Why do Clerics think they're so important!?

_BLANKA_ - Sanctuary
_BLANKA_ - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Cleric
Seriously, just because you can throw a couple heals and buffs you think you can hold ppl to ransom. I had a cleric pm sayin I'm not gonna heal you haha. WTF!!!

Sometimes i wish i was on a pvp server so I could gank some of these obnoxious clerics. Without us you wouldnt get anything done but we dont act like you do.

Seriously It would be a lot better if you could sort out your attitude toward the other classes especially during an FB.

And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry
Post edited by _BLANKA_ - Sanctuary on


  • DoomKaiser - Harshlands
    DoomKaiser - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    OMG furries do exist.b:shocked I heard that once in the past there was a furry race that tanked the game but now all i see is fist bms using leather barb skins as punching bags.b:chuckle

    Clerics own, we dont need **** from you. I dont buff people because i have to change my pvp setting which leaves me open to attack. As for instances we generally do get more say in what happens. Heavens knows my tt parties have to suit my lag and anti jumping needs. If u dont like it then GTFO.b:bye
    Your doubt is our powerb:thanks
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Sometimes i wish i was on a pvp server so I could gank some of these obnoxious clerics. Without us you wouldnt get anything done but we dont act like you do.Sleep my friend sleep now go to sleep you would be out of mana before you could do that.You wouldn't get any were without us tick tick that is another charm about about to go

    Seriously It would be a lot better if you could sort out your attitude toward the other classes especially during an FB.So we have attitude toward other classes it is not like you don't wait untill you reach lvl 80.

    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry
    We do give out buffs in squads.What is the problem here?I don't think you understand the relationship Clerics and Barbs share.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry

    i laughed irl b:chuckle

    ahhh the smell of troll in the afternoon b:bye
  • _BLANKA_ - Sanctuary
    _BLANKA_ - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    We do give out buffs in squads.What is the problem here?I don't think you understand the relationship Clerics and Barbs share.

    I'm talking about wen we're not in squad and i just happen to see you
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm talking about wen we're not in squad and i just happen to see you

    We could be busy or afk did that ever occur to you as in World Quest but then again you aren't at that lvl do one.We often go use auto pathe and go afk watch some tv or just do something.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm talking about wen we're not in squad and i just happen to see you

    you buff me and ill buff you b:cute
  • _BLANKA_ - Sanctuary
    _BLANKA_ - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    We could be busy or afk did that ever occur to you as in World Quest but then again you aren't at that lvl do one.We often go use auto pathe and go afk watch some tv or just do something.

    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...
  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...

    this is cracking me up b:chuckle

    for the sake of it: go tank an HH without a cleric then come talk to me b:victoryb:bye
  • PandaXpresss - Harshlands
    PandaXpresss - Harshlands Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seriously, just because you can throw a couple heals and buffs you think you can hold ppl to ransom. I had a cleric pm sayin I'm not gonna heal you haha. WTF!!!

    Sometimes i wish i was on a pvp server so I could gank some of these obnoxious clerics. Without us you wouldnt get anything done but we dont act like you do.

    Seriously It would be a lot better if you could sort out your attitude toward the other classes especially during an FB.

    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry

    1) If you have a problem with that cleric being a jerk, find another one. Don't generalize. If you're not in a squad and demanding heals/buffs, that cleric (or any other class) has no obligations to heal and/or buff you.

    2) No comment on the ganking...

    3) Many people do not bother to think of the cleric during said FBs and thus force clerics to actually take care of themselves... as well as the rest of the squad. I doubt you as a barb usually watch the hp of the other squad mates. Now, even if you did see someone with low hp... what are you gonna do about it?

    4) refer to 1) for buffs

    Final note, if clerics bother you so much, just don't squad with any. See how far you get.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Both Clerics and Barbarians without skill or character are extremely annoying and frustrate any attempt of a player to have fun. 1 of the main reasons I've quit playing wizard to raise a veno instead...

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...

    Pay me :3 ............................

    Btw I need harpy wraith for a quest blanka, go do your job & tank it since u're a barb. Scoot to it.
  • Kismeta - Dreamweaver
    Kismeta - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This made me lol rather a lot, thanks for that. Anywho, get to a bit of a higher lvl and then come back once you've tried doing oh, say TT without a cleric. Oh and btw, we have oursleves to keep alive in a squad as well, no one to res us when we die cause of a dumb barb... I have more to say, but I just started laughing again, so read my siggy for the rest of my opinions lol.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- tyvm to ForsakenX for the sig, <3 ur work

    Vanquish for life

    Clerics are not your slaves, we do not exist to do your bidding. We also have names. Saying please does not take a lot of typing. I react very badly to being yelled at. Please do not do it.
    Its rather sad when people automatically assume you are a guy just because you are playing a veno....
    Live life to its fullest, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, have fun. b:victory
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    LOL @ troll.

