Your Experience With Each Class - What's Your Opinion
Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »Your opposite from me, I hate hitting and running, seems not manly to me b:surrender . I rather take a hit than running for my life.
Although venoes are good at taking hits too but boring lol. I rather not be a ranged class
Which is ironic, because at level 93 I do more tanking for my friends if they so need me to, in BHs, FBs or other such things, than several random barbs they can choose from.
Archers are a class that need to kite for the first few dozen levels, but if you gear and stat your archer properly - and especially if you can cash shop - you can tank just as easily too.
Your personal preference is your own, but you shouldn't think that an archer can't tank their entire lifetime just because they initially begin the game needing to kite. Besides, at mid levels, archers don't hit and run, either. They just hit and kill.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver wrote: »landslide?
Oh yessssssssssssssss. When I got this skill I went crazyyyyyyy!!!b:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Veno - It was my very first class in PWI and I recently started a new one with Herc. And I must say, it's a lot more fun to play with a Herc. Less petheal, less frustration, wanted in more squads, faster lvling, effective AoEing, etc. Veno is perfect for me - cheap (I cannot waste money on pixels), easy and fun. They don't need potions, charms, or the best gear. I just used noob armor until 80 then got TT, lol (1-80 can be done in a month with quests, goshiki quests, dailies and public quest). Plus I'm also useful in squads (tanking, debuffing, spark giving, brambling, etc). Oh and the coins I get from soloing TT...
Archer - I love and play Archers in almost all MMOs. =P My Archer was the key to my Herc, because Archers have all their important skills at low lvls = cheap skills. Need minimal amount of potions and cheap gear to PVE = saves more money. Good damage and excellent for solo grinding = money. I was grinding and TTing my @ss off with my faction and managed to save up 70mil coins pretty fast and I got my Herc. I will eventually lvl my Archer, she's currently resting, lol.
Psychic - Love the crazy damage and the skills but it eats MP pots too fast, not my thing. I'm also not fond of the TB's look, not many customization options.
Wizard - I have a lvl20 one, pretty challenging to play, but she will get a lot better at higher lvls... That's why I won't delete her, I'mma lvl her whenever I have time. I find the skills interesting and love the lvling style at lower lvls (kite or die lol). Wizzies need more love.
Cleric - Tried it... It was fun, but healing is too frustrating. I had a healer in an other MMO and it was very tiring to concentrate and keep everyone alive. Also, they need many support skills and the cost scared me away. As I mentioned before, I cannot spend money on the game.
BM and assassin - Tried them, didn't like them. I don't like melee classes.
Barb - Never tried, I ain't gonna play a male character... b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Joined August 2009. Sanctuary player.0 -
Blademaster (75): my main it was my 1st charecter ,i like when i can tank my BH bosses with dual axes ( when im 45+,55+,65+,75+...). but i gonna swich to fist bm when i reach 83. its geting rly boring with him bc i know 2 much stuff abt BMs.
Venomancer (53): my 2nd char ... i made it bc i wanned to solo TTs.. i rly like that i can play with my lvl30 gear xD i have good hp and i dont die easy...i love my repait bills- the max i had was 4.3k i think ti swich to heavy when i get a hearc wich wont be soon...
Psy (42): Its rly easy to lvl up, have good dmg, and its good for grinding, but i dont like the repair bills ;d so i stopped lvling it bc the money comes from my BM >.>
Sin (24): Made it only to get hay for my rly sux at lvling =/ im lvling it to 45 bc i got 2 computers and i like when my BM aoe grind with bloodpaint =]Useing ↑ in Forsaken World forum too
NightRage, WaffleChan, MistaBwanden, SoIar, WraithTanker, BeingHope, Zanyru won't be forgotten~!
RedsRose,Boogiepanda,NiightmareXz,Airyll u guys said everything that i wanned to say =] b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Golassic - Harshlands wrote: »e max i had was 4.3k i think ti swich to heavy when i get a hearc wich wont be soon...
