puppies ponder n pw XD



  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:shocked WTF THis isnt YOUR first server , then why did you ASK where to grind a lvl 16 BM


    Two years of play.... WOOT, that means you were playing since 11 i think b:cry

    On the other side, Southpark is making fun of Facebook b:thanks

    me thinks that little thing called *telling fibs* may come into place, there may be the history of zen charge, but that cud easyily of been her parents on the account maby since then, u cant play a game for 2 years and ask where to grind a lvl 16 BM when ur full of quests around them lvls unless u realy are a...:/
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i hav only been n game 2 weeks.. i didnt get lvl 72 cuz i did so much culti.. i still hav lesson n not a lot of time..... its easier 2 do culti now at high lvl n e way..

    i ask where good lvling spot is at 18 cuz.. i forgot? ur only lvl 18 for a bit n then u never lvl there again.. its easy 2 forget.. n i dont have 2 tell u all the things i know 2 say if im good or not at bm... u will only find mean things 2 say n e ways cuz ur mean people
  • NEFERTlTl - Archosaur
    NEFERTlTl - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Someone please tell me how in the hell someone who has been playing PWI for idk around 2 years...Sinks $650.00 into the game..and Know completely nothing about the game...Esp. coming from Lost City Server. Lost City was my first and only Server since I started playing here until I came back to PWI to play the new Server. I would love to know your in-game name and Level on LC since I have been playing since god knows when. Would be interesting to know....I mean I can see if you had a 80+ on LC and really know your char. and just oracled I mean hey thats understandable...But to rush to a level then not know whats going on its kinda dumb...Maybe you should'a sank the $650. and bought yourself a few books on common sense. And its not that people on this server are mean. I think its the lack of common sense(Noobish) thats getting everyone a little tick'd. Cause once the server catches up with the Oracler's the tables will turn and you will find out that you wasted a lot of money. Cause once someone who has had a level 90+ levels up to your level and has been playing forever and knows their class your gonna have a HUGE wake up call.
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ive been over lvl 90 ty.. i was 1 of the 1st peeps in ragequit guild... i joined ragequit when the server was BRAN new.. i was lvl 40 when I joined and I loved ragequit...but then pandora went evil n then i went 2 play jade dynasty XD and i wrote this guide... hope u like it XD

    besides... people with money r always better than people without... if u have 4 socket gear with god stones, and a +8ish weapon... u win already.

  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    besides... people with money r always better than people without... if u have 4 socket gear with god stones, and a +8ish weapon... u win already.

    did u just completly ignore what nef said?
    u are one seriously thick headed muppet, news flash, no a +8 weapon doesnt mean instant win, a friend of mine over on HL has beaten plenty of ppl with even +8 and +10 weapons with his +4 just because he knows how to play his char,

    hes an archer and beaten other archers with better gear higher lvl then him, when levels get to 80..mainly the 90's, u can cash shop all u want, wont make a difference to ppl that know how to work in groups and gain there gear and pvp in a good squad with communication over noobs that just bought there gear and think spamming skills = win.

    btw post a screenshot of ur level 90 char here for us cos im sure we all want to see, even then im betting the screenshot will either be ur parents char or someone elses, still wud be amusing to see.
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Speaking from a BM's perspective... your skill bars made be die a litte bit on the inside. Also ONLY ONE SPARK AT LVL 7X. b:shocked

    Cause BMs use single and double sparks a lot, right?
    60 / 250.
  • elisalda
    elisalda Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Aww, I hate trolls whom don`t know when to quit, even though some don`t notice that kind of stuff :(. Funny thread, got some hot heads irritated. Lucky me blacklisted you in game some time ago, that gc spam was just something I don`t want to see ever again, getting a headache just thinking of it. Have fun and dun troll too much! :)
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lololololol b:laughb:chuckleb:laugh

    what a complete epic fail attempt, to begin with its impossible to hit level 110, max level is 105, 2nd, thats a private server with re-skined mounts

    oh my lord, i diddnt think this cud get any funnyier but this just made me gasp for air
  • LGoddess - Archosaur
    LGoddess - Archosaur Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Go-go power-flamewar.

    & Private servers usually have a EXP+ rate ... so wow, what an achievement. x5, x10 with events that can give you more.

