New Server!



  • Boozin - Sanctuary
    Boozin - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    quick facts about PVE servers and myself mmmk.

    1. If you havnt noticed, i have had pk mode on since i hit 30, never turned it off. So that lil "tip" is out the window.

    2. Its nothing like a PVP server because PVP equals you cant turn Blue name everytime someone comes to attack you. Or if someone Ks-es you, you dont gotta sit around and take it simply because they are blue named, you can kill them on the stop.

    PvE servers are full of big mouth people that after they get beat a couple times go blue then "Roflstomp" because you cant kill them even though you want to.

    3. PVP servers give a constant challenge with the mix of PK, Grinding, farming and other things Including competition which you dont see in PVE servers odviously

    4. Without PVP, endgame gets extremely boring considering if you pk someone you probably will turn them blue if you kill them then you will farm 5 days a week in order 2 pk XXX amounts of time on a weekend.

    And with your sacrastic tips, this isnt "PVP by popular demand" because unlike most carebears on PVE servers, on PVP servers you dont have a choice.

    pointing out the obvious to boneheads since you tried to post this bs

    O and PS. PVP on PVE servers is nothing like PVP on a PVP server mmk kiddy b:bye

    You make a good argument for why you want to play on a pvp server insted of a pve one.... but you left out any argument as to why they should open a new pvp server....

    You want all the stuff you listed? Go roll on one of the existing pvp servers instead of RT which is pve.... problem solved.
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You make a good argument for why you want to play on a pvp server insted of a pve one.... but you left out any argument as to why they should open a new pvp server....

    You want all the stuff you listed? Go roll on one of the existing pvp servers instead of RT which is pve.... problem solved.

    My arguement because of those was already stated but i can say it again.

    1.Lost City as already Overpopulated as a west coast PVP server, and since they wanted to give room for the west coast servers and there are already 2 PVE servers on the west coast and only 1 PVP and alot of players want PVP why not?

    2. There are already to many high levels on the servers which camp kill these lower level players which henders them from level, lead to QQ and eventual leaving of the server

    3. The sheep effect has taken place in these servers and the TW/Overall gamplay in the game in held by a few guilds which makes the game less appealing and leads 2 again, leaving from the game.

    These are the main reasons why people choose not to go tho the existing servers and I would think, would in fact like a new pvp server

    Thank you b:laugh

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • Boozin - Sanctuary
    Boozin - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My arguement because of those was already stated but i can say it again.

    1.Lost City as already Overpopulated as a west coast PVP server, and since they wanted to give room for the west coast servers and there are already 2 PVE servers on the west coast and only 1 PVP and alot of players want PVP why not?

    2. There are already to many high levels on the servers which camp kill these lower level players which henders them from level, lead to QQ and eventual leaving of the server

    3. The sheep effect has taken place in these servers and the TW/Overall gamplay in the game in held by a few guilds which makes the game less appealing and leads 2 again, leaving from the game.

    These are the main reasons why people choose not to go tho the existing servers and I would think, would in fact like a new pvp server

    Thank you b:laugh

    1. If you actually want the challenge that you claim in pvp, how is overpopulation a bad thing? Its just more ppl to pk all day long which is what you say you want anyway instead of blue names running around.

    2. Sounds like you would rather be one of these high levels instantly than need to deal with working your way up... or is it only fun to pvp when you are the one with the upper hand 100% of the time?

    3. ....or are you just sad you are not in one of the guilds that owns the map?

    Sounds more like people choose not to go to the existing servers because they don't have the patience to actually play to end game. They just want to be higher than everyone else from the get go so that can be the ones doing the pk'in rather than the ones getting pk'd.

    Thank You b:laugh
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1. If you actually want the challenge that you claim in pvp, how is overpopulation a bad thing? Its just more ppl to pk all day long which is what you say you want anyway instead of blue names running around.

    2. Sounds like you would rather be one of these high levels instantly than need to deal with working your way up... or is it only fun to pvp when you are the one with the upper hand 100% of the time?

    3. ....or are you just sad you are not in one of the guilds that owns the map?

    Sounds more like people choose not to go to the existing servers because they don't have the patience to actually play to end game. They just want to be higher than everyone else from the get go so that can be the ones doing the pk'in rather than the ones getting pk'd.

    Thank You b:laugh

    1. There is a difference between a challenge and a roll. Challenge is when you are grinding, random person around your level comes and tries to fight you, Pk fun. A Roll is when your grinding, someone way higher then you come and stomps you into the ground before you can do anything.

