Venomancer build - help me to choose

siasio89 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Venomancer
After reading avaible guilds I am confused and now I don t know what to do. I have 19 lvl Veno with light armor build (i.e. 1str 1 dex and 3 int) but some people claim that it is not a best choice. I don t want to realiase on 90 lvl that my character is spoiled (i would quit gaming if that happens). It is very difficult to me to predict with my low experience what choice is the best and what gaming style should I keep.
1. Some ppl claim that balance (light armor style?) is the best but I think everything can t be good.
2. Some ppl claim that I should use fox form and human form - explain me why?
3. Some ppl claim that i should use only fox form - why?
4. Some ppl claim magic armor is the best or heavy or light- i'm asking why? I can t find good explanation.

Please, help me to find a good game style with venomancer, I'm a newbie and I can't predict game after lvl 90
Why should I make tank veno if there's a better class for it.

Hope that experienced venos will ansver my questions.
Post edited by siasio89 on


  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    siasio89 wrote: »

    1. Some ppl claim that balance (light armor style?) is the best but I think everything can t be good. The balance Light Armour can offer is handy at early levels. This is because you don't have good armour (shards, refines, molds...which are pointless to get at early levels since you level up fast). Also Light Armour is quite a cheap build to maintain you can find good pieces of armour at low prices and the molds (legendary armour) that you'll probably want after levels60+ are pretty cheap. However, as you get closer to endgame (lvl80+ lvl90+) Light Armour starts becoming inferior to the other armours and builds. With shards and refines Arcane Armour (which is low on physical defence) manage to get a really good amount of physical defence and HP for you (almost equal to LA phys.def). On the same way Heavy Armour with high refined rings/necklaces/belts can get a considerable amount of magical defence (which heavy armour lacks). So you end up being weak on both magical and physical defence. Heavy Armour is a hard build to start with your venomancer and so it's recommended that you start with LA and restat your points at lvl 80 or 90. You can follow whatever build you wish. Personally I went Light Armour with my second Venomancer and if I ever get her to lvl80+ I will restat to be able to wear Heavy Armour.

    2. Some ppl claim that I should use fox form and human form - explain me why? You should use both forms to get the best out of your Venomancer. The class was designed to be played with both forms. You can choose one (human or fox) but you'll miss out half of the potential of a venomancer. Both skill trees have different attacks and debuffs that you simply can't ignore. A human venomancer shouldn't ignore Amplify Damage or Purge (just an example) and a fox venomancer shouldn't ignore Iroonwood Scarab or Lucky Scarab (just an example-the skills I mentioned I really useful throughout the game).

    3. Some ppl claim that i should use only fox form - why?This is just wrong. You can focus on one of the skill trees but don't ignore the other completely.

    4. Some ppl claim magic armor is the best or heavy or light- i'm asking why? I can t find good explanation.There is no best build (except if we are talking about endgame I suppose). Luckily Venomancers can work with all the builds/armours mentioned above and do great throughout the whole game.This is because they can use both magic and melee and fox form gives a nice bonus on physical defence and accuracy. It depends on what you like to play as. Arcane Armour will let venomancers have higher attack, Light Armour will give them better survivability, Heavy Armour will even make the venomancer work as tank sometimes.It really depends on playstyle, I can't help much here. For example, if you like staying back and casting deadly attacks you'll most likely want to go Arcane Armour/high magic attack. If you like being in the frontlines and rushing in the mobs you'll most likely want to go Light Armour/Heavy Armour.

    Please, help me to find a good game style with venomancer, I'm a newbie and I can't predict game after lvl 90
    Why should I make tank veno if there's a better class for it.

    Hope that ppl with experienced venos will ansver my questions.
    I hope that can clear out a few of your questions. b:pleased
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • siasio89
    siasio89 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Thank you for your response but still i have a problem. I have choosen heavy armor becouse i want to tank some bosses and want to fully get advantage of fox form but I don t know where put the points after each lvl.
    Right now i am lvl 15 and i have: 10 vit, mag 15, str 52, dex 14. Please some formula how the points should be distributed after each lvl.
  • LinneaSage - Raging Tide
    LinneaSage - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    siasio89 wrote: »
    Thank you for your response but still i have a problem. I have choosen heavy armor becouse i want to tank some bosses and want to fully get advantage of fox form but I don t know where put the points after each lvl.
    Right now i am lvl 15 and i have: 10 vit, mag 15, str 52, dex 14. Please some formula how the points should be distributed after each lvl.

    No one can give you a points-per-level guide, because there isn't one. There's a reason everyone says you should wait until 70 to even think about trying HA.

    From what I need 5 str, 6 mag, 1 dex, every two levels, in order to meet the requirements for both heavy armor and magic weps. You get ten points per two levels.

    If you did HA from the start, you'd need to find equipment that has a lot of str, dex, or mag on it, to make up for the points you can't add, which can be very difficult at low levels.
  • Yachiruu - Raging Tide
    Yachiruu - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    No one can give you a points-per-level guide, because there isn't one. There's a reason everyone says you should wait until 70 to even think about trying HA.

    That isn't all that true, I've been HA since day one, it's not that hard if you put some thought into it. You just have to make sure to constantly check your next equipment requirements, and to add points accordingly. Making your weapon priority (You do have a pet also, after all.). You -will- need add ons from gear and such, as you lack two points within two levels to equip both armor and weapon of your level. If you are new to the game, or Veno itself. I'd suggest going with Arcane. HA can easily be messed up. And if going Arcane - you can also restat at 70+. Hope that helped a bit. c:
  • siasio89
    siasio89 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'm new in game and everything looks difficult to me. So i'm going arcane armor but i have a doubt whether I will be usefull in squad and what about fox form and solo boss killing in arcane armor?
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Learn your skills and how to use them, and you'll be useful in squads no matter what armor type you choose.

    Foxform, learn for amplify damage at the very least. Squads will thank you for it, if they're any good.

    A pure mag arcane build has the strongest heals of any build, so if a boss can be soloed at your level, a pure arcane has the best chance of doing it.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    at your level, a pure arcane has the best chance of doing it.

    Maybe best chance but not always best.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    When fighting a physical damage boss, an arcane veno's strategy is to never get hit. Let the pet get hit, keep the pet alive, deal damage.

    In squads, your role MAY be to do the same to have your pet tank. You should also learn to lure for your squad (it's slightly, but not very, different from luring for yourself)

    They almost certainly still want you to deal damage to the monsters, and keep your eye out for wandering monsters and catch them before they eat your cleric.

    On top of that - amplify damage is your core skill in a squad.