


  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My bunny is more cute ^.^

    Don't steal my bunny tho >.< I will hunt you down! (not really)
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My bunny is more cute ^.^

    Don't steal my bunny tho >.< I will hunt you down! (not really)

    Thats from the winterbells game you dont own it b:angry
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Thats from the winterbells game you dont own it b:angry

    The fact that you know this impresses me b:dirty
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The fact that you know this impresses me b:dirty

    stayne is asian.. he knows everything.. nothing to be impressed here
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    stayne is asian.. he knows everything.. nothing to be impressed here

    math isn't everything my friend.
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    its not as if kd got salary lately

    /enough said

    lol, my poor deluded friends that remain in KD are still asking for orbs or sth, its been a month now since the last time they got something at all b:thanks
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    there wasn't much point in NOT trying something new.

    "something new" I think means banking all the money. Been 4 weeks now b:cute
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    blah blah blah...
    ok lets go back to the topic please..
    poor Dark_Fate is asking sponsorship.
    Michael pleaseeeeeeeeeee
    Make me a CATA archer or just gimme some crystals or some mils coins..
    i know u have them..
    some chrono pages? i need bloodvow( i will need when i can play again )
    come oneb:cry
    please dont use the last coins of KD to +10 all your gears Michael u are already op
    come onnnnnnb:cryb:sad
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    /enough said

    lol, my poor deluded friends that remain in KD are still asking for orbs or sth, its been a month now since the last time they got something at all b:thanks
    Maybe if people didn't leave as soon as they got something there would be more motivation to hand things out faster. Now there's no point in giving anyone anything.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    math isn't everything my friend.

    Ya but there are a lot of things are a derivative of math.

    c whut i did thar?
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    "something new" I think means banking all the money. Been 4 weeks now b:cute

    Sneaky you're just QQing because the guild wouldn't give you orbs AFTER you applied to Zulu and made it quite clear that you were planning on leaving. Durr let's give orbs to our enemies that's such a great idea.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    let's give orbs to our enemies that's such a great idea.
    We already tried that idea, too.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    can i has the minies? b:cute
  • Nieka - Harshlands
    Nieka - Harshlands Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Maybe if people didn't leave as soon as they got something there would be more motivation to hand things out faster. Now there's no point in giving anyone anything.

    can you really talk Ligeia youve left Kingdom what two three times

    oh and Dark_Fate no free stuff for you i need to hit 100 and reforge my weapon b:angry
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I left twice. I got 100 Dragon Orbs and a CoA ring over six months ago.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    can you really talk Ligeia youve left Kingdom what two three times

    oh and Dark_Fate no free stuff for you i need to hit 100 and reforge my weapon b:angry

    pretty sure Blade or me hold the record on ragequitting Kingdom. Lig is not even in the top 5 b:kiss
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Sneaky you're just QQing because the guild wouldn't give you orbs AFTER you applied to Zulu and made it quite clear that you were planning on leaving. Durr let's give orbs to our enemies that's such a great idea.

    Err. After Taboo posted "FIRST WEEK GOAL"... Salary stopped and they handed orbs for the "FIRST WEEK GOAL".

    Its been what, 5-6 weeks from that? I quote Michael "we have almost 400 gold waiting for a D.Orb sale", and right after that week, yeah a ton of ppl left, but others (Like me) stayed. I was in still in KD when I +7+6-+5 my gear on my own. Did people received orbs after the 1st week b:bye

    I applied to Zulu on May 15, that is 9 days ago and joined 7 days ago, so... thats not really the cause, its kind of a RESULT lol. "Guild", as you call it, wouldnt give anything to anyone, despite the fact of supporting TWs for all those weeks. I honestly dont know whereas if you are part of it or not (I can believe u farm ur own **** bc I do the same and im an archer), but plz don't try to cover what is so clear for everone in the server *cough*money being banked for himself/themselves*cough.

