Random Pet Peeves



  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Caaaash shop.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Caaaash shop.

    A bit. Casually. lol

    I refined my claws to +10 just by merchanting though. b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear
    GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Clerics ... Seriously everything on the forums is always someone else's fault and never their own ... Its like rolling a Cleric makes you immune to failing.

    Veno's luring with a Genie and failing " Oops sorry I lured 6 " .. Use ya ******n pet already.

    The male fashion being more camp than a field full of tents.

    The Squad Rdy WC's ... " LF Cleric for BH 3-3 Squad Rdy " .. No you need a Cleric, trust me you are NOT ready !!
  • Amaliee - Archosaur
    Amaliee - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well my biggest pet peeve currently would be people telling other classes how to play their class. Especially if I know they haven't played that class themselves but they've "read up on the forums" and decided they clearly know more about your class than you do. Ya no.

    People who ask to join a squad for an instance, everyone is ready to go, but they simply must finish up their quest/mat farming "real quick" first and make the rest of the squad wait 15 mins before they join them.

    People who refuse to teleport into bhs and fbs. I will pay you the 5-10k myself you cheap person :P lol.

    People who correct others' on their grammar in game, especially the 'your' and 'you're' corrections, which seem the silliest because if that person had typed 'ur' no one would have said a thing.

    Tanks who take the time to tell DDs to "not attack before they do." Wow thanks, wouldn't have figured that one out all by myself. b:chuckle

    Tanks who charge up and agro large groups of mobs/the boss before the cleric has had time to catch up to them. And then die. And then complain that the cleric let them die.

    People who hound the person who got the mold drop from the fb/bh to give it to them/sell it to them for a ridiculously low price. Especially if they start to do this before the bh/fb is even over.

    That being said, there are usually a lot more things I do enjoy about the game than not. But I'll take the opportunity to rant when it arises. b:cute
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A bit. Casually. lol

    I refined my claws to +10 just by merchanting though. b:chuckle

    I was saying that's my pet peeve, I wasn't accusing you of anything b:chuckle
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Anchali - Heavens Tear
    Anchali - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    people who think a bh is some kind of race

    the ones who scream that i stay with the cleric

    the akf mount thing

    archers who think its cool to die ( well thats fun they pull agro they die)

    i only auto attack. those lvl 90+ barbs that cant hold aggro from me = fail. for low lvl barbs i understand if i pull aggro. but 90+ barbs? you suck, get out of the dungeon and go back to your hyper stones. at 90+ you should be able to hold aggro against my great combo (LMFAO) ..... in result i usually die when doing my great killer combo (again lmfao)


    ok i got one that is MOST annoying.


    you died? ok, now simply press the "release corpse." it will release your damn corpse to the near town. and NO, i will NOT go on my cleric to res you (dont care what lvl you are, lvl 10 or lvl 105 i dont care >:)) unless youre a faction mate or my GOOD friend on my friend list.

    when someone die in dungeon and biitch till their bones rot into sand. DUDE, its a GAME. you will a) get a res or b) simply press "release corpse" if there are no clerics. youre supposed to have fun, not biitch till your bones rot.
    archer is awesome.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I was saying that's my pet peeve, I wasn't accusing you of anything b:chuckle

    lol, I didn't feel like I was accused of anything. b:pleased

    I don't have a problem with the cash shop... it's a necessary evil. Hell I didn't even really mind Jolly Jones and all those oracle nubs. Tokens are also great. I think event gear, BH and Hyper-Frost are the three worst things that have happened to the game.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Itadekujo - Lost City
    Itadekujo - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Dumb morons who put magic attack shards in melee weapons and then sell it in AH for sometimes double the price.. i once saw HH axes with saphire shards in BOTH sockets..b:angry
  • Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ooh, one more.


    Seriously, can't get a single damn quillhog without getting mobbed by at least three of those things at a time in your twenties. >___< Why do they have to be there, anyway? b:angry My alts are all stuck because of them.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think [...] BH [...] are the [...] worst things that have happened to the game.