    2. Its alright if you have competition. and no you sacrastic ******, as you know people would like to level and have epic battles with people of there level.

    3. IN PVP servers your faction= Your life on the server. If 2 guilds rule the server, then that pretty much means if your not in the faction, your life is horrible. When you spread out the power between multiple guilds this stimulates competition which then stimulates more fun throughout the server smartass.

    People want to level and play to endgame, as long as it is on a common playing field and if there is competition. Learn you facts ummmk buddy.

    Thank Youb:chuckle

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Why are you guys wasting money on unneeded servers? b:surrender
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The problem with PVP servers is that they are popular for like a couple weeks and then when people realize there are already lvl 90+ people that just kill everyone at will they are abandoned.. just look at Harshlands.

    The amount of QQ on the forums has no effect on which kind of server they open since PWI has access complete statistics of the existing servers such as overall population, the drop out rate of the players, how much money everyone pays, etc.

    If PWI opens a server that is only good for people who start in the first couple of weeks that server is a FAIL.

    If you want a new PVP server go fill up Harshlands to show how popular PVP servers are.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1. There is a difference between a challenge and a roll. Challenge is when you are grinding, random person around your level comes and tries to fight you, Pk fun. A Roll is when your grinding, someone way higher then you come and stomps you into the ground before you can do anything.

    2. Its alright if you have competition. and no you sacrastic ******, as you know people would like to level and have epic battles with people of there level.

    3. IN PVP servers your faction= Your life on the server. If 2 guilds rule the server, then that pretty much means if your not in the faction, your life is horrible. When you spread out the power between multiple guilds this stimulates competition which then stimulates more fun throughout the server smartass.

    People want to level and play to endgame, as long as it is on a common playing field and if there is competition. Learn you facts ummmk buddy.

    Thank Youb:chuckle
    No you don't get it. You just want a new PvP server so you have a chance to level up from the first day and possibly be one of those 'uber' ones. People WILL form dominating factions, there WILL be higher level pk festing lower levels, but just not at start. And yes, for YOU it will be fun, and for everyone starting to play from day 1. But PWE won't release a new server just to satisfy a few people who start playing from the start of the server.

    If you don't like rolling on an old PvP server right now, it will be the same for people not joining the new one from the start. Which actually proves how unpopular PvP is doesn't it? It's only fun for a handful of people who start playing from the start, the others usually don't like it and pick a PvE. Now you also got your explanation why they see PvE more popular which is true also.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • ELQuAdRoo - Harshlands
    ELQuAdRoo - Harshlands Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The problem with PVP servers is that they are popular for like a couple weeks and then when people realize there are already lvl 90+ people that just kill everyone at will they are abandoned.. just look at Harshlands.

    The amount of QQ on the forums has no effect on which kind of server they open since PWI has access complete statistics of the existing servers such as overall population, the drop out rate of the players, how much money everyone pays, etc.

    If PWI opens a server that is only good for people who start in the first couple of weeks that server is a FAIL.

    If you want a new PVP server go fill up Harshlands to show how popular PVP servers are.

    we want a new pvp server without this **** anni packs...HL was more fun then LC before anni packs came out b:bye
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    But that's another point and I agree those ruin a server. But 99% sure they'll be there on any server they release.

    I think most PvE people would like a new server even if it's PvE but no anni packs there, but just won't happen. b:surrender
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Jhalil - Heavens Tear
    Jhalil - Heavens Tear Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I shall now reveal PWI's secrets.

    First of all, let me laugh at you poor fools who are still trying to complain about it not being a PVP server. And I shall explain.
    With the opening of the Raging Tide server. PWI made a *removed* of money. Just go around and see how many characters are in their 90's on there already, and how many people have the mounts/items/fashion from the cash shop. So for the person who said "Why are you wasting your money on a new server?" You fail to see the game plan here.
    People love to be the best, they can't be on a server that they were beaten to when it comes to cash shopping the most oracles/hyperstones, so when a new server launches. That's their chance. Hell, people will most likely reroll on a server just to have a popular name. I know someone on HT who is level 97 who is going to count down the seconds just to get the name "Dragon" and he is willing to quit HT and go play the new server just for that. Some people will love the idea of ever owning land with their faction, even if it's for just a week.

