Wraith Conquerer or Innocent Reverie?

Sylredrae - Sanctuary
Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Cleric
I know I'm a still a long way from lvl 90, but I want to ask something... I've been following this chain of weapons since lvl 60:

Ancient Arbor----> Ashura's Sign ----> Yaksa (Getting mats for it)

I like Yaksa for my TT80 and the last weapon in the chain, Scaredevil, for endgame, since I like using magic swords that hit hard. This leaves a choice of either Wraith conquerer or Innocent Reverie for TT90.

I like Wraith conquerer better due to its +vit bonus, but it'll be hard for me to obtain since souledges are hard to find and it'll need me to start all the way from Ancient Arbor again. Should I do this, or is Innocent Reverie still a good weapon to use? I'll like to know now so I can get an idea of how many TT runs I'll have to do in the future (more for wraith conquerer, less for innocent reverie). b:thanks
Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
Post edited by Sylredrae - Sanctuary on


  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Any of those magic swords in the chain is good to use, really. In my own opinion they are all in the same magic range but what differs is the stats they offer (-%chan, +crit, etc).

    Innocent Reverie has a pretty name, go with it. b:chuckle
    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Innocent reverie sucks. Considering you'll be in your 90s a LONG time, if not forever, I strongly advise getting that poc weapon.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In my opinion Wraith Conqueror is better. I have all the mats to make it the second I hit 90 b:victory
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yaksa is a really fun weapon to use but I agree that Innocent Reverie isnt good at all. If you're all decided on your TT99 weapon I'd use Yaksa like you're planning to then perhaps use a Requiem Blade at 89+ till you're 99 and get both 90 and 99 mats for your new weapon.

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks guys, but I still want to ask something else. If innocent reverie sucks so much, what other good weapons can I get asides from wraith conquerer? Ahira, what kind of weapon is a Requiem Blade and how good is it? How does it compare with Wraith conquerer? How do I get it?
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I used wraith conqueror after selling of my aquadash =.=

    Requiem has a +10-11 mgk, vit, dex. but kinda low min-max atk. It comes from a mold. Look in ah General weapons. Think plenty now. Its lvl 89 I think. Bearable... if u're poor like me :p

    :3 I still want to get my hands on 95lvl Lunar Neon purgatory :3~~ Or 100 Sinbansho, but settled on a Scaredevil for now.
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks guys, but I still want to ask something else. If innocent reverie sucks so much, what other good weapons can I get asides from wraith conquerer? Ahira, what kind of weapon is a Requiem Blade and how good is it? How does it compare with Wraith conquerer? How do I get it?

    Requiem blade has got a slightly lower magic attack to wraith CQ like vilkass said- maybe 1% lower which isnt much really. But saying that Requiem Blade could work out to be better for your money as you could find cheap example of it with good refines for a reasonable price.

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Personally I prefer the Wraith Conquerer, as a squishy your crit rate sucks anyway, an extra 1% won't make a huge difference. The Vit from Wraith Conquerer gives better survivabilty and that's really what matters. At least to me anyway.
  • Imuretay - Heavens Tear
    Imuretay - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Personally I prefer the Wraith Conquerer, as a squishy your crit rate sucks anyway, an extra 1% won't make a huge difference. The Vit from Wraith Conquerer gives better survivabilty and that's really what matters. At least to me anyway.

    140 or 150 HP at level 90 does not improve survivability much at all in my opinion. I'm not disagreeing that an added 1% crit rate doesn't make much difference, but I wouldn't give more credit than is due to the added VIT from wraith conqueror.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    140 or 150 HP at level 90 does not improve survivability much at all in my opinion. I'm not disagreeing that an added 1% crit rate doesn't make much difference, but I wouldn't give more credit than is due to the added VIT from wraith conqueror.

    There are many times when an extra 10 HP would have kept me alive and let my charm tick, the extra 140 or 150 HP alone may not be significant, however when you combine that with the bonus from other Vit giving gear and the Vit you put in yourself 140-150 HP is quite nice

    Crit is a luxury, survivablity isn't. You NEED to live be able to survive so you can perform your role in squad or if you're like me, PvP effectively instead of being a one shot to any melee class out there getting a lucky crit.
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    140 or 150 HP at level 90 does not improve survivability much at all in my opinion. I'm not disagreeing that an added 1% crit rate doesn't make much difference, but I wouldn't give more credit than is due to the added VIT from wraith conqueror.

    I think it does... + if you have Barb buffs it will play an even bigger difference
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i want wraith conqueror myself, but cant afford it for now, so went with requiem blade. works nice so far, i miss my channeling bonus from endless a little tho, trying to compensate for that with ring and neclace...
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i want wraith conqueror myself, but cant afford it for now, so went with requiem blade. works nice so far, i miss my channeling bonus from endless a little tho, trying to compensate for that with ring and neclace...

