About fist/claw BM

Yorkin - Dreamweaver
Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Blademaster
Well it requires dexterity which means that Heavy Armor might be a bit limited. So... a fist/claw BM... is it a good path or not? Opened to suggestions.

A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
Post edited by Yorkin - Dreamweaver on


  • __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver
    __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ...Limited? Que? O_O
  • Vitruvio - Raging Tide
    Vitruvio - Raging Tide Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    What do you mean by limited?
    You can wear HA without problems if you go 3 str 2 dex or 5 str 4 dex 1 vit.
    96 Blademaster - 89 Venomancer
    81 Archer - 83 cleric
    86 seeker...
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well it requires dexterity which means that Heavy Armor might be a bit limited. So... a fist/claw BM... is it a good path or not? Opened to suggestions.

    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • DrkLordZ - Sanctuary
    DrkLordZ - Sanctuary Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well it requires dexterity which means that Heavy Armor might be a bit limited. So... a fist/claw BM... is it a good path or not? Opened to suggestions.

    dude, vit bms suck ****
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Voted Yes

    Fist/claw are great 85+.

    Before that a second path is good. And I've seen fist/claw BMs that sucks cause they add too much into vitality and nerf their damage.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Voted Yes

    Fist/claw are great 60+.

    Before that a second path is good. And I've seen fist/claw BMs that sucks cause they add too much into vitality and nerf their damage.


    up yours 10 char rule
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    up yours 10 char rule

    I used them from level 1 b:victory but depending on your playstyle they'll really take over at 85 as almost your sole weapon for almost every blademaster.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Runemine - Dreamweaver
    Runemine - Dreamweaver Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I say no Fist/Claw BM have been overhyped up they no better then any other BMs just fists some peoples playing style like with my playing style i like Axe BM best with pole skill secondary.

    In the end up to you and how you play try all see what you like best.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    dude, vit bms suck ****

    Not anymore. With the Jones Blessing, if you're not vit build, you're a one-shot.

    I recently restat all my extra points to vit. Min str for axes, min dex for fists, all the rest into vit. Base 121 vit. I have 10.8k pdef and 10.2k mdef fully buffed with mmarrow and I have 10k hp. I am still squishy against end-game archers and mages with the Jones Blessing.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Voted Yes

    Fist/claw are great 85+.

    Before that a second path is good. And I've seen fist/claw BMs that sucks cause they add too much into vitality and nerf their damage.
    since the anni packs came out the amount of fail bm's are growing fast

    bm's that depend that much on fists are always fail. from the plethora of skills and weapons they master they just depend on fist/triple spark now and have no idea how to be a support in a squad. there are plenty of skills to support the squad in pve and pvp but they fking chose to triple spark and go as DD alone. who cares about a single player damage when he can inprove damage to all. he just need to survive to use his skills, he need vit for that. its devs fault first for making this class a DD when it should be just a support with some damage provided
  • Azlin - Sanctuary
    Azlin - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    since the anni packs came out the amount of fail bm's are growing fast

    bm's that depend that much on fists are always fail. from the plethora of skills and weapons they master they just depend on fist/triple spark now and have no idea how to be a support in a squad. there are plenty of skills to support the squad in pve and pvp but they fking chose to triple spark and go as DD alone. who cares about a single player damage when he can inprove damage to all. he just need to survive to use his skills, he need vit for that. its devs fault first for making this class a DD when it should be just a support with some damage provided
    i bet if ur a 4 hit/second base and 5 hit/second with cyclone heel fist bm, and also with a +10 Deicide or TT100 fist, u might actually be able to do so much damage that improving others dmg might actually be less effective if u know what i mean :P cuz i've seen a guy kill a 56k hp mob in round 4-5 seconds without cyclone and looking at his equipment, he is hitting 3.33/second on mob...imagine 4 hit/second or 5 xD it prolly might take the guy 3 seconds to kill 56k hp mob xD anyways, this is just my opinion on things :P b:victory
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    thats what im talking about and were things went wrong... when a jack of all trades class can out DD a real DD.
    anyway its not only the DD problems, the amount of fail you see coming from them is in GV/TW and such places
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I actually agree with kenlee. Too often I see self-claimed fist BMs rely heavily on their attack speed--forgetting what this class is the best at; usage of stun skills. In BH Eden, most BMs I come across far too often chase around kiting mobs trying to put them down with their attack speed, when they could be stunlocking them and allowing other party members to put them down quicker while immobilized. They don't know the concept, and they don't know the fact that if they have the aggro, they could just stop on the spot, use pole or sword or whatever weapon has ranged attacks--to stop mobs from kiting without stunning them, allowing other members to hit it with ease.

