Fail Cleric BH 29

Gwenwyn - Raging Tide
Gwenwyn - Raging Tide Posts: 24 Arc User
edited September 2010 in General Discussion
Very sad... On my Psy alt, was doing BH 29. Cleric was not healing tank on trash mobs. Tank was like, are you going to heal me? When around 50% Then Cleric would heal tank using that long cast heal, not the IH heal. 2 players in squad asked why cleric was not using IH, he repsponded it was not his strongest heal, even though it stacks, he continued to not use IH.

Get to the boss, and with his noobishness, I dont do any damage, and I was right... Cleric does put one IH on tank, but then starts DPS and lets tank die, tank dies, followed by a sin and psy, other psy runs for the exit. I survive, cleric is kicked, and tank says "I have no hope for that cleric" When cleric went down, he said "Well that did not turn out good" Cant mention specific names on forums as its considered harrasment, but NOOBS, you gotta love em LOL

And why if some SIN or BM says they can tank a boss, if you have any doubts, just leave the squad. Better off waiting for a squad with a real tank, then trying to rush things, and losing exp on death by having a sin or bm try to tank and fail. Sure BM;s can tank, but you have to SPAM HEAL. I saved a TT 70 run from a total wipe after the barb tank died, my herc was just barely enough able to tank Drummer with cleric in BB. I had to spam heal pet. Went from DD to tank. And tank at first all arrogant, was like, "Who said the veno is tanking?" Tank also died on the snake boss and I had to have my herc tank that as well. I was level 80. On a Hard Mode TT 70 run, part of a quest worth 150K exp I still have a boss in TT-60 to kill, should be no problem if I can tank tt-70 with a cleric in squad. When it comes to fail people in BH 29, anyone have any experiances?

In FB 19 runs I met venos that would just attack mobs, rather than send their pet in first to build aggro on pet before attacking, I asked them what they were doing, and they were like "What is aggro" Some venos even attacked without pets, in some groups, claiming it was too expensive. When they had just a GW. Water is cheap, Meat for hercs is like 7,000 coins a pop, water is 50 a pop for a GW. 1M coins can buy you a cheap tome, pet dont get hungry with tome. But as veno, if your pet dies, you do lose points, so you will still need to feed pet, big saver if you have a herc though and a tome. Just dont let the pet die.
Post edited by Gwenwyn - Raging Tide on


  • Night_Wind_ - Lost City
    Night_Wind_ - Lost City Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Cool story sis.b:avoid
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    My sin alt could tank every BH boss except polearm. Stop squadding with fails b:bye
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    My sin alt could tank every BH boss except polearm. Stop squadding with fails b:bye

    fails are running rampant....yesterdays bh59 for my bm
    2 clerics
    my bm
    an 84 veno helping someone she knew in there (with an npc magic sword...yes the white named lvl 84 sword)

    we did qianji without toooo many issues (though i did alot of the tanking mobs) and then stole from the barb on the boss, switched from my dark flash to AoS and then still stole barb afked for a while after we killed her then eventaully disappeared.

    Make our way to drake. at drake they finally realized the barb was gone. they said "whos gonna tank" i said one of the clerics should (since the venos damage was gonna be so low with that weapon. both too scared to tank drake so I did. clerics decided to BB and RB (leaving my fists to do the purifying) once the RB cleric ran out of mana he just stood there.....shot me a IH or wellspring every now and then (no purifying ...depended on my claws and nearly no DD)

    glutt? about the same as above

    zimo. once wee get to the boss one puts up BB and the other DDs a little and heals a little (accounting for about 40% of the time the rest he stood there) BB dropped for some reason IH didnt catch up because cleric wasnt doin much. they put BB back up whilethe other rezed my. we eventually killed it and i went to bed
  • Starflair - Dreamweaver
    Starflair - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    You're complaining about new players not knowing what they're doing.