    I'm not sure i agree about BH. Now Triple BH is a horrible thing, but single BH wasnt so bad. It was as much XP as doing WQ or CS, and had the benefit of actually doing combat in a group with others. This gets you to learn more things then just soloing on your quests. Also i know other games which had daily dungeon quests, which have a nice benefit of getting you to just know & game-socialize with others around your level and meet more people, rather then staying in a tight clique of a few people or guild.
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    PK'ers on PVE servers who brag about how good they are in PK, yet refuse to go to a PVP server.

    Unhelpful guilds. (Found TONS of these)

    Barbs wanting ALL drops because they have high repair costs.

    Players who think all Venos should have a Herc and a Nix, and if they don't then they are ****.

    Clerics who don't heal and act as a DD.

    People who demand you squad with them so they can leech xp off of you while you kill and they go afk.

    Cash shoppers bragging that they are better than everyone else because they can swipe a credit card to get everything they want.

    People who can't spell, then get mad at you for correcting them. (I guess they like being dumb)
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    People who feel the need to turn a thread which was (I think) meant to be humorous into one where they QQ about anything and everything.

    I still don't like sheep. <_<
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Della_Brown - Heavens Tear
    Della_Brown - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    * Dead people polluting the are chat. If horns and teles aren't bad enough, there's that added drone of, "rez plz," possibly with whispers added.

    * The white vertical 'seam' on a lot of fashion, from far away.

    * Pet multitargeting bug: if I target a mob of a type, and then target another, without attacking, or telling the pet to attack the first one, then tell the pet to go after the new one, it goes after the last one selected.

    * When something light starts playing as I'm killing mobs. It's just not right. Had Making Movies come on during a FB a week or so ago...I love some Knopfler, OK...just not for killing virtual monsters.

    * The infamous nVidia "dustbuster" reference cooler. This video card was just collecting dust, but if I had purchased it, it would not have lasted much beyond POST, before it got returned. Luckily, I have isolating headphones and IEMs (even with those, I have to underclock it and run the fans slower than stock).

    * Random faction invites, usually to a faction with some variation of, "sexy," contained in the name. Well, any random invite, but that seems to be a trend.

    * Venos that act like they can just send their pet out and heal it, and act like something is wrong when that doesn't work.

    * Those same venos that complain because a quest boss killed them. Chances are, if I hear the QQ, I watched them with sadistic glee, as they didn't even try. They always seem to have a herc or GW, and not use any pet skills during the fight.

    * Finding those same venos in my FB squad, after we're halfway to the boss. b:sad I don't pretend to be a pro or anything, but there's a point where you just need to take time to learn how your class works, so that you don't help get others killed too often.

    * Missing a quest due to having the quest window in "find quest" mode while I completed it.

    * Good stuff, like a nice aerogear, selling cheap in a cat shop, that I find right after I just bid on low AH items, or on gold during a downturn. b:angry

    * That it takes so long to get chi as a feature on a new character. Once I have a chi meter that works, I actually have an excuse for casting on puppies, horses, hens, and sheep. b:surrender

    * There's no rhinestone-studded oversized sunglasses for male characters. There are so many male characters in pink feather costumes, yet PWE doesn't let them make it into a full-on while-he-was-still-in-the-closet Elton John homage outfit, which could be done quite well with some giant studded sunglasses, and, IMO, would be awesome, and make good use of the ridiculous campiness of other male fashion, too.
    "adults on HT is an ancient myth used to scare away the kids from stealing their parents credit cards D:" - Santacruz
  • Potzi - Lost City
    Potzi - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    what annoys me most is pwi not enforcing any rules.. every day I see people that multi-client, **** the .ini file, and other stuff.
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This one is a LONG time coming....venos who think they are just as effective with glacial walkers/magmites as other venos are with herc pets.

    I'm not as effective as other clerics 2 lunar rings (all else being equal). My 9x bm friend isn't as effective as my other 10x bm friend with nirvana gears (all else being equal).