    Now, since it's obvious the players have SOME say in what happens on PW (Forum layout, for example) But that is in no way an influence on the direct sales for PWI. So they let us think our opinion counts and changing the little things. So why a PVE instead of PVP?
    Easy, PVE attracts more players. Whether people like it or not. PVE is more attractive for a usual MMORPG gamer. Just do your thing and decide when you want to PK there will always be that PK hotspot where you can go to. More players = More money = Happy fapping PWI.
    So yeah, we have Lost City and Harshlands and both are from what I've seen from logging on to them. Not nearly as populated as Sanctuary, Dreamweaver of Heaven's Tear. So ask yourself this question: If you were to open a shop that sells candy, cookies and other sugary goods, would you open it in a town full of fat people? Or in a town full of diabetes patients? Same here, the majority of the people are cookie loving sugar slurping and chocolate eating ****. While the other part who likes a PVP server are the diabetes patients. Who hate their lives and because they can not feast upon the sugary goodness, they resort to kicking each other's asses. Now as much as you'd like to sympathize with the diabetes patients, you are human. And all human nature has one thing in common. You are selfish and greedy, whether you realize it or not. So yes, you will proceed to open your shop in Sugarville with all the fat people and giving them all your sugary goodness. And they will all be able to access your sugary goodness by "Pressing the "O" (oh) key in game to access our in-game boutique"

    So yeah, is there a need for a new PVE server? Obviously not, we've just got a new one a while back.
    Will PWI make a ****load of money by opening a new PVE server? Hell yeah. 'nuf said.
    Still trying to move your cursor, eh?
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I love how all the care-bears post 'you want to be the uber to level 90 you wont do it so you will quit the server blah blah' jeez Shut the *removed* up! it' not *removed* hard to hit 90 at all i've played Lost city now for 8 days and im level 66 already (still finishing tideborn quest line) as soon as i hit 71 boom 86 within a week or 2 from gamma then frost cover with hyper exp to 100 if you can't afford 5$ a day for a week to get 95+ then you need to get off this game and make some money.

    Now that's out the way.. servers out already are underpopulated?
    I wonder why.. people wont roll there because they were *removed* over my anni packs (which will most likely be on a new server) which brings to next point, the only way they would successfully populate and keep the population on a PvP server would to not release oracles or anni packs EVER on that server. The game then comes alive.

    1. You have to hardcore level no level 80's in first week.
    2. You have to work for your gear not open a few packs.
    3. The server tends to all keep the same level which is much more enjoyable as no overpowered oracle ***** can sit you down while your doing 30 quests.
    4. TW become much more fun because (read above) no overpowered people and generally all same level.

    But this will never happen as GM's care about their wallets not their players.

    P.S I did oracle/hyper to 95 on RagingTides(PVE) because i can so don't go off topic and QQ about that.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Beldor - Harshlands
    Beldor - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I totally disagree about the server being PvE.

    C'mon guys, Raging Tide server was opened 17th December and we already have 4 PvE servers.

    Cant you GMs or something like that, make an official poll thread asking which type of server we want the most?

    Loads of ppl want it to be PvP. Please reconsider.
  • Zyron - Harshlands
    Zyron - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Make it PvP please! We have way too many PvE servers we need a PvP now. People who want it PvE already have one! Wich is Raging Tide it makes no sense making another one. Reconsider.
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I shall now reveal PWI's secrets.

    First of all, let me laugh at you poor fools who are still trying to complain about it not being a PVP server. And I shall explain.
    With the opening of the Raging Tide server. PWI made a SHIIIIITLOOOAAAD of money. Just go around and see how many characters are in their 90's on there already, and how many people have the mounts/items/fashion from the cash shop. So for the person who said "Why are you wasting your money on a new server?" You fail to see the game plan here.
    People love to be the best, they can't be on a server that they were beaten to when it comes to cash shopping the most oracles/hyperstones, so when a new server launches. That's their chance. Hell, people will most likely reroll on a server just to have a popular name. I know someone on HT who is level 97 who is going to count down the seconds just to get the name "Dragon" and he is willing to quit HT and go play the new server just for that. Some people will love the idea of ever owning land with their faction, even if it's for just a week.