    How many new players surf around the forums? Maybe afew, but not a lot. If I were a new player rolling as a cleric, I would have no reason to believe that IH stacks. All I would see would be the instant heal spells and instantly deduct that they are the better healing spells. And if this person is lvl 50+ and hasn't realized that, it isn't his/her fault. Hell I was lvl 60 when I found out what a BH was. Didn't make me a dumb newb, just made me someone who focused more on real quests. I didn't even know how to get to OHT (or what it was) until recently. I could have searched the forum for it, but I simply wasn't interested.

    Whenever someone "fails" in my squads, I just tell them what they're doing wrong, and why it's getting us killed. 9 times out of 10 I get a "Oh, sorry I didn't know that", and we can proceed with a smoothe run. Better than rage kicking "newb" squad members and having to find a new cleric.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010 met a genuine NEWBIE, you should have welcomed them, and simply explained IH is a stackable buff. You would have done the community better for it, rather than be a l33t jerk about it and blast them on the general forums.
  • _MonoxidE_ - Sanctuary
    _MonoxidE_ - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    You're complaining about new players not knowing what they're doing.

    How many new players surf around the forums? Maybe afew, but not a lot. If I were a new player rolling as a cleric, I would have no reason to believe that IH stacks. All I would see would be the instant heal spells and instantly deduct that they are the better healing spells. And if this person is lvl 50+ and hasn't realized that, it isn't his/her fault. Hell I was lvl 60 when I found out what a BH was. Didn't make me a dumb newb, just made me someone who focused more on real quests. I didn't even know how to get to OHT (or what it was) until recently. I could have searched the forum for it, but I simply wasn't interested.

    Whenever someone "fails" in my squads, I just tell them what they're doing wrong, and why it's getting us killed. 9 times out of 10 I get a "Oh, sorry I didn't know that", and we can proceed with a smoothe run. Better than rage kicking "newb" squad members and having to find a new cleric.

    ^^this. I totally agree. And I will also add that the word noob has gotten out of hand. Everybody was new at some point. Nobody in this game came to pwi knowing everything there is to know without learning it some how. And just because pwi is 2 yrs old doesnt mean that there isnt still new players coming to the game. If you all are worried about "noobs" so much, then why dont you try explaining to the new players so they can learn and understand the way we all once had to do. My faction has new players all the time. Not alts trying a new class, but ppl who just recently started playing for the first time. And its an honor to be able to help people out and learn. I can remember being called a noob back in my day of first starting. Didnt bother me really because yea I was what. If you want a fail safe run then stick to ppl on your friends list and stop making random squads.
  • Oneji - Heavens Tear
    Oneji - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Exactly what vristion said.

    You most likely met a fresh player who is learning there class. You could have simply explained that IH is one of the most effective heals a cleric has. If you did that and he still used the other heal well....HE/SHE will learn eventually right?

    Unfortunately a lot of players still carry the mentality that all players are most likely and experienced alt. Well that is not always the caseb:chuckle.
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Whenever someone "fails" in my squads, I just tell them what they're doing wrong, and why it's getting us killed. 9 times out of 10 I get a "Oh, sorry I didn't know that", and we can proceed with a smoothe run. Better than rage kicking "newb" squad members and having to find a new cleric.

    most new players will more than welcome advice. I was on my veno lvling herc (yes outside the cube) and met a cleric by OT that was obviously new. gave her a few tips on killin mobs (like dont start off with thunderball) she was very open to suggestions and started asking other questions. she asked me to help her and her friends on an fb29 (me and i think 4 low 3xs) I walked them through it, made them do most of the work....once purposely put them in a jam and by the end they were looking very much like a squad in that short little fb and were very grateful to me for what they learned.

