I need some help regarding Fox Form for Venomancers



  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Why hasn't this been moved to the veno forum yet?

    Fox form - If you play as a caster and don't get hit often, you can leave it at level 1. Leveling it increases the defense and accuracy bonus, and decreases the amount of mp lost if you're full. No big deal really.

    Purge - You want this to at least level 8 by the time you start doing TT 2-2. Before then, you basically only need to purge once that I can think of (Quillhog King) so you can leave it at level 1. TT 2-1 Cosmo does not self-buff. TT 2-2 and 2-3 Cosmo buff every 25 sec if I remember right. Unfortunately the shortest you can get the cooldown on Purge without going Demon is 30 sec. So to keep him purged you need to take turns purging with another veno. Level 8 has a 50 sec cooldown, so will let you do this. PvPers will want it max level.

    Melee Mastery - Only needed if you fight in fox.


    Amplify Damage - Max this ASAP. This is your meal ticket into TTs and FBs. If you don't have it/don't use it, people are less likely to group with you in the future. A level 10 Amp applied as often as possible in a 6-person group is like adding a 7th person's worth of damage. Well worth the few sec it takes to apply every 30 sec.

    Soul Degeneration - Meh. Stops hp and mp regen. Not really needed unless you get Sage Soul Degen (which is one of the best skills venos get period). Some people claim it's useful for bosses which regenerate, but you can only have one curse on a boss at a time. It'd have to be some crazy regen to be more beneficial than Amp. Some fox venos use it as a stopgap to span the time when Amp is off. Can be skipped IMHO.

    Crush Vigor - PvP curse skill. Reduces chi. Since mobs have no chi, it's useless in PvE, though the Demon version has a chance to give you a spark. Can be skipped IMHO.

    Attack Skills

    Fox Wallop - One of the best DPS fox skills if you're arcane or light. Above ~2700 p.atk, your regular attacks start doing more DPS, so not a good choice for most heavy foxes. Need at least level 1 to get access to the other fox skills.

    Befuddling Mist - Also a good DPS skill, slightly better than Wallop. For arcane and light builds to maximize DPS in fox form, you need to spam Wallop and Mist. Be careful, it is a small radius AOE. Also decreases the accuracy of the target, so you should not use it on bosses if the tank (with Bramble) is having trouble keeping aggro (except for herc - its pdef buff reduces its evasion to zero so it will always be hit).

    Stunning Blow - Highest DPS fox form skill, but costs a spark. If you factor in the spark cost, it's a poor skill. However, it freezes the opponent, which is very handy for runners or if someone pulls aggro off the tank. Around the level you first get it, it does enough damage that it can be used to interrupt spellcasting. Get at least level 1, level up if you want a longer freeze duration.

    Leech - Fair damage, has a 80% chance to heal you. Spamming it will allow you to survive certain AOE mobs without need potions or cleric heals, so get at least level 1. It does good damage when maxed, so arcane and light can spam it in between the above two skills. But I'm not sure the mana cost is worth it.

    Consume Spirit - Gain back some MP for a loss of HP. Best used in combo with Leech. However, it does piddly DPS (same damage as a regular attack, but takes nearly 2.4x as long). I found it more efficient to Soul Transfuse and Leech back the lost hp. You can level it to 1 to try it out, but it can be safely ignored.

    Malefic Crush - Pathetic skill. High damage but the long channel + cast time makes it the second-weakest DPS skill (only Consume Spirit is worse). The 2-spark cost makes it even more worthless. You are better off using the chi in an advanced spark eruption and using other attacks. The mana burn may be useful in PvP. Its only saving grace is it's AOE. But for the time needed and two sparks, there would have to be about 15 mobs in its AOE range for it to be better than adv. spark eruption. Safe to ignore.


    Myriad Rainbow - One of the three level 79 veno skills you can make with Apocalypse pages. Has a chance to do none, any, or all of the following 4 effects: reduce pdef to zero, reduce mdef to zero, 9 sec poison DoT, 9 sec bleed DoT. This one is arguably the best since it's AOE so has a chance of landing the debuffs and DoTs on everything without range. Otherwise, it's the same as the caster version with a shorter range.

    Alright. So if I'm not going to use Fox Form to attack, I'll only need Purge, Amplify and Myriad Rainbow. Because I personally would just so Fox Form to only debuff since I don't like physical that much.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Concentrate on your human forms you use more and then slowly upgrade the fox form skills you can, by the 70's you will be drowning in spirit b:chuckle.

