give me motivation to keep playing

WaffleChan - Sanctuary
Posts: 2,897 Arc User
i havent logged in in probably a week... maybe 9 days? is there really any incentive to keep playing? i lost my nostalgic spark, and really have no motivation to get my last 50% to 96. i have no way to make catshopping my life either for money making, grinding yields nothing, nor do i want to put my leveling on stand still for crappy farming purposes, where's the balance here?
i have all my demon/sage skills, and my 99 gear farmed... i cant afford irl to buy PK utilities from the CS.... what is there to do besides slunking through FB79, and killing spiders? b:shutup
please, for the love of god, give me some incentive to log in when i get my real internet hooked up
, i dont want to ditch my once favorite MMO for battle of the immortals or a number of other games i cant mention here.
what gives you that spark to keep going? what makes you want to still play? what is one good reason why i should get 4 last levels...?
b:sad ....or even log into the forums anymore
i have all my demon/sage skills, and my 99 gear farmed... i cant afford irl to buy PK utilities from the CS.... what is there to do besides slunking through FB79, and killing spiders? b:shutup
please, for the love of god, give me some incentive to log in when i get my real internet hooked up

what gives you that spark to keep going? what makes you want to still play? what is one good reason why i should get 4 last levels...?
b:sad ....or even log into the forums anymore

advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
Post edited by WaffleChan - Sanctuary on
I felt the same way after 1.5 year. It's time to move on.b:chuckle
I play another mmo now, although I do log in when my wife feels like playing this.b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]b:laugh
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics."0 -
TBH if you have lost the spark then maybe it's time to take a break, logging into the game and being bored/jaded isnt going to help in the long term.
But if you want to log in then IMO you need to find fun things to do that doesnt include leveling or farming.
Run low FB's for randoms, Do FF runs not for the xp but for the laugh with friends etc. Whatever you do/did find enjoying try to focus on that and play the game for yourself rather than how others expect or want you to play.
Edit: Just read your siggie and been in a similiar situation myself so I can understand it not being the best of times for you Hope it all works out soon0 -
Waffle, you should be happy now. You can use your time on more productive, healthy and fun activities xD. Drinking, traveling, women, sport etc. There is life outside.0
Either treat it as a chat room or go play another game. Nothing stopping you from playing other games.0
rol lanother account..rinse and roll a barb its more useful lol than an archerb:chuckle0
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »what gives you that spark to keep going? what makes you want to still play? what is one good reason why i should get 4 last levels...?
b:sad ....or even log into the forums anymore
I don't have a spark to keep going. I haven't played in 2 weeks. I only troll the forums because I want to see how they're **** my friends who do play. Best decision I ever made, IMO, was dropping Perfect World. You'd be surprised how much stress is out of my life, now that I stopped playing PW. I mean, yeah, I know it's a game, but come on, I think we've all gotten pissed at some, or even several points with this game... Hell... I think "F***ing Payment World!" even became my mantra due to all the cashshop related BS...b:surrender0 -
When things get boring, push your limits.
Soloing bhs?
Tankin TT bosses?
Exploring lunar?
These are things I do when the regular old things I do (TT,normal bh, TT, fbs, FC, and more TT) just get old. I push my limits and see what I can & cannot do... then I try again & see if I get better. See different ways to maximize squad dmg. Merchanting to get my gear w/ as little outside $ as possible. Feeling excited after making a really good sale/getting a gold mat drop in TT/one-shotting 3 ppl @ once in pk
Makin new friends, chatting about things that interest you both.
Switching to my other characters to get a different gameplay feel now & then.
RB gamma/delta.
Push your limits, keep things challenging. If things seem boring, its not hard enough.
Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.0 -
If you reach level 100, I'll give you 10k. Is that enough motivation? b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
I know how u feel Waffle,same is with me i took a brake for like 2 weeks to see if something will drive me back to playing it didn't help much.
