Project Fashion Male Winners! Final Poll!



  • Roscovian - Sanctuary
    Roscovian - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Besides that, all I really want is to be able to wear a cowboy hat. . . maybe some cowboy boots too. And I'll bet all the ladies would just love my barb butt in a pair cowboy jeans. Then they could add a new mount; a Brahma bull.

    Yep. I would pay real money for that. Heck, I would probably pay a lot of real money for that, but I would do it happily.
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's fine to not agree with the winners selected, but to actively tear them down with your posts is very insensitive. To then talk about how your own submitted designs were so much better is just downright petty.

    Remember that the creators of these entries worked hard on them, and i'm sure they've been reading through this thread--all 20 whiny pages of it.

    To them I just want to say great job, and take this thread as a life-lesson that others' negativity will often follow your successes, particularly in the artistic world.
  • Roscovian - Sanctuary
    Roscovian - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My latest effort to be more polite and offer an opionion.

    I don't like any of the fashions, but that is not to say the artists who designed them are not brilliant and talented artists. Based on just one example, I cannot make such a judgement and I apologize if my prior comments indicated otherwise.

    The reasons for my displeasure have more to do with my own personal aesthetic. Essentially, I know what I like and I know what I would prefer to wear. Unfortunately none of the examples presented appeal to me or my sensibilities. While they are generally examples of fine craftsmanship in and of themselves, I would like to have seen more whimsy, more "plain old joe" types, or something representing my culture and heritage in some way. The examples presented, apart from one moderately conservative offering (but far too much red) do not appeal me.

    Therefore, I will abstain from the voting process, but no so much that I won't explain my reasons.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's fine to not agree with the winners selected, but to actively tear them down with your posts is very insensitive. To then talk about how your own submitted designs were so much better is just downright petty.

    Remember that the creators of these entries worked hard on them, and i'm sure they've been reading through this thread--all 20 whiny pages of it.

    To them I just want to say great job, and take this thread as a life-lesson that others' negativity will often follow your successes, particularly in the artistic world.

    ^ so true b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • redhog2
    redhog2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Why does option B look like hemsley overcoat just with a belt crossed at the end o.O
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Besides that, all I really want is to be able to wear a cowboy hat. . . maybe some cowboy boots too. And I'll bet all the ladies would just love my barb butt in a pair cowboy jeans. Then they could add a new mount; a Brahma bull.

    O yes as if PWI hasnt got enough camp male fashion as it is, lets all dress up like members from Village People
  • sparkyangel
    sparkyangel Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I really like D.b:pleased
  • Xaelian - Heavens Tear
    Xaelian - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    my vote is on design D hehe Love to put my barb in that!! b:laugh
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sadly, no offense to the artists, I'm not overly found of either of these. None of them are original (I've definitely seen A before, B looks like something we already have, c is barely okay, D is badass but strangely familiar and don't get me started on how much I disapprove of E.). I'm slightly in favour of D, but I don't like any one of them enough to vote. b:surrender
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • brian007ta2
    brian007ta2 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i say that design B may win becuase it looks unique b:cool
  • TideVeno - Raging Tide
    TideVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    There were ~2000 entries total, and 95% of them were female fashions.

    really... i wonder why.. cause most of the **** u are giving us is mostly sex appeal BS? and we want something that looks awsome?

    think about it.. u already got enough sex appeal ****.. make something exremely awsome for both sexes and youl make a **** load of money, so stop being horny computer geeks and listen to the people, and youl make a **** load of money.

    its not called raging, its called marketing, u make somethin the people like they will buy it, which is the packs atm, u make a fashion people want it will be baught instantly.
    you make sex apeal **** only perverts will buy it.

    go with choice D and make a female version of it also, and youl see alot of them baught, and your pokets filled.

    good day to you and this marketing advice was brought to u by me
  • TideVeno - Raging Tide
    TideVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's fine to not agree with the winners selected, but to actively tear them down with your posts is very insensitive. To then talk about how your own submitted designs were so much better is just downright petty.

    Remember that the creators of these entries worked hard on them, and i'm sure they've been reading through this thread--all 20 whiny pages of it.

    To them I just want to say great job, and take this thread as a life-lesson that others' negativity will often follow your successes, particularly in the artistic world.

    the ninja one was copy and pasted, no work what so ever, sorry frankie but its true b:bye
  • TideVeno - Raging Tide
    TideVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sorry bout the aggressive posts, but im thinking of the kids who play the game, there are 10-14 year olds that play
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the ninja one was copy and pasted, no work what so ever, sorry frankie but its true b:bye

    I refer you to this post here:

    The winners are the winners. E stays - it's not stolen, it's a ninja outfit painted on a Tideborn in the process of using Town Portal teleport...