    I'm using Endless Ambiguity until I have level 6 Blacksmith to make my Wraith Conquerer (I have level 5 right now). I have all the mats needed, I just need the Blacksmithing.

    I would use Requiem Blade but I didn't want to spend over 1m on a weapon I'm not even gonna keep.
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, seeing as I've been following the other chain as mentioned in my first post, how much will it cost to get Wraith Conquerer? Also, why does one of the mats needed to make it, dust of devil I think, cost so much in AH?
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, seeing as I've been following the other chain as mentioned in my first post, how much will it cost to get Wraith Conquerer? Also, why does one of the mats needed to make it, dust of devil I think, cost so much in AH?

    afaik on ht ah wraith conqueror costs over 30 mil b:surrender
    mostly becuase dust of devil b:shocked
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I would use Requiem Blade but I didn't want to spend over 1m on a weapon I'm not even gonna keep.

    was lucky, mold dropped on my fb b:victory then it turned out that my guild leader had one he didnt use anymore, so i just sharded it and refined b:thanks when i get another weap it will go back to faction bank...
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I would go...

    Wheel of life>Wheel of denied fate> Fate denial: godspeed
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, seeing as I've been following the other chain as mentioned in my first post, how much will it cost to get Wraith Conquerer? Also, why does one of the mats needed to make it, dust of devil I think, cost so much in AH?

    The boss that drops dust of devil...isn't easy...b:surrender
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks for answering my questions guys, I really appreciate it. ^^
    The boss that drops dust of devil...isn't easy...b:surrender

    Out of curiosity, I'd like to know about this boss, hard as he is, and are the drops rare? Is he as bad as Soul Banisher? I remember Soul Banisher's aoe 1 shotting me at low hp before... not fun... b:surrender
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks for answering my questions guys, I really appreciate it. ^^

    Out of curiosity, I'd like to know about this boss, hard as he is, and are the drops rare? Is he as bad as Soul Banisher? I remember Soul Banisher's aoe 1 shotting me at low hp before... not fun... b:surrender

    for sb you just need about 4k hp buffed, if you have less just pray he wont crit on you with aoe, can 1 shot even in bb. apart from that he isnt that bad, i could solo heal 1-3 for some time, last time we didnt even have barb with us so i risked it at 3,2k hp, was close at the end but we made it
    as for belial... well, id like to try him on one day, cos i am crazy, but i havent found a squad wanting to go yet... last time my friends went he wiped them over and over again... so when i finally refine and shard my new armor and up my hp to some 6k buffed maybe id ask again
  • Balthier - Dreamweaver
    Balthier - Dreamweaver Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Belial hit me for 6.7k the only time I've had the pleasure of meeting him, thought Id be safe with 6.3k hp, but guess I was wrong. His atk is phy afaik, so if you keep plumeshell ready when he turns on you, you might pull it off, just keep alot of mana food at hand ^^
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Belial hit me for 6.7k the only time I've had the pleasure of meeting him, thought Id be safe with 6.3k hp, but guess I was wrong. His atk is phy afaik, so if you keep plumeshell ready when he turns on you, you might pull it off, just keep alot of mana food at hand ^^

    Eeek... is he that bad? I've checked the guide for TT bosses in the Dungeons and Tactics part of the forum, but he isn't there because the writer hasn't hit 90 yet. Does he have a very long range physical aoe? If so, I think I might not be able to do it. b:surrender

    I'm wondering whether I'm better off at buying the dust of devil at 800k each (for a total of 6.4mil b:shocked) rather than helping to kill the boss myself. I've been doing TT1-3, sometimes TT2-2, since lvl 73 and I can manage fairly well with another cleric. Right now I'm wondering whether doing TT90 runs in my mid 80s is a good idea.

    Just wondering though, if Belial is so hard, why are there so many dust of devils in AH? They're expensive, but there are quite a few.
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Eeek... is he that bad? I've checked the guide for TT bosses in the Dungeons and Tactics part of the forum, but he isn't there because the writer hasn't hit 90 yet. Does he have a very long range physical aoe? If so, I think I might not be able to do it. b:surrender

    I'm wondering whether I'm better off at buying the dust of devil at 800k each (for a total of 6.4mil b:shocked) rather than helping to kill the boss myself. I've been doing TT1-3, sometimes TT2-2, since lvl 73 and I can manage fairly well with another cleric. Right now I'm wondering whether doing TT90 runs in my mid 80s is a good idea.

    Just wondering though, if Belial is so hard, why are there so many dust of devils in AH? They're expensive, but there are quite a few.

    When you're lvl 90 the mats might be alot cheaper so dont worry about it atm. Dust is quite a bit cheaper on our server- maybe its just the seller's keeping the price up? Belial isnt that hard now! b:chuckle Back when we were first doing Belial runs there wasnt the instance blessing either so it was alot harder.