Psy (42): Its rly easy to lvl up, have good dmg, and its good for grinding, but i dont like the repair bills ;d so i stopped lvling it bc the money comes from my BM >.>
My highest repair bill was 6780... which I paid for at lvl 41.
killing for hours and hours without repairing is how you get those high costs.
Basically every time you enter a city and go to a merchant, repair if needed.
I have to say, repair bills are the LEAST money sink I deal with. Skills and pots take up a lot of my coin.
a lot of people don't like psy - which is Ok by me, because for once I'm not playing a bandwagon class. On the other hand the potting takes some getting used to, and psy is self sufficient. Some people here should give it a further chance and also stop comparing it to wizzard. And we aren't "wanna be wizzards" as someone put it. We don't shoot meteors from the sky and have stone barriers(we just have barriers that make players/monsters regret hitting us)Lonely man with a big heart.0 -
It's quite interesting to see what people think of the classes and the conflictions.
The only thing confusing me is people refusing to play barbs as they are a male toon.
There are female pandas female wolfs and female tigers and lets face it a panda in a bikini is going to look kind of weird lol... No offense but someone who says something like that kinda screams out guy to me looks like you need to prove your femininity to us through your toon.
I have only ever played my barb and I love the class the repair bills do gripe me but the love of saving the squad during hectic times and seeing a boss one hit others and only takes a third of my hp makes me feel so manly lol I can kill most 95+ mobs now it takes a while but not many can do that =D02/07/2011 - Lost paitence with PWI sold all my gear bought packs and wasted my coin till it was gone... goodbye PWI b:bye0 -
Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide wrote: »It's quite interesting to see what people think of the classes and the conflictions.
The only thing confusing me is people refusing to play barbs as they are a male toon.
There are female pandas female wolfs and female tigers and lets face it a panda in a bikini is going to look kind of weird lol... No offense but someone who says something like that kinda screams out guy to me looks like you need to prove your femininity to us through your toon.
I have only ever played my barb and I love the class the repair bills do gripe me but the love of saving the squad during hectic times and seeing a boss one hit others and only takes a third of my hp makes me feel so manly lol I can kill most 95+ mobs now it takes a while but not many can do that =D
I was JUST gonna write this. Srsly, why is the gender so darn important? You can play a male barb and still let people know you're a chick if you need to flirt or w/e. You can even find a male veno if you wanna get married and not be h0mosexual. Wining about a barb being male and how he cannot wear female fash is childish and shallow. Observe the nature, you seen both genders in tiger, lion, panda and wolf specie (or at least you should be aware of it). If you REFUSE to play a barb, you either are (i repeat) CHILDISH and/or SHALLOW and/or not interested in the game really... OR, you just don't wanna play a tank/meele class/char that people are dependant on, etc...
/kthxbai[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Wizard: I love the class so far. It was the most difficult thing in the early lvls, but after 29 when I got Morning Dew, quests became a lot more doable. And once you get WoP and FoW the whole world gets easier.
Cleric: This is actually my favorite class. My main used to be a cleric and in everyday quests/fb/bh/fun stuff, I prefer a cleric. Being able to heal is so much fun, plus I never had to spam-chat for a cleric when I was one. XD
Barb: I kindof want to play a barb but...alas, I don't think I would make a very good one. And I really hate playing lvls 1-29 so I always just get fed up and delete. What I should do is start one and not delete it every time I get mad. Just lvl it up little by little.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide wrote: »The only thing confusing me is people refusing to play barbs as they are a male toon.
There are female pandas female wolfs and female tigers and lets face it a panda in a bikini is going to look kind of weird lol... No offense but someone who says something like that kinda screams out guy to me looks like you need to prove your femininity to us through your toon.
Female players (like me), like to be pretty in games too (not only in real life). b:chuckle It took me hours to finish my characters' final look (face, makeup, etc), while a guy finishes it in a few minutes (or just choose a preset).
