Clearing the air (Narla/Elusive)

Proski - Archosaur
Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Etherblade (West)
Hmmmm..not sure why this is getting turned around as to Narla doing anything wrong again. What Pro says is absolutely correct in how the PK drop rule desicion came about. What he doesn't understand or care about and why should he honestly is how much drama it caused and I personally take full responsibility for that. We implemented the rule after speaking with Proski in just the way he tells it here and when our members got upset instead of just dropping the rule I tried to get our members to see things differently which caused a basic rebellion then turned into a huge drama between Narla and Elusive. I should have just done what Proski says here and gone to him and said "turns out our members have no interest in doing this" and left it at that. However, Aries is correct in saying between Zhadi and Blood Elusive seems to be attacking us from both sides now on the issue . Seems like it really doesn't matter what we do it just turns into fodder for attacking Narla honestly but whatever. Stuff like this just frustrates me because even when I, representing Narla, tried to do something positive in conjunction with Elusive (Pro) they are still attacking Narla for it. So much self righteousness always going on from both guilds.'s that biblical passage go?...let him who has no sin cast the first stone..yep that's it. (*Gets ready for everyone to attack me now and change all my words and meaning around and tear the Narla leadership apart some more...k, ready, go for it)

Kat I'll do this because i know you at least always try to reconcile with everybody and that deserves some support. The problem is ignorance, nobodys entirely in the right here but lets at least talk about whats happening now since TW seems to be lively again, the pk thing is in the past.

Narla and Elusive are two factions with the same goal, or at least close to the same goal (not sure if taking over the map would be substituted in favor of fun if it weren't entertaining, but whatever), but as to be expected... with two different visions on how you achieve said goal. There is nothing wrong with either vision as both were applicable and just made sense to their respected times of creation and how the server was. When Narla was made at the start of Arch, Nahktuul put the wheels in motion for a faction that would be built upon a slow grind and manifestation of principles and qualities in players that would lead to long-term success defended not by mouth, but through example, action and doing. When Elusive was made as late into Archosaur as it was, I recognized what the situation called for and what people could best respond to so to put the wheels in motion for a faction that could actually produce results and restore competition in the server with players who want to have fun and not pretend we had to wait for anything before doing something. These talked about "formalities" that inspired the creation of PHOENIX, while maybe prevalent at Narlas start, are going to do nothing but bleed the life out of this game for everybody that is playing our server now. What PHOENIX is doing, already evident by collusion and misguided scheming, is wasting everybody that went to that factions time, thinking they will have any influence on TW, and anybody in narlas time for thinking they are actually going to bring them any competition. As I said earlier, i don't KNOCK anybody for wanting to have fun a different way, but Fatalis and Impulse were the same breed of TW players as us all, things only changed because they couldn't get past their bitter feelings of having lost players to us... sorry but its true. This whole bank thing is an absolute joke and i won't even defend Elusive from it, i'd rather mock it. But the fact remains people wanted to scapegoat Elusive and what we have now is people stalling the growth of our server by not welcoming the absolute best competition.

Point is there are no problems or dramas between players that are bigger than the threat against all of our fun. That is why Elusive, in my opinion, is an incredibly unique faction because we have what it takes to move forward. As much "guts" as it took narla to bite their lip at the start of the server, elusive embodies now. We don't just think big things, we do big things and thats what this server needs.

So to be as I always have (honest, transparent, forgiving and eager to enjoy my time here not waste it), Elusive is going to bid on Narla every week for the rest of my time on this game and whoever one day I may turn the faction over to will do the same. Everybody not already in Elusive that wants to get back to experiencing this game as you once knew it, join and actually do something, take a risk, you're all welcome. Everybody in Narla that wants to get back to experiencing the game as they once knew it, don't take offense, embrace the challenge with a cool head like Nahktuul wanted you to and one day we'll actually all move past these little assy comments to each other.
Post edited by Proski - Archosaur on


  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    So eloquently put, I almost felt it had merit when reading it. Then I remembered who was writing it, and then my feelings about it changed.

    I must ask WHY...(not that it will get answered) are you concerned about another faction rebuilding? And how much time it may take, or if time is even a focus? PHOENIX is NOT requiring ready made players... As Elusive's approach was from the start (75+players) They are recruiting from the top of the low end players. Which in true theory is MORE healthier for the server.

