TW a joke ?



  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hahah yeah exactly. Can you say: tactical nightmare?


    There's no way Calamity would be able to defend against 15 factions at once. You guys have enough problems with just 2. Add in HDT, XBuhidoX, Vanquish, Inversion, and 9 other factions and really. . .

    If all 200 members were online and you wanted to space your members equally throughout all 15 TWs, you'd have rought 13 members in each. I don't think 13 members is enough to take down a faction.

    Wow, guys, i mean, please try to read between the lines...First off all - i said 15 SMALL factions, not biggest on server...And anyway, talking about 15 attacks in the same time i wasn't serious lol and please don't take it serious too.
    My point was just - let's assume it will happen. Players still will QQ about that fact, cause always not enough, that's a human nature.
    In case of a failed gank something else will become the theme of whinning, like gears, numbers, levels and etc. That was my point actually. 15 attacks - only an example, assumption, proposition that is taken for granted, metaphor..Dunno, call it as you wish. b:bye
  • Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm going with Buttworm on this. Aside from the top 5-ish bigger factions, I doubt it would take more than 10 Calamity members to defend land. They could probably just aoe grind a bunch of level 6x b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm going with Buttworm on this. Aside from the top 5-ish bigger factions, I doubt it would take more than 10 Calamity members to defend land. They could probably just aoe grind a bunch of level 6x b:chuckle

    dynasty war was aoe grind. its just. they keep respawning so darned fast. u kill 30 of them, and another 30 take their spot. we are moving forward by 5 meters a minute at that rate... so frustratingly slow.
  • Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    How can you beat every one of the 15 small/medium sized factions attacking you all at the same time?? Youre bound to lose some land for sure.
    If there wasn't a restriction and the system schedules that Buttworm's faction will have to face 8 of the 15 factions at once, where will you get the man power to defend all of that land you have?? Pull it out of your bottom ****??? Hence, I say no restrictions needed to be added to the system, just one removed and most will be happy.
    You're bound to lose some land... for SURE?! *lol*

    I play on a PvE server... I don't PK or TW so I know jack about either of those, but everything I've observed from the outside matches what I study in miiltary battles at the Naval Postgraduate School. In one of our classes we did simulated recreations and variations on the Battle of Cajamarca , fought 16 November 1532 in present-day Peru between the Incan Emperor Atahuallpa (with 80,000 Incan infantry) against Francisco Pizarro (with 168 Spaniards: 62 cavalry and 106 infantry). 80,000 guys vs 168 guys... sounds pretty lopsided right? The superior numbers are going to win.... for SURE, right?! Those 168 guys had such superior technology over the Incans that they wiped out every single last one of them without a single casualty to the Spaniards--not one. This is pretty much akin to what I see in TWs on PWI... Occasionally I come across guys in Nefarious and they're mostly over L95 and have grade-12 gear that's at least refined to +5, the weapon is often +8 or higher, all with the best possible shards. The mechanical game-play is such that ten L50 guys with "good gear" cannot possibly stand a chance against 3 L95 guys with "the best of the best gear." In military campaign analysis, it's refered to as Lancaster's Law of power ratios.

    We also studied the famous Battle of the Little Bighorn in late June of 1867. In this battle the two opposing forces had nearly the same technology, but the Sioux outnumbered the 7th Cavalry by almost 7 to 1. It's also known as Custer's Last Stand because he was wiped out by a force with similar technogoly but superior numbers.

    So anyone QQing that "we can't win TW, so it's not fun" just needs realize the reality of simulated warfare, which is what TW is. In order to have a chance of winning you have to have comparable technology (levels, gear/refinements/shards) and force size (number of players going into TW). If you are in inferior in either of those areas your chances of winning the PowerBall lottery are probably better than of you winning your TW bid. Use the Player Info button on some of your enemies... think about what will be fun and what you'll have to do to have any reasonable chance of success.

