Perfect Academy +Rp+
oooh.. lol okie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!
MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever
P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?0 -
I'll post more for my guy a little later on, right now i'm at work.....and using a laptop.
I really suck at typing with a laptop >.<0 -
((Ok, I guess we're starting then. Just keep in mind, that my char here has a different name then my normal char's name. Here goes...))
Nadine flew through the academy gates as quickly as she could. Her silvery, metallic Daedalus Wings pumped as quickly as she could make them, which wasn't easy, considering her backpack kept getting in the way at all the wrong times. She was also very aware of all the people both below and behind her, the young men in particular, that may have been looking up her skirt as she flew. She knew she should have worn pants, but her parents had insisted she wear the short skirt and Sunshine Blouse. She didn't much like being looked at in the way she thought she was. It was pure paranoia, of course, since few people actually noticed her entry, but all that mattered was that she thought she was being looked at. She was so concerned about this, that she almost flew into a large tree in the courtyard. She managed to avoid the trunk, but did get a large mouthful of leaves before finally landing.
Now on the ground, she folded her wings behind her, and looked around. Ok, I'm here. she thought, looking around, wide eyed (and more than a little frantic) Now what do I do?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
The girl ducked a few things along the way like an incoming cleric who almost hit the tree and soccer balls being kicked all over the place. Once in the building she kindly took her baggage away from the boy cleric and went to find her room. She knew she was going to be late for her first class, but that was only because her father would not let her leave so easily. He was overprotective... Tooo protective. She was his Pride and Joy. Hmmm.. you think he'd mind her using his axes?
She needed them for some of her classes. And she would remember to mail them back to him after she made decent axes in Blacksmithing class. Yes, these axes are his other Pride and Joy. But, hey, he had hundreds of them. One little borrow wouldn't hurt.
After about ten minutes, she found her dorm and basically tossed everything on the bed closest to the window. "Well no roommate." Kilk quickly plopped himself onto the other bed then purred some. "Ok, we're roomates. Though when another person comes in here, you have to sleep on the floor." Kilk's ears went down. "Fine you big over grown cat. You can sleep on my bed." she said petting him. "But no stealing sheets." she scorned. The lynux cat nodded. "I'll be back. I'm going to class." she stated heading out the door.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
(Bah! I don't feel like waiting x3)
As lucifer approached the boy's dorm, he looked to his left and saw a sheet posted on the wall showing the room listings. "Lucifer.....Lucifer...." he mummbled to himself as he looked for his name.
"ah! room 666" He said with a nice smile, he looked up at the window's, and then looked at the list.
"Should be right about...." He said to himself as he jumped once, and a sword materilized out of thin air under his feet. "" He said as he flew upwards to his room's window.
As he reached the window he looked inside. "Nobody here?" He thought, he tapped on the glass and a barbarian appeared from the side.
"Who are you?" the barb asked.
"Your new roommate." Lucifer said with a smile on his face. The barb looked at him for a few seconds, he couldn't help but notice the sword under his feet. "Need me to open the window?" he asked. Lucifer nodded.
The barb opened the window, and the blade below Lucifer's feet disappeared, as he landed on the window seal. "So, what's your name? Mine's Lucifer." he told the barb as he stepped off the window seal onto the floor.
"My name is Kae" he replied.
"Well, nice to meet you." Lucifer said, as he looked around the room.
"So, which bed is mine?" He asked, and Kae pointed over to the one next to the window.
"I think it'll be better for you." Kae said with a chuckle. Lucifer shrugged and threw himself on the bed. "Oh....****." He said to himself as he sat back up.
"Missed Basic Axe mastery class..." Lucifer said as his face copied that of the text "-.-''" face.
He looked at the clock and noticed his A.P. Mount riding class was about to start. "Oh ****!!!" He said as he leaned out the window and did a loud whistle. To which a prehistoric raptor suddenly came running out of the woods, and stopped below the window. This causing a shock to most of the other students. "Hey boy, miss me?" Lucifer said as he jumped from the window, into the saddle on the back of the raptor. "ok, lets go. Not much time left till class." He said as the raptor took off once more.