    I agree with you, competition is/was needed for the top end, heavy player, heavy CSers, and those that was coming of age wanting to TW. You have a fine tuned amount of all of that.
    TW against Narla for 2 hours is a GREAT improvement, and it brought the "fun" you and everyone seems to claim your reason behind elusive is for.. So Im still missing you point in the bash PHOENIX undertones.

    What PHOENIX could do for the server is inspire younger players that are starting on this server, or an MMO entirely to join in on this thing we are calling FUN, build them up and they will have the competitive nature to fill in the gap of every player that is in top end leaves. Phoenix did not open its doors last week screaming that it was built to destroy narla, take over the map etc etc etc. It was built for those players that enjoy TW with a mature adult feel. Not all players are all whacked, and leet, about this game... two common gaols, good company, and good TW fun is not a bad focus, even for a TW faction.

    I know in your own little world the server is dead, namely because all the fellow CSers, and e-peen thriving players left some time ago. But maybe if you took the time to explore outside of your own fabricated dead server box, you would actually see there has been a plethora of new players new to the game, new to the server as well.

    I'm not saying PHOENIX sole purpose is to level, and build every newbie to create a family based None TW faction, Phoenix IS geared for a TW faction, but They are NOT demanding ready-made players. They are extending the olive branch out for newer players that want to LEARN what TW is all about. Something they may NEVER be able to do in the even smaller factions. But with the loyal core that builds Phoenix and sticks to those common goals (that keeps them from running to proski's world), those new TW enspired players will finally get a feel for it. And IF what you claim is true, you're doin all this for the purpose of the server, You would actually welcome and support what Phoenix is doing.

    All this angst against those that choose to stay away from Elusive, is pointless and the WC isn't going to drive them there to you. There is plenty more reasons for them not going to that faction. Namely the company it has,.... yea i know i know, You don't need to like the people in your faction to complete a common goal. But the simple truth is, those not choosing to come to elusive believe you do need that special core of mutal bonds to keep any fine machine running. You can not expect people to change their feelings to suite proski's vision.

    "Faction" may have a definition of several meanings, But in the opinions of some- the team effort does take some sort of mutual bond to keep a well tuned machine running. And the core players that stick to it understand and can endure whatever losses may come, And those that chose to do that, shouldnt be blasted about it.

    I understand where your thoughts are, If all those still harboring there beliefs in the south, would JUST come to elusive....narla would FINALLY be defeated... . Perhaps that would be true...But for some people, they simply don't want to share the "fun victory" with some people... And this bitterness against those people that don't want to, is quite frankly childish, immature, and really just drives those further away from the ideas you present. So please do carry on.

    Phoenix may never even see Elusive in TW, they are not even a threat on the map. You built your faction, and placed it in the corner. with nothing but Narla around you...So maybe you should ignore whatever Phoenix does, and focus on your own goals at hand. And if people do leave the south to join whats goin on up there. I wouldn't be mad at them myself. Just means they share your visions and not what I'm focusing on, so we wouldn't be compatiable team-mates from the start.

    Seriously, Good luck with your endeavours, I don't see anyone trying to stop, or influence anyone in the oposite direction... I can't seem to realize why this can't be mutual feeling, yanno, for the sake of the server..
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    i was about to read your post, then saw you had no avatar
  • Bannii - Archosaur
    Bannii - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Makatiel, go eat some ice cream, take a nap, and stop being so butthurt. b:heart
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »

    So eloquently put, I almost felt it had merit when reading it. Then I remembered who was writing it, and then my feelings about it changed.

    This itself gives us all an idea of the maturity and understanding level that you have.
    You agree and get excitement over a statement, but deny it just because you don't like the person who said it.

    This is the basis and foundation of discrimination like sexism, racism, etc.
    You shouldn't have said anything, i actually used to read your posts before and take your opinion into consideration, however, now... you just seem like an ignorant fool.

    Anyway, on a relevant note to the thread..
    I actually haven't said anything about Narla lately.
    As I said many times before, I play(played) this game for fun.
    Pawning people in PK made me smile
    Dying in PK made me smile
    Ganking people in PK made me smile
    Getting ganked by people in PK made me smile.

    Going out there and giving Narla a 2 hour TW in which we got their crystal to under 50% HP made me smile....... a lot >:D


    I never attacked narla. Only gave an opinion... and got attacked for giving my opinion.
    Proski has said it as it is. People are bitter.
    Narla took it personally that we set out to beat them... but what can they expect when they're the server's top faction? they ARE the faction TO BEAT.
    Impulse and Fatalis took it personally for two reasons:
    1) They were dying and were upset that the newly made Elusive could do more than they could (truth hurts)
    2) We did take some of their members but not in a sort of bribe that they keep insisting we did... most of the players we "stole" came here on their own and ASKED to join.