    But my hope for better/longer TW's will probably be in vain.
    The idea that a battle lasting longer than 5 minutes would be more fun simply means that you wish your force (assuming you were defeated) had comparable technology and numbers. You can make that wish come true by better organizing (so you have a decent sized faciton) and by having dedicated players (that are willing to farm and cash-shop). If you can't do that, then find something else to do as you surely won't ever have fun in a simulated war. It amazes me how many factions will attack Nef and then gripe that it was over in 10 min, yet they dont' have only L90+ players with L12 gear refined to +5 to +10 with best shards... what did they expect?!
  • Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    this has been a stimuating argument which all leads to overpowered guilds. but some people have a point its based on progression. HOWEVER PvP shouldnt only be in he PvP servers TW is fun i did one once and it lasted 7 mins. on the other hand if ur a Dominating faction and a little guild trys to win dont go full out.Enrage and Radiance are acting too serious when it comes to TW. your acting like a father who goes all out in chess and beats his son in 3 moves..... im not saying u should let them win im saying u should let them try. cmon u big factions dont need to go all out u could wait 5 mins and sees what happens then slowly beat them. HAVE FUN WITH IT. it not about money or better gear its about FUN FUN FUN FUN. ive been playing for a long time and im at a low lvl (for how much i played) cause i play a little a day for FUN. you NERDS need to go outside and get some fresh air. i rarly come on forums but i cant play my game since i got caught throwing pennys at jews at the mall. XD it was fun and totally worth it. anyways u guys need to stop playing long since it bad for urself. sitting down all day getting too fat or too skinny. working out can be fun too. especially if u do it witha friend. so yeah get up right now and do some sports or something(dont say u do or that ur buff or some **** like that cause i checked out the fans page and all u NERDS are pewny) and i know for a fact that everyone that replys will try posting fake pics they find in google or if there smart myspace. so just get up off ur **** now and do something (Saping doesnt count pervs)
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When I was lower level, I was in a faction that frequently attempted TW, only to get steamrolled in the seven minutes or whatever it takes for the crystal to be destroyed. Very few of the people from that faction who went to TW actually expected to win, they were just going for fun-- to get a few kills and see how good they were against the big TW factions of the server. For the lower levels (~40-50) like me, it was good practice and a way to experience what TW was like.

    I was also in one of the big, territory-owning guilds in Heaven's Tear (Rad), and we always got attacked by small factions much like the one I had been in. For us, it was, "Uhhh, I have school tomorrow, let's just destroy the crystal and get done with it. Plus, hey, I get paid for this TW. :D" Even when I left those seven minute TWs feeling sort of guilty for one-hitting a bunch of newbs without charms, those factions would still send teles thanking us for the TW or the fun or the practice. It's funny how important those little battles can be, I guess.

    Now I'm a faction leader and people constantly ask me when we'll go to TW. And I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back to being a seven-minute steamroll just so they can get that practice, but at the same time, I remember how important it was to me.

    I'm just rambling... I don't even know if this is relevant...
    heaven's tear ~ 100 cleric / 97 veno / 91 barb ~ soy lider de la faccion venganza
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Lets say the map is divde up by two main factions. One faction only brings enough force to just win against noob factions and drag the battle out to an hour. The other faction ruthlessly destroy the noob faction in under 10 minutes everytime.

    If your a noob guild who will you attack? You might as well send out an invitation to every faction on the server to attack your territory.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Really it isn't a good strategy to let wars drag on, for neither party.

    Not good on funds for either faction.

    Could make the faction that lasts an hour long, believe that they are stronger then they actually are, especially if the one 'toying' doesn't let the other leader know, but that can go both ways. As in the 'losing' faction's leader not letting there players know that the other faction is 'toying' with them.

    It causes your faction to be split, with some of your 'bigger' guns being at the other faction tw 'toying' with them. Not to mention it would be hard to substitute people from one war to another with both of them still going on.

    It is just plain annoying letting other factions last an hour long +, due to people not wanting to go on 3 hour tw wars, people do have things to do.

    It does look good on your faction.

    It allows some of your members to get a feel for tw, very valuable experience, that they probably wouldn't get if they were steamrolled.

    Nothing wrong with 30 minutes, or so, but still the problems above can still arise, it really is up to the faction... that is being attacked... or doing the attacking, (in rare cases).
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The system definately has to be reworked...
    While I agree that a lower lvl faction shouldn't expect a dominating faction to go easy on them, it's unbalanced in that while the dominating fac gets richer the small attacking faction gets poorer. Take Sanctuary and Nef for for example...when they hold that many lands, and get 10mil for each land and even more for major cities each week; even the non cash shoppers (and there has to be some) can get rich purely by TW pay, so their weaker people are constantly getting stronger. And ofc by giving money to their weaker people they become stronger overall, and the balance is gone no matter how hard smaller factions try to compete. They just can't match the income.

    You normally dont make any money at all being in the dominant faction anymore.
    Salary is maybe 2-3 mil a week. Than you're always attacked by 3-6 factions, and obviously attacking as well. After you got the platinum charms, pots, pvp-pots, attack charm etc to last for all weekends TWs you normally loose a bit of money. Salary wont even cover half anymore if you have some real challenging 3 hour TWs. Being a non cash shopper in a dominant factions can be a pain, you're expected to spend like 4-5 mil if its a heavy TW weekend and you only get half back in salary.

    To be fair tho, people in opposing actions dont get money for charms at all and are still expected to attend TW fully prepared b:surrender. But they also dont have several TWs each weekend.

    I guess in big land owning faction you will always have a decent budget though which is pretty beneficial. Money can be used to support HH-guild farming and such. But you dont get rich from salary as a member, you actually make more money not going Tw at all and skipping salary. I guess you can make money if no other factor guilds attacks, but thats pretty rare.
  • Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    TW is great, even if you get steamrolled. Its really fun.

    Ive been in a 2.5 hour Territory war (on lost city) and its crazy. Its defintely not a joke, its the only reason I still play perfect world.

    If you want better territory wars, come to lost city quick before all the small factions get wiped out and it becomes like the old lost city again.
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