Girls like to be girls, they like to wear pretty clothes (fashion in PWI), and they don't want to look like hairy animals. ^.^; And btw, some guys refuse to play Venos because they are female only.
There are exceptions, of course. I would feel weird with a male toon, but that's me. x.x[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Joined August 2009. Sanctuary player.0 -
Reshanta - Sanctuary wrote: »My highest repair bill was 6780... which I paid for at lvl 41.
killing for hours and hours without repairing is how you get those high costs.
Basically every time you enter a city and go to a merchant, repair if needed.
I have to say, repair bills are the LEAST money sink I deal with. Skills and pots take up a lot of my coin.
a lot of people don't like psy - which is Ok by me, because for once I'm not playing a bandwagon class. On the other hand the potting takes some getting used to, and psy is self sufficient. Some people here should give it a further chance and also stop comparing it to wizzard. And we aren't "wanna be wizzards" as someone put it. We don't shoot meteors from the sky and have stone barriers(we just have barriers that make players/monsters regret hitting us)
mine was 32k when i did my 1st bhUseing ↑ in Forsaken World forum too
NightRage, WaffleChan, MistaBwanden, SoIar, WraithTanker, BeingHope, Zanyru won't be forgotten~!
RedsRose,Boogiepanda,NiightmareXz,Airyll u guys said everything that i wanned to say =] b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Cleric - I've played this charatcher at least 4 times 3 of them i failed lol But there is always a demand to be healed and resurrected and of course the money to buy MP pots Its an instresting class i quess but one time i decided not to resurrect someone and they gave me a whole lesson saying i was completely selfish and an **** :L
Veno - My highest level charatcher! I depended on my pets because im lazy! Not much to say about venos really
Archers - Didn't even bother to try since im always broke!
Barb - Didn't really like it slow movements for me and im a girl!
Tideborns - Sin - It was ok but i was only using the long range attacks and i spent most my time messing around being a mermaid -.-"
Tideborns - Psy - Only got to level 2 But i will try again someday!
Blademaster - was Bored alot and being a human on a fantasy game seems boring!
Wizard - I only wanted to play for cool looking skills but never really got far and no one seemed to be playing this class0 -
Tailsfox - Harshlands wrote: »
Barb - Didn't really like it slow movements for me and im a girl!
you realise that a barb has true form which increases your movement speed giving you a high base movement speed which is only beaten by (correct me if i am wrong) demon venos0 -
Myalt - Raging Tide wrote: »Female players (like me), like to be pretty in games too (not only in real life). b:chuckle It took me hours to finish my characters' final look (face, makeup, etc), while a guy finishes it in a few minutes (or just choose a preset).
Girls like to be girls, they like to wear pretty clothes (fashion in PWI), and they don't want to look like hairy animals. ^.^; And btw, some guys refuse to play Venos because they are female only.
There are exceptions, of course. I would feel weird with a male toon, but that's me. x.x
1. I have not met a guy who refused to play a veno just cause venos cannot be male. I'm shocked to hear that, but I guess it's possible.
I get it that chicks spend more time on average creating a char than a dude, but c'mon!
Imma quote myself:
"If you REFUSE to play a barb, you either are (i repeat) CHILDISH and/or SHALLOW and/or not interested in the game really... OR, you just don't wanna play a tank/meele class/char that people are dependant on, etc..." There is a different reason for not playing a barb than just 'the looks', and if you persist with saying it is just the looks, well, I'm sorry, I have no respect for you.
*By YOU I did not mean any particular person. I used you to a general public of females who 'REFUSE' to play a barb.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
buttercupcruella wrote: »1. I have not met a guy who refused to play a veno just cause venos cannot be male. I'm shocked to hear that, but I guess it's possible.
*raises hand*
one of the minus of the venos class was that
i want my char to be an avatar of me etc etc.
however i wasnt really attracted to the class.0 -
Blademaster- a grinding machine, had some problem around lvl 20 but once i got the sutra was able to neverending grind,just a mp pot needed every 3 mobs. In pvp too many miss for my taste
Assassin- my favourite. On lower lvl is a life powder addict but when it grow 2 spark and bloodpaint make it very good on pve. Pvp-do i have to say something?
