So, what do you think makes for an apropiate response?



  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hahaha, I didn't mean just you though. =P I mean like...*glances at Airyll* People who keep coming back and responding seriously to him, lol.

    Because I'm waiting for him to leave first. =3

    Everybody else gave him advice - and good advice at that - to just walk away from the situation, which will then diffuse itself without him there to fuel it.

    Did he listen? Did he hell.

    I respond seriously because I have a serious point to make. Nobody can deny I left this thread - I disappeared from it for pages - and nobody can deny that when I came back I was responding to other people until he dragged me back into it.

    If he hadn't responded, I wouldn't have. Simple as. And that's why. =3
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Why? You'll just argue, wouldn't you? And then it'll look like I'm praising someone, which obviously makes me their hag, blah blah. We already went through that, and I don't care to go back and copy paste THAT trolling session.

    See that's where you messed up, you can't name anyone. You're trolling. Leave please lol. MANray may be somewhat of a jerk but he's making peace. You're raging without reason according to the post i'm quoting. You're Throwing air out of an empty sack of Hatred.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Because I'm waiting for him to leave first. =3

    Everybody else gave him advice - and good advice at that - to just walk away from the situation, which will then diffuse itself without him there to fuel it.

    Did he listen? Did he hell.

    I respond seriously because I have a serious point to make. Nobody can deny I left this thread - I disappeared from it for pages - and nobody can deny that when I came back I was responding to other people until he dragged me back into it.

    If he hadn't responded, I wouldn't have. Simple as. And that's why. =3

    Hahaha, alright then. Seems rather redundant to me, but that's probably why I'm not arguing with someone I know won't ever agree with me. =3
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Because I'm waiting for him to leave first. =3

    Everybody else gave him advice - and good advice at that - to just walk away from the situation, which will then diffuse itself without him there to fuel it.

    Did he listen? Did he hell.

    I respond seriously because I have a serious point to make. Nobody can deny I left this thread - I disappeared from it for pages - and nobody can deny that when I came back I was responding to other people until he dragged me back into it.

    If he hadn't responded, I wouldn't have. Simple as. And that's why. =3

    The Post quoted above is what you call a troll. MANray wins. let the thread close plox.


    Edit: As we speak Michael Is preparing another clever comeback from either another intelligent player or another thread buahaha.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's a bit too late for that. MANray decided to prove my earlier point right:

    He has to argue with everybody who disagrees with him like it's some OCD order to argue, even if he makes himself look like a complete ****** in doing so. This thread is undeniable and irrefutable proof of my very statement and is exactly what happened in my thread; people came in, people trolled, and instead of thinking "Hey if I respond to this I'm taking it off topic and that's a bad thing" he instead thinks "OMFG ARGUMENT MUST MAKE AN *** OF MYSELF AND TRY AND MAKE EVERYBODY LOOK BAD AND PRETEND I HAVE MORAL HIGHGROUND TO PREACH FROM WHEN I DO NOT."

    The people who defend MANray from this point onwards are clearly oblivious to the very proof in this thread that he derails things, turns them into practical flamewars because he's not mature enough to walk away (despite the fact he preaches as if he is oh so holy in his first post) and then turns around and goes "I DIDN'T START IT YOU DID OMG I AM NOT A HYPOCRITE BY INSULTING YOU BECAUSE YOU TOTALLY STARTED IT."

    He's a 'tarded moron. This thread ends all discussion/debate/flamewar about it.

    Here's your post, it's pretty much about me and you do make a point to insult me.
    Actually, maybe you didn't notice, I left this thread a while ago. I came back and responded to other people, pointedly ignoring you, and what did you choose to do?

    You chose to respond to a post I made!

    And so I did exactly the same thing you have been doing all thread and I responded to defend and explain myself.

    Go ahead, QQ more. I left this thread, came back to respond to other people and you felt the need to drag me back into arguing with you. I then did exactly what you have been doing and now you're QQing as if I never left?

    Again, point proven you're a hypocrite and a moron.

    You only proved to be hypocrite and a moron yourself. You came here accusing me of self righteousness and look, what is it we've got here? Oh, but you didn't address me right? Just insulted me? For a poster who likes to pride himself in proving ridiculous unimportant things i think you have just been bested.
  • nocturnalbastard
    nocturnalbastard Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ntkn wrote: »
    your posts are more and more stupid by the minute. have i ever denied that i was or was not a troll? have i said you was trying to be a role model? no. and i dare you to find a post where i said you were.

    the fact of the mater is, you are a pathetic person that can do nothing but insult people, even NEW PLAYERS, at every single chance you ****ing get. now think REAL HARD at what kind of a person that makes you.