    I mean, yea 4 aps or 5 aps can destroy most mobs, but it's caused many BMs to forget the fundamental principle of this class. They are no better than Sins who don't use their wide array of extremely useful and somewhat OP skills, but instead just demon spark and slash away.
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sin's have other skills then demon spark, stealth and attack?

    Are you sure?

    Are you 100% sure?
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Not anymore. With the Jones Blessing, if you're not vit build, you're a one-shot.

    I recently restat all my extra points to vit. Min str for axes, min dex for fists, all the rest into vit. Base 121 vit. I have 10.8k pdef and 10.2k mdef fully buffed with mmarrow and I have 10k hp. I am still squishy against end-game archers and mages with the Jones Blessing.


    +1 to this, I get so much shet all the time for being full vit build... pretty much the only people that are full str here are PVE build, cause in reality when you get that sage BIDS on you, the only people still standing are vit builds b:laugh

    I recently became a demon BM like 2 days ago. <3 demon bell... and marrows such a nice spike defense boost after getting purged and shet. I has 12.2k pdef (17.8K if bell spammed) and 11.8k mdef now, with 10.4k hp but i still get hit for over 9000 from BIDS, sometimes 19K crits.

    I gotta say... I love demon marrows and bell so much better than sage.. it's more balanced. I just got tired of sage mage marrowing and only having 6k p def (with LA99 GIMP) and getting 1 shot from archers, now I'm wearing full HA and mage marrowing and it gives me double the pdef to survive archers /wizard ganks when i'm mmarrowed.

    But back to the OP, Fist/Claw build is cool and all, but don't limit yourself to only 1 branch... hybrid builds are the best, you wanna be versatile to each branch's advantages... except maybe sword, I honestly don't see the point of this branch besides myriad sword stance for PVE, spark better saved for Demon HF or Glacial Spike/and or/Drake's Breath Bash glitch imo.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    +1 to this, I get so much shet all the time for being full vit build... pretty much the only people that are full str here are PVE build, cause in reality when you get that sage BIDS on you, the only people still standing are vit builds b:laugh

    I recently became a demon BM like 2 days ago. <3 demon bell... and marrows such a nice spike defense boost after getting purged and shet. I has 12.2k pdef and 11.8k mdef now, with 10.4k hp but i still get hit for over 9000 from BIDS, sometimes 19K crits.

    I gotta say... I love demon marrows and bell so much better than sage.. it's more balanced. I just got tired of sage mage marrowing and only having 6k p def (with LA99 GIMP) and getting 1 shot from archers, now I'm wearing full HA and mage marrowing and it gives me double the pdef to survive archers /wizard ganks when i'm mmarrowed.

    with sage Aura of the Golden Bell?
    whatever sage nice too with both sage buff+sage sutra.

    about def. u get 9k dmg from r8+12 wizz who use bids on u when u got 12k mdef? or why that high dmg on u? mage dont use the blessing ****?
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    with sage Aura of the Golden Bell?
    whatever sage nice too with both sage buff+sage sutra.

    about def. u get 9k dmg from r8+12 wizz who use bids on u when u got 12k mdef? or why that high dmg on u? mage dont use the blessing ****?

    It's just cause wizards with their 79 skill debuff drops my mdef to maybe 6k or 9k idk i'm not a wizard.. and since I used to be a 5.0 sage fist BM i had to wear LA which dropped my P def and HP loads, thus LA GIMP, I hated being sage for the fact that LA sucks so much in pvp, and since sage mmarrows are still -120% p def, it drops my pdef to nearly 6K = 1 shot from archers
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • ForeversEnd - Heavens Tear
    ForeversEnd - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Fists are for nubs....Pataka users!!!! woot..b:victory
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's just cause wizards with their 79 skill debuff drops my mdef to maybe 6k or 9k idk i'm not a wizard.. and since I used to be a 5.0 sage fist BM i had to wear LA which dropped my P def and HP loads, thus LA GIMP, I hated being sage for the fact that LA sucks so much in pvp, and since sage mmarrows are still -120% p def, it drops my pdef to nearly 6K = 1 shot from archers

    that skill affected only to ur eq mdef not to sutra and mdef cleric buff so example from 13k mdef droping to 9k (ur mdef coming from sutra,cleric buff, eq mdef and mdef from vit[i am pretty sure its depend from eq mdef how much mdef give 1 vit]).

    for archer both sutra sucks but i talk about vs wizz/psy. u got the sage pdef buff? u dont tryed us another eq combo or just with good combo for axe or just sacrifice a bit speed for more def? i am not sure every ppl need 5aps, sometimes 3,33 enough nice too and whatever u cant kill everybody enough if u kill the most of them xD.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    that skill affected only to ur eq mdef not to sutra and mdef cleric buff so example from 13k mdef droping to 9k (ur mdef coming from sutra,cleric buff, eq mdef and mdef from vit[i am pretty sure its depend from eq mdef how much mdef give 1 vit]).

    for archer both sutra sucks but i talk about vs wizz/psy. u got the sage pdef buff? u dont tryed us another eq combo or just with good combo for axe or just sacrifice a bit speed for more def? i am not sure every ppl need 5aps, sometimes 3,33 enough nice too and whatever u cant kill everybody enough if u kill the most of them xD.