  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    You're right Zhad, was juvenile of me to bring an argument from a past thread to here.

    So I apologize on a personal level for stating what I said at the beginning. Was wrong of me considering my own reason for being involved in these discussions is to try and find some neutral ground among factions that are not even directly effected by each other.
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Why am I getting the eerie feeling that this whole discussion has become like the recent Pokemon games (4th gen-ish and now Black/White). Where you have this glorification of a new set of ideals or a push for a position that seems completely sound and reasonable from the evil team/person, but in reality, its rather twisted...b:shocked

    Waiting patiently for the full translations from Black/White to confirm it but from what has been raw translated, it's the closest thing that I can relate to this entire situation.

    There is a reason why things that have worked have always worked and has withheld in the storms. It's because in all natural course of things, people respond well to it. Maybe they don't outright say it, but stability and strength does tend to draw people in. People will invest in new ventures but with no organization to back it or shady stories coming from various credible sources along with their own experiences, they will drop the investment fast. Everyone threw their investments into this server by taking the risk to populate it. Some personalities shone strong and people rallied behind it. And that'd be the birth of the top 3 factions on the server. (We did have an upset with Fatalis as it was a split from Impulse but they proved themselves in their own right.) As far as taking it personal, it has really nothing to do with providing competition as so much how it happened and how people have been treated by certain members. I remember when Impulse was built around PK, and to be honest, it was alot of rouge players who thought they could bring their antics to the server and look cool based upon their kill counts and their rank/mold gear. But the minute that Nova came in, something about Impulse definitely changed. Yeah they still PK'd, but they provided Narla with the competition to make them sweat.

    b:surrender so sue me for the Pokemon reference-I don't care. The way those games have been going I don't think its geared as innocently anymore and they definitely try and teach something worthwhile if you get past some of the wtf sprite designs and random NPC jokes that make no sense. ( "two buff men standing next to each other..." nope, nothing wrong with that O__o )

    Side Note-
    Actually when I was in there, the durability had dropped below 25% not 50% it was close to the 50% mark but it never dipped below that. I'll check my video again but I'm pretty sure it didnt go below 50% *runs off to check it*
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    So eloquently put, I almost felt it had merit when reading it. Then I remembered who was writing it, and then my feelings about it changed.

    I must ask WHY...(not that it will get answered) are you concerned about another faction rebuilding?

    So Im still missing you point in the bash PHOENIX undertones.

    Allow me Proski.

    Yes, you are missing the point. Noone bashed Phoenix. Dowhatchalike.

    What we bashed is the idea, advanced by some, that Phoenix will be a viable competitor to Narla, or that it will be such in the near future at least.

    Any experienced TW player (certainly from the Impulse/Narla era) that wants to try to start from scratch and build a new faction and take the 5-6 months necessary to become competitive with Narla, more power to you.

    Anyone that wants to have TW fun now, however, should join Elusive. Period.

    Originally posted by Katanyia =

    Seems like it really doesn't matter what we do it just turns into fodder for attacking Narla honestly but whatever. Stuff like this just frustrates me because even when I, representing Narla, tried to do something positive in conjunction with Elusive (Pro) they are still attacking Narla for it. So much self righteousness always going on from both guilds.'s that biblical passage go?...let him who has no sin cast the first stone..yep that's it. (*Gets ready for everyone to attack me now and change all my words and meaning around and tear the Narla leadership apart some more...k, ready, go for it)

    Again, I don't attack "Narla" or any person, I attack statements, and ideas, and actions. While I may say "doing that makes you look like an arrogant fool", lol, I think there is a difference which, when viewed with a cool head, is not unimportant.

    Saying that Narla's going around making secret deals with the top 2 factions to allow impulse/phoenix to hold land against other factions (again, not elusive since its been made VERY clear we would never attack impulse land - we be in it for the challenge, not the land-fashion) is sneaky and anti-competitive is not "attacking narla" for anything but its actions.

    Would that we were all treated that fairly . . . .

    This is what Proski means also, I imagine, when he says everyone is so sensitive. God, if you have an opinion on what someone does and express it, you are a troll-hatemonger whose "attacking" Narla. Lighten up guys, its a game. Defend the criticized action as opposed to merely counter-attack the critic.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Katanyia - Archosaur
    Katanyia - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Allow me Proski.