    I'll admit it's still my least-favorite of the ones posted, but it's not stolen.
    Or, if I'm wrong, please post the image it was copy-pasted from?
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sorry bout the aggressive posts, but im thinking of the kids who play the game, there are 10-14 year olds that play

    First off, grats on the triple post. But onto the quote. You have to be 13 or older to play this, though that rule isn't always followed.
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • meekapeeka
    meekapeeka Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol wow sheep i tell you sheep....... other game apps for our fashion how lame i mean come on for real theres no originalty there a stupid money blind folded woulda done betterb:laugh and that guys gonna win cause the "original designer" did a good job i guess it dose pay off in life to be a design stealer what a lesson to teach to the youth of the world... dont be original just steal some one elses designs and take credit for others hard workb:chuckle
  • meekapeeka
    meekapeeka Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    and FYI i farted..... and it smells like peanut butter... braught to you by pedo bearb:laugh nah just joking i hate kids thank god i was never oneb:victory
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's fine to not agree with the winners selected, but to actively tear them down with your posts is very insensitive. To then talk about how your own submitted designs were so much better is just downright petty.

    Remember that the creators of these entries worked hard on them, and i'm sure they've been reading through this thread--all 20 whiny pages of it.

    To them I just want to say great job, and take this thread as a life-lesson that others' negativity will often follow your successes, particularly in the artistic world.


    Still though... I'm not so much disappointed mine didn't make it in, more so that the entries that did don't seem like something that would trumph mine. Sure I have artistic pride, what artist doesn't. I just feel that the final designs chosen could have been more creative choices. I wouldn't QQ so much about losing if the entries that did win, I felt were more deserving than mine... but I didn't see that happen lol.

    But the finalists are the finalists. I still feel like this contest is completely laughable compared to the one Japan held.
  • Katsuma - Dreamweaver
    Katsuma - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think b and d are the best maybe they should pick a runner up cause those are the two best i see deem of winning the contest maybe have both fashions made no? ^__________^ noob king loves all pwi!!!!!
  • Arudesu - Dreamweaver
    Arudesu - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I know D has been pointed out many times for 3 different games or so... but when I saw it I went wait, is that Alex Mercer?!

    Prototype... yeah. Wth. I honestly should have tried to come up with a design. Kicking myself for not doing so, but oh well.
  • _kitkat_ - Dreamweaver
    _kitkat_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I like design D I think that looks awesome. b:cute I just wish the bottoms didnt look so much like a skirt. Why is every other male fashion a skirt? b:chuckle
  • __Fluffy__ - Heavens Tear
    __Fluffy__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I like design D I think that looks awesome. b:cute I just wish the bottoms didnt look so much like a skirt. Why is every other male fashion a skirt? b:chuckle

    haha that is so true! i voted for D... it suits the game and would fit in well. :D
    [SIGPIC]C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\Animated siggy.gif[/SIGPIC]
    Grey signature made by ForsakenX. Thanks!!
    Blue signature made by me! :D
  • SinCityChick - Dreamweaver
    SinCityChick - Dreamweaver Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Anyone here read Kekkaishi? D looks like that Shishio Gen guy...look here, it looks like him as he is transforming into his Ayakashi form...Still cool though, I voted for it!
    For those times when *facepalm* and *headdesk* just aren't enough, I present...*brickhead*...painful, effective, and guaranteed to make you forget why you hit yourself in the first place.

    SkyLight (faction)
    Andracil (teh BEST MOD EVER!)
  • MindFlood - Raging Tide
    MindFlood - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    just a lil thought...since D is probably gonna win, will they make the thing color custom?o.o
    cus if they do, it'd be uhm...weird.. to see sum1 walkin around with a big pink claw xD
  • winkzor
    winkzor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Mmm... Pink claws :)

    Okay, I gotta point out one thing: What the f*** are you guys whining about? If you don't like an outfit, DON'T VOTE for it!! Everywhere in this forum is just whining and flaming, seriously, what's wrong with you guys? I've even seen things like "You sound like a 10 year old with your whining" and then there he goes whining himself... If those 5 have made into the top 5, then it must mean some people like those! I personally voted for ninja, because I like that style, I like how the suit looks like, I don't care if it's been in 100000 other games or what it really is, I only care what it looks like!

    Yea, I'm whining, but I'm trying to make you understand that you don't have to whine, you can just not vote, because when I'm looking for serious posts all I see is "That suit is sooo ugly", "it lacks fashion", "did you pick the most fashionable or the most colorful ones?", "Are the choosers blind?" etc... Did you ever think that fashion in the game might be different from the fashion in the real world? Fashion there doesn't have to be 21st century's Armani jackets and pants!

    Flame my post and I've proven my point.
  • LyraNusska - Sanctuary
    LyraNusska - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oh, wow! So many great choices! I liked C & D so much that I finally flipped a coin! Wonderful job to all the entrants.b:heart
  • Suzumie - Sanctuary
    Suzumie - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    All I can say is that it's a tie between B and C. D is just to hu, the ninja is to lame, and A is good but it is missing something.
  • AionMitzuko - Heavens Tear
    AionMitzuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A is good. B and C are the best im having truble deciding. but its not like i will ever be able to get them. so if any one wants an extra vote for the one thay are fond of let me know..
  • Montrose - Sanctuary
    Montrose - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    why can't we have just plain simple fashion that normal people want to ware? Jeans, tee shirts, shoes that make sense. I would pay alot of money for tee shirts on this game.
  • Armsman - Archosaur
    Armsman - Archosaur Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Back on page 14, Aneurysmal said that D is concept art from Guild Wars Nightfall. Since there's been no further word from him, I went and asked on a GW forum. According to the one person who replied, it's not part of the concept art.
This discussion has been closed.