This a game on death roll,PWI as we knew it is gone,economy is ruined,player interaction dead,everyone now has several high lvl alts,so rly not much time to stop and enjoy the game.
Im also sad cuz i invested so much time in this game and now if i log in i feel almost instantly bored and if i dont i feel empty.
Meh there u go my Q.Q time over b:byeLife is a waste of time and time is a waste of life, so waste your time and have the time of your life !0 -
imo there should be more solo instances. not a coin risk like cube and not CoA or dragon temple cuz thats just a mass pk fest so i hear.
For instance, I suggested this one before, an instance called dragon valley. meant to be soloed. kinda like TT where theres different lvl ranges which begin at the level that the different DQs begin. elite mobs to deal with and bosses that drop the dragon orders.
This is the kinda thing I think would keep people interested. Some of those DQ molds are pretty nice (lvl 87 mag ringb:dirty) but the mindless dqs are what keep people from having them.
other solo stuff that always nets a exp or item profit would also help (outside of grinding ofc, though I dont mind that too much)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
To OP:
if you come to the point where you're asking yourself why you play this game, better quit and start another. Battle of Immortals is quite addictive you know? different feel, much better mechanics and a fair reward system. Try it, you might like it.
I'm still having fun in this game. Maybe because (since I got my new laptop) I can play a lvl 99 cleric beside my wizard. Changing classes can be interesting, at least for a while.
This morning I learned the hard way that I can tank Abaddon on the wiz, without a BB. My charm is still crying but we got it done, with a lvl 93 cleric at his first trip to Abaddon. 2 BMs, 2 wizards, archer, cleric. Second wiz helped cleric heal me, but hey , we pulled it off. Fun run.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
I want to buy some motivation juice as well b:surrenderAasimar:
"Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."0 -
Well if you have all your 99 gear I would say your motivation would be to get to 99 to use such gear....and have fun doing it...anyway you want...Retired
I took a break for about 6 months. I returned like 3 months ago because I got bored of the other things I was doing.
Recently, I found a piano keyboard that was given to me like 2 years ago. I decided to learn piano online while I do WQ.b:laugh It's going good, I;m still half way on my first song.b:chuckle but having a blast.
Saying that, PWI died for me long time ago when my friends left the game. I'm waiting for Forsaken World to come out.
Too bad the developers with such a good concept as PWI, they cant take it to another level.
As I have mentioned many times, the fun thing is PWI is the "travel" going to level 1 to whatever level you feel confortable with. when you hit the final level, there is no reward or new place to go.
when are we going to travel to "PWI future" rather than traveling to PWI past? and have lazer swords, robots as mobs, ect. If you hit 100 and you can now access a complete new game based on PWI that could be great.
In the current game as you level up, its more of the same (just take longer to get what you want).0 -
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »To OP:
if you come to the point where you're asking yourself why you play this game, better quit and start another. Battle of Immortals is quite addictive you know? different feel, much better mechanics and a fair reward system. Try it, you might like it.
You liked Battle of Immortals? Does it get more coherent after the first 20 levels cause I found it a frenetic mess for the time I tried it. The "suggestions" of cash shop items I should be using as a portion of my inventory bag also really drove home what I don't like about the publisher.
Waffles, all I can give you is that there does not currently seem to be anything better to do. Like you, I got tired of grinding pointlessly toward 100. Repeating everything with alt characters lost its charm when they got high enough to start having the same gear cost, revenue, and time sink issues. But, after looking around for a week or so for something better, I have to say I have not found it yet. By the way, if you do find something better to do, PM me with it please."?" IS my avatar.0 -
If you can't find a positive answer for yourself, not one whispered into your ear by random strangers you asked on the forums, the time has probably come to leave the game and try another.
Now there are two possibilities if you do that: Number one you'll like the new game so much that we will never see you again, and number two you'll end up comparing everything in the new game with PWI and be like "hmm that's different at PW that's better there". And if you experience a lot of number two situations you'll return to PWI almost automatically and be happier than ever before.