    Veno pet = a piece of gear, nothing else. Why would I choose a squad mate with inferior gear over one with awesome gear? Moreover, why would I choose someone who refused, on principal, to upgrade certain aspects of their gear, because it gave them a "bad image," or they were "treated differently"?

    Squadmates with good gear = pro. Squadmates who actually choose inferior gear = not squadmates, sry
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My main pet peeve is with people who complain, whine and btch so much about every single detail that annoys them that it makes me wonder why they even continue playing the game at all. b:shutup
  • Linwiz - Lost City
    Linwiz - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    People that QQ like hell when they drop something in pvp and say you stole it and demand it back b:shocked
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm not sure i agree about BH. Now Triple BH is a horrible thing, but single BH wasnt so bad. It was as much XP as doing WQ or CS, and had the benefit of actually doing combat in a group with others. This gets you to learn more things then just soloing on your quests. Also i know other games which had daily dungeon quests, which have a nice benefit of getting you to just know & game-socialize with others around your level and meet more people, rather then staying in a tight clique of a few people or guild.

    BH exp rewards are WAY too high. Too much giveaway for too little effort.

    Throw a squad of people 10-20 levels higher than the instance, give them +10 att/def level blesses, equipped with genies and event pots... and there are STILL horrible stories of fail.

    Get to know how to work effectively in a squad? Hardly, and with many of these nubs, they don't even really know how to play their classes well. Having one tank and one cleric with the rest playing follow the leader for 45 minutes of running wined instances to maximize wine fees hardly constitutes a learning environment.

    The game design was originally pretty briliant... the speed with which you leveled, the amount of money you earned, and the amount of solo questing you needed to do before higher level bosses and instances made you come together to use your skills has mostly been eliminated.

    The one thing I really liked about PWI when I joined was the difficulty level. Everything has been made easy, and I think that's one of the reasons why people aren't sticking around so much... it might also be why they're removing instance bless boxes... hopefully they'll introduce more challenge than they remove.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A few more I thought of...

    • People that go afk for hours at a time, not in catshop mode, instead of simply logging off. I can understand if a sudden emergency took place but 99% of the time, they stay on while sleeping or whatever.

    • Catshops that have the exact same item(s) in both the buying AND selling sections at the same time

    • Blacklist is limited to 20 names. Should be unlimited and the list stored on your own pc.

    • People who are too stubborn or just can't take a simple hint on something you are trying to explain to them, usually something they should not be doing, still insisting on doing it their way

    • Mana costs for most maxed skills are way too high
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    - Ironically, the players who QQ too much. LEARN TO ADAPT TO THE GAME OR QUIT IT ALREADY!. The devs have the upper hand on this one, and a certain category of players *cough*.

    - Meme posts a-la cool story bro. Yeah, I know what's coming next.

    - Players who can't play their class right, and blame everyone else when they fail.

    - People who go nuts at brambles. Seriously. Give the spell a break and learn the damn mechanics.

    - The ones who also think venos are useless without nix and/or herc.

    - PKers who brag about how they are sooo good... yet wouldn't last a minute in PVP servers.

    - WC spam. I mean constant spam, like 15-20 minutes of the same persons rambling over and over... usually trashtalk.

    - People who look down on others because they don't want to / can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars in the cash shop. What, sorry I'm putting my RL before this game?

    One positive thing though: I haven't seen PVP vs. PVE debates that last foreverm unlike another game I play. I probably jinxed it, but whatever o.o.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    - Ironically, the players who QQ too much. LEARN TO ADAPT TO THE GAME OR QUIT IT ALREADY!. The devs have the upper hand on this one, and a certain category of players *cough*.

    - Meme posts a-la cool story bro. Yeah, I know what's coming next.

    - Players who can't play their class right, and blame everyone else when they fail.

    - People who go nuts at brambles. Seriously. Give the spell a break and learn the damn mechanics.

    - The ones who also think venos are useless without nix and/or herc.

