New Server!



  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Also it has been put to a poll and it seems PVP servers is more wanted then PVE servers.

    If there is enough people who want PVP server, can it be "PVP by popular demand" like seriously....

    Hahaha! As if a pool set up here is representative of what the main player population want....

    PWI's devs are not stupid. They have all the numbers to take the good decision wether they need a new PvP or PVE server. And apparently, more people are interrested in PvE than PvP.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Raivon - Lost City
    Raivon - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If it were PVP I would totally make an archer or barb on that server... being PVE... nah.. I'll stick to LC
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hahaha! As if a pool set up here is representative of what the main player population want....

    PWI's devs are not stupid. They have all the numbers to take the good decision wether they need a new PvP or PVE server. And apparently, more people are interrested in PvE than PvP.

    Indeed, when it's all cut and dried this game is theres, and we only get to play it.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can't be serious.

    In fact, wait, no, maybe you can. Since it's possible to buy the game I bet an assload of players just bought themselves level 100 on Raging Tide and all the noobs went to the new server hoping for a fresh and "fair" start.

    I seriously do not know why we need a new server so soon, but... a new.... PvE server?

  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If it were PVP I would totally make an archer or barb on that server... being PVE... nah.. I'll stick to LC

    Yeah... was thinking the same thing QQ
  • DrazoThePsy - Dreamweaver
    DrazoThePsy - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Me thinks them PvP fanatics are jealous because obviously PvE servers are more popular than PvP ones. b:chuckle

    You should consider yourself lucky though to have such relatively un-crowded servers....but when the PvP servers do get full (which I believe would happen in the not-to-long-from-now future), PWE will add a new PvP server....even if it has been a year now since the last.
  • Fritigern - Lost City
    Fritigern - Lost City Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A new PvE server?
    What a waste of time and arena still I see.
    Way to prioritize.b:angry
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow... Another new server? So soon? And PvE no less...
  • Samaela - Dreamweaver
    Samaela - Dreamweaver Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow... Another new server? So soon? And PvE no less...

    Hi Bella xD

    I don't get it being PvE, okay I personally prefer it, but ehhh......... Yeah. Too many. It is PvPer here as well who wanted a new PvP server. Quite stupid actually, especially since it's 3 months since we got a new PvE server.
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver
    MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Does this mean Arch West in Dreamweaver will be somewhat lag free? This could free up rent space for my shops b:chuckle
    "Here, with the Strana Mechty wolf, we see what may be the epitome of a warrior, cunning matched with instinct and stealth, joined with a final, terrifying attack. For this mighty creature, I name you. You are Clan Wolf." -Nicholas Kerensky
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If they opened a new PvP server then yes it would attract people from PvE server's, but it would also cause a massive exodus of players from the current (not full) PvP servers.
    Pointless opening a new PvP server if it might cause the closure of another due to ppl moving over.

    TBH though a new PvP server would only work if it didnt include hyper stones, oracles, anni packs etc etc etc for the first 6 months and we all know that isnt going to happen. It will just be a $ fest of 90+ players in a few weeks.

    3 months down the line non heavy cash shoppers will be QQing that $ owns the TW map and PK scene and demanding a new server.

    Unless they eliminate the PvP problems of endgame gear/xp being bought for RL cash then those problems are not solved by a new server .. they are just moved to a new home
  • Arron - Dreamweaver
    Arron - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If they opened a new PvP server then yes it would attract people from PvE server's, but it would also cause a massive exodus of players from the current (not full) PvP servers.
    Pointless opening a new PvP server if it might cause the closure of another due to ppl moving over.

    TBH though a new PvP server would only work if it didnt include hyper stones, oracles, anni packs etc etc etc for the first 6 months and we all know that isnt going to happen. It will just be a $ fest of 90+ players in a few weeks.

    3 months down the line non heavy cash shoppers will be QQing that $ owns the TW map and PK scene and demanding a new server.

    Unless they eliminate the PvP problems of endgame gear/xp being bought for RL cash then those problems are not solved by a new server .. they are just moved to a new home


    I sooooo agree. Yeah i'm on a PvE server, but its the first one ive ever been on, so...