Kae looked out the window and just thought to himself "Oh boy....., what type of roommate did they give me this year??!".0 -
As she was looking around, thinking about what to do, a large black raptor with a rather intimidating human riding it ran by. All she could do about it was get out of the way before she was run over. Or eaten. Either way, she quickly opened her wings back up and took to the air to get out of it's way. After it passed by, she was left wondering why the human was in such a hurry. Wait a minute... She thought , coming to a realization. He must have been on his way to a class, which reminded her that her basic healing class was about to start. Or had it already started? With this thought, she flew off to the place her class was to be found, without even stopping by her room to drop her pack off. All the way thinking of how late she must be.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
Gabriel flew through the front gates, did a loopy loop then drop onto the ground from 5 feet in the air. "that was fun" he said to himself. he proceded to walk down the tiled front path into the front doors, laughing to himself about all the stares his bright clothing and aerial moves had attracted. "wonder if i have a roomate he said to himself.he walked into his room, "guess i don't" and started to unpack: first his clothes, then his wand, blade, bow, and smithing hammer. he walked off to his first class of that year, thinking to himself this is going to be fun.
(vfine no cursed in this RP)b:victoryb:laughb:laughb:victory
join the new cursed race
you'll love it
i would put a url in but it wont let me0 -
Ogath - Heavens Tear wrote: »ok so heres my student:
Basic Healing
Apoth. 101
Advanced Elemental Arts
Wraith Biology
Blacksmithing 101
race: cursed (i know that it's not a race yet but can you blame me for hoping?)
ever sinces he was a young lad all he wanted to do was protect his peoplebut his weak frame makes it pretty much impossible to defend his people so he excepts the fact that he will have to protect his people by healing the people that realy do protect his people and he figures out he is realy good at it.
reliable friend and if somebody goes into the forest he will follow to make sure that they dont get hurt. he will protect people at the cost of his life. hes an outcast because he is so small and weird looking but if people were to beccome his friends they would find that he is loyal and atrustworthy friend.
he has red skin and very dark almost pitch black hair. he keep his hair short and military like that way it wont get into his eyes. he is short and doesn't care much for fashion.
Now now. Only until they announce the race can you rp it. A race like it I mean...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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Sigh since joker didn't re-posted my old info from RP character i guess am gonna add it again.
Subjects:Basic sword-mastery,intermediate sword-mastery,intermediate courses of survival.
Appearance:Spiked blond hair,azure eye color,tall and moderate physic.
Personality:Stern(in times when it's needed for students to learn things in order to survive harsh world infested with Wraiths),positive person and strong willed.
After long journey from his hometown he finally reached the gates of the academy.
"So...this is the academy my master spoke of."
He whispered to himself as he was slowly entering through the gates of the famous academy.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
((You want me to update your old profile with your new one? Or replace entirely, Wicked? Sorry I took so long posting profiles up.))
The young Headmaster was in his office still filing paper work. A sigh came from him. He was sitting, Indian style, in a comfortable leather black chair. "And this should be the last student." he said as his hand guided a phoenix feather quill pen away from the piece of paper. The cursive black ink was neatly on the paper he was writing on. He set the pen back in a small glass dish before placing the paper inside a light brown folder and closing it. Opening a red folder, he began to read. "Extra Ciricular Activites..." His eyes skimmed the list until it stopped at the last activity. "Gary." he said scoldingly. Just then, a small green frog hopped on his desk. "Did you put this activity in here?" He said as he ruffled his nose and looked at the frog, Gary. Gary looked away guiltly. Xaldian frowned. "You know better than that." he stated before grabbing another quil pen but this time it was an Elysium Fowl feather. This pen erased the black ink for the inappropriate activity. "There will be no naked girl beach ball. The Elder gave me this job. Let's try to be serious." He said as he put the pen back.
Just then his door opened and it was a janitor. "Good morning, Xaldain. I've come to inform you that the piepes are acting up again. The girls may not get warm water this morning. Do you want me to-"
Xaldain quickly stood. "No, I'll handle it. Inn fact, I'll personally go check it out myself if it is. Thank you." When he left out Gary croaked. "What?" he asked. "I'm working. It's perfectly fine for me to go to the girl's shower room to check if the water is cold. We want them ready for school don't we?" Gary gave him a scolding glare as he did him before. "Fine, don't come along." He then walked out. Gary cocked his head to the side before hopping off the desk and hopping quickly out before the door shut.
