water defense is lower than his physical defense, so yes, icicle should do more than bash on Wurlord.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I really wish I could find that screen shot of that C Mag with lvl 2 bash taking on a mob 5 lvls higher in the Harshlands.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    According to pwdatabase, Wurlord's water defense is lower than his physical defense, so yes, icicle should do more than bash on Wurlord.
    Wurlord 2-1 solo:
    1645 pdef
    1188 water def
    1152 pdef after 30% Ironwood reduction

    Wurlord 2-2 solo:
    1817 pdef
    1313 water def
    1272 pdef after 30% Ironwood reduction

    Wurlord 2-3 solo:
    1990 pdef
    1437 water def
    1393 pdef after 30% ironwood reduction

    So unless you have to spam heal all the time against him in solo mode, you're better off with Bash and Ironwood thrown in every 10 sec.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    As long as we're taking into account debuffs, how about running the figures for howl + icicle?
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    As long as we're taking into account debuffs, how about running the figures for howl + icicle?
    What level howl and icicle? I could make a table, but that's 25 combinations so would get a bit long.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Let's say minimum (icicle 2 and howl 1) and maximum (icicle 5 and howl 5.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You really don't need to max out all your skills on a non Leg. pet as you won't be doing any soloing in instances with it.You will mostly be doing instances in squad which there are other dds there like Barb and Wiz. do the main parts of the damage.Venos are there for support and if you see a mob getting close to the squad while attacking the boss target them or it.

    You can solo all you want in the persistent world but you don't need but still don't need lvl 5 skills a lvl 3 bash along with a lvl 10 heal pet will do.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Personally, I'd only max the pet skills if I weren't going to buy the Legendary pet ( Glacial - Hercules or Sawfly-Phoenix) but when it comes to DD/debuff/support/whatever you call it pet those skills should be maxed because it won't become obsolete after buying the Legendary pet.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★