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am going for the wraith conqueror for the channeling.When I can afford it or get bs lvled up.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Sylvani - Raging Tide
    Sylvani - Raging Tide Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am going for the wraith conqueror for the channeling.When I can afford it or get bs lvled up.


    10 chars
    "I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz/ or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:/ I love you as one loves certain dark things/ secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    10 chars

    What do you find so funny care to explain instead of the smart remark?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    afaik on ht ah wraith conqueror costs over 30 mil b:surrender
    mostly becuase dust of devil b:shocked

    Wow o.o I bought mine (2 sock +5) for 17m I think, then Sold it for around 20m when I was done with it.
    Eeek... is he that bad?
    Frontal phys aoe.
    A bit of random agro aoe (this is what usually 1 shoots the squishies; if you use plume shell, or double/triple spark, absolute domain, or dew or protection- or other apos in time you'll be fine).
    Some mana drain at lower hp points.
    Also he spawns 3 minions in the begining.

    He is usually done (how my squads usually do him, others are dif), archer STs boss, runs around till ST times out then minions spawn. There is a fake spot on one of the walls were you can go higher. Set up there. Make archer tank one of minions (cants remember which one, the long ranged one), if you keep him & later the other ones close enough to the walls then Belial won't atk.
    Two clerics prefered for this boss (so 1 gets a rez if the other dies), but one can do fine if they are experienced well enough. Try to spread out, if boss does his random aoe, & hits then only 1 person/cleric/w.e will die. If there's a bm, then they atk boss from the bk, so the aoe doesn't hit them while the barb is tanking. Duno if I missed anything else, havent done him in a while.
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow o.o I bought mine (2 sock +5) for 17m I think, then Sold it for around 20m when I was done with it.

    Frontal phys aoe.
    A bit of random agro aoe (this is what usually 1 shoots the squishies; if you use plume shell, or double/triple spark, absolute domain, or dew or protection- or other apos in time you'll be fine).
    Some mana drain at lower hp points.
    Also he spawns 3 minions in the begining.

    He is usually done (how my squads usually do him, others are dif), archer STs boss, runs around till ST times out then minions spawn. There is a fake spot on one of the walls were you can go higher. Set up there. Make archer tank one of minions (cants remember which one, the long ranged one), if you keep him & later the other ones close enough to the walls then Belial won't atk.
    Two clerics prefered for this boss (so 1 gets a rez if the other dies), but one can do fine if they are experienced well enough. Try to spread out, if boss does his random aoe, & hits then only 1 person/cleric/w.e will die. If there's a bm, then they atk boss from the bk, so the aoe doesn't hit them while the barb is tanking. Duno if I missed anything else, havent done him in a while.

    Thanks for the info, Vilkass. So I guess he's not impossible, but I wonder how good my equips have to be in order to survive the experience. I don't know how I'm going to get good lvl 80 and 90 equips without breaking my bank. ><

    So far I have the option of getting Requiem Blade and making the weapon from the mold (which will cost quite a bit; don't know how much), or to main my veno when my cleric is 80 something and work my way up from the Grief's Breath chain. That will be very time consuming as my veno mostly quests and grinds to lvl. What's more is that I need to wait for my veno to lvl up to 80 to trade her my Yaksa for the Wraith Conquerer... in which obtaining the mats will be very expensive... It just makes me wonder whether I will still be able to afford buying good armour for lvl 80 or 90...
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks for the info, Vilkass. So I guess he's not impossible, but I wonder how good my equips have to be in order to survive the experience. I don't know how I'm going to get good lvl 80 and 90 equips without breaking my bank. ><

    So far I have the option of getting Requiem Blade and making the weapon from the mold (which will cost quite a bit; don't know how much), or to main my veno when my cleric is 80 something and work my way up from the Grief's Breath chain. That will be very time consuming as my veno mostly quests and grinds to lvl. What's more is that I need to wait for my veno to lvl up to 80 to trade her my Yaksa for the Wraith Conquerer... in which obtaining the mats will be very expensive... It just makes me wonder whether I will still be able to afford buying good armour for lvl 80 or 90...

    Belial will one shot you if you don't have up Plume Shell or Guardian Light no matter what equips you're using, unless you're a major cash shopper and have 10k hp. Don't worry too much about the TT80/90 gear, just farm them instead of buying mats. It takes time but you won't break the bank buying mats and will be able to afford other things you need like mp and hp food or in my case, telecoustics xD
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know two good cleric friends of mine that tried belial together, I believe they were both 90 at the time, with a mid-high 9x squad and a third cleric. Despite 12 deaths each, they would have killed it...if the barb's charm hadn't run out....b:surrender
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."