Just do me a favour and stop b:sad <
Or do you just want people to pitty you?Cervantia BM 100 / Calivthel Cleric 101 / Davinella Archer 9x
Kachengy Seeker 8x / Pianna Wizard 8x
I need neither goons nor powerleveling.
Addicted to PW since Mai 09.
Factionless.0 -
FitHitDShan - Sanctuary wrote: »You liked Battle of Immortals? Does it get more coherent after the first 20 levels cause I found it a frenetic mess for the time I tried it. .
BOI looks dated.b:chuckle
Age of empires, Age of mythology, ect. At least in those games you had hills, valleys, ect but in BOI everything is flat land, man it looks like back in time.0 -
give me motivation to keep playing
There is none, PWI is dead so far as full blown development goes as they are all working on the newer games. Yes they may bring out another expansion sometime before 2011 but it needs to be content that affects EVERYONE's game play, not just tideborn sage/demon skills.
Perfect World is now just a money machine with no new content for the overall classes. With all the hype to make a quick buck they forgot that x2 and these hyper stones would accelerate leveling so quick that most people now find PWI boring.
I hope PWI learnt a lesson from the packs they put up in that it killed the game completely.
Instead of bug fixes and new content you get boutique stuff week after week that no one wants.
PWI = dead, move on. b:bye0 -
I log in to have fun with the people I met in the game and grew to be very fond of. That's been my motivation all along.
Think about why you played until now, what it was about the game that was drawing you to it (the friends, getting the levels, getting the PKs, winning TWs or forum crawling) - if you can't do those things anymore or find no enjoyment out of them... perhaps there is no need to play anymore.0 -
Chovan - Harshlands wrote: »I hope PWI learnt a lesson from the packs they put up in that it killed the game completely.
I think you're a lil bit wrong with this. Imagine how many idiots wasted crapload of cash on it and how many bucks company made on basically nothing. Nothing cause adding such things as packs, a overpowered gear that breaks the balance and couple of 3D models (mounts) is nothing in comparison to the amount of cash in return. xD0 -
Join a TW fac, like Enely or something. Archer costs in TW is relatively low...provided that you farm for your own attack charms and drugs. and for FFS...get a Heaven Shatterer.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Stay because I say so.
I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!0 -
At this point in the game TW is only thing that keeps me going really and is my only real source of enjoyment apart from partaking in or listening to amusing chat. lvling after 100 doesn't have its merits unless you want to be "famous high lvl" or something. I do an occasional wq and bh once in a long while. Nirvana run here and there and catshop on alts that's about it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Being a wiz is awesome b:dirtyb:dirty
Sig damage is before facebook Jones Blessings were in game with lunar wand.
Rank8 Wizard as of October 22, 2010 b:pleased0 -
I'd suggest you pull your bag and pack your stuffs and run as fast as you can. There is nothing good in here for you to keep playing. I'm stuck because I happen to earn too much coins.0
Why continue to play? Hmmm.....
Well, I quit, tried out other games, found out they all sucked, and now I log in to do dailies. I usually just do WQ while I do other things on the computer. I am also trying to learn how to merchant, but it appears like everyone is trying that now on Sanctuary. When Battle Pet Packs were on sale, many cat shops were selling sof's and pf's. Now Dragon Orb Packs are out, and many cat shops are selling them. It's kind of hard to learn how to merchant properly when so many are trying it themselves and are selling their stuff much cheaper than I would have to just to break even. I also would like to believe that once I get to level 89, I can start farming for skill books and pet skill books and make some money off of them.
I guess in order to keep playing this game, you have to no longer care how badly PWE is **** us over. I swore never to buy zen again, and I never will unless PWI makes a drastic change for the better. I also encourage others to follow my lead. This way I can still continue to play and not contribute to PWE's profits, which makes me feel better about the situation.