    I play my BM to be a support class, and I use fists, pole, axe in TW depending on the situation. And yes marrows is dependent on what gear you're wearing. That used to contrast between LA and HA depending what I was doing, but everyone knows it's more efficient if you work on 1 set of gear instead of 2.

    Since I'm a freak when it comes to stun-locking, which should be a BM's job, it just annoys the hell outta me when sage roar misses. Demons have better stuns; aoelian, meteor rush, drake bash, roar, etc. I don't understand the point of Sage DD BMs, or DoT BMs, the masteries of 90% vs Demons 75% makes all the difference of 225 phys atk, which I calculated before I switched.

    I mean if you're gonna PvE go for STR build or whatever xD but all my stuff revolves around PvP, and my dmg doesn't matter to me in PvP, the stuns and my survivability do.

    Oh and I had like 17 sage skills, sage bell included, but you don't get to pick and choose who you fight in TW, always get ganked in TW by archers/wizards/venoes so I prefer demon marrows for balance, since I wear mage def orns, as well as demon bell for spike buff after purge.

    I just feel more useful to my squads as a Demon for pvp related matters. b:victory
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Glacial Spike/and or/Drake's Breath Bash glitch imo.

    Please do elaborate.
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I play my BM to be a support class, and I use fists, pole, axe in TW depending on the situation. And yes marrows is dependent on what gear you're wearing. That used to contrast between LA and HA depending what I was doing, but everyone knows it's more efficient if you work on 1 set of gear instead of 2.

    Since I'm a freak when it comes to stun-locking, which should be a BM's job, it just annoys the hell outta me when sage roar misses. Demons have better stuns; aoelian, meteor rush, drake bash, roar, etc. I don't understand the point of Sage DD BMs, or DoT BMs, the masteries of 90% vs Demons 75% makes all the difference of 225 phys atk, which I calculated before I switched.

    I mean if you're gonna PvE go for STR build or whatever xD but all my stuff revolves around PvP, and my dmg doesn't matter to me in PvP, the stuns and my survivability do.

    Oh and I had like 17 sage skills, sage bell included, but you don't get to pick and choose who you fight in TW, always get ganked in TW by archers/wizards/venoes so I prefer demon marrows for balance, since I wear mage def orns, as well as demon bell for spike buff after purge.

    I just feel more useful to my squads as a Demon for pvp related matters. b:victory

    thats true about stun but another side u can get chi faster in that case when u rush out from base in tw and its ok roar could miss but u can do more times and also can do more ultis (ok true about pvp demon, and maybe sage a bit pve oriented but that true if u can refine enough and do more set[example for pve/pvp] then sage could be balanced too with a bit higher def[wiht loseing few interval but maybe u dont need allways, sometimes in group if u cooperate with wizz/archer then ultis+stun lock is better than solo 1 ppl with interval with lower def])
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I recently became a demon BM like 2 days ago. <3 demon bell... and marrows such a nice spike defense boost after getting purged and shet. I has 12.2k pdef (17.8K if bell spammed) and 11.8k mdef now, with 10.4k hp but i still get hit for over 9000 from BIDS, sometimes 19K crits.

    Oh wow... you actually did it. Sorry to see all your lvl 11 skills go, I know you pretty much had everything.

    Actually I went full vit build right after the blessing had come out. I strongly started considering it after we spoke the other week, the Jones Blessing was what pushed me to go ahead and get it done. Also, it'll make it easier when the blessings are gone, I refine a bit more and it'll only take one restat to go primarily str build, if I can ever break 10k hp with base 3 vit.... which won't be likely to happen for a few months. Still busy farming other stuff right now.
    But back to the OP, Fist/Claw build is cool and all, but don't limit yourself to only 1 branch... hybrid builds are the best, you wanna be versatile to each branch's advantages... except maybe sword, I honestly don't see the point of this branch besides myriad sword stance for PVE, spark better saved for Demon HF or Glacial Spike/and or/Drake's Breath Bash glitch imo.