    Yes, you are missing the point. Noone bashed Phoenix. Dowhatchalike.

    What we bashed is the idea, advanced by some, that Phoenix will be a viable competitor to Narla, or that it will be such in the near future at least.

    Any experienced TW player (certainly from the Impulse/Narla era) that wants to try to start from scratch and build a new faction and take the 5-6 months necessary to become competitive with Narla, more power to you.

    Anyone that wants to have TW fun now, however, should join Elusive. Period.

    Originally posted by Katanyia =

    Seems like it really doesn't matter what we do it just turns into fodder for attacking Narla honestly but whatever. Stuff like this just frustrates me because even when I, representing Narla, tried to do something positive in conjunction with Elusive (Pro) they are still attacking Narla for it. So much self righteousness always going on from both guilds.'s that biblical passage go?...let him who has no sin cast the first stone..yep that's it. (*Gets ready for everyone to attack me now and change all my words and meaning around and tear the Narla leadership apart some more...k, ready, go for it)

    Again, I don't attack "Narla" or any person, I attack statements, and ideas, and actions. While I may say "doing that makes you look like an arrogant fool", lol, I think there is a difference which, when viewed with a cool head, is not unimportant.

    Saying that Narla's going around making secret deals with the top 2 factions to allow impulse/phoenix to hold land against other factions (again, not elusive since its been made VERY clear we would never attack impulse land - we be in it for the challenge, not the land-fashion) is sneaky and anti-competitive is not "attacking narla" for anything but its actions.

    Would that we were all treated that fairly . . . .

    This is what Proski means also, I imagine, when he says everyone is so sensitive. God, if you have an opinion on what someone does and express it, you are a troll-hatemonger whose "attacking" Narla. Lighten up guys, its a game. Defend the criticized action as opposed to merely counter-attack the critic.

    Yep, this ones boring me as much as the other 100 posts b:chuckle Your losing your touch Minro b:laugh
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ew text walls, you all suck
  • Weow - Archosaur
    Weow - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    wwwwwooooooooooooooooowwww *__________*

    sooo mannyyyy wooorrrdssss
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    wwwwwooooooooooooooooowwww *__________*

    sooo mannyyyy wooorrrdssss

  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree on a lot of what Proski and Vristion said.
    However... Zhadi.. Narla never took it personally that you guys wanted to beat us. On teh contraty.. we welcomed teh competition and we really wanted to see Elusive grow and give us fun TW's again.
    And the view that a faction can 'steal' members is one i'll never share. No one can make you leave a faction if you don't want to (unless you get kicked by your leader :P). If another faction offers me something my current faction cannot or doesn't anymore, i can choose to leave. period. I never hold a grudge against ppl leaving, and never denied an application just cause of where the player was coming from.
    And Blood, you know i like you man.. but seriously... you made it personal. You not only atatcked Narla, you attacked Mango himself. If you were only criticizing actions, as you said, you wouldn't have need to mention Mango at all. Your posts keep becoming well constructed fallacies, and no more than that.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:surrender i have to agree with weow, when i see wall of texts, i dont read and i want t though
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And Blood, you know i like you man.. but seriously... you made it personal. You not only atatcked Narla, you attacked Mango himself. If you were only criticizing actions, as you said, you wouldn't have need to mention Mango at all. Your posts keep becoming well constructed fallacies, and no more than that.

    Well constructed. Well, thats something.

    Aries, look at the number of posts where Kat and Agent are saying they take it personal when I DONT say who I'm talking about. Now you are saying I SHOULDN'T have posted who I was talking about.

    So basically, instead of addressing the matters I've commented on, you invite me to say nothing. "Don't say this. But don't say that either."

    I decline your invitation to do so.
    On teh contraty.. we welcomed teh competition and we really wanted to see Elusive grow and give us fun TW's again.

    Then allow Impulse to welcome the competition from others on the server as well, not cut deals with them to not attack them so they can more easily defend against other factions.

    And on a side note, NOTHING anyone has said here has been even half as violent (for lack of a better term, actually, although this is a computer game for crying out loud) or personal as some of the trash talking that Impulse and others were doing earlier in the server. All of which we, as a faction, almost without exception, did not feel the need to lower ourselves to answer. So if you truly believe all I am doing is trash talking Narla, your response alone proves my point: Narla isn't what it was.