    I love PvP, i gotta say that, but another PvP server will cause many problems...
    -Other PvP servers will empty
    -ppl within a week will not be able to lvl due to 90+ as it opens, so epic WC QQs.
    -More QQ
    -epicwtflolwutsaucepwnhuhbblkthxbai headache QQ

    Nuff said :P
    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    so wait you want a pvp server b:laugh for future refecenes you know theres going to be lucky corals anii packs etc. and your going to QQ all over the forums...and btw not much people in pvp servers b:chuckle.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Knowing how fun this game gets at endgame I wouldnt seriously bother about rerolling to a new server even if it was pvp and especially cuz I cba about lvling all over again, but I found it weird that a new pve server is coming when a new one was opened around 3 months ago.

    P.S. Those that keep talking **** about HL can get thefk out, HL>all pve servers!
  • Candie - Raging Tide
    Candie - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What's so wrong about PvE server ? O_o You enter PK mode , seek for another player who did the same , and make PvP . The only problem is that you can't pwn people who don't want to be pwned . So sad
  • Beldor - Harshlands
    Beldor - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Knowing how fun this game gets at endgame I wouldnt seriously bother about rerolling to a new server even if it was pvp and especially cuz I cba about lvling all over again, but I found it weird that a new pve server is coming when a new one was opened around 3 months ago.

    P.S. Those that keep talking **** about HL can get thefk out, HL>all pve servers!

    Agreed. Raging Tide was opened like 3 moths ago like you mentioned, why would they open another server? Especially being PvE. So they can add the so called Anniversary Packs or whatever the facking name is, to the boutique. Well at least, If they gonna earn so much money with this new server, there will be no problems adding a new PvP server, I guess.
  • Beldor - Harshlands
    Beldor - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What's so wrong about PvE server ? O_o You enter PK mode , seek for another player who did the same , and make PvP . The only problem is that you can't pwn people who don't want to be pwned . So sad

    "The only problem is that you can't pwn people who don't want to be pwned"

    Yes, that's the main prob and funniest thing about a pvp server.
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    7 servers? dude, thats too much

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Candie - Raging Tide
    Candie - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "Yes, that's the main prob and funniest thing about a pvp server."
    Apparently there're more people who see PK as problem than those who see fun in it . Othervise your two PvP servers would be overcrowded
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    4PVE v 2PVP.

    4 overpopulated by newbies as well as TWers who love getting pay


    2 underpopulated because of the sheep effect making 2 guilds strong and others weak.
    All we need is diversity in the guilds in a new PVP server and it will be fine....Jk....Gimme a pvp server plz....

    Also it has been put to a poll and it seems PVP servers is more wanted then PVE servers. And as well Lost City is very overpopulated and it is a West Coast Server, they need some space 2

    If there is enough people who want PVP server, can it be "PVP by popular demand" like seriously....

    Here's a Game Tip for ya.

    If you want to play PvP, and you're on a PvE server, go into PK mode at lvl 30.

    It's *exactly* like a PvP server, except you don't get to gank innocent bystanders.

    It *already is* "PvP by popular demand". If you want to do so, you can turn on PK mode.


    \now quit your bythching
    \\never heard more crying than I do from PK weenies, and coming from PvP servers
    \\\don't like the drama, then re-roll
    \\\\pointing out the obvious to boneheads since 1979
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *Glomps Redmenace*
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ones who wanted a new pve server already moved to raging tides. why open another pve server? if it was pvp i'd wanna go and play.
  • Borodor - Dreamweaver
    Borodor - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My main quibble is the TW times. If this is Perfect World INTERNATIONAL, why are TW times almost always middle-of-the-night European times? A new server with European-friendly TW times would be more welcome!
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My main quibble is the TW times. If this is Perfect World INTERNATIONAL, why are TW times almost always middle-of-the-night European times? A new server with European-friendly TW times would be more welcome!

    Yeah, this was already covered in some other thread.