Several minutes later there were screams in the girl's shower room followed by multiple slapping noises. The door to the room opened and Xaldain was drenched head to toe and had pink handprints over his face. "Well the water is warm..." He turned around to see the frog posted at the door looking in. "Gary!" he scolded again, picking him up then walking away.
Soon he was out and about on his white horse. He went to a large field where the class for Mount Riding met. He smiled seeing students coming already and greeted them. Emerald eyes watched as the students formed a line facing him. "Welcome, all, and merry meet. I know that some of you are new and others are old knowing me. Most call me HeadMaster, but I prefer Mr. Xaldian. This course is not easy like the otther mount riding courses. This is advanced. And so I shall not disappoint you with that name. We will begin easy though pick in speed like our rides. When this course is through, you will master the art of fighting on mount back, avoiding countless dangers, and much more."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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As Lucifer approached the mount riding class, he did a low whistle. This caused the raptor to slow down to a walking pace, as he road up to the class.
"Ah, headmaster....." Lucifer said, as he saw the familiar face.
"How you been?" He asked, as he looked at the class, while dismounting his raptor. "Oh, to everyone here. I'm know as Lucifer. Glad to make acquaintance with you all." Lucifer said as he bowed slightly.
As he stood up, he made a slight clicking sound and the raptor walked off back to the stables. "Hm....Hopefully he doesn't get lost in the forest again...." Lucifer said to himself as he watched his raptor walk back.
"Well. Has class already started?" Lucifer asked as he turned back to face the headmaster.
"or, do you still need to show the new students how to find their appropriate beast to ride?" Lucifer said, as a flashback happened in his mind of when he first meet his raptor, and a low and somewhat evil chuckle came from his mouth.0 -
"Ah, Lucifier. Glad you could make it. I'm doing well. I hope you had a good break and aren't geting into.. too much trouble." Xaldain chuckled a bit. "I was just getting started actually." He smiled, turning to the rest of his students. "I see some of you have mounts already picked out and others with your own. It is important to make a bound with an animal, yet you can not grow too attached. So first lesson." He pulled out his class sheet and read off a name. "Darwin." He took an arrow and shot it in the sky with his bow. "Up, up, up. There it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows." he said before the arrow went down in front of a stable door. "Ah, Silver. A lovely Ninetailed fox." He whisteled, "Silver." and the fox pushed open the door and walked out. "She is a beauty, but she likes a tough rider that can handle her well. Swap your mount."
He continued on then got to Lucifer. "Lucifer, let's see who you get, mm?" The arrow shot up and seemed to stay in the sky for a while before falling down infront of the far left door. "Oh? Interesting." He said before he grinned. "You get Nightfall, Nightmare's twin brother." He looked to Lucifer. "He is a tough one like his brother, but I believe you'll do just fine with him as you did with Rex."
Nightfall shoved the door open and came out of the stable. He was already glaring at the students as he trotted with his hooves pounding the ground like a drum.
"These will be your new mounts until they get swapped again. This teaches you to adapt and be a better rider. There will be situations where you do not have the option of having your choice of beast to ride. There will be situations where you have to ride a wild for survival. Your personal mount will not always be there. And do not try to reswap, the animals will know and I will know."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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"Darn it. Darn it. Darn it." The veno cursed under her breath as she ran out the academy. "I'm going to be late." she muttered then turned into her cat form and darted off to the field. She had no mount sadly. Though she heard they proided them with ones anyhow. Yet, she missed her lovely panther, Shiva. When she got there, he was shooting an arrow to the sky then saying something about Nightfall and Nightmare. She saw the large black horse walk like he owned the place. If this mare was a totally ****, was his twin equally the same or worse. She hoped she would not get him to find out. She already had an animal back in her dorm that she allowed to lounge on her bed. Purple mist engulfed her and she became human like once more. "I don't have a mount yet. I was late." she said to the teacher on the white horse.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Xaldain's brow raised when he saw a cat venomancer appear from a purple fog. "This is the first day, but later on lateness is a penalty." he stated. He then gave her a kind smile. "Welcome to Advanced Mount Riding. I am the Headmaster, Xaldain. What is your name my dear? I haven't seen you around so you must be new."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
Coming Soon...0 -
Xaldain. She had to remember that name. A headmaster is the prinipal of the school. You can't get their name wrong. "Kitten." she replied to him.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Lucifer smirked as he walked over to Nightfall. His smile, a bit decieving, seemed to spook the mare. "Shhh...." Lucifer said in a soothing tone, to which the mare calmed down, in what seemed like an instant. Lucifer slowly ran his hand down the mare's neck, through the mane that Nightfall had. "You don't seem so bad." Lucifer said, as he jumped up slightly, calling his flying sword out for a split second, to have a foot hold, as he swung his right leg over Nightfall's back and then comfortably sat down.