Archer- nice class but i found it boring after lvl 50 and gave up
Cleric- my second favourite (after the assassin). Loved in pve (take a second to find squad for bh b:dirtyb:dirty) and very good in pvp too (sleep combo can 1 hit HA/LA). It's the only magical class i like, don't know why are so low in population
Barb- gave up at lvl 15,not my char
Psy- nice but become boring soon (my personal opinion, probably cause i don't like magical classes)
Wizard-a psy whit slower channel,less malus added to the spells but whit higher def and greater damage. Very good on pvp when become higher lvl (as i know more than a psy) but gave up soon, the slow channel kill me...
Venomancer-money making machine. Can do anything whitout potions/squad and farm TT like hell (i use it just for that). In pvp i don't know, but probably whitout a fenix can't do much
Bye b:bye0 -
Cleric - by far my favourite class. I tend to play support classes in games, it's just my style of playing. I love clerics because when there isn't a squad or buddy to support/heal/etc., we're not half-bad damage dealers ourselves and can deal with a lot of mobs without needing back-up. Yes, it may take longer. So what?
Archer - played one until lvl 36, cannot really comment on the class, have deleted her due to lack of interest.
Psychic - have a really low-level one, cannot comment yet. From what I've seen in squad, they certainly pack a punch. I'm going to level one mainly because I want to try all skills.
Assassin - a lovely class, and I got one to lvl 24... but oh, so squishy so far. Worse than my cleric was, at this level. Then again, it's probably just a reverse situation: it seems my assassin spends the same amount of time meditating to regain her HP that my cleric spent regaining her MP ( before I caved and bought a charm ). The ability to, at higher levels, yank aggro off of barbs within a matter of moments kind of scares me. :P That's not something I'm really interested in, no matter what class I play.
Blademaster - got one to lvl 67, love it, I'd consider it my third-favourite class in the game. Physical aoes? I'm so there. Ability to protect the squishies in a squad if the barb/tank loses aggro, or even be a support tank - there's that 'support' theme again xD - yes please.
Venomancer - Diametrically opposed to my cleric ( support vs. soloing ), my second-favourite class. Even before I got myself a big, yellow blob, I liked playing this toon, both in and out of party. Who cares about not seeing big numbers on the screen, compared to other classes, when you can debuff the heck out of anything that moves? Also, I hate farming TT, herc or no herc. Does that make me a fail veno-with-a-herc? Probably, but I'd much rather a) grind, b) help faction mates, c) solo quests than run the same instance over and over again.
Barbarian - I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY ONE... but alas, either it's lag or inherent fail on my part, but even at lower levels, trying to cancel a mob's channelling always failed for me. It's like the skill always fired off too late. I'm going to start another one just for fun - maybe I'll figure this out yet - and come on, a barb in tiger form rolling around in their funky donut-shape just makes me all. Part of what intimidates me about this class a little is that you have to have a LOT of knowledge about the bosses in the game: what they'll fire off when their feet start glowing, when to interrupt what, etc.
Wizard - have gotten one to 51, then deleted her, also due to lack of interest. I did like the class, though. Easily the most beautiful animations in the game, imho, packing a big punch, and their elemental resistances are a thing of beauty. Then again, a cleric's elemental resistances aren't something to laugh at, either, and if I'd have to choose between the two classes, I'd always take clerics.0 -
MM.... ok, i will give my thoughts:
Archers -- I love archers, and they have a lot of potential. But I will not discuss details because so many archer players go for fads (albeit, fads where they understand the math). But the whole "fist archer" phenomena shows, I think that pure dex is not the only good way to build an archer, and I know that there are other (mathematically sound) ways of building archers.
Assassins -- they seem nice. But I do not have the energy to deal with their weapon quests. Maybe someday I will play mine again.