    Now, since it's obvious the players have SOME say in what happens on PW (Forum layout, for example) But that is in no way an influence on the direct sales for PWI. So they let us think our opinion counts and changing the little things. So why a PVE instead of PVP?
    Easy, PVE attracts more players. Whether people like it or not. PVE is more attractive for a usual MMORPG gamer. Just do your thing and decide when you want to PK there will always be that PK hotspot where you can go to. More players = More money = Happy fapping PWI.
    So yeah, we have Lost City and Harshlands and both are from what I've seen from logging on to them. Not nearly as populated as Sanctuary, Dreamweaver of Heaven's Tear. So ask yourself this question: If you were to open a shop that sells candy, cookies and other sugary goods, would you open it in a town full of fat people? Or in a town full of diabetes patients? Same here, the majority of the people are cookie loving sugar slurping and chocolate eating ****. While the other part who likes a PVP server are the diabetes patients. Who hate their lives and because they can not feast upon the sugary goodness, they resort to kicking each other's asses. Now as much as you'd like to sympathize with the diabetes patients, you are human. And all human nature has one thing in common. You are selfish and greedy, whether you realize it or not. So yes, you will proceed to open your shop in Sugarville with all the fat people and giving them all your sugary goodness. And they will all be able to access your sugary goodness by "Pressing the "O" (oh) key in game to access our in-game boutique"

    So yeah, is there a need for a new PVE server? Obviously not, we've just got a new one a while back.
    Will PWI make a ****load of money by opening a new PVE server? Hell yeah. 'nuf said.

    But who wants to be the best on a server where you like know no one? And whats the point if there is no competition? I'd get bored if I had +12 everything and no one could beat me 1 vs 1. Game doesn't need new servers... it needs a new TW system, longer TW and more TW maps that actually resemble the land you're fighting over b:chuckle This will boost sales of charms and what not.
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe they got plans on adding a PVP server soon. Just relax and enjoy the game.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • nakhtuul
    nakhtuul Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe they got plans on adding a PVP server soon. Just relax and enjoy the game.


    Well said Foxx

    Perfect World International Alumni
    Closed Beta 2008 - Present
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    seriously even when they opened a pve server RT when they released tideborns.. thinks it was stupid rerolling a tideborn iin a pve server... getting an assassin just to kill mobs.. good job
  • Meiko - Heavens Tear
    Meiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I shall now reveal PWI's secrets.

    First of all, let me laugh at you poor fools who are still trying to complain about it not being a PVP server. And I shall explain.
    With the opening of the Raging Tide server. PWI made a SHIIIIITLOOOAAAD of money. Just go around and see how many characters are in their 90's on there already, and how many people have the mounts/items/fashion from the cash shop. So for the person who said "Why are you wasting your money on a new server?" You fail to see the game plan here.
    People love to be the best, they can't be on a server that they were beaten to when it comes to cash shopping the most oracles/hyperstones, so when a new server launches. That's their chance. Hell, people will most likely reroll on a server just to have a popular name. I know someone on HT who is level 97 who is going to count down the seconds just to get the name "Dragon" and he is willing to quit HT and go play the new server just for that. Some people will love the idea of ever owning land with their faction, even if it's for just a week.

    Now, since it's obvious the players have SOME say in what happens on PW (Forum layout, for example) But that is in no way an influence on the direct sales for PWI. So they let us think our opinion counts and changing the little things. So why a PVE instead of PVP?
    Easy, PVE attracts more players. Whether people like it or not. PVE is more attractive for a usual MMORPG gamer. Just do your thing and decide when you want to PK there will always be that PK hotspot where you can go to. More players = More money = Happy fapping PWI.
    So yeah, we have Lost City and Harshlands and both are from what I've seen from logging on to them. Not nearly as populated as Sanctuary, Dreamweaver of Heaven's Tear. So ask yourself this question: If you were to open a shop that sells candy, cookies and other sugary goods, would you open it in a town full of fat people? Or in a town full of diabetes patients? Same here, the majority of the people are cookie loving sugar slurping and chocolate eating ****. While the other part who likes a PVP server are the diabetes patients. Who hate their lives and because they can not feast upon the sugary goodness, they resort to kicking each other's asses. Now as much as you'd like to sympathize with the diabetes patients, you are human. And all human nature has one thing in common. You are selfish and greedy, whether you realize it or not. So yes, you will proceed to open your shop in Sugarville with all the fat people and giving them all your sugary goodness. And they will all be able to access your sugary goodness by "Pressing the "O" (oh) key in game to access our in-game boutique"

    So yeah, is there a need for a new PVE server? Obviously not, we've just got a new one a while back.
    Will PWI make a ****load of money by opening a new PVE server? Hell yeah. 'nuf said.

    I couldn't say it any better myself.
    (Laughs as I remember way back when in the beginning of PWI...If only i remembered that thread o.O)
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    In my opinion, a new PvP server is an inevitability. It'l happen eventually, but who knows when.
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So much...

