Wanna be hated for no reason? Join Infamy!

Andronikos - Raging Tide
Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Tideswell (East)
Seems the only thing it takes to be hated on this server is to have enough sense to run a faction the correct way. If you have the ambition to fight off all the whiners on the server and are 80+, check us out (http://infamy.rocks.it). The faction is really organized and constantly running FCs and TTs. We are not drama free but as close as you will find here; although, if you believe everyone else we just steal every high lvl on the server and will fail soon. Anyways, if you would to fight everyone on the server to defend what rightfully belongs to you, this could be the place. I LOL when these people think 1 attack a week makes there faction fun and challenging (when someone gets the fortitude to attack us anyways). The real fun come from constantly defending what is yours from 3 factions at a time.

Anyways I will let the flamers take over the thread now. They surely need a new topic to trash now.
Post edited by Andronikos - Raging Tide on


  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How dare you

    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • ToyTank - Raging Tide
    ToyTank - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:pleased signing up now, would love to be more hated.

    Il be in game in 1hour then you can invite me

    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • Venue - Lost City
    Venue - Lost City Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    we hate you because you guys suck and taking over the map from ppl less sucky than youb:bye wait did that make sence <.<
  • Venue - Lost City
    Venue - Lost City Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    we hate you because you guys suck and taking over the map from ppl less sucky than youb:bye
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    who is infamy? I will join you take lvl 5's? Hope is my friend I swear

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Soujiro_Z - Raging Tide
    Soujiro_Z - Raging Tide Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol ^ b:chuckle

    don't join infamy....join infamuuuuuu :P
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why have a faction named Infamy if you don't plan on it being infamous.

    Yes the top 200 levels of the server should join this high level country club. Then together they can sweep all the lower levels from the map.

    What you should do now is call it, Say how many weeeks untill you all lands are red. If you don't' call it now you are girly. Figure it out and say in WC "25" or however many weeks untill you predict you will hold all lands. I want to seee it.

    Anyways I think people in QQme maybe have it worse. I've had lots of people drop squad b/c of my faction tag, I've almost had people block me b/c i joined QQme. I have not seen the same with Infamy members. When people get killed enough by QQme they either become extreme haters or apply to join. Its inevitable, Veritas_ could not count on his fingers and toes the number of people he slays then they want to join. I am done rambling for now but in summary.

    QQme Hate > Infamy hate
    Infamy = Infamouse
    And I'm going to predict right now Infamy will never own the whole map or even 1/2 of the map. Write that down and copy it for future reference. Name it and claim it black brothers we will fight the red power.

  • Esuna - Raging Tide
    Esuna - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    row row fight the power
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why have a faction named Infamy if you don't plan on it being infamous.

    Yes to top 200 levels of the server should join this high level country club. Then together they can sweep all the lower levels from the map.

    What you should do now is call it, Say how many weeeks untill you all lands are red. If you don't' call it now you are girly. Figure it out and say in WC "25" or however many weeks untill you predict you will hold all lands. I want to seee it.

    Anyways I think people in QQme maybe have it worse. I've had lots of people drop squad b/c of my faction tag, I've almost had people block me b/c i joined QQme. I have not seen the same with Infamy members. When people get killed enough by QQme they either become extreme haters or apply to join. Its inevitable, Veritas_ could not count on his fingers and toes the number of people he slays then they want to join. I am done rambling for now but in summary.

    QQme Hate > Infamy hate
    Infamy = Infamouse
    And I'm going to predict right now Infamy will never own the whole map or even 1/2 of the map. Write that down and copy it for future reference. Name it and claim it black brothers we will fight the red power.


    Have anything new to add to the lame things you say every week? The fact is, the only reason you have to hate us is the fact we grew strong. You want to act like QQme did not earn its reputation. Try preventing the filth your faction spews into WC. The funny thing is half the members there are using the faction to lvl up to join a better one. It is not any fault of Infamy that the other high lvls on the server hate each other, create separate factions, and try to fight everyone but us. We welcome a challenge. If you got it, bring it. Stop whining every week that we are op, when everyone on this server had the same opportunities we did. Man up and do something about it. Oh i forgot, instead of being the capable leader that you are, you choose to follow faulty leadership. WTG! When you have anything to offer but talk, let me know. Buh bye now.
  • ToyTank - Raging Tide
    ToyTank - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:surrender just made a wall of text here, witch i decided not to post not realy in the mood for you ****.

    But have fun cant be bother to flame or argue with a ****.
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Have anything new to add to the lame things you say every week? The fact is, the only reason you have to hate us is the fact we grew strong. You want to act like QQme did not earn its reputation. Try preventing the filth your faction spews into WC. The funny thing is half the members there are using the faction to lvl up to join a better one. It is not any fault of Infamy that the other high lvls on the server hate each other, create separate factions, and try to fight everyone but us. We welcome a challenge. If you got it, bring it. Stop whining every week that we are op, when everyone on this server had the same opportunities we did. Man up and do something about it. Oh i forgot, instead of being the capable leader that you are, you choose to follow faulty leadership. WTG! When you have anything to offer but talk, let me know. Buh bye now.