Barbarians -- barbarians are cool, though I have not played them much. Their high health forgives a lot of mistakes but they can do a lot, in the hands of an intelligent player (and a good net connection), that most people do not understand and have no ability to discuss reasonably. Barbarians have incredible skills, and we have no way of recognizing good barbarians until after we recognize one has done something unusual...
Blademasters -- I have only played my blademaster to level 13. They are intimidatingly complex, but ... stun lock? seal? damage amp? leaps? defenses? Are you kidding me? If I had enough time, I think my next character would be a blademaster.
Clerics -- Everyone needs a cleric, but cleric skills annoy me because of how they auto-repeat so easily. Also, they are not blademasters so my cleric will have to wait for a long time before I think of leveling her.
Psychics -- I do not have enough energy to deal with weapon token quests on my alt.
Venos -- I got a light armor veno to level 60, and she was fun, but light armor makes bosses difficult and I was not enjoying their game play enough. They are complicated to manage, when compared with a regular character, because you have to play your pet also, and I did not like how this influenced my reactions to emergency situations.
Wizards -- they are so very like, and unlike, archers. Building a good wizard takes so much time, though, and I am intimidated by the efforts needed to even approach the gear quality of the best wizards (even the non-cash shoppers have incredibly expensive gears, where I will probably need several months yet before I acquire most of my level 90 gear).0 -
Annonrae - Sanctuary wrote: »Barbarian - I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY ONE... but alas, either it's lag or inherent fail on my part, but even at lower levels, trying to cancel a mob's channelling always failed for me. It's like the skill always fired off too late. I'm going to start another one just for fun - maybe I'll figure this out yet - and come on, a barb in tiger form rolling around in their funky donut-shape just makes me all
. Part of what intimidates me about this class a little is that you have to have a LOT of knowledge about the bosses in the game: what they'll fire off when their feet start glowing, when to interrupt what, etc.
Comes with practice :P You press the skill and the channeling time takes a little time around a second or so but you get used to it
Only real time you need to worry about canceling is when you get past FB51 even then its not that major deal with a good cleric just makes the squad run alot smoother biggest tip I can give is only raise your Alacity of the beast to level 7 the 9.5 second cool down is a great way to remember when you need to cancel.02/07/2011 - Lost paitence with PWI sold all my gear bought packs and wasted my coin till it was gone... goodbye PWI b:bye0 -
buttercupcruella wrote: »1. I have not met a guy who refused to play a veno just cause venos cannot be male. I'm shocked to hear that, but I guess it's possible.
I get it that chicks spend more time on average creating a char than a dude, but c'mon!
Imma quote myself:
"If you REFUSE to play a barb, you either are (i repeat) CHILDISH and/or SHALLOW and/or not interested in the game really... OR, you just don't wanna play a tank/meele class/char that people are dependant on, etc..." There is a different reason for not playing a barb than just 'the looks', and if you persist with saying it is just the looks, well, I'm sorry, I have no respect for you.
*By YOU I did not mean any particular person. I used you to a general public of females who 'REFUSE' to play a barb.
Look around and you will find some.Try the beginner's guide, many male players are seeking a solo class besides Veno, because they do not want to play a female character.
People have the right to like or dislike a character for whatever reasons. *shrugs*[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Joined August 2009. Sanctuary player.0 -
wizard 66 : the first char ive ever made. Enjoyed it a lot to begin the game. low hp, low phys
defense en high damage asked me to be carefull on mobs and i gave a try to see
how hard this game can be. stopped playing it since i failed the build, and it was
hard to have fun with it without a mp charm.
Veno 75 : i made this char for solo playing and it was fun but after a while i get bored.
Playing solo without a herc was boring just watching the pet doing all the work
one mob after one mob. Well anyway i had some fun moment with this char.
Blademaster 66 (axe build) : had very fun moments with this char. Almost not using hp pots,
nice aoe damage. But like wizard, found a mp charm was
needed to enjoy it.