    - PKers who brag about how they are sooo good... yet wouldn't last a minute in PVP servers.

    - WC spam. I mean constant spam, like 15-20 minutes of the same persons rambling over and over... usually trashtalk.

    - People who look down on others because they don't want to / can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars in the cash shop. What, sorry I'm putting my RL before this game?

    One positive thing though: I haven't seen PVP vs. PVE debates that last foreverm unlike another game I play. I probably jinxed it, but whatever o.o.

    cool story bro b:cute
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Throw a squad of people 10-20 levels higher than the instance, give them +10 att/def level blesses, equipped with genies and event pots... and there are STILL horrible stories of fail.

    Get to know how to work effectively in a squad? Hardly, and with many of these nubs, they don't even really know how to play their classes well. Having one tank and one cleric with the rest playing follow the leader for 45 minutes of running wined instances to maximize wine fees hardly constitutes a learning environment.

    it depends. i believe i learned a lot by running bhs. when i started playing there werent bhs, and people did fbs only when someone actually had a tab, when someone failed quests there and they liked him enough to help, or when they farmed molds. now i admit most new players level so fast they dont learn their class properly, but those who do want to learn have an opportunity to do it. when you test yourself aganst a boss every day - really working, not just standing there and looking pretty - you WILL learn. even fail squads can teach you a lot about things like aggro management or new uses for your skills...
    and on bhs you meet lots of people too, some are really nice and good players. at least half my friends list are people i met on bh runs, some i added in august and kept in touch with since then b:victory

    what annoys me are people refusing to stack bhs, you need only 2 days to do that and have all 3 at once every day from now on and this ends problems with 'is the door open' 'what boss kill first' or 'going to turn, inv me back cya'
  • Dark_Feather - Lost City
    Dark_Feather - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ooh, one more.


    Seriously, can't get a single damn quillhog without getting mobbed by at least three of those things at a time in your twenties. >___< Why do they have to be there, anyway? b:angry My alts are all stuck because of them.

    It's because there's two quests to kill them, and both quests require like 30-35....and ppl are dumb and don't do the two quests together. b:surrender

    I hate them too. >.<

    Shiome: Psychic 2x
    Okami_Sukino: Venomancer 3x
    Ayumi_: Assassin 0x
  • BarbLord - Raging Tide
    BarbLord - Raging Tide Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    my worst pet peeves are

    people who refuse to use their full potentional in any instance to make the whole run more efficient only because it might cost them a litle more or any other uninportant reason

    people who are completly clueless on how to play their class

    people who feel like overpricing stuff massivly(like 200k for a low lvl 3* equipment piece with **** stats)

    people who think you need higher levels for everything

    people who demand high level help with their bhs

    well thats it i supose
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    -Having a cleric in your squad that doesn't speak English and doesn't know how to buff.
    -When someone steals your kills.
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    cool story bro b:cute

    I just knew someone was going to say that. b:laugh

    PS - Hi Xan b:mischievous
  • KayLinda - Sanctuary
    KayLinda - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    - People crying out continuously for a rez for 20 minutes without checking (via nearby players control) to see if there is even a cleric in the vicinity. Just "go to town, dude".

    - Bunching up for hours around BH and School Teacher NPCs. Get your quest and move your butts. What's the problem?

    - Rapid fire spamming of the same message in common chat -- "Quinzi group has room for 3, Cleric preferred." "Quinzi group has room for 3, Cleric preferred." "Quinzi group has room for 3, Cleric preferred." "Quinzi group has room for 3, Cleric preferred."

    - Drive-by friend requests. "I don't know you" - "usually I get to know someone before adding as a friend"

    - "So and so wants to carry you" requests - This is my problem, though. Being a guy playing a female toon the whole concept gives me the willies - well, not that there is anything wrong with that.

    - Immature, young males playing assassins.

    - Barbs, BMs, and Assassins claiming I am kill stealing because I hit the mob harder and from a distance. After all, they were closer to the mob when we both spotted it. There is what? a 10 second respawn rate?