    .....alot of the time its the 6x people with a 4x alt running bh that you need to look out for.....theyre kinda in that sophomore stageb:chuckle
  • EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear
    EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Fail cleric was in BH59, yesterday. They decided that the wizard should tank Glut, using his earth shields....After ten minutes of trying to break the situation down Barney style, they agreed that the wiz should tank using his Fire Shields. Apparently, he forgot to mention that he would only use BB, to keep said wizard alive. Unfortunately, the wizard, not realizing that Gluttonix melees at close range, was right on top of him, when aggro caught up to him. He took four hits to kill.

    I stole aggro and, using apoth/npc pots, claws, and self-heal, tried to stay alive so the cleric could rez the wiz. After the wiz was alive all I got was 1 IH and 1 Stream of Rejuv, every ten seconds. I know it was every ten seconds because I had the pleasure or watching my charm pop over and over and over and over and over. b:bye Bye bye, 200k on that charm.

    I won't name them. I won't call out anyone else in the squad. I will say that the Psy, at least, was healing every time their cooldown hit. And that the cleric was a complete ****ing ******* for not ****ing listening to me for the whole period of time it took for Glut to finally die. "lol I'm a noob remember?"

    Yes, I told him what IH did. I told him to use only IH, if he wasn't going to do **** all else. And I told him to NOT STOP. (/)_-) God, I hate nubcake clerics.
  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    most new players will more than welcome advice. I was on my veno lvling herc (yes outside the cube) and met a cleric by OT that was obviously new. gave her a few tips on killin mobs (like dont start off with thunderball) she was very open to suggestions and started asking other questions. she asked me to help her and her friends on an fb29 (me and i think 4 low 3xs) I walked them through it, made them do most of the work....once purposely put them in a jam and by the end they were looking very much like a squad in that short little fb and were very grateful to me for what they learned.

    .....alot of the time its the 6x people with a 4x alt running bh that you need to look out for.....theyre kinda in that sophomore stageb:chuckle

    That last line made me laugh. And it warms my heart that someone actually helps people these days. b:cute

    But yeah.
    @OP: Pull the thumb outta your **** and help a newbie once in awhile. You were a nab once too; and really, the only way to get past the newbie stage is to have someone help you in game. I remember when I first started, I read the entire Cleric Forum, but I had no clue what I was reading. (This game being my first MMO where you had to actually /place/ your stats). I didn't fully understand until I got her to lv 2x and some nice BM solo'd my FB19 and told me how to play my cleric. Not /all/ level 3x~4x have very experienced high level alts like you do.
    And if they do, you shouldn't treat them like they are a nab anyway. So many times I have been given the "You're a noob !" treatment, when in reality, I'm telling them how to effectively play their archer/cleric.
    C'mon... Visious Arrow is NOT a useful skill.
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Nightingale - Dreamweaver
    Nightingale - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm also a fresh, new player and only been playing this for about 3 months or so. The first time that I'd heard that IH was stackable, I was on this cleric in my mid 20's grinding the werewolf things in Broken Bow. A level 80-something was nearby and was watching me and eventually asked why I didn't seem to be using IH (I was but only one time after starting the fight). So they suggested casting on myself 3 times before starting and I'd tank lots better which turned out to be very true. I don't remember their name, but I have some thanks for the pointers. ^_^
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    On new players, can't really hate them for it, they're just learning.

    Now on those who have been around for a while... its hilarious b:laugh

    On the 29 topic, a few months ago I went in a cleric alt to do, not my BH, but my FB. Got first squad I could find. Was just a BM doing her BH, and a 6x cleric willing to help, who claimed, if anything went wrong, had a 9x barb that could solo it.

    Once inside, the cleric and BM cleared through all of it, with no problems (the BM actually did quite well even without heals, despite of being just 4x - And by that I mean, she knew not to aggro more mobs than she could take at on at once). The cleric tanked most mobs anyway, and when we got to Qingzi, she proclaimed in joy: "I can BB! b:victory".