    Good luck becoming best BM b:victory
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wuts ur point? that u still think i dont have more experience then typical noob with bm? i know all the high lvl skill all the high lvl sages.. and even all the heaven and demon books.. i know all the combinations tricks.. everything cuz i played as high lvl and ive experiemented with equip skills ect...

    anyway... a lvl 100 NOOB with amazing gear would own any expert any day... +12 warsoul fists does 25k dmg a second. and then on top of that you have 40k hp with full 4 socket +12 armor with god stones...

    beat that with any experrt non cs...
  • Zyfou - Heavens Tear
    Zyfou - Heavens Tear Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Troll or not, this thread made me laugh almost as hard as that one a year ago about the axe throwing archers 1 shotting people in TW.

  • _Saika_ - Archosaur
    _Saika_ - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    anyway... a lvl 100 NOOB with amazing gear would own any expert any day... +12 warsoul fists does 25k dmg a second. and then on top of that you have 40k hp with full 4 socket +12 armor with god stones...

    beat that with any experrt non cs...

    That's actually pretty easy to beat, cause you don't even have to CS for that on a private server ;)
    But srsly, you can't compare the eq. of a private server with that of pwi...idk if anyone will ever have a warsoul here, at least I don't wish it to anyone :P (was like how many thousand $? o.o)
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    and those thousands of dollars will be to a CSer.. not a legit player :)

    just sying ^^
  • Loregenome - Archosaur
    Loregenome - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    and Those Thousands Of Dollars Will Be To A Cser.. Not A Legit Player :)

    Just Sying ^^

  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wuts ur point? that u still think i dont have more experience then typical noob with bm? i know all the high lvl skill all the high lvl sages.. and even all the heaven and demon books.. i know all the combinations tricks.. everything cuz i played as high lvl and ive experiemented with equip skills ect...

    anyway... a lvl 100 NOOB with amazing gear would own any expert any day... +12 warsoul fists does 25k dmg a second. and then on top of that you have 40k hp with full 4 socket +12 armor with god stones...

    beat that with any experrt non cs...

    leme just quickly notify u that ive also tried out p-servers to test builds, weapons, pvp styles ext, now leme let u no that a BM on a private server with full +12s is the 2nd most hardiest class to kill, barb being 1st, so no ur still nothing special.

    ppl will never have full +12, not unless ur bill gates, ive also had numerous amount of friends to the same as me on p-servers to try get a better angle at there end game build/gear, it doesnt make u a god lol,

    and for ur second paragraph of b/s, a lvl 100 noob with amazing gear wudnt own an expert cos u dont no what gear this *expert* ur mentioning has to begin with, also do u realize just how much it wud cost *again* to get full socketed god stones? to much, ill put it that way, and as the other person said, warsoul gear is a dream, not a reality.
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    leme just quickly notify u that ive also tried out p-servers to test builds, weapons, pvp styles ext, now leme let u no that a BM on a private server with full +12s is the 2nd most hardiest class to kill, barb being 1st, so no ur still nothing special.

    ppl will never have full +12, not unless ur bill gates, ive also had numerous amount of friends to the same as me on p-servers to try get a better angle at there end game build/gear, it doesnt make u a god lol,

    and for ur second paragraph of b/s, a lvl 100 noob with amazing gear wudnt own an expert cos u dont no what gear this *expert* ur mentioning has to begin with, also do u realize just how much it wud cost *again* to get full socketed god stones? to much, ill put it that way, and as the other person said, warsoul gear is a dream, not a reality.

    Shinzoko pretty close, but to much BR. But no warsoul yet.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    leme just quickly notify u that ive also tried out p-servers to test builds, weapons, pvp styles ext, now leme let u no that a BM on a private server with full +12s is the 2nd most hardiest class to kill, barb being 1st, so no ur still nothing special.

    ppl will never have full +12, not unless ur bill gates, ive also had numerous amount of friends to the same as me on p-servers to try get a better angle at there end game build/gear, it doesnt make u a god lol,

    and for ur second paragraph of b/s, a lvl 100 noob with amazing gear wudnt own an expert cos u dont no what gear this *expert* ur mentioning has to begin with, also do u realize just how much it wud cost *again* to get full socketed god stones? to much, ill put it that way, and as the other person said, warsoul gear is a dream, not a reality.

    it gives you experiences and it doesnt hurt to understand all the skills and what works and doesnt work..
  • MrBladey - Lost City
    MrBladey - Lost City Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Cause BMs use single and double sparks a lot, right?

    BMs are one of the most chi dependant classes. So a bigger chi bar = better.
    For honor...
    For glory...
  • MrBladey - Lost City
    MrBladey - Lost City Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Sorry all for the double posts but...