"Headmaster, you need to give me a harder guy." Lucifer said, as he stroked Nightfall's neck, which seemed to keep the mare in a state of calmness. Lucifer made a click noise like he usually did with his rex, but nothing happened. He laughed to himself, as he had to keep in mind, this one hadn't been trained yet. "Well, I guess this guy will quilify as "hard" considering I haven't had a chance to train him yet." Lucifer commented to himself, as he ran his fingers through Nightfall's mane, and then tightened his grip around some of the mane to use as a hand hold. He did a slight kick into Nightfall's side, to let him know he can start moving.
After a few seconds, Nightfall began to move, but not some walking pace, or a gallop, he bursted into full sprint. "Wooooooah!!!" Lucifer said, as he was nearly thrown off the mare from the speed. "Damn. Forgot that also...." Lucifer said as he climbed back onto the mare's back.0 -
Nadine ran panicked through the halls. Fortunately, everything was labeled for the sake of new students such as herself for the first few days. She managed to find the room to her class, the single door wasn't very fancy, made of simple dark wood, but that didn't matter all that much. She opened the door and ran in, only to find the room empty. Not even the teacher was there. Looking around for a bit to make sure she was alone, she pulled off her pack and took the small sheet of parchment that had er schedule listed on it. Her basic healing class didn't start for another hour. In fact, she didn't have any classes at this time. She swore to herself as she put the parchment back. She walked slowly to the girls dorms. Hopefully she wouldn't have a roommate. Her mother had told her horror stories about some of the roommates she had had, and Nadine wanted nothing to do with them.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
As Grippie had entered the doors, she was already almost trampled by a raptor, and knocked in the head by a young cleric, who really needed to keep her skirt down. She transformed into a fox, and trotted down the corridors to find the girl's dormitory. When she found the list she transformed through purple sparks, back to her "human"-ish form. "Grippie... Grippie... Grippie... Gr- Aha!... room 796"... Nadine she thought I hope this girl isnt as clumsy as that cleric she rolled her eyes... and quietly walked to her dorm. When she opened the door, she saw two beds. One was made out of giant umbrella magnolia leaves, and the other made of a deep color oak wood.... she decided to take the oak bed. She set down her things, and summoned her Magmite... led him to the backside of her bedpost, and told him to wait there as she headed to her first class, History of Venomancers. Then she realised that she would have her second class right afterwards, Mellee and how to control it. She grabbed her history book, and her mage weapon and ran down the hall to find her classroom.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!
MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever
P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?0 -
Nadine went to check the room assignment in the main hallway, hoping the entire time for no roommate. When she found her name on the board, and saw another name right next to it, she was very tempted to give up and leave, right then and there. But, that would probably end up being a bad idea. So, she would have to deal with her new roommate at some point. Well, I guess Grippie doesn't sound like a bad name. Maybe she won't be so bad. she thought, not really believing her own thoughts.
When she got to her room, the first thing she noticed was the very large Magmite standing near a large oak bed. She had no idea what it would do if she come into the room any more, since she had no idea what her roommate had told it to do. She found it best to play it safe and back out slowly. Besides, the bed that would apparently be hers was made out of leaves. That didn't look like something was wanted to deal with while still wide awake, so she set off to explore the grounds until her class started.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
(@Joker:Just leave the new one posted(there is no use now posting the old one now) and another thing.As i said before make sure you note the time so we RP-ers don't enter into time paradox with our stories and instead synchronize them.)
Upon entering the fields of academy young blademaster looked around in order to inspect the grounds of academy for any suitable training spots for himself and his students.