Many view PWE as 'evil'. I suggest we do whatever we can to fight it. I am reminded of a quote:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."0 -
i agree with u. and my only motivation to still play this game is the gf and the guild.-retired-
now playing megaten and...Forsaken World0 -
i know how you feel. im not as high a level as you, but im guildless (i seem to have a talent for finding ones that die about two months after joining), and i guess im kind of shy ingame-its hard for me to just run up to the BH platform and yell to join a squad, or ask friends to do something as boring as grinding with me. so i wind up playing alone 99% of the time. my cleric is, of course, immensely popular, but i cant afford to run her now, with so many people going into instances without enough pots, etc, so its either the old 'save myself, the hell with you' scenario, or share, to keep us alive, but not make enough from the run to pay for what i shared.
i've used this game to help me feel better for a long time (since nearly the beginning of open beta), but like you, its gotten to where its not the same. i havent been able to sign onto any of my games here for several weeks, due to PC problems, but i think, when i get it back from repairs, and reinstall, im going to just play, not looking ahead, but 'Carpe diem''. i do have goals, but they seem so far away as to be impossible (like to get to 84 so i can play with my polar bear pet). so i have to make shorter term goals, and i switch around to different alts.
another thing to try is to turn off the music, and play your own music. or try making PWI videos.....that is a LOT of fun! mine are more slideshows, but its so much fun to choose the music, then fly everywhere to take just the right screenshots to put together with the music.
i hope you find your fun again....i know how you feel.WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »i havent logged in in probably a week... maybe 9 days? is there really any incentive to keep playing? i lost my nostalgic spark, and really have no motivation to get my last 50% to 96. i have no way to make catshopping my life either for money making, grinding yields nothing, nor do i want to put my leveling on stand still for crappy farming purposes, where's the balance here?
i have all my demon/sage skills, and my 99 gear farmed... i cant afford irl to buy PK utilities from the CS.... what is there to do besides slunking through FB79, and killing spiders? b:shutup
please, for the love of god, give me some incentive to log in when i get my real internet hooked up, i dont want to ditch my once favorite MMO for battle of the immortals or a number of other games i cant mention here.
what gives you that spark to keep going? what makes you want to still play? what is one good reason why i should get 4 last levels...?
b:sad ....or even log into the forums anymore[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
"Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.
Playing here since '08b:heart0 -
If anyone finds anything that isn't P2P that's pretty decent please PM it to me. Cause I'm in the same boat as OP.
The only other game I ever truly enjoyed was RFO but it closed down. b:sad
And Fly for **** little kid days.
I honestly can't think of an incentive to keep playing. My only one is to be high enough level to help people with anything and everything. Other than that...I have no idea.0 -
Unless you have someone important to stay for and have a promise you can't break, you might as well leave.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] With a .25x multiplier = 423520 regular
Booyah.0 -
I was feeling the same as you, after a (slightly forced by my parents) leave. I also thought I'd take a break, cause I was kinda bored of the game (except Tws, and sometimes even they bored me). Then I realised I was kinda desperate to log in because of one word... Friends. I missed the awsome convos, the fact that they listened to me when rl stuff was getting a bit too much. I don't want this to sound like I don't have any rl friends, cause I do, but theres just some stuff thats nicer to talk about with people u dont know in rl... I still log on just for the pleasure of having a nice convo with my friends even if I know I don't have time to do any quests or smthn actually productive lol.
Anywho... back on topic, find yourself a great, talkative faction (if you don't already have one), and some great friends (and if yours have moved on... find some new ppl, it may take a while, but its worth it). Or if you feel like it, go try some new games, and decide whether you really want to spend your time there or on here. Thats my 2 cents anyway, hope it helps some^^
-Edit- oh and maybe if u already have all your TT99 gear farmed, you might want to lvl so you can wear that? I certainly would lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- tyvm to ForsakenX for the sig,ur work
Vanquish for life
Clerics are not your slaves, we do not exist to do your bidding. We also have names. Saying please does not take a lot of typing. I react very badly to being yelled at. Please do not do it.
Its rather sad when people automatically assume you are a guy just because you are playing a veno....
Live life to its fullest, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, have fun. b:victory0
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