Assassin 90 : well just look at the lvl and youll see i enjoy this class. Im pure dex build in LA
and its almost like a veno but faster. Can grind without pots, fast chi, very nice
damage. bloodpaint and spark are enough to keep hp high. In squad it has
great aoe, bloodpaint is loved by all bm ive met, nice damage on boss with
specific skills.
Ive not given a try on other class except archer but i was pretty bad playing it so i stopped.
Barbarian seems to be expensive to raise and i dont have the fund for that (i dont use rl money)
i dont have the strength to play cleric and reading everytime : pleaz rez me, heal me, buff me etc... im totally not a healer player ^^.
psychic : im afraid to see the same problem as wizard.0 -
ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver wrote: »*raises hand*
one of the minus of the venos class was that
i want my char to be an avatar of me etc etc.
however i wasnt really attracted to the class.
Same here, though the fact of it being female didn't bother me at all... on the contrary, I liked having and eye-candy toon.
What annoyed me was guys hitting on me all the time and not backing off when I told them i was a guy!!! b:angry
Ok, maybe it was my own fault for making a toon that looked like Monica Belucci in a fox disguise instead of any random skin and bones (or ugly) chick. b:surrender
EDIT: I forgot the other classes experience!
The other two classes I played are blademaster and cleric.
Cleric: I never had a thing for caster classes but I needed a healer and had 4/5ths of and old PC lying around. The pc got reconstructed and I got the healer. However I've had to really learn to play the class and actually like it very much as it's very good for attack, defense and buffs, meaning they are good for everything. The only thing I don't like is the occational "why is your rez lvl1!!!???" I get from other players but I feel there are other skills with greater priority to be maxed first.
Blademaster: Well, I liked it a lot, it's always in-your-face melee action for me. Now throw there a couple of ranged openers, aoe attacks and stun to really make it... oh! I can't find the word... great? awesome? lovely? all three together? Bottom like, those guys rule melee combat. However, as mentioned earlier, I play with two pc's and when I tried to replace that quite hot veno with a bm/cleric combo I found the bm not being able to hold aggro from the cleric, at least as far as level 24, while the barb did that very easily despite having lower damage so now it's a barb/cleric combo. Now at this level, I think that a bm aoe grinding would be much more efficient and faster than a barb and cleric ganging on several individual mobs.
Barbarian: The only thing missing is being able to aoe grind. Sufr impact's range is a joke so it's not a functional aoe skill, and I don't have sunder yet but it has a very long cooldown and requires two sparks anyway. Humanoid skills are also a bit flawed in that area as slam is not addecuate against ranged mobs and armagedon cuts your hp by half on top of having the same limitations as sunder. The other ones are so hard to aim that they are even less functional than surf impact. Other than that it's a great class that can take on much higher level mobs or even take a couple of "accidental" hits from Silverfrost and still get away alive or tank it's own lvl49 culti, Luminoc included. Also with some +mp regen gear it doesn't need pots nor healing for grinding and even running through dungeons. In my style of gameplay that means the cleric is free to plume shot to death mobs "in a jeepy" doing quests quite rapidly and having very low repair costs. Only bosses are a pain both in time and cost if there's nobody who also needs them nearby to help bring those dummies down quickly.0 -
Vaktoth - Sanctuary wrote: »Same here, though the fact of it being female didn't bother me at all... on the contrary, I liked having and eye-candy toon.
Haha! Well, if Barbs were sexy guys, I would consider playing one. b:chuckle
But hairy animal-like people are not too appealing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Joined August 2009. Sanctuary player.0 -
Myalt - Raging Tide wrote: »But hairy animal-like people are not too appealing.
You hurt my feelings.b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Archer: My main and ultimately favorite class to play. Pure dex is the way to go! There's something about being able to plug arrows into the mobs, then watching them flee, that I find very satisfying as far as damage output is concerned. I prefer to attack from a distance: having the opportunity to deal damage before the mob reaches me, something melee classes can't live up to
The early levels required a nearly constant usage of mana pots, but I found that to be a minor setback. Buying arrows was manageable (I bought them after every quest). I leveled quickly, so I don't see why the forums say that the archer has a rather slow start from the beginning of the game. My only complaint is the high risk of drawing aggro from nearby mobs, or stealing it from barbarians during bounty hunts.