    After they stopped giving salary Michael said, and I quote: "guild has around 400 gold waiting for an OrbSale", and yeah, many left after the salary stopped, many left after an almost successful TW, but obviously no one would mention the subject of the orbs/money/whatever. I left because there wasnt any leadership, officers cleaned their hands, either they were demoted or they demoted themselves just to avoid any "responsability", and that was it. Dont say I didnt get orbs or stuff because I applied to Zulu, ya'll stopped a month before I decided that.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Only in KD do people rage quit when they dont get **** handed to them.....Did you look at the templates? Do you know how many people were at full +2 or +3 gear? Do you know how fast d orbs get used when one person requires 6-7 4 star orbs? Everything we did is posted in words, i made a ****ing spread sheet, we said what we were doing several times, people agreed with it, and now you complain because your gear was decent to star....unbelievable.

  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Its been what, 5-6 weeks from that? I quote Michael "we have almost 400 gold waiting for a D.Orb sale", and right after that week, yeah a ton of ppl left, but others (Like me) stayed. I was in still in KD when I +7+6-+5 my gear on my own. Did people received orbs after the 1st week
    By the time an orb sale arrived, everyone knew the guild was over. Would you hand out things to members of a dying guild who were going who-knows-where in a week?
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I was in still in KD when I +7+6-+5 my gear on my own.

    You answered your own question here. If you +7+6+5 your gear on your own, that means it was already +4, which was what they were helping people to get. Therefor, you weren't supposed to get anything.

    Also, the first time people got helped was April 28th according to the forums, assuming nothing would occur until the following week, that means it was one week that they skipped, and if you remember correctly Taboo was barely online due to finals.

    ITT: Quit making lame excuses like the rest of the people that left and just admit that you, like the rest of the server, wants to be a part of the server bullies that are Zulu.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands
    LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Err. After Taboo posted "FIRST WEEK GOAL"... Salary stopped and they handed orbs for the "FIRST WEEK GOAL".

    Its been what, 5-6 weeks from that? I quote Michael "we have almost 400 gold waiting for a D.Orb sale", and right after that week, yeah a ton of ppl left, but others (Like me) stayed. I was in still in KD when I +7+6-+5 my gear on my own. Did people received orbs after the 1st week b:bye

    I applied to Zulu on May 15, that is 9 days ago and joined 7 days ago, so... thats not really the cause, its kind of a RESULT lol. "Guild", as you call it, wouldnt give anything to anyone, despite the fact of supporting TWs for all those weeks. I honestly dont know whereas if you are part of it or not (I can believe u farm ur own **** bc I do the same and im an archer), but plz don't try to cover what is so clear for everone in the server *cough*money being banked for himself/themselves*cough.

    After they stopped giving salary Michael said, and I quote: "guild has around 400 gold waiting for an OrbSale", and yeah, many left after the salary stopped, many left after an almost successful TW, but obviously no one would mention the subject of the orbs/money/whatever. I left because there wasnt any leadership, officers cleaned their hands, either they were demoted or they demoted themselves just to avoid any "responsability", and that was it. Dont say I didnt get orbs or stuff because I applied to Zulu, ya'll stopped a month before I decided that.

    Just admit you're lazy and want everything handed to you..
    "If God gives you lemons, then get a new God"-Powerthirst
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    +9 refines no help b:bye that is all and no cash shop either b:victory
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    By the time an orb sale arrived, everyone knew the guild was over. Would you hand out things to members of a dying guild who were going who-knows-where in a week?

    This is an aswer. The point is that those who kept helping, wasting their time and charms didnt get a reward at all. This is not directed towards myself because I work for my own ****, this comes from the general feeling of many friends in the guild.
    Just admit you're lazy and want everything handed to you..

    Uhm, yeah, which is why I +7-+6-+5 my gear on my own b:bye
    *cough*fail troll*cough
    Quit making lame excuses like the rest of the people that left and just admit that you, like the rest of the server, wants to be a part of the server bullies that are Zulu.