  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    seriously even when they opened a pve server RT when they released tideborns.. thinks it was stupid rerolling a tideborn iin a pve server... getting an assassin just to kill mobs.. good job

    Heil Dark_Fate!
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Beldor - Harshlands
    Beldor - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    hawk wrote: »
    In my opinion, a new PvP server is an inevitability. It'l happen eventually, but who knows when.

    Sorry to say it, but inevitability why? Good question.

    Cause you wont make as much money as a PvE server and yes, it will happen, when you get so ***** rich with this new PvE server.

    I mean, do you guys even care about players?

    And why do you guys need a PvE server, since one was opened in like 2 months ago? Great going.
  • Zyron - Harshlands
    Zyron - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    hawk wrote: »
    In my opinion, a new PvP server is an inevitability. It'l happen eventually, but who knows when.

    Lmao. well I congrat you for being here, thought Mods / GM were still sleeping.

    If its really an inevitability, why its even made a PvE server, since one was opened in december like they mentioned above? Just add packs and add no servers if thats what you guys want.
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    OMG guys stop acting **** pls! You keep QQing about not having a new pvp server when u r in a pvp server and thats jus ridiculous, jus around 10 ppl in this forums hav been constantly asking for pvp server and a server with 10 ppl dies fast. So keep your stupid QQing to your fail selfs and mods dont get any money for what they do!
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Just asking, is there seriously ever a time when too many people on a PVP server is a bad thing? In most games that have seperate PVP servers it's the reverse situation, and everybody screams there isn't anyone to kill, due to low player population. Too many to me sounds like a much better situation.

    too many people= lots of lagg, ksing, and drama

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Beldor - Harshlands
    Beldor - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    OMG guys stop acting **** pls! You keep QQing about not having a new pvp server when u r in a pvp server and thats jus ridiculous, jus around 10 ppl in this forums hav been constantly asking for pvp server and a server with 10 ppl dies fast. So keep your stupid QQing to your fail selfs and mods dont get any money for what they do!

    Paimage, you could stop QQing to our threads 2, just gtfo if youre that bothered.

    And I know why you are raging bad, its just cause if they really made a PvP server, you couldnt resist to join it, so youre QQing about it, cause it sucks starting over when you have more than 3 alts on Harshlands server. So, if you are really that pissed cause of our threads, thats really simple to solve, Ill let you know something, press ALT + F4
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Paimage, you could stop QQing to our threads 2, just gtfo if youre that bothered.

    And I know why you are raging bad, its just cause if they really made a PvP server, you couldnt resist to join it, so youre QQing about it, cause it sucks starting over when you have more than 3 alts on Harshlands server. So, if you are really that pissed cause of our threads, thats really simple to solve, Ill let you know something, press ALT + F4

    Im not QQing to any1, I jus find it unfair for u all to keep saying the GMs/Mods only care about money when jus 10 ppl keep asking for the same thing over and over again, thats stupid. I never said I wouldnt try out a new pvp server, I prob would jus to pvp during lvls 3x and stuff but after that I would come back cuz I know it would b like HL all over again with ppl going back to their servers and stuff after a month or 2. HL might not b as fun as LC, but it still is the second most entertaining server .
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Im not QQing to any1, I jus find it unfair for u all to keep saying the GMs/Mods only care about money when jus 10 ppl keep asking for the same thing over and over again, thats stupid. I never said I wouldnt try out a new pvp server, I prob would jus to pvp during lvls 3x and stuff but after that I would come back cuz I know it would b like HL all over again with ppl going back to their servers and stuff after a month or 2. HL might not b as fun as LC, but it still is the second most entertaining server .

    Its also unfair that some people spend loads of time killing mobs, yelling GIVE ME FB's and ****z to lvl and atm every brainless idiot gets to endgame with uber gear thanks to packs packs and hyper stones.. All servers are becoming total bs cause of it even LC but ey, we need more bling bling so lets open a new carebear server to drain some cash from brainless idiots...

    Fail game is game ;)
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm just a bit confused here.

    They just opened Raging Tide to balance the number of servers in east and wests coasts. Now the server numbers are out of balance again being this one the "seventh server overall".
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear
    PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well on teh good side...... I will be on the new server... Heaven's Tear is getting Monotonous

    Tao + Enrage = PWN on teh Map.. and WC isn't funny any more

    So this "Archosaur" Server will be a fresh start for meh

    I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased

    Live Life How You wish To Live It.

    I love PWI, Teh Forums, and Konari b:thanks

    Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione
This discussion has been closed.