Assassin: Essentially archers without the bow, although I have seen some that wielded them. As mentioned above, my interest in this class didn't quite make the cut because the assassin is a melee class.
Barbarian: Tried several times to get past level twenty, but never could. Having a sizable amount of HP was a definite plus. Damage/accuracy was pathetic. And, yes, I know they're a tanking class and are intended to be punching bags. Again, I'm not into close combat, so this class was not for me.
Blademaster: The human melee damage dealer. I could sum up this class with one word: boring. Damage output was too low for my tastes. Too many skills.
Cleric: Having control over life and death itself was what made me continue leveling. I thought I loved to be wanted in squads, but as it turns out, I'd rather be the person who hangs back and has the "shoot first ask questions later" type of mentality. Several abilities require a level ten in a base skill (Vanguard Spirit, for example) to be able to activate the team oriented skills. This was a turn off for me.
Psychic: After being inactive for a while, this class brought me back. Had a blast at first with the insane damage output this class can generate right from the start. I could pwn mobs three or four levels higher than me. Heavy mana usage finally pushed me into abandoning this character.
Venomancer: What can I say? Who doesn't like having a pet taking all the hits? Calculating the fact that I'm a guy, it's only obvious why I stopped playing. I only use her to farm coins.
Wizard: Slow casting time was too much. Squishy and just plain uninteresting in my eyes. Similar to a cleric, wizards really shine while in a squad.0 -
Cleric (lv 81) - One of the best classes to play, Fun from the get-go. With heals and plume shell you're good, just got to know how to be a good cleric!! I hate to say it, but most clerics of pvp servers just barely know how to heal themselves, much less an entire squad counting on them. Sanctuary has great clerics like meb:cute. Only thing about cleric, wish they had a few more attack type skills, that would be awesome, it gets repetitive doing the same few skills over again.
Assasin (lv 81) - Very nice class, one of Pw's better ideas. Kinda hard at lower lvs, you will die a lot, its a fact ^^. But once you get lv 29+ skills, you're good. PK is awesome with these guys; everyone knows. Loads of skills to choose from. Only thing about Sins, they have horrible def. and i wouldn't suggest this class to people who cant take criticism well. People will hate you.
Venomacer (lv 53) - I wouldn't say im an expert on this class, i got far enough i know a good little bit. I kinda quit her because all the skills and stuff got real old and boring fast.We are Death, destroyer of Worlds
90 cleric: I've played this character for at least a year, and I'm good at it I think. The most "fun" as a cleric comes from accepting and overcoming new challenges such as Polearm, Krimson, Frost runs, and the rest of the stuff that's not just "ironheart spam on the barb." I like helping people, as I've come to realize, so it works out. I also stay very focused on the task at hand until it's over, so I'm a good fit for the class unlike a few too many I've encountered.
71 psychic: I'm a BH noob on this character. It's a cool class, and I think it'd be even cooler if I weren't clueless while playing. I mostly powerleveled in BH to catch up with the ingame wife a bit since she was in her 70s at the time of the Tideborn expansion.
64 archer: Archers are great at solo grinding without having to jump through any hoops like clerics. Slow pew pew knock back pew pew pew. Or was it pew pew slow knockback pew pew? I haven't played it in a while. Mild enjoyment factor.
60 veno: Can solo all normal things easily, but kinda boring. I don't care enough to get a Hercules pet, so I'll never be that useful with this character.