    MSS may help save a bad party finish rebirth, but I don't see many situations where it's all that helpful. For a Sage BM, the damage reduction is redundant because of sage spark, and in the situations you'd need that squad reduction, you'd most likely have a cleric BB which would probably overwrite the benefit gained anyway. Not sure, I'm not sage, don't have any sword skills and don't plan to. It's the one path that any BM can avoid. Also, with 3 trees, pots and pills, my skill bars are crowded enough as it is.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Neymaria - Raging Tide
    Neymaria - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's all about DPS on a PvE world. depending on how you stat and equip and which path you go, Fisties can have the highest DPS in the game (so I've been told).
    Personally, I'm rolling an Axe/Fist all wpn build BM at the moment. Liking it so far, can't wait to break 40 so I get into more squad play. I've gotten really good at dieing, but in 2 more lvs i get my first path skills. :) super psyched! If you go fists, then they'll probably suck until you get to the point where the skill trees go to specific wpn types. After that (i can only speak up to the mid-game point) just do Drake's Ray, Draw Blood, and spark all the time. You'll rock all the mobs you come across. Keep your axes ready for Dungeons though. There your job is to AoE and stun the mobs so that the tank doesn't get hit. Makes the cleric's job a heckofalot easier.
    GL! See you in game. :)

    Raging Tide
    Naymari, 53 Cleric
    LuCkyEddiE, 62 WB
    Naymaria, 27(and counting) BM

    Lost City
    LuckyEddie, 14 WB
    MUHAHAHA-- oops. b:surrender
  • Riistetyt - Heavens Tear
    Riistetyt - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    fists are good :D
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Dan got convinced by me b:chuckle.
    Tbh, the only thing that keeps me being fist BM is nien beast event, (or celestial event something coming out?) so that I could compete against other high DPS players. But in TW matters, to have a good chance of not going down, i would never go in TW with fist build without cube neck/OHT belt ( gold elemental)/ 2 lunar ornaments to get a decent mag def and HP. Even with that listed, sometimes still get 1-shot ezily xD. By all means, IMO, best build that suits BM for TW as a support class = axes/pole. I bet everyone that knows their class know the reason why.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Dan got convinced by me b:chuckle.
    Tbh, the only thing that keeps me being fist BM is nien beast event, (or celestial event something coming out?) so that I could compete against other high DPS players. But in TW matters, to have a good chance of not going down, i would never go in TW with fist build without cube neck/OHT belt ( gold elemental)/ 2 lunar ornaments to get a decent mag def and HP. Even with that listed, sometimes still get 1-shot ezily xD. By all means, IMO, best build that suits BM for TW as a support class = axes/pole. I bet everyone that knows their class know the reason why.

    Doesn't really matter what your gear/build is for TW. A fist/claw/axe user with full -int gear is pretty much known by your enemies... it doesn't matter if you have 10k, 15k or nearly 20k hp buffed, you'll most likely be focused accordingly. The higher your refines and HP get, the more then enemy will pick you as a priority target.

    And with the Jones Blessing it doesn't really matter. Archers and Mages pretty much own TW.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    So... a fist/claw BM... is it a good path or not? Opened to suggestions.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSJaE7j1N2E b:cry
  • Ionide - Archosaur
    Ionide - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Well, as a fist bm, i can say that, fist bms are pretty mediocre till about 85, or when you get your demon spark at 89, and unless your ready to nolife it for equipment, dont think about becoming a fist bm, as a fist bm there are either really really good fist bms that know how to play their class, or really really fail bm's that dont. there really is no middle ground these days, and most of the really good fist bm's are only that way because they have experience with the game on prior characters/have been around a long time in general, or they have learned from those who have.
  • Dakaruch - Lost City
    Dakaruch - Lost City Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    bm's that depend that much on fists are always fail. from the plethora of skills and weapons they master they just depend on fist/triple spark now and have no idea how to be a support in a squad. there are plenty of skills to support the squad in pve and pvp but they fking chose to triple spark and go as DD alone. who cares about a single player damage when he can inprove damage to all. he just need to survive to use his skills, he need vit for that. its devs fault first for making this class a DD when it should be just a support with some damage provided

    RAGEEEEEEEEEEEE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!! Just cause you don't have a bm dragon for your dding, that means the bm is a fail? Get outta here. FACTS:
    1- Fist bm with 5.0 speed sparked will deal more dmg then someone else even using fists with same attack speed/refine.
    2- Fists made bms get out of a underated position, as not being able to do **** and only needed in tws for aoe stun + dragon, to become one of the best classes in terms of pvp.
    3-anni packs had absolutely no ****ing influence on making bms fail, as actually, a vast majority of new players in the game now are fail. Why? Cause while the old players had to grind their asses off from lvl 75+, all the god damn nubs started lvling from bh since lvl 40. So while the old players were actually getting experience pvping cause of being crashed all the time in the old zhenning spots, nubs just spend all day in a instance without knowing what to do when playing their class.

    Fist bm only is fail, sure thing. But saying that a bm should be a support only class, i tell you this, GTFO and stop raging, cause you're just some nub ea frustrated that a underdog like class deals more dmg then you anytime now. Life is a *****.