    Indeed... she started BB instead of tanking Qingzi herself. I laughed for a full minute, no stop, I swear b:laugh. The BM was shocked at first, she took a few seconds to react and after saying "ok then.....", went and hit Qingzi (who was barely in range for BB to reach the BM) and proceded to tank it. Seeing that she could take on him with just the BB, and that the cleric had a mp charm, I tried my best to DD (as much as I could do at 29 XD). Qingzi died, without troubles, but it sure took long XD

  • _GrimStorm_ - Dreamweaver
    _GrimStorm_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I have my share of horror stories. perhaps its cuz I have some many alt I been in enough FB/Bh29 and seen a lot of bad squads and clerics.

    the one that takes the cake so far was just a few days ago. 84 cleric and 72 cleric in squad. 77 sin, 79 bm, and I believe a 72 psy. I was playing my sin lvl 74 at that time.

    now I knew it was gonna be a problem when I saw we had no real tank in squad. but I figured ok we got two clerics how bad can it be.

    right of the bat I notice heals are not coming to at me as I was getting hit. being used to this treatment I started to pot and cast 2nd wind to keep me alive.

    on our way to zimo psy pulls agro and all mobs attacks. I see the bm drop, the high lvl cleric drop, psy, and heals are not coming from the other cleric so I'm doing everything in my power to stay alive and save cleric. wave of mobs is killed and I live to fight again no thanks to anyone but me.

    we continue to move and agro is pulled again and bodies start to ht the ground... I shadow escape then start to pick them 1 by 1 and 1 by 2. at this point I knew I was in a fail squad but oh well let's see how long I can last alive :)

    now please note, I had been taking agro from everyone when I want it to protect squad. since heals are coming too late on my and other sin and I'm not getting anything.

    at zimo I decide I didn't wanted to tank so I put on my bow. well when the bodies started to hit the floor again I double sparked and took agro using bow and began to pot and 2nd wind. charm was ticking left and right. bm other sin get rez and begin to attack. lvl cleric notices that I'm still ticking and potting and starts to ih me. thank good! well to make a long story short I tank zimo and later glutt with my bow and still the bm and higher sin couldn't take or hold aggro. my repair bill sucked and the stupid high cleric got all the damn stamps so yeah bad day for me. but at least I got it done... oh and I did die 3 times... thank god for guarding scrolls... or I would of been pissed!
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Never had this kind of problem.. soloed all my 29s and 39s..
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    All stories aside, it's a freaking BH29. Very unrealistic to expect that a 40s cleric has mastered their class. They tend to say things that obviously aren't true and don't make sense, especially to someone not a nub, and will do things that aren't most logical. That's when you correct them and move on. Arguing with or insulting clerics (or anyone really) is pointless in a low level BH.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I ran a pick-up frost that reminded me why I hate pick-up frosts. The cleric refused to AOE heal for some reason, and when we were way too polite in asking why, she said she was mad IRL and then ragequitted the squad. It was a little frightening TBH.
  • Manakel - Lost City
    Manakel - Lost City Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ummm I can tank bh 39 just fine thank you. I can also solo 29 with pots. As for your cleric, I've been seeing a lot of those lately. :/
  • Ao - Raging Tide
    Ao - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hmm this is acceptable to some extent... provided that people are still learning how to play their class.. xD

    For me a fail cleric would be someone 80+ who is not purifying while killing pole / wyv and doesn't know that IH stacks. b:beatupb:beatup

    Also this is just BH29, you can level super fast so why worry. Imagine it was BH69 and you paid 180k for wines and spent 10 teles asking for people.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hmm this is acceptable to some extent... provided that people are still learning how to play their class.. xD

    For me a fail cleric would be someone 80+ who is not purifying while killing pole / wyv and doesn't know that IH stacks. b:beatupb:beatup

    Or does not use BB in FCC. I've seen that too and I found it funny that he had done FCCs before as well.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Ao - Raging Tide
    Ao - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    double post, sorry...
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Or does not use BB in FCC. I've seen that too and I found it funny that he had done FCCs before as well.

