Best strategy ARCHER vs ASSASIN?

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Arigora Colosseum
What do you belive to be the best strategy for archers to use against assasins?
Post edited by oliedaking on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    I would tream them the same way you would any other archer (light armor).
    Use your lightning-tree skills and get holy path on your genie.
  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'd overall just reccomend not fighting sins as archers..
  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited April 2010


    Quoted for truth.

    Below level 89 though, you can occasionally succeed in fighting back if you use Absolute Domain to buy yourself enough time to use Wings of Grace to avoid the stunlock and let your charm recover some, then light them up.

    Above level 89... the only thing I'm seeing that has promise is Expel. Either target and Expel the assassin immediately when they leave stealth, to both buy yourself time and give you a couple free shots with Lightning, or Expel then immediately Lawbreaker yourself to make yourself immune to their attacks for several seconds. The first takes amazing reflexes, the second a genie with a LOT of lucky points.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This isn't trolling or flaming, or QQing, but fact: bear in mind that over 50% of assassins are skill-less CSers.

    I'm serious, most assassins that is see in 7x/8x pvp are just hide, hit, hide, hit.
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They don't even need stealth actually. Their Shadow Teleport reaches extremely far and is instant... even if you use anti-stun pots or genie skills they will still be instantly near you anyway, and it's not like you have more advantages from that range, on the contrary. (and they aren't more squishy than you either, on the contrary they've got a skill to avoid death and recover 20% HP)

    As for "use absolute domain", why do people think that sins don't have genies? Why do people mention genies to be used? It's not like sins can't get AD, Holy path, or whatever other always mentioned skills. Or Expel. Seriously.
  • Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They don't even need stealth actually. Their Shadow Teleport reaches extremely far and is instant... even if you use anti-stun pots or genie skills they will still be instantly near you anyway, and it's not like you have more advantages from that range, on the contrary. (and they aren't more squishy than you either, on the contrary they've got a skill to avoid death and recover 20% HP)

    As for "use absolute domain", why do people think that sins don't have genies? Why do people mention genies to be used? It's not like sins can't get AD, Holy path, or whatever other always mentioned skills. Or Expel. Seriously.

    what would happen if a sin didnt have stealth and he was to face a HA? unlike archers they dont attack from long range they are melee and LA as well... thats the purpose of stealth in sins to make up for the lttle defense they have. Id like to see how a sin fights a HA without stealth.. unless they plan pking only against arcanes or archers...

    No pride, No shame. Thats the name of the game.

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  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    what would happen if a sin didnt have stealth and he was to face a HA? unlike archers they dont attack from long range they are melee and LA as well... thats the purpose of stealth in sins to make up for the lttle defense they have. Id like to see how a sin fights a HA without stealth.. unless they plan pking only against arcanes or archers...
    Telestun from 35m range. Continue with stunlock while triple sparking repeatedly. GG.

    The thing is, assassins basically do attack from long range. Their teleports have a longer range than anything else in the game, except I think Sage Revive and a Sage Archer with a +range weapon.
  • Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Telestun from 35m range. Continue with stunlock while triple sparking repeatedly. GG.

    The thing is, assassins basically do attack from long range. Their teleports have a longer range than anything else in the game, except I think Sage Revive and a Sage Archer with a +range weapon.

    Tho i heard one of the sins stuns requires almost 2 sparks... and if thats true then sins cant cut through a HA's charm without triple sparking cuz stun lock is so slow. Correct me if im wrong plz.

    No pride, No shame. Thats the name of the game.

    Retired troll and bowbarian of infamu.
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This isn't trolling or flaming, or QQing, but fact: bear in mind that over 50% of assassins are skill-less CSers.

    I'm serious, most assassins that is see in 7x/8x pvp are just hide, hit, hide, hit.

    Don't get why using stealth to initiate a surprise attack makes you skill less. If they have the skill (stealth) to do a surprise attack than why not do it?

    The fact is that sins have the worst defense in the game at later levels. Even though they wear the same armor as archers they do not have the mana protection shield or 25% damage reduction skill archers have with their light armor. Their stealth is their only defense. Without stealth assassins would be too easy for me to kill. I can easily one shot sins non crit if I can see them coming (two shot if they have deaden nerves up).