    I stated openly that I applied and that I was leaving. My statements here go to those who stayed helping and getting nothing, like ELTREBOL, PerfectStarr, and RedNicklaus.

    Yes, ELTREBOL is in Zulu now, and Starr and Nick applied to Crimson, but that is the RESULT of getting no "reward" what so ever.

    I guess the point of not rewarding is because they have "plans" of rebuilding a faction.
    I wonder who's gonna follow their lead now. b:bye
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    sneaky +7'd something gratz :P
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My statements here go to those who stayed helping and getting nothing, like ELTREBOL, PerfectStarr, and RedNicklaus.

    lol, what? Perfect Starr got alot, red got help, you your self got help, and i traded eltrebol orbs that he gave back to me saying he didnt need guild help. so please, ****. im sorry we couldnt +8 everyones gear like people somehow come to expect from KD. Of all the people in guild i like that you pick 3 that did in fact get help, and yourself as well.
  • Aradorn - Harshlands
    Aradorn - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Sorry but here goes another post from the non-factor (credit to rhyme).
    Dont blame KD for not giving you stuff.
    I believe they did the best they could with what they had, with everybody leaving the guild why giving stuff to the rest of the focking server?!?!?!?
    If you really looking to point a finger for who's the blame, point that finger for all the unloyal ppl in this server that left to other faction (which showed on world pvp they got bigger d ick).
    Sorry but I just dont like all those who think: "hey, zulu killing everybody, why wont we join them and look so focking cool too?".
    Yeah so KD didnt have really problam with leadership, they had problam with ppl who want to prove they got bigger.
    As much as I didnt liked KD, cause when they was over powered they loughted at Kylin face. Now they switched sides and KD took the hit, and they fell apart because all of the server wants free land.
    What can I say, can you really blame ppl for leaving to Zulu just cause they got the biggest? or just admit you had a problam with guild hoppers in your own guild that just wanted to be in the winning side?
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Maybe if people didn't leave as soon as they got something there would be more motivation to hand things out faster. Now there's no point in giving anyone anything.

    Maybe if KD's "Leadership" wasnt a bunch of elitist wannabes who consistantly tried to make everyone in their own guild feel useless there wouldnt have been such a rush/push for people to improve their gears, and maybe you would have retained the people who left when they got something, since they wouldnt be quietly dispising your arrogant ****.

    Good luck with PengWINS, so glad theres now a new name for the same old flaming, and please dont QQ when the whole server treats you like they did KD, since it wasnt the name "Kingdom" that was hated, it was the people in it.
  • pav1
    pav1 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Maybe if KD's "Leadership" wasnt a bunch of elitist wannabes who consistantly tried to make everyone in their own guild feel useless there wouldnt have been such a rush/push for people to improve their gears, and maybe you would have retained the people who left when they got something, since they wouldnt be quietly dispising your arrogant ****.

    Good luck with PengWINS, so glad theres now a new name for the same old flaming, and please dont QQ when the whole server treats you like they did KD, since it wasnt the name "Kingdom" that was hated, it was the people in it.

    Couldn't have said it better.

    I tried ad nauseam to get this point across.

    I really hope the "core" from KD have learned this, because they are very good players. They are just "arrogant asses".
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Sorry, i pee'd myself when i read this lmao. wannabes? really? wannabes my friend are people like yourself, with evoke. Just gaining land now and think you all high and mighty. KD is a proven faction that held nearly the entire map for a pretty long time. Wannabes lol? i think not.
  • Untamed_Pav - Harshlands
    Untamed_Pav - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    pav1 wrote: »
    Couldn't have said it better.

    I tried ad nauseam to get this point across.

    I really hope the "core" from KD have learned this, because they are very good players. They are just "arrogant asses".

    This message was approved by Untamed_Pav
This discussion has been closed.