    Seriously are you trying to impress people by showing your private server character. b:shocked

    This thread is just so ... bad.

    For honor...
    For glory...
  • Noob - Raging Tide
    Noob - Raging Tide Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Private servers eh?
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    BTW, 110 on a private server is pretty low (depending on which server)

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Anri_Rose - Archosaur
    Anri_Rose - Archosaur Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wait what mount is that and why havnt i seen it , oh private server

    why did someone post pics from there ??? inform pls
    Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
    Who altered my siggy im
    kinda scared b:shocked
  • Lightaine - Dreamweaver
    Lightaine - Dreamweaver Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Y'all postin' in a troll thread lmao.

    Archosaur's finest :D
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Uhmm... Last time i checked archo was still a PvE server

    *reanimates from the dead*

    Sorry,was mistaken.Saw no blue names in the screenshot.

    *goes back to being dead*
  • NEFERTlTl - Archosaur
    NEFERTlTl - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wow...I hope you don't relate PWI to a private server, Pserver's are more of a test run but not very legit. Since most of the gears and skills r not based from pwi considering we don't have lvl 150 gears etc in PWI. Even in a 110 server I played the gears where tweaked and couldn't be related. So whatever you learned on a Pserver let it go.... You where in RQ huh...still have not given me a name..
    But I think your very cocky to assume CS will make you a pro player. Let me know when spending Cubi saves you from being killed in a TW or pvp fight. I mean it does give you a advantage but does not make you "expert, or how you make it seem as God" Little girl you have a lot to learn. And please stop posting false or useless guides about builds. God forbid someone takes them seriously we have enough noobs on these servers already I would hate for the Puppy population to spawn like rabbits...
  • XXInvictusXx - Heavens Tear
    XXInvictusXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And please stop posting false or useless guides about builds. God forbid someone takes them seriously we have enough noobs on these servers already I would hate for the Puppy population to spawn like rabbits...

    Heaven's Tear - 8x Venomancer - Logging in just to poke around b:surrender
  • Bellatriix - Archosaur
    Bellatriix - Archosaur Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    el oh el, I have a level 150 Venomancer on a private server, does that make me a good PWI Venomancer?

    "I got a ss of acu and bella spawning.."
  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    actually, loser, i think i'm better than you :)

    i know more about BM, and I think I could beat you in a duel as well as 1 v 1. I think you are nothing.

    either way... you are against CSers? the only reason you are aloud to play this game is cuz of them. You are too poor to play a game that cost money so you rely on them to pay the bills and then you cry when they pwn you. csers have just as much experience as you. they simply get more out of that experience.

    i won't tell you my name in ragequit, and i have nothing to prove to you. there are onlyl like 6 people on this forum that flame me. you are one of them. the reason? idk.. it could be that you are jealous of me. you know nothing about you. you have likely never seen me pvp and if you have, you would know that I am not a noob at it. you have never pvped me yourself. you know nothing about me. you LOOK for things to flame me about. You are exactly that. a flamer.

    get a life loser. you know, i may spend money on this game, but thats because i don't have alot of time to spend on this game. I would MUCH rather be a horecler or w.e you call it, than some loser who how no school, job, or bf because she sits no her fat bottom and games it up, and then gets admired because she levels the "legit" way. i have a life. maybe you should get one too.

    anyway, i am done with PW, so you don't have to worry about another high lvl pwning you, and then crying that they are horeacles because I am off to play ****. a pay to play game that cost 15 dollers a month. Something you likely can't afford because you are too fat rotting your life away on PW while you spam the forums with your condescending bull pointing out everyones flaws in an attempt to make yourself look pro, and hopeing for acceptance from your peers since you could never get any in school. the reason why? because your a loser. noone likes losers, and a game like PW is the only place you can go to avoid being a loser. the problem with that is you have to FAIL even MORe at life simply to be anything other than a loser in this game.

    the moral of the story is... some of us have lives. get one. and stop relying on us to pay for your PW so that you can rot away your life in front of your computer screen instead of getting a job.

    whats that? you have a job? but you don't want to waste your money on a dumb game? a dumb game that is just fun yet you put away 12 hours a day in it just to be pro? 12 hours... say you get payed 12 dollars a hour.. thats 120 dollars in gameing time a DAY simply to hav fun... when.. you could play 4 hours.. spend 40 dollars.. and save 80 dollars worth of your time? yeah that makes sense loser.

    at least in ****, everyone pays their own bill, and doesnt cry about others paying for a game. they ALL pay an even ammount.
This discussion has been closed.