    Your statement sounds like QQing to me
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The fact is that sins have the worst defense in the game at later levels. Even though they wear the same armor as archers they do not have the mana protection shield or 25% damage reduction skill archers have with their light armor.


    Sins wear the same armor as archers and have the same evasion. On top of that they have a constant 25% chance that any skill does 1 damage. On top of that they are immune to being one-shot and will always come back with 20% more hp. And on top of that sins can go into stealth whenever they want. None of that even costs a single spark, hell the shadow escape gains you chi.

    How is an archer's shell that costs 45 chi and pops in one hit better than that? You don't know what you are talking about.
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  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Id like to see how a sin fights a HA without stealth.. unless they plan pking only against arcanes or archers...

    Tackling Slash at range, take the first stun, spark, Emblem, Maze, Inner, Dash, Mire, auto, Ice, auto
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Tackling Slash at range, take the first stun, spark, Emblem, Maze, Inner, Dash, Mire, auto, Ice, auto

    stealth, triple spark, lolwtfomg.
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  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    unless your in HA or have massivly CSed

    run for SZ via holy path with a finger on the badge of curage button
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  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sins go squish squish under my feet
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sins go squish squish under my feet

    Your Archer or BM? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Sins wear the same armor as archers and have the same evasion. On top of that they have a constant 25% chance that any skill does 1 damage. On top of that they are immune to being one-shot and will always come back with 20% more hp. And on top of that sins can go into stealth whenever they want. None of that even costs a single spark, hell the shadow escape gains you chi.

    How is an archer's shell that costs 45 chi and pops in one hit better than that? You don't know what you are talking about.


    1) Evasion sucks **** endgame.

    2)It's more like 45 seconds and sometimes sin's will be using tidal protection, when theres a lot of potential debuff classes

    3)2 minute cooldown on deaden nerves and sins are easy to 1 shot anyway.

    4) There is a long cooldown on force stealth, and their other stealth cannot be used in combat

    You are right in that non of that cost a spark, but a lot of sin attacks use sparks as well. If a sin doesn't spark to attack you the damage is pretty much ****. And I was talking about the archer shell as well as the 1 spark anti-stun and 25% damage reduction move archers have.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    as ive said a million times before

    Badge of Courage
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    @Moog: I thought we assumed that all skills are cooled down -- after all Absolute Domain and most other mentioned here have long **** cooldowns too.

    Also... your chi arguments don't hold up. Assassins have an instant self-cast skill (just like Sutra) that gives them 2 sparks when maxed. On top of that they have an attack skill that gives them 150 chi.
    as ive said a million times before

    Badge of Courage
    Sutra has 1 minute cooldown and needs 2 sparks.
    Sins have a thing called Throatcut. Nope doesn't stun in case you're wondering, it silences.

    But I don't really think sins are that OP... just that they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. What I find annoying though is people who claim that sins are EASY or SQUISHY -- people like that obviously have never fought a good sin, just oracle noobs who "omfg i pwn from stealth noob, i r teh ninja".

    They are not easy by far and extremely hard to counter properly with all their tricks. No matter how long you wish they were.

    (must I also remind you that, if charmed, any one-shot will get them to full health? you basically have to kill them twice -- and NO, it's NOT easy, you cannot pull a BIDS TWICE unless the sin is an UBER noob).

    (not that it's possible to pull a BIDS twice, maybe a MS then BIDS would be more realistic... but you know, they can have genies and "Badge of Courage" as well)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    @Moog: I thought we assumed that all skills are cooled down -- after all Absolute Domain and most other mentioned here have long **** cooldowns too.

    Also... your chi arguments don't hold up. Assassins have an instant self-cast skill (just like Sutra) that gives them 2 sparks when maxed. On top of that they have an attack skill that gives them 150 chi.

    Sutra has 1 minute cooldown and needs 2 sparks.
    Sins have a thing called Throatcut. Nope doesn't stun in case you're wondering, it silences.

    But I don't really think sins are that OP... just that they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. What I find annoying though is people who claim that sins are EASY or SQUISHY -- people like that obviously have never fought a good sin, just oracle noobs who "omfg i pwn from stealth noob, i r teh ninja".

    They are not easy by far and extremely hard to counter properly with all their tricks. No matter how long you wish they were.

    (must I also remind you that, if charmed, any one-shot will get them to full health? you basically have to kill them twice -- and NO, it's NOT easy, you cannot pull a BIDS TWICE unless the sin is an UBER noob).