    You're acting like I should care what you say or what you think of me. Newsflash: I don't.

    I'm actually quite helpful when there are actual questions posed. Can't say the same about you. All you are here to do is troll.

    Hey, look what I posted earlier even... some new person asking about genie skills:

    Yeah, I insulted him so much... such a huge wall of horrible text.

    There really are four types of builds that you can go with as a BM, but you need to plan them well. Pure Str, Pure Dex, Pure Vit and mixed. You'll always want to put enough points into Vit to use your skills, a little into mag to increase regen and the rest into Str or Dex, IMO. Going pure will give you the most OP bang for your buck.

    It's best if you build a genie for a specific purpose, PvP, PvE... and possibly TW, Rebirth, CoA, though the skills you would use could easily work on a PvE or PvP genie.

    When you get high level and have a genie with 6 or more skills, you really need to plan out your affinities and you'll probably end up resetting a genie at least once or twice before you get something you're happy with.

    I have two 77/100 LP genies that I needed to level to 101 to have enough affinities for the skills I wanted on them. Both do not have any extra affinites. So I needed to write out all my skills, put all the points they needed into columns and had to make sure I could use them all. Someone, Asterelle I think it was, made an application that would help you figure this out. Do a search in the General Discussion or Guide forum...

    Initial skills:

    Earthflame = luring skill (pve)
    Windforce = boost your flying speed (pvp)

    Regular skills (some are dex based, some are str based, a couple are neither):

    Tangling Mire = aoe pdef debuff
    Extreme Poison = amplify damage
    Alpha Male = aoe aggro skill which also reflects damage for a short period
    Occult Ice = great pvp skill to for stunning. Is not affected by Roar, so you can stun before it wears off.
    Whirlwind = aoe slow effect. Good PvP skill for catching people in the air.
    True Emptiness = physical damage, best against arcane or LA, gives you a magic shield and is spammable.
    Balance = Anti-stun and mdef/pdef sheild - high energy cost
    Cloud Eruption = Chi gain skill
    Absolute Domain = immune to all damage and curses/amps during duration
    Expel = immune to physical damage for duration
    Frenzy = add attack levels... good for bosses that you're not worried about dying to
    Thunderstorm = used to be extremely OP, but on a pure dex genie it still hits decently hard
    Earthquake = aoe knockback, will also interrupt channeling
    Lightning Chaser = a little damage, high chance to interrupt channeling
    Leaf Dance = increase your crit (not all that impressive, but looks cool xP)

    Oxygen Bubble = water immunity... really only good against water attacks like BIDS or Gush...
    Nullify Poison = wood immunity... good against pesky venos, if you have lots of problems with them

    Blood Clot and Cauterize = anti bleed skills. I haven't tried them since genies first came out and I was not impressed in the least by them.

    Two healing skills that you could use, but event pots are cheap, I think other skills are a better use for your genie stamina.

    Tree of Protection = Best for pure dex and mixed stat genies. On a pure STR genie, it gives you massive maximum HP, but it does not regen enough HP to fill your bar. Dex increases the amount of HP healed.

    Second Wind = best on pure str genie. Automatically heals you.

    Works for PvE, does not work in open/past map PvP. Usable in TW, Cube, PK Tourney, Dragon Temple, etc...

    Please show me at least one instance of you actually being helpful?

    Hmm.... I could show you thousands of posts where I am.

  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hahaha, alright then. Seems rather redundant to me, but that's probably why I'm not arguing with someone I know won't ever agree with me. =3

    It's not me he would be agreeing with. We've already seen that he's never going to accept the fact he's the biggest hypocrite in this thread, asking for advice but then blatantly refusing to take it no matter how good it is. Of course he's not going to agree with me because he thinks he's the next Jesus Christ and can do no wrong.

    I'm just waiting for him to accept the fact he should have taken the advice he himself asked for and should walk away. There's a difference between conceding that the advice you were given was right and you were wrong and then agreeing with the person who called you a hypocrite because you asked for advice, ignored it, and then went on to derail your own thread, every now and then trying to use the fact this was your thread as if that proved anything.

    I could argue all day. <3
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Take this to the PMs. Time to end this topic for flame baiting and flaming.

This discussion has been closed.