    Actually in some cases, if other classes played their class right the cleric doesnt need to BB in FC runs...

  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    Actually in some cases, if other classes played their class right the cleric doesnt need to BB in FC runs...


    I've seen 8x barbs drop even with BB on on big pulls so I think it is somewhat necessary on lower level runs. Not to mention that I always die if I steal aggro in FCC on pulls, with or without BB.

    Of course squad heals work too but... too risky imo.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Demon_EA - Harshlands
    Demon_EA - Harshlands Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hope I find squads to squad with me in BH29... Even though I was silly enough to show this toon :(...

    Yay 3 more levels till BHs, I might do BH and then just get help for tideborn quest. Hello BHs!
    The one and only... demon_troll... i will be pwn when i go demon again >)
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I've seen 8x barbs drop even with BB on on big pulls so I think it is somewhat necessary on lower level runs. Not to mention that I always die if I steal aggro in FCC on pulls, with or without BB.

    Of course squad heals work too but... too risky imo.

    If your squad is all lowend 8x it does help, but in the end its all about timeing, and watching what others are doing.. Point is, if you encountered a cleric that didnt BB, he/she may be use to squads that more less didnt rely it before. And keep in mind, if you are in a group that is in the lowend 80s that cleric may not have done many runs, as for most part clerics are avoided for FC runs until well after the are lvl 80... And not every barb runs their pulls in the precise way every time, can easily confuse a new cleric to the zone.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    If your squad is all lowend 8x it does help, but in the end its all about timeing, and watching what others are doing.. Point is, if you encountered a cleric that didnt BB, he/she may be use to squads that more less didnt rely it before. And keep in mind, if you are in a group that is in the lowend 80s that cleric may not have done many runs, as for most part clerics are avoided for FC runs until well after their lvl 80... And not every barb runs their pulls in the precise way every time, can easily confuse a new cleric to the zone.

    Language barrier was the biggest problem. He was from Russia so I had to ask others to talk to him. He was also pretty much noobish.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well language barrier can be a problem..

    None the less, there ARE new people discovering this game still. Look at the lvl, and the content you are in, and just be prepared for what may happen. Unfortunately people are made to feel ashamed to be new to this game, and are reluctant to advertise they are new to this or that zone.

    It doesn't make them fail, just for most part they may not have learned through mistakes, and consequences.
  • Sukinee - Heavens Tear
    Sukinee - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The worst cleric I've ever been with...I was on an alt a long time ago and we were doing a bh39 run. The only cleric that was with us had NO ironheart, only Blessing of the Purehearted, NO purify, only lvl 1 of all the cleric's buffs...and had no rez. -.-

    The guy that invited the cleric told us not to die for a reason...the cleric was lvl 56

    The cleric is one of the hardest classes to play, but jeeze there are some basics that you need to know here ^^;

    Member of Nocturne and Hikari...spread the light be nice to others!

    "I conform to non-conformity." Join date: November 2008 :D
  • Ao - Raging Tide
    Ao - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yay 3 more levels till BHs, I might do BH and then just get help for tideborn quest. Hello BHs!

    You will love them as much as I do! :3
    (also don't forget to stack them!!)
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The worst cleric I've ever been with...I was on an alt a long time ago and we were doing a bh39 run. The only cleric that was with us had NO ironheart, only Blessing of the Purehearted, NO purify, only lvl 1 of all the cleric's buffs...and had no rez. -.-

    The guy that invited the cleric told us not to die for a reason...the cleric was lvl 56

    The cleric is one of the hardest classes to play, but jeeze there are some basics that you need to know here ^^;

    What advice did you have to offer to this person as to skills and stats as well as weapon?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Belgare - Sanctuary
    Belgare - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh well. He's probably still learning. 29 is a low BH. Expect n00bs to be in your 29 squads. Just expect it.