    - Squad members who can't use the map, the NPC locator, the mini-window, the quest "green-link" hyperlinks, key-in coordinates, web pages or have failed to learn any of the major cities and landmarks. Instead they want to go on auto-follow. Followed by several whines about "I can't find you guys? You all left me!"

    - Large Veno pets - can't see or switch targets easily around them.

    - Getting from Archosaur to Dreamweavers without paying a king's ransom or a 10 minute flight.

    - Mobs hitting me in the air.

    - Cat shops set virtually on top of NPCs.

    - Not enough trade skill and DQ drops from mobs

    - Wood damage-over-time mobs
    Since when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.

    If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    now i admit most new players level so fast they dont learn their class properly, but those who do want to learn have an opportunity to do it. when you test yourself aganst a boss every day - really working, not just standing there and looking pretty - you WILL learn. even fail squads can teach you a lot about things like aggro management or new uses for your skills...

    See, this is the thing... there's really only one BH boss that is actually somewhat difficult at the level you get it, and that's polearm. The only real difficulty is for the cleric to purify and heal properly and if whowever taking can't hold aggro, the party will wipe.

    All BH really does is teach you how to run that one instance over and over... and a lot of people who do BH die a lot and many never really learn much... this much is obvious after seeing so many people have hit 9x+ and 10x over the last few months. You see it in their playing every time you take them anywhere but their particular BH when they don't know their role.

    Remove the bless boxes and it's a bit more of a challenge. If BH were unwined, I would definitely count it as learning experience, however most of them are wined.

    People just level too fast and they hit 9x or 10x and think they're so pro when all they really know is how to run a BH properly.

    - Getting from Archosaur to Dreamweavers without paying a king's ransom or a 10 minute flight.

    That's only 8k. How long does it take to make 8k? Maybe 3-5 mob kills if you get lucky with DQ? Try porting directly into FB99, Warsong or Nirvana. You'll just love that.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • FitHitDShan - Sanctuary
    FitHitDShan - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    - Large Veno pets - can't see or switch targets easily around them.

    I really hate getting the pet, not being able to assist attack on it, clicking through to the veno, and finding she has the enormous pet targetted for heals.
    - Getting from Archosaur to Dreamweavers without paying a king's ransom or a 10 minute flight.

    Hmmm, you ARE a tideborn. Did you ever notice how close some of those cheap teleport spots in the northern tideborn areas are to Dreamweaver? I consider this the best part of the expansion.
    All BH really does is teach you how to run that one instance over and over...


    Remove the bless boxes and it's a bit more of a challenge. If BH were unwined, I would definitely count it as learning experience, however most of them are wined.

    Well, it also teaches you a very few shortcut ways to get from those particular BH spots back to central Archo, but overall agreed. Seriously, though, you have to lower your expectations that the bless box might go away to re-establish difficulty. You are going to be severely disappointed when it turns out the only reason it will go away in some instances is that the squad size in those goes up - for a net effect of making it even easier to level up into the company's cash-shopping sweet spot.
    "?" IS my avatar.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    - Kill stealing. Especially at a boss that has a lengthy respawn time.

    - People that think venos without a herc/nix are useless.

    - People that hang out at the School Teacher and Head Hunter... it only takes a second to get or turn in the quest. Move on!

    - Random squad invites when I am just running through a city.

    - Random duel challenges.

    - Triple BH. Single BH was fun, but three a day is ridiculous. Good luck finding a squad if you only feel like doing one; they all want people for the whole chain.

    - People that fly back and forth between bosses in a BH chain. I personally stack them so I don't usually have to leave at all, but if I do I teleport.

    - People that steal aggro from the tank on BH bosses on purpose.

    - Magic Shell.

    - 3* decomp nerf.

    - The fact that so many game items have the same icon, thus making scamming easier. How hard could it be to make some new ones?

    And probably many more but that's as much time as I feel like dedicating to this topic. b:chuckle
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842