    (not that it's possible to pull a BIDS twice, maybe a MS then BIDS would be more realistic... but you know, they can have genies and "Badge of Courage" as well)

    Lol @ endgame killing an average(good) sin twice won't be that big of a problem......for a wiz

    But when there are skilled players behind those sins....that's when troubles start

    Anyways....Sins and psy are relitively new to time ppl will learn how to properly counter themb:victory(not saying they will become easy to kill lolz)
    PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    JW how long a wiz can withstand a 3 spark from a sin with - int
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    1) Evasion sucks **** endgame.
    Yes it does and is the only thing archers have going for them besides a crappy shield that pops after taking 700 damage. Sins have that and much more. Remember you're the one claiming archers have better defense.

    2)It's more like 45 seconds and sometimes sin's will be using tidal protection, when theres a lot of potential debuff classes
    So sins have even more defensive options besides an uber damage evade. Somehow that gives them less survivability than archers?

    3)2 minute cooldown on deaden nerves and sins are easy to 1 shot anyway.
    You do realize deaden nerves make it physically impossible to 1-shot a sin? No other class is immune to 1-shot yet you think its easy to 1 shot sins?

    4) There is a long cooldown on force stealth, and their other stealth cannot be used in combat
    Who cares about the cooldown lol. You only use it once and after that you are totally out of danger and can wait for it to cooldown at your leisure. The most broken defense in the game.

    You are right in that non of that cost a spark, but a lot of sin attacks use sparks as well. If a sin doesn't spark to attack you the damage is pretty much ****. And I was talking about the archer shell as well as the 1 spark anti-stun and 25% damage reduction move archers have.

    What 25% damage reduction? Sage spark? All classes get that and sage archer is terrible for PVP.

    Comments inline.
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  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    there is no way to find a stealth sin unless your a higher lvl one

    there is no way to target a person in steath

    unless you target you cannot use skills

    w/o skills you cannot damage them

    if you knock them out of stealth by some miricle they can reset it in 1 second

    you cannot one shot them unless they're a total idiot

    there is no real way to kill a sin who keeps shadow escape ready aside from a stunlock+DPS
    and you cant give a gap of even 1 second...that alone is broken

    and ya ill admit i wish i could do it to lol
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You are right in that non of that cost a spark, but a lot of sin attacks use sparks as well. If a sin doesn't spark to attack you the damage is pretty much ****. And I was talking about the archer shell as well as the 1 spark anti-stun and 25% damage reduction move archers have.

    What 25% damage reduction? Sage spark? All classes get that and sage archer is terrible for PVP.

    He was talking about wings of grace....
  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    as ive said a million times before

    Badge of Courage

    as archer or sin? b:chuckleb:laugh
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  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    From what ive seen sins only target arcane and LA not HA, Pretty sad my opinion. Makes it even more sad when they go back in stealth after reaviling themselfs and thinking "Oh sht he's kickin my ****." I lol even more when they do that in duels.
    What i normaly do though is use my chi buffs (Wings of grace/Wing shell) then Stun, Thunder shock and lightninging strike. If they anit dead by then get creative.
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Makes it even more sad when they go back in stealth after reaviling themselfs and thinking "Oh sht he's kickin my ****." I lol even more when they do that in duels.
    Let me ask you something, do you ever kite?

    cause if you do, then you are doing the "oh sht he's kickin my ****" as well b:cute

    just saying...
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    From what ive seen sins only target arcane and LA not HA, Pretty sad my opinion.

    Not really. Charmed lower 9X BM's are very easy to kill, most are dead in less than 10 seconds if 1v1. Lower 9X Barbs aren't hard either unless they Invoke.
  • Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Let me ask you something, do you ever kite?

    cause if you do, then you are doing the "oh sht he's kickin my ****" as well b:cute

    just saying...

    but when you kite your still fighting, all the sins ive ever seen in pvp do not come out of stealth again at LEAST untill their force stealth is back on cooldown, but usally they gather 3sparks before they show themselfs again. This is not kiteing, it is almost the same thing as running to sz and getting full chi before comeing to fight again.

    I see the connection your trying to make, but how the stealth skill is uses is what matters, not how it can be used.
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  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    just use takling slash so the archer cant move and just attacked you in meele..when archer is near to will reduce damage


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