"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!



  • Xx_Fenrir_xX - Sanctuary
    Xx_Fenrir_xX - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    thats...going to be MIGHT be yes might be just listed and nothing
  • Cerph - Lost City
    Cerph - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Disable the All Class Baby Drake pet height restriction.
    I want it to fly with me like with the Frost Phoenix pet.
  • Fire_Tikaani - Archosaur
    Fire_Tikaani - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    How about people of the same gender being able to marry each other, like male+male and female+female? You can get it in real life, so why not on Perfect World! ^^
  • Ulquira - Lost City
    Ulquira - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    My suggestion is to do with the Marriage Quest PVP problems.
    If your in a PVE server, this wouldnt help you, but if your in a PVP server im sure you'll agree with me 100%.

    Basically since being killed during Marriage Quest, does occasionally fail the quest, as well as when the marriage quest locations are being camped, you quite simply cant finish it. And of course you cant log of either, which is a problem as its not like you can simply wait it out and finish the quest later. And of course the longer u take, the more chance there is that either you or your partner disconnects and the quest fails.

    My idea for a fix of this is to duplicate the FB59 Dungeon, and add a portal for this dungeon under the portal stone(near the teleporters in Archosaur) titled "Marriage" (should be a free portal). Then put the marriage quests within this dungeon- one on each of the branches. This way only the married couple are within the instance together, thus resolving all PVP issues surrounding Marriage Quest. This area would of course not be a actual dungeon, more like the heaven and hell portals, so you would be able to ride a mount, or fly within it(perhaps a limited height of say 40).
    Obviously another option would be to change the current Marriage Quest zones to a Safe Zone, but my idea is simply another option as it doesnt seem theyre even considering it.
  • Mitties - Dreamweaver
    Mitties - Dreamweaver Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    How about giving the venos the ability to tame any monster, as opposed to just a select few?
    [Insert pithy quote here.]
  • Svaarog - Sanctuary
    Svaarog - Sanctuary Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Flying carpet for a wizard's flying device, swords are bm thing, btw, imagine all the possibilities... starting a campaign for a flying carpets soon.
    Viking Pride b:cute
  • hipchek
    hipchek Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    personally played the game for a bit now still a bit newbish but before this i was playing rohan and the one thing i like about that game over this one is the pk system if some one attacked you you could fight back with out your name goin pink. now i know alot of u rpk'rs out there would hate seeing this but i think its fair instead of just leaving n **** that u can defend your self with out a fear of dropping some cash shop item or a wep that took forever to get. might be a good addition
  • Kyourimaru - Lost City
    Kyourimaru - Lost City Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Theres only like a 1% chance to drop something from your INVENTORY, so its simple, dont carry good stuff around.
  • Luixo - Sanctuary
    Luixo - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    To readers,

    I hope staff get to read this simple suggestion, as my computer died, I can only go through forums to see current TW maps.

    Sometimes people dont update, or I find it hard to see how the map is going,

    So is there a way you could have a link or page, where it shows the updates maps for each server?, Would be nice, quicker to see things that are going on.

    Thanks for reading

  • Chloris - Harshlands
    Chloris - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    if i understand corectly,
    all this will be send to the poeple
    that can possible make some sugestions

    i have a sugestion to
    i thought as a untamed maybe your
    true form can be like the ''animal''
    you have chosen.
  • Orlin - Dreamweaver
    Orlin - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I suggest the devs actually listen to the players and read this thread or we all just spam them with tickets about our suggestions til they listen. We all have great suggestions that would make PW a better game but the people that work on this game don't seem to understand that the players are the ones that actually give them a paycheck. So really here is a calculation that they should see,
    not using player's suggestions = no happy players = players leaving = no paycheck.
  • Unknownpsych - Dreamweaver
    Unknownpsych - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I agree with Orlin
    ~*^*~ Junior Officer ~*^*~
    /+\ Unknown Faction /+\
  • Gwtvix - Sanctuary
    Gwtvix - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    limit territories that can be declared against based on current occupation.

  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Not too sure how many others would like this, but I would. So here goes.

    I would like to see us be able to slot armor into our fashion slots also if we wanted. I've had some pretty cool looking gear over the past year, I like better actually than some of this TT and mold gear I got now. I'd love to be able to put the armor on my fashion slots just to be able to continue being able to look the way I once did.

    It would also maybe open up the market for some armor again by higher level people, wanting the appearance of lower level armor.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    We can see how much damage we inflict, how much damage we take, and venos can see both of those of their pets, but why can't clerics/healers see how much they heal?

    I say that the amount of HP healed should appear in blue letters (or some other distinct color, not red or orange, that would indicate healing) above the head of the person healed. This would of course exclude the numbers from the healing of potions, charms, and other items that heal.