38 bm: This is the most fun I've had in PW, and I haven't even gotten all my AOEs yet. I've been fist from the start, leveling with my friend's wizard, and the versatility is amazing. With fists you can kill kill kill kill kill and not use any MP except for the occasional stun and Diamond Sutra. Once we hit 41, I'll whip out my new Xeno's Sledgehammer and AOE everything that looks at me. I spoil this character with legendary items, and all four weapon types (plus Moonlight Bow), just because it's so fun and we don't level too often.0 -
I'm sad to say that i skiped everyone comment about every class but clericb:chuckle
Cleric: Best class i ever played, slow, repetitive, and a lighting rod for abuse. love it! For anyone who learns how to use Ironheart in the beginning <.< they should never die from ordinary mobs. My motto "I don't care if it takes an hour to kill a boss alone, atleast we can solo it and bragb:laugh"
BM: So versitile in fighting, bore, but cool.
Sin: No...just no...invisibility is for sins not sins (<.<) (>.>) (>.<)
Barb: yup, only leveled it to be a giant kitteh! Tho saving people with a sinple press of a aggro skill is kinda cool.
Archer: The horror!!! I cant stand any class that dont use atleast 85% of their skills.
Phy: Boring, i think i made mine look too lazy cause i just cant bother to run more then 4 steps out the main city to do anything.
Wiz: Yup last one, Wizzards are squishy, but fun nevertheless.
Veno: I Refuse To Be A Female!!!!b:angry
Main motto for all caster classes: "If you have to kite to stay alive, your doing it wrong."b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn0 -
Wizard: Me see big numbers! BIG! Especially when me get hit by stuff!
*gets 1 shot by a jaden quinfu*darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
psy - played till low 4x, then quit. those mp usage was annoying, and i liked being a wizard way better. i liked black voodoo, but that was about it.
cleric - hardest challenge for this class was putting up with people's stupidity, but otherwise this class is good. i use lots of event pots and need to get more
usual combo: 2 whirlwind, 3 plume shots, in any order (vit-build) and then ih if i get hurt
one of my fav classes.
veno - funnest class ya ever played... until i wanted a nix/herc
usual combo: alt+1, F2, F3, F2
good for grinding. low cost if ur not saving for herc/nix. not the best class for tw, if any take down a bm/purge. one of my fav classes.
archer - didn't like it that much :l it was boring? but a stable class. and ya need to bring a fist with you. lol
its fun to pk with them, but not the best pk class if u dont have refined bow + pk arrow
usual combo: frost arrow, hit hit knockback hit hit over and over and sometimes winged shell.pretty cheap class lol
for tw, depends on ur gear and apo. aim for tha squishyy.
wiz - incredibly hard 2 play and squishy.. hey but it got a lot of tw killz, and never runs outta mp
usual combo: pyrogram, gush... repeat.. and run from MAG RES
def one of my fav classes tho.
bm - stopped playing after lvl 2.
sin - stopped playing after lvl 1.
barb - stoppped playing after lvl 1.0 -
Ok this will be short, im kinda n00b in PW but i know every single class...Because my brother starts another char every 2 days(and im not kidding...every 2 days).When i started PW i had a BM because i always play in every game warriors and stuff.
BM-lvl23- OMG I Liked it soooo much at low lvls but, idk why at around lvl 20 ish i started dieing like crazy.Maybe i was doing something wrong or idk...
Then one of my best friends started a psy...He was like...OMG it has huge dmg and he kills most creatures from 1 shot and stuff...So i started a psy too.b:victory This was very unlike me because i dont like in any games unrealistic chars...
Psy-lvl53-God I love it...At early lvls they do have high dmg and stuff but i found it a bit boring...but at around 20 i started to think... wow i dont die at lvl 30 i hated it because i was too squishy(and still am)but i dont like pvp in general.At lvl 40 i really loved it because even then still no creature could get to me before it died.And at lvl 50 i really like it because i have the huge dmg i kill everything even ranged creatures before they hit me... i mean with spark i easily do 10k-12k criticals and i absolutely love Landslide...the way it knocks back the mobs is just too cool(although i dont use it very often only if i did something wrong and the mob got too close to me).The worst thing is that i steal too much aggro in bhs but i started to learn how to controll it.b:victoryb:laughAltough its expensive to play because of te mana burn...At least you dont die....0
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