    Yay! b:laugh That is good news! I've been so mad that when I can't get the skill it's because of the spirit cost not the coins. ;_;

    My friend told me I'll be a good veno but then when I realized that fox form issue, I thought I better get some answers before I fail being a Veno lol. XD
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My word of advice regarding foxform and its skills atm for you is:
    Since you're below lvl 60 atm, get foxform, lvl it up to lvl 2 (you get lvl 3 at 59) Work on lvling up these 3 skills and in this order: Amplify Damage, Purge, and Soul denegeration. Purge can be maxed at lvl 58, Amp at lvl 68, and soul degeneration at lvl 69. The reason i say do it in this order is Amplify damage is good on any boss, squads will love you for constantly using it. Purge is good for debuffing a boss (if he buffs himself) You wont come across the that often, but the cooldown on lvl 10 purge is nice, especially if the boss constantly buffs himself. Also, soul degeneration stops the target's hp and mp regeneration rate for 30 secs. When you get lvl 10 amp and lvl 10 soul degen, you can actually alternate these 2 skills on bosses. Start of with Amp first on the boss, lvl 10 amp lasts for 20 secs. As soon as you see it wear off, cast soul degeneration, then when amp is completely cooled down, cast it again. (You have to use both these skills seperately because they cancel each other out) Also, foxform myraid rainbow gets an awesome effect too. As for foxform attacks(if you are interested in them) Leave it till lvl 70+ to lvl them up. Also, when you hit lvl 85, pour all your exp into a genie, and stay in gamma, untill you max out ALL your skills... human form, and foxform. You will be so happy you did.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    What's the difference between Sage and Demon? I have heard someone ask a Cleric before but I didn't know it applies for other classes too.

    I wouldn't be worrying about Sage and Demon yet because you aren't even 85, but here's the deal:

    Sage and Demon are separate paths of cultivation at level 89. Sage is better known, in general, for being good with PvE players. Remembering that this really is a generic kind of bit of information and I'm not swearing by it, Sage is better for defence and for chi in most skills. You can look at the different skills by browsing skill books.

    Sage books =
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My word of advice regarding foxform and its skills atm for you is:
    Since you're below lvl 60 atm, get foxform, lvl it up to lvl 2 (you get lvl 3 at 59) Work on lvling up these 3 skills and in this order: Amplify Damage, Purge, and Soul denegeration. Purge can be maxed at lvl 58, Amp at lvl 68, and soul degeneration at lvl 69. The reason i say do it in this order is Amplify damage is good on any boss, squads will love you for constantly using it. Purge is good for debuffing a boss (if he buffs himself) You wont come across the that often, but the cooldown on lvl 10 purge is nice, especially if the boss constantly buffs himself. Also, soul degeneration stops the target's hp and mp regeneration rate for 30 secs. When you get lvl 10 amp and lvl 10 soul degen, you can actually alternate these 2 skills on bosses. Start of with Amp first on the boss, lvl 10 amp lasts for 20 secs. As soon as you see it wear off, cast soul degeneration, then when amp is completely cooled down, cast it again. (You have to use both these skills seperately because they cancel each other out) Also, foxform myraid rainbow gets an awesome effect too. As for foxform attacks(if you are interested in them) Leave it till lvl 70+ to lvl them up. Also, when you hit lvl 85, pour all your exp into a genie, and stay in gamma, untill you max out ALL your skills... human form, and foxform. You will be so happy you did.

    Pour all my exp to my genie? O.o.. How am I supposed to lvl up though? And one more question XD what is gamma? I also heard it before about that gamma rebirth thing but had no idea what gamma is. I just know that gamma rebirth is hard hut gives you good exp in the end and after each boss you kill.
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you're going to stick with caster form you only need level a few skills. As everyone's stated these skills are amplify and purge at the very least.

    Also the extra p.def in foxform is good for those great escapes :P
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you're going to stick with caster form you only need level a few skills. As everyone's stated these skills are amplify and purge at the very least.

    Also the extra p.def in foxform is good for those great escapes :P

    I'm thinking of just going with that and Myriad Rainbow later when I get to the required level. Cuz really I'll be using human form most of the time and even at bosses, I'll do fox form just for the debuffs and damage and then transform to human form again to attack.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I am an arcane veno. Never fight in foxform. But there are a few skills I use and recommend:

    1. Foxform. I switch when some bosses/mob toss a nasty physical AOE because it gives a higher physical defense. Otherwise, I only use it to cast skills.