He spotted a nice grasslands not too far from the academy,although it was bit crowded for this time of day and with the fact its first day of school.
"Hmm...i guess i better check the field out and see if i can find headmaster as well while am at it." young man thought to himself as he slowly walked towards the fields,as he was getting closer he saw someone riding a white steed being surrounded by students.
"I should ask this guy if he knows where is the headmaster."he thought to himself as he walked up toward the person riding a horse.
"Greetings...can you tell me where i can find the headmaster of this academy?" he addressed him.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Xaldain skimmed his student list and made an "Ah. Here you are." He looked back at Kitten and smiled. "Let's see what mount you get, ay?" Like before, the teacher shot an arrow in the air. It landed right next to the stable that had held Nightfall. The stable door bursted open, absolutely breaking the door off its hinge. The black stallion made himself known by blowing red flames from its nostrils as he walked slowly to the group. "Nightmare, what did I say about breaking things?" The horse huffed in reply. "Your new rider is Kitten." Xaldain said, motioning the horse to go towards her. The horse's red eyes went towards the venomancerwith a glare before looking over to his brother who held a blademaster. "I wouldn't be too certain of that, Lucifer. Nightfall is a handful."
The two horses made eye contact right before Nightfall gave Lucifer a good dart then a quick halt. Seeing him fall of and have to get back on, the two horse-laughed. They were devil twins. Just get them together and anyone would have havoc. "Kitten, be sure to teach Nightmare who's boss." He looked back at Lucifer and Nightfall. "You too, Lucifer. They plot more than anything to destroy you."
He turned to everyone else. "I want everyone to have a nice trip around the forest path with their new mount for bond time. There are no wraiths if you stay on the path. I want no one go off it. We clear?" The class said their "yes, Mr. Xaldain." and then were off pass him. "I will be here if any one is late for the class." The two devil brothers looked at each other as if they were plotting what to do on the trail.
When most of the people cleared with their mounts, Xaldain spotted a person walking towards him. "Ah, yes. It is I. What may I do for you?"[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
Coming Soon...0 -
(( Current time and period are posted up on the first page.b:victory Thanks, Wicked.
I also posted a poll up for today's lunch food. =D ))[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
Coming Soon...0 -
((Periods? I was assuming this was a more college-like school instead of high school. That's why I had my char not have any classes at this time... Was I wrong in doing so? I'm so confused now. b:faint And is it too late to add in a few classes? I just looked at what I was taking and figured I should add in Winged Elf history. Other than that, I'm good.))[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
((Ya, you're right. Periods may be bad. Classes can always be added. Hmm... What is a better way to organize the classes? I just don't want the intructors to be confused on which class they should be holding so I put periods.))[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
Go here
> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
Coming Soon...0 -
((How about each class is 1 'hour', starting at around 8 am or so. They aren't periods, (which implies that all students have to do something at all times) so much as they are blocks (which gives students a bit more freedom). You can even assign time slots to each of the classes you have, so that way everyone's on the same time frame. If it's now ~8 am, that means you adv mount riding is then. And Grippie and I have both given rough time slots for three other classes, so you have a start on that. How's all this sound to you?))[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
((It sounds good. I'll work on the times. The times of classes will be a bit hard because the teachers need to be there. 12 will be lunch as always. And 6 or 7 pm is dinner? Classes should end at 8pm at latest?
I also added the Winged Elf History to your classes.
Teachers, I need the times you want to have your classes. And I need to know which mount riding you want to do, Wolfster. If there is no current teacher, students please suggest a time to have it. Thank you.))[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
Go here
> You know you want to.
Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
Coming Soon...0 -
As Lucifer got back onto Nightfall's back, he did a loud whistle as his rex came flying down from above. He leaned down close to Nightfall's ear and whispered into it "Try anything, and your going to become his dinner, understand that?". He rose back up, as he did a clicking noise, which to his rex meant to follow him.
"Stay on the path...." Lucifer said to himself, "Rather not." He said, as he directed Nightfall to turn and head off into the forest.