    As a cleric, I control your life and death. I don't need a barb to tank stuffs for me; other classes can tank virtually anything I need. Would other classes be able to do what a cleric can do? I don't think so.

    Enjoy your trip back to town, because you aren't getting any cleric support with that kind of attitude.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seriously, just because you can throw a couple heals and buffs you think you can hold ppl to ransom. I had a cleric pm sayin I'm not gonna heal you haha. WTF!!!

    Sometimes i wish i was on a pvp server so I could gank some of these obnoxious clerics. Without us you wouldnt get anything done but we dont act like you do.

    Seriously It would be a lot better if you could sort out your attitude toward the other classes especially during an FB.

    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry

    1) clerics and wizards throw heals, and buffs. Clerics also have attack skills and curses for a reason too. I think the cleric was a jerk to you because you probably provoked him / her?? Seems so because you trolled archers that sucks remember?

    2) Why don't you re-roll to a PK server then? Harshlands suits you. Go ahead and try to pick on the clerics. Second, Whoever is dependent on others to get the jobs done is a failure at that class. No matter what class your playing.

    3) How about you sort out your own attitude?

    4) If a cleric doesn't want to buff you, well boohoo QQ more. And I bet you using LVL1 heals because that little cost of mana.

    I guess you need a cleric to heal you 24/7? fail barb. I don't need clerics or even charms, just simple genie heal to keep going for my barb. I held my own, even on some bosses (certain bosses I need a wizard or cleric to heal) but you, you just plain trolling.

    Most importantly don't troll a class or class with build because of what you don't like. You have no right to put huge hate against the winged elves. Which class is next? How wizards are useless? ROFL. Fail troll is fail. I bet you'd say PVE servers are fail carebears because of only PVEing :P

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Riverwell - Archosaur
    Riverwell - Archosaur Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry

    May I ask what lvl your cleric is? Because with my cleric @clvl 49, it actually takes a fair bit of my mp to fully buff someone. So you're either costing them
    1. mp pots/money
    2. time to meditate/money and exp loss from time meditating.

    That being said, I always buffed people who asked nicely. :)
    But with the attidude you're showing here, I'm guessing that isn't how you asked, is it?
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide
  • Miisa - Raging Tide
    Miisa - Raging Tide Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Pay me :3 ............................

    Btw I need harpy wraith for a quest blanka, go do your job & tank it since u're a barb. Scoot to it.


    i haven't replied to one of these threads yet, but i can't resist anymore. b:chuckle

    most often i hear "buffs" or "buff me." those people don't get them. my favorite, though, was the time a bm offered to TRADE buffs with me. that's the kind of person i'll go out of my way to help.
  • Eilodon - Dreamweaver
    Eilodon - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Normally I tend to just be a lurker upon the forums gaining knowledge through reading the advise and tips of others but somehow this thread pulled me in. Please be fully aware mister OP that I've Lol'ed so hard that even my puppy climbed into my lap and took a good look at my monitor to see what was so comical. As a player who has played the healing class time and time again on many MMOs I find it is often a thankless job because of those who carry such arrogant attitudes like yourself.

    So to all of the healers out there all I have to say is - Respect =^_^=
    Without you guys there would be dead bodies all over the place, characters running out of control screaming It's Gonna EAT ME!! and who else would be there to make sure we live to see another day/fight? (Or pick us up off the ground when we get ROFL Stomped)

    To our dear Troll of an OP:

    Healers in general are not your personal 24 hour Buff Slaves. Sure they come with the spells that make you feel all uber but when you lack the basic understanding that behind every cleric is a human being who many not be in the mood to buff you, are just online to enjoy a peaceful day, is afk/busy or they just plain do not wish to buff you because they don't like your attitude (Or may have had a poor experience with you) you shouldn't get unruly. Now whoever told you that Buffing was a Cleric's "job" you got the wrong memo. Last I checked o_o They were the ones that saves EVERYONE'S Butt including their own when the HP bars is down to the wire.

    QQ Less, Tank More
    Be Kind To Your Healers
    They Control The Balance Of Life Or Death
  • SpiritReaver - Raging Tide
    SpiritReaver - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seriously, just because you can throw a couple heals and buffs you think you can hold ppl to ransom. I had a cleric pm sayin I'm not gonna heal you haha. WTF!!!

    Sometimes i wish i was on a pvp server so I could gank some of these obnoxious clerics. Without us you wouldnt get anything done but we dont act like you do.

    Seriously It would be a lot better if you could sort out your attitude toward the other classes especially during an FB.