    2. Amplify Damage. As stated by many others above, one of the best skills you can get for bosses. I sometimes even use it on difficult increased life mobs (usually higher level and in instances, they take a long time to kill).

    3. Purge. Not needed all that much but there are certain bosses in the game you will need it for, so best to get it.

    4. Leech. This comes in extremely handy at times. One cast of it will regain a portion of your HP. There is an AoE boss in the Cube of Fate I use it for all the time.

    I have all of the skills maxed but only because at my level I have millions of spirit and nothing to use it on. Definitely max amp damage but the others you can do more slowly (get level one, and then when you get to the point that you have extra spirit you can work on them).

    Good luck! :D
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I am an arcane veno. Never fight in foxform. But there are a few skills I use and recommend:

    1. Foxform. I switch when some bosses/mob toss a nasty physical AOE because it gives a higher physical defense. Otherwise, I only use it to cast skills.

    2. Amplify Damage. As stated by many others above, one of the best skills you can get for bosses. I sometimes even use it on difficult increased life mobs (usually higher level and in instances, they take a long time to kill).

    3. Purge. Not needed all that much but there are certain bosses in the game you will need it for, so best to get it.

    4. Leech. This comes in extremely handy at times. One cast of it will regain a portion of your HP. There is an AoE boss in the Cube of Fate I use it for all the time.

    I have all of the skills maxed but only because at my level I have millions of spirit and nothing to use it on. Definitely max amp damage but the others you can do more slowly (get level one, and then when you get to the point that you have extra spirit you can work on them).

    Good luck! :D

    Thank you ^^
  • Sinalee - Dreamweaver
    Sinalee - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    As an arcane (AA) veno the skills in fox form that will be of ur interest is.

    Purge: For some bosses, that suddenly buff themselves with heavy dmg increasing buffs which can be a deadly shot to the tank in some situations (Ex. some bosses in TT). For those kind of bosses having it at max lvl (lvl10) woudl be good cuz ea. lvl decrease the cool down time.

    Amplify (Amp): This speeds up the killing of any boss alot, max it out asap if u do alot of TT runs or boss killing. -20% on both m.def and p.def is quite alot. At lvl 10 it lasts 20sec cool is 30sec.

    Deregenration (i think i got this spelled right =/): it stops a bosses HP regen for a set amoutn of time, which increase with the lvl of the skill. You don't need this one badly maxed, but when my old faction killed one of the World Bosses, this skill was the only reason we could kill it. our dmg simply couldn't keep up with its regeneration rate. (wasted 1h without using this skill T.T)

    As an addition to the Amplify skill i suggest maxing up the Iron Scarab (human form to lvl10), this skill also reduce i think 30% p.def (correct me if im wrong) at max lvl, which u should use while your Amplify is on cool down, cuz for 10sec (if amp is maxed) there will be no reduced def, so thats when u use iron.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    As an arcane (AA) veno the skills in fox form that will be of ur interest is.

    Purge: For some bosses, that suddenly buff themselves with heavy dmg increasing buffs which can be a deadly shot to the tank in some situations (Ex. some bosses in TT). For those kind of bosses having it at max lvl (lvl10) woudl be good cuz ea. lvl decrease the cool down time.

    Amplify (Amp): This speeds up the killing of any boss alot, max it out asap if u do alot of TT runs or boss killing. -20% on both m.def and p.def is quite alot. At lvl 10 it lasts 20sec cool is 30sec.

    Deregenration (i think i got this spelled right =/): it stops a bosses HP regen for a set amoutn of time, which increase with the lvl of the skill. You don't need this one badly maxed, but when my old faction killed one of the World Bosses, this skill was the only reason we could kill it. our dmg simply couldn't keep up with its regeneration rate. (wasted 1h without using this skill T.T)

    As an addition to the Amplify skill i suggest maxing up the Iron Scarab (human form to lvl10), this skill also reduce i think 30% p.def (correct me if im wrong) at max lvl, which u should use while your Amplify is on cool down, cuz for 10sec (if amp is maxed) there will be no reduced def, so thats when u use iron.

    I'm going to max all my human form skills because they are more frequently used. :]
  • $Feanor$ - Dreamweaver
    $Feanor$ - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sage Soul Degeneration and sage amp b:pleasedb:victory
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yes, because I heard that purge is really effective and good against bosses in FBs and TTs.
    doing ape in 2-x without veno, or with veno without purge is a pain b:cry
    amp always welcome
    cant wait till jyn gets sage degeneration for all those tt bossess with sick hp b:chuckle