"Let's see how much fun we can get this way...." Lucifer said, with his rex following behind him. It wasn't but a few second's after Lucifer going off the path, that wraiths began to surround him. "Perfect!" Lucifer said, as he pulled out his sword from his belt. "Let's see how well we can work together Nightfall." Lucifer said as he did a slight snapping motion to command nightfall to sprint, which the mare did with pleasure. This sudden speed, causing Lucifer to nearly fall off, but he regained his balanace as he saw the heads of the wraith's, he let his blade drop down as it began to rip through the head's of the wraith beasts. It seemed to have taken minutes, but it was actually only a few seconds, as Nightfall reached the other side, and thousands of wraith heads were rolling on the ground.
"Come get us!" Lucifer said, as he jumped into the air, and landed on his rex. He made a loud, but low whistle, which signaled to his rex to rush. "Come on you wimps! I thought you were suppose to be scary!!" Lucifer shouted as he slashed through more, and more of the wraiths heads. He was having so much fun within the crowd of wraiths, he didn't even notice that Nightfall had left back to the path, nor did he want to care. It was after about half an hour of killing wraiths, that all that remained was blood, and corpses. Lucifer exhaled, and smiled one of his more sinister smiles. He looked around at the battlefield, and felt pleased. That was....until he felt the ground shake below him. As he looked around, his eyes stopped to his front as he saw the tree's beginning to split apart.
"Ohhh......" Lucifer said, as he reacted and made one single click, which told his rex to take off running. His rex, usually relaxed and calm, took off like a bolt. It reached the path within seconds, and was back to the class within minutes.
"HEADMASTER!!!" Lucifer yelled as he came into range of the class, he could still feel the ground pulsing from the steps of whatever it was that had come out. "We got a problem!!!" Lucifer finished, as he nearly crashed into the stables.0 -
((Now that's mean Joker. She didn't want Nightmare lolz.))
Nightmare was a real jerk when she tried getting on him, but finally she climbed on and stayed firm. "Alright, Mister. Lets go." The horse made a growl then darted off with a mighty speed on the trail. A few seconds and he stopped suddenly, driving her off forwards. She flipped then landed gracefully on her feet. "You're trying to knock a cat off balance?" she growled turning her head to glare at the horse. "I tried being nice, but you're going to act right when I'm through." she said and turned around to walk back to him. "Listen here, you sorry excuse for a mount. I want no funny busniess from you. You have a problem, Tough! Get over it! Personally I don't know what your problem is and I don't give a damn!" she hissed, her eyes glowing fully violet. "Now get your **** straight!" she shouted, making the beast flinch then actually fix his posture.
In a blink, her eyes were back to normal. "Better." she said in her calm voice. She notice Nightmare looking off in a direction then running off. "Hey!" she said as she ran after him. She met up to see Nightfall and Nightmare. Where was Nightfall's rider?
Her ears twitched once she heard the ground rumbling. "That doesn't sound good." Stupid Nightfall. How could he just leave his rider? She dashed through the trees and found the place where wraiths were slaughtered. "What the hell?" She didn't see Lucifer just leave on Rex. Curiosity struck her and she walked towards a rustling bush. It held a samll animal that was tangled. "Here you go, little guy." she said to it, carefully untangling the bunny's paw. The trees beside her split and she only saw a large black foot of armor.
Kitten rose to her feet with the bunny in er arms and she looked up to see the wraith. It looked like a large knight with black armor and a large sword in one of its claws. "Oh boy.." she said, wishing she had brought her weapons with her. "So... Any chance you're friendly?" It swung the sword at her, making her jump high over the sword. "Guess not." She landed back down and put the bunny down. "Run off now." She ducked and the sword cut the tree in front of her in half.
She stood up, having no time to avoid this swing she put up bramble hood and got knocked back into several trees. "Even with reduction this thing still gives off a pretty big hit.." she growled to herself in her mind. She winced greatly, with her back against a tree that stopped her finally. One of her eyes were closed as she was in pain, a slash being on her side. She could hear then see it walking towards her. "I have to get up.. But I can't move..."
Nightmare went with Nightfall back to the stables.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
[OOC: Damn....shouldn't of ended my guy by having him rush back to the headmaster >.>
Ohwell.......Next time in mount riding class:
Massive Duel between Lucifer and an Elite wraith boss, Who will win this massive clash!!? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!!!!]0 -
Lol. I editted at the end that the nights came back lol. Where is Joker when you need him? And wraith would win. lol lol >.<The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed!
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