    I think, however, that this isn't trash talking and you know it. What it is is highlighting how Narla, through its own actions, has somewhat stumbled off its lofty moral perch. And your statements that they are merely "personal attacks" or "Narla-bashing" or anything else is merely an effort to push that boulder back up that hill. Or perhaps set up a few mirrors to make the server believe she comfortably sits there still.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    2) We did take some of their members but not in a sort of bribe that they keep insisting we did... most of the players we "stole" came here on their own and ASKED to join.

    I came for the $50, but Fluffy has been awol trying to avoid payment.

    Here kitty kitty kitty . . . .
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    yea zhadi where are the deicides u promised me for joining b:laugh
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree on a lot of what Proski and Vristion said.
    However... Zhadi.. Narla never took it personally that you guys wanted to beat us. On teh contraty.. we welcomed teh competition and we really wanted to see Elusive grow and give us fun TW's again.

    No... Narla took it personally. The members... they took it personally..
    You know how I know? Because friends I had who I used to hang out with a lot outside west archo and speak to in PMs all the time from Narla... They started ignoring me.. killing me on sight in PK.. being total jerks. The moment I announced I was quitting, I was confronted by a few of them apologizing for their actions... telling me they had been affected by this whole TW rivalry and had taken it personally. It wasn't just one person, it was quite a few... and I know that if some people I called friends would go as far as to take it personally against me and act like jerks to me, more than just those few people took it personally in Narla. I'm not saying everybody did, but a majority of the big core players did.

    And you wanted to see Elusive grow, but that's why you blocked off any path to get to more Fatalis land? No, Narla wants to crush all opposition before it gets any chance to grow. That is the reason that Mango made that little agreement with PHOENIX. He'd rather see strong players go there instead of with Elusive because he saw how strong we're getting and he wants to stop that. I understand maybe you welcome the TW and competition, but not everybody in Narla sees things the way you do.
  • V/mpi - Archosaur80
    V/mpi - Archosaur80 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Narla didn't make you guys choose the top the of map.....

    edit- and what the frack is with my post count *hits it with a hammer*
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Narla didn't make you guys choose the top the of map.....

    edit- and what the frack is with my post count *hits it with a hammer*

    So all of a sudden Narla decides to go for the northern part instead of continuing with impulse?

    whether we had chosen north or south, narla was always at least 2 weeks from us and they would have blocked us either way because that's what they wanted.

    mango PMd me and told me personally that he was going to make it his duty to crush and destroy elusive and see us fall apart when i PKd him outside west gate.b:bye

    Edit: oops, i forgot i'm not supposed to mention names otherwise its "attacking". my bad.
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well constructed. Well, thats something.

    Aries, look at the number of posts where Kat and Agent are saying they take it personal when I DONT say who I'm talking about. Now you are saying I SHOULDN'T have posted who I was talking about.

    So basically, instead of addressing the matters I've commented on, you invite me to say nothing. "Don't say this. But don't say that either."

    I decline your invitation to do so.

    Man, I'd never tell someone not to address and issue if they feel they have to, and I won't speak for others, just for myself.
    They point i was trying to convey was, attack the idea or action, not the person. That doesn't mean leave the person out of it and create generalizations.
    In all the posts I've made, i believe, I put forward my opinions on what you were saying or doing. I never once called you a liar, a fail, a noob, or a hypocrit. And you know i consider you a friend.
    I just think that attacking Mango on a personal level was unnecessary and uncalled for, that's all.

    And I really can't discuss our TW plans, becuase I have no idea what they are. But we did attack Impulse this week. I hope that Narla will continue with her plans regardless of what happens with other factions. However, if Narla's plans prove detrimental to my own game experience or that of my faction members, rest assured I'd be the first one to take action to change that. I accepted Mango as my leader and leave the decisions to him, BUT i have a mind of my own. And you can be sure as hell Mango gets a piece of my mind when i don't agree with what he does. And you can call him whatever you want, but he actually LISTENS, and he is not afraid to admit he made a mistake.

    You guys are not teh only ones wanting to have fun here, and I look after myself, my hubby, my friends and my guildmates.
    All I have left to say is, Go Phoenix, Go Elusive.. become stronger and let's have some fun. Last TW with Elusive was the most fun I've had in ages, even if Miz, Auth and Pink ***** me repeatedly b:laugh
  • AriesWood - Archosaur
    AriesWood - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Edit: oops, i forgot i'm not supposed to mention names otherwise its "attacking". my bad.