    If you want TW times that relate to Europe, move servers. PWI was taken out of it's original country of origin [this then makes it international, technically] and made playable on American servers.

    I was being very generic there by the way, excuse any mistakes. However, main point: the AMERICAN team were not thinking of catering specifically to a NON-AMERICAN player base.

    Gee whizz, I wonder why...
  • Black_Ghost - Heavens Tear
    Black_Ghost - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    if ur gonna do a new server at least come up with something than no other servers have. my suggestion is a PvPvE server
  • SupaRoyalty - Lost City
    SupaRoyalty - Lost City Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    pve = fail xD
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    To all those that say PvE will be a complete fail... well I agree with some points, that balanced PvP is a lot more fun since PvE tends to get boring especially at end game. But the important word there is balanced. Which is not the case with how the game works currently, so that won't happen. There is just too much advantage to people who start playing early on a PvP server, and especially to people who pay lots of amounts on this game.

    Just think about it, why do you want to start fresh on a new PvP server, especially those who started on a PvE atm, when there are other PvP servers available, and from what I heard Harshlands even being underpopulated? Because it's new, and you'd have the chance to start from 'day 1' and be one of the top ones yourself instead of trying without use to 'catch them up'. This happens on a PvE server too but it's not even close to be as affecting as on a PvP server where the 'top' ones can PK you (let's say, a 'noob') of course.

    Now whether you like it or not, they are not releasing new servers only for you, the current players (and that post on these forums at the moment). You have to understand a new server for them is also meant to be for players joining later and not in the first day of server release. Probably even a year later. And with the imbalances I said above about PvP, that the players that will find out about PWI and join weeks/months later after server was created, most (of course not ALL) will avoid an 'old' PvP server. Just like you do now, begging for a new PvP server instead of joining an old one. This is why PvE is much more 'popular' whether you believe it or not.

    And I dunno if it was this thread or some other about this, but someone said people are 'afraid' to go into PK mode until they are 90 or so. Well, I can understand them tbh. With all the imbalances in a game like this, it's not fun to get 1 shot by a high level while you're in the mid range and lose an item from your backpack (1% chance but CAN happen, you know). Actually with the power of cash shop even at 90 you may get 1 shot by some uber powered 'freak' with ultimate gear. b:surrender
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Erond - Heavens Tear
    Erond - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    come on we want it PVP, make it PVPVPVPVP damm
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    soo time went into making a new server not sin/psy demon/sage, lvl 79/100 skills, arena, bugs,etc b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Here's a Game Tip for ya.

    If you want to play PvP, and you're on a PvE server, go into PK mode at lvl 30.

    It's *exactly* like a PvP server, except you don't get to gank innocent bystanders.

    It *already is* "PvP by popular demand". If you want to do so, you can turn on PK mode.


    \now quit your bythching
    \\never heard more crying than I do from PK weenies, and coming from PvP servers
    \\\don't like the drama, then re-roll
    \\\\pointing out the obvious to boneheads since 1979

    quick facts about PVE servers and myself mmmk.

    1. If you havnt noticed, i have had pk mode on since i hit 30, never turned it off. So that lil "tip" is out the window.

    2. Its nothing like a PVP server because PVP equals you cant turn Blue name everytime someone comes to attack you. Or if someone Ks-es you, you dont gotta sit around and take it simply because they are blue named, you can kill them on the stop.

    PvE servers are full of big mouth people that after they get beat a couple times go blue then "Roflstomp" because you cant kill them even though you want to.

    3. PVP servers give a constant challenge with the mix of PK, Grinding, farming and other things Including competition which you dont see in PVE servers odviously

    4. Without PVP, endgame gets extremely boring considering if you pk someone you probably will turn them blue if you kill them then you will farm 5 days a week in order 2 pk XXX amounts of time on a weekend.

    And with your sacrastic tips, this isnt "PVP by popular demand" because unlike most carebears on PVE servers, on PVP servers you dont have a choice.

    pointing out the obvious to boneheads since you tried to post this bs

    O and PS. PVP on PVE servers is nothing like PVP on a PVP server mmk kiddy b:bye

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
This discussion has been closed.