    And another thing when We ask Clerics for buffs you should just give them to us. It doesnt cost you anything but a bit of manna, I have a cleric alt and it barely takes anything to buff or heal. This situation makes me rage b:angry

    Well not all clerics are like this. In fact the person to be mad at is the player, not the clerics. Dont judge everyone due to one rude person. Whenever I play I like to heal random people, buff and revive them if they are dead. I dont ask for coins or items, I just like to help out other players.
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Blanka, bad news. The only way you're ever going to kill a cleric is by not aggroing mobs in the hopes he heals you anyways. PvP? good luck.
  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i like blankas other postsb:chuckle
  • MaypleSyrup - Heavens Tear
    MaypleSyrup - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...

    If you want buffs so badly become a ****ing cleric yourself. We clerics have better things to do than heal and buff every god dam person we see.
    Thank you and have a nice day b:thanks
  • LadyVvall - Sanctuary
    LadyVvall - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:sad Not all clerics are bad, it makes me sad to see someone lump all clerics together for a few bad experiences, but well if that's the way your world works how about why are all barbs self important egotistical jerks just because they can take a few hits?

    see? wasn't very nice was it. Nor was it fair.
    I don't like people. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner we can all go on with our insignificant lives.
  • _Vivio_ - Sanctuary
    _Vivio_ - Sanctuary Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:sad Not all clerics are bad, it makes me sad to see someone lump all clerics together for a few bad experiences, but well if that's the way your world works how about why are all barbs self important egotistical jerks just because they can take a few hits?

    see? wasn't very nice was it. Nor was it fair.

    Don't worry about it Lady. This poster is a troll he appears once in a long while and posts gibberish. He posts usually to just say "archers suck", "why do clerics think they're so important", "wizards suck", etc. I think he does it to see people reply and reads it to feed his boredom.
    Being a wiz is awesome b:dirtyb:dirty

    Sig damage is before facebook Jones Blessings were in game with lunar wand.

    Rank8 Wizard as of October 22, 2010 b:pleased
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...

    I never run around on foot I usually fly around the Arch or use My mount.You maybe interrupting a conservation I maybe having or doing something at my desk.Now go tank a world boss.

    Yeah this made my day to lol.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seriously that was some dumb rhetoric. I go out of my way to buff and help people as do plenty of others of all classes. What, one cleric didnt buff you? Your also a clown for posting your gripe in this format. No cleric that reads your garbage will want to help you or stay in any squad you get into. And yes I like having a say in fb/bh runs because, as you will learn, people of all levels of experience can die easily due to the impatience of one fool, while one lonely cleric is expected to save everybody......
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well obviously you're not afk when your running around arch on foot. Just do ur job and give bufffs...[/

    I laughed on this.

    Seriously, we can't buff every random person that crosses our paths. Even more; Some people hate us for random buffing.

    And besides. Not all clerics are like that. You have some **** and you have nice people, learn to live with it.
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Don't worry about it Lady. This poster is a troll he appears once in a long while and posts gibberish. He posts usually to just say "archers suck", "why do clerics think they're so important", "wizards suck", etc. I think he does it to see people reply and reads it to feed his boredom.

    Some of this guys most recent started threads before this one

    What are archers apart from zen

    Archers suck so badly

    Why does this server suck

    all in the last 2 weeks

    crawl back under your bridgeb:bye

    Edit: remember arrogance is the biggest threat to your life
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well Obviously You're Not Afk When Your Running Around Arch On Foot. Just Do Ur Job And Give Bufffs...

    Sure, I'll keep spamming magic shell on you while a boss whacks at you.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    LOL @ troll.
    Would other classes be able to do what a cleric can do? I don't think so.

    Enjoy your trip back to town, because you aren't getting any cleric support with that kind of attitude.

    strangly clerics seem to be extinct on sanc for bh purposes

    so learned to do lets see....glut...drake...qianji....ofotis...zimno...pyro...and all the lower fb/bh's with only wizzie heals

    strangly morning dew gits a far larger bost from maq attack and - chanel than say IH though it cant be stacked other drawback being a lack of ppurifies but well timed cancles/geni/apoth in combo work wonderfully to deal with that

    so lets put this in prespective

    nether clerics nor barbs are needed for 99% of this game

    exeptions for clerics :tt,pole/nob,the harder map bosses world bosses,lunar,rebirth

    exeptions for barbs: most world bosses,rebirth

    the featherbutts be nice to have thoughb:surrender

    and obvious troll is obvious
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Just do ur job and give bufffs...

    *makes cleric on Sanctuary*
    *gets buffs to level 1*
    *follows BLANKA around and overwrites every powder/buff he gets*

    I'm doing my job. b:cute
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
This discussion has been closed.