    Again... not what i meant. b:sad
  • Swannx - Archosaur
    Swannx - Archosaur Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited September 2010
  • V/mpi - Archosaur81
    V/mpi - Archosaur81 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So all of a sudden Narla decides to go for the northern part instead of continuing with impulse?

    whether we had chosen north or south, narla was always at least 2 weeks from us and they would have blocked us either way because that's what they wanted.

    mango PMd me and told me personally that he was going to make it his duty to crush and destroy elusive and see us fall apart when i PKd him outside west gate.b:bye

    Edit: oops, i forgot i'm not supposed to mention names otherwise its "attacking". my bad.

    All I was saying is that you chose the top and there really wasn't much land up there. Sure we would have blocked you at some point (in the end if you got all their land you would have been blocked in as well), I guess it just happened sooner than you would have liked.

    As for that PM... well... I dunno. The way I see it is everyone is out to crush and destroy a faction (in the sense that we take their land, kinda like the game Risk). But I don't think it was meant that way.... and I do have to say I don't agree with that.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    All I was saying is that you chose the top and there really wasn't much land up there. Sure we would have blocked you at some point (in the end if you got all their land you would have been blocked in as well), I guess it just happened sooner than you would have liked.

    As for that PM... well... I dunno. The way I see it is everyone is out to crush and destroy a faction (in the sense that we take their land, kinda like the game Risk). But I don't think it was meant that way.... and I do have to say I don't agree with that.

    well im not complaining.
    our plan was to fight narla, win or lose, anyway.

    as for him "meaning it like that"
    trust me, he meant it... when he starts a PM convo with "you dirty biitch" and keeps cussing me out and telling me how me and the factions ive been in fail and how narla's gonna crush us and how we're trash... doesnt give me the impression that his decision wasnt based on competition, rather something more personal.

    thats fine, u dont have to agree, i never asked for u nor any person in narla to agree with me.
    im just saying it how it is.
  • V/mpi - Archosaur81
    V/mpi - Archosaur81 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    well im not complaining.
    our plan was to fight narla, win or lose, anyway.

    as for him "meaning it like that"
    trust me, he meant it... when he starts a PM convo with "you dirty biitch" and keeps cussing me out and telling me how me and the factions ive been in fail and how narla's gonna crush us and how we're trash... doesnt give me the impression that his decision wasnt based on competition, rather something more personal.

    thats fine, u dont have to agree, i never asked for u nor any person in narla to agree with me.
    im just saying it how it is.

    I meant that he didn't mean it as the whole we're going to just take your land blah blah blah stuff. Sorry I wasn't more clear :3

    The whole crushing your faction and watching it fall apart is what I don't agree with. That's not what I play for, and I don't find it fun.

    I'm glad Elusive is here to give us competition. Just stop with the 2 hour TW's right when I get home from work so I can eat xD I'm going to run out of Halloween Oreos if it keeps up lol.
  • Katanyia - Archosaur
    Katanyia - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mango, blah, blah, blah....Proski, blah, blah, blah....Kat, blah, blah, blah,... Blood, blah, blah, blah....Zhadi, blah, blah, blah.............Seriously? I'm embarassed for all of us, FML b:surrender
    However, the rest of the server is having fun with it all I'm sure.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mango, blah, blah, blah....Proski, blah, blah, blah....Kat, blah, blah, blah,... Blood, blah, blah, blah....Zhadi, blah, blah, blah.............Seriously? I'm embarassed for all of us, FML b:surrender
    However, the rest of the server is having fun with it all I'm sure.

    I'm having fun tbh XD

    bring it on narla >:D
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Can't we all just get along? b:surrender

    NO! we must kill each other till one rage quits! b:angry
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I meant that he didn't mean it as the whole we're going to just take your land blah blah blah stuff. Sorry I wasn't more clear :3

    The whole crushing your faction and watching it fall apart is what I don't agree with. That's not what I play for, and I don't find it fun.

    I'm glad Elusive is here to give us competition. Just stop with the 2 hour TW's right when I get home from work so I can eat xD I'm going to run out of Halloween Oreos if it keeps up lol.

    I never said you played for this.
    Don't really know you and I don't have anything against you.

    Unfortunately, the person who said that was your leader.
    He is in charge.
    He makes the final decisions.
    Sure, you may have other people who have a big say in everything, but in the end, he has the final word... so when those statements come directly from your leader, it makes it a bit easier to generalize since in the end Mango's goal = narla's goal. Like it or not.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    NO! we must kill each other till one rage quits! b:angry

    I like you all of a sudden kirkitsune.
    unless you were being sarcastic b:angry
    in which case, i hate you with a passion and i will make you ragequit sooner or later.