    And I think this has been posted before (even posted by me but didn't make it into the list on the first page) But an option for pets (battle AND all-class) to pick up items for players.

    it's been forever since it's been updated D=
  • Steller - Lost City
    Steller - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    make hercules/phoenix pet egg tradeable
    offcourse with a countdown timer on it to protect ppl from hackers
    (example: has to be in egg for 1 week before it can be traded)
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Change the way pets earn experience.

    Change it to something like how we players have do: if a level 50 kills a level 10 mob, he get's like, 1 exp. But if he (ifhe could) kills a level 100 mob, he'd get (guessing) 1500exp.

    Why can't pet's be the same way? It'd be just like how it is now with the way it earns with mobs lower levels, but instead of making 15 the maximum exp it can earn (when you kill a mob its own level or higher), it can earn like 20 exp from a mob 10 levels over it and so on.

    Of course the, it'd be going up in a scale and wouldn't jump from 15 to 20. And I'm not saying that it has to be 20 at 10 levels over, but just something more than 15 at 10 levels over. And of course, make it so that you can't kill a level 105 mob and get 2000 pet exp (Because then people could just get into squads with higher levels and level their pets all the way in an hour). And keep it so that it still is harder to level higher level pets, just not so absurdly hard: they aren't actual characters.
  • sanny1129
    sanny1129 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Create a Server with Steam BAsed technology lol
    Don't You hate Sigs that re Comments I know I Do..lol
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    nvm with this idea ^_^;
  • Chloris - Harshlands
    Chloris - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i suggest a new race.
    with more creative stuff.
    take youre time to think of something.
  • CyanideX - Lost City
    CyanideX - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    These things for the factions i think will make them more unique and make factions funner.

    -Capes for faction members
    -The ability to put a custom picture/design on the faction cape
    -Faction wars whenever you want (time discussed between leaders)
    -Alliance and Enemies (has to be accepted by both leaders) (The enemies should be able to be PKed without penalty)
    -Communication between alliances.
    -Faction ranking

    Please add :P
  • CyanideX - Lost City
    CyanideX - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Also i think you should only add the suggestions by people that make realistic suggestions, Ive seen the suggestions ive said in other games and it was an awesome addition to the games (too bad they sucked in every other way)

    But suggestions like New classes and races and skills arent very realistic suggestions considering there was just a expansion released with them and the time it will take to do that.
  • XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City
    XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    emm hp+mp pots Exc(Event like heals 5k) in large Numbers to buy in CS
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City
    XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Unbinding charms plesae b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • Kawailele - Sanctuary
    Kawailele - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    hmm i did not read all the pages but here what i got.....


    -getting ??? amount of rep or something when killing some 1 in pk mode.

    -make pets evolve when lv-ing pet up.



    -make outfits thats only 4 that 1 race only armor looking,some thing like the TB

    - A PK EVENT!!!

    - make the black market guy sell in game stuff like, gold tt mats,armor,wep ,subs that u can buy with gold or with alot of coins,or evrey now n then give us sweet deal on shards,tt mats,armor ETC


    p.s POWER TO THE TB!
    what comes up must come down what goes in must come out! b:chuckle b:surprisedb:mischievous
  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I want this:

    - Channeling rate and Interval hits added at charater info.
    - Add FCC drops: can be nice add the old mode quest to be able to get the drops.
    - Pets Buffs: Show our pets buffs like the character buffs.
    - Wraith Attack: I really missed it.

    TY :)
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • V/o_oV - Lost City5
    V/o_oV - Lost City5 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Unbinding charms plesae b:victory

    Yes ! please un-binding charmsb:kiss
  • CherryMuffin - Harshlands
    CherryMuffin - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    ~ when you sell stuff at a merchant or any other one cause i have a lvl 21 cleric and i sold her wepon by mistake (fb wep ) and i went back to the merchant thinking i can buy it back but i was thinking of a diff game maybe you can considder about haveing a box off to the side of like 1 day of stuff you sold to every merchant or b. smith like this

    ex. bob_the_great sold a wep that was awsome in every way but he did not

    now he sold it checked his bag and it was gone so he ran back to a b. smith (NOTE he did not sell his wep a the blacksmith he sold it to a craftsmen) and there was a box he sold it yesterday and his awsome wep was there since be sold it he had to buy it back for 8.5k

    then wep disapperd from bosx cause he bought it back.

    the point im trying to get is if u sell something to someone that has the buy/sell or GOODS

    you should be able to buy it back

    Oh and nice job on music in game every place i go i love the music even if it does not have any i still love it :Db:cuteb:victoryb:laugh
  • ChiSolace - Harshlands
    ChiSolace - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I have an idea. When somone has or makes a squad it should be given a tidle so when know what monters they are killing. I am so tried of asking, "what monster are you killing? More offen that not when I as that question I dont get any anwer. Ist like talking to myself. b:angryb:angry So an idea is that there should be a box or something that tells you which monster is being killed.b:thanks I hate people to iggnore me.b:thanks
  • ChiSolace - Harshlands
    ChiSolace - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    about the spelling on that. I hit the wrong botton b:thanks
This discussion has been closed.