    First of all i may have complained a little but realized that was not the way to go, and in real life and in game I am nothing of a complainer. I have acknowledged many times your faction does not fail as much as the other factions. My faction talks big sometimes, sometimes with merit sometimes without. We do not micromanage the actions of our members. The natural state of man is free and if God wanted us to be micromanaged he would have done so himself. But NAY our natural state is free and free indeed QQme members will remain to make a fool of themselves if they wish. If sometimes talking a little too big is our only fault then that is no great flaw. Infamu owns one more land than Insight so i would not talk so big yourself. I am enjoying arguing with my faction members and hanging with the boys in my low key faction. There will be time to make superpower factions later. I don't hate Infamy, in fact I am enjoying the drama on this server and am exciting to see where it goes. I think TW is just heating up... and after 3 weeks QQme may get a decent fight.

    So nothing new to say Andronidos, i know we all can't be leaders and there need be some followers. We all have different callings and for me my calling is to enjoy the game, enjoy the drama, and enjoy this particular forum thread until people like Being hope show up and spread fluff.

    Done for now i will come back later to maybe flame. b:angry
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Looked at the ranking and cant help but say that this server will have a map with at least 50% of red in it in a new future jus like others. Thats unfortunate but the red colour has sum kind of power that makes high lvl ppl join the guild that has it.
  • Lexxus - Harshlands
    Lexxus - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Looked at the ranking and cant help but say that this server will have a map with at least 50% of red in it in a new future jus like others. Thats unfortunate but the red colour has sum kind of power that makes high lvl ppl join the guild that has it.

    Yeah seems like it but how does Heaven's Tear do it?b:surrender
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Joining Infamy and beign QQed 'cause of it is part of the package when you signed in. Is just like when you became a cleric and accept all the QQ and drama that comes with it from players callin' you fail cleric cause you let their charm tick... b:surrender
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • TrevaH - Raging Tide
    TrevaH - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    None of you have any pk skill so it's not that your infamous or hated like Man said its a high level country club, do you enjoy rolling over the map in 5mins? xD This game is only about tw may as well have 2+ factions that can fight and have some fun tw >.>
  • FoxyCleo - Raging Tide
    FoxyCleo - Raging Tide Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How can you hate a faction? It's hard to hate people you don't know already (knowing them on the internet is not what I mean), but a whole faction?
    I've met more kiddies with QQme tag over their head, but I can't imagine hating the whole faction bcause a bunch of them behaves like 3year olds.
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tbh I don't dislike anyone in Infamy and I'm in QQme...and never had the feeling someone from the bloody faction hates me (If u do be quiet now, or u'll ruin my point! xD).
    When it comes to PK it's just faction vs another faction. Seems like some ppl just takin it way too serious and cause hatred between the factions...but that's only my opinion.

    Infamy is also a jump ahead when it comes to choosin their members. Randomly inviting ppl is what u do in the first place, but after a while ppl get sorted out and what remains are the ppl who stay and got the knowledge about what to expect from a faction and what not.
    Too many ppl on this server get invitet in any faction, start cryin for help with this n that and leave after a while, cuz they don't get that they are not the only ones who are doin something or their attitude just doesn't fit the faction. Infamy passed that already, correct me if I'm wrong :P

    But this will happen in other factions sooner or later too and then we will be able to see which factions are going to be the strong ones.

    Oh and ****talk in wc is still fun to watch so pls don't stop with it b:thanks
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited February 2010

  • WhiteEther - Raging Tide
    WhiteEther - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've been trying to join Infamy since I was around lv 50, but somehow I'm always 5-10 lvls behind Andro's lvl requirement b:shocked

    Yet, somehow I've enjoyed every faction I've been in. b:victory
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    QQme has a lot more annoying players than Infamy does. But like someone said before, I don't judge people from factions for a couple bozos that think acting like 15-yr-olds on a permanent basis is cool.
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I didn't really bother reading but what sucks is that there really are no good factions out there besides Infamy. Infamy has foundation and has leadership and that is what this server lacks. Too many followers and not enough leaders. b:surrender
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's sad to say that no1 can blame the high lvls jumping ship to infamy as it seems to be one of the few if not the ONLY decent factions (and no I'm not talking about the income from lands) out there . If I take sanctuary's nefarious for example , it's a different story : ppl have other good faction choices there which they don't seem to have here .

    Even so , for the sake of keeping the server more fun there have to be some ppl that are willing to pass on joining a good faction , do things the hard way , put up with allot of **** ( in leadership cases ) , get used to having lots of losses in TW even if it's 1 after another and keep trying , basically ppl with nerves of steel .

    There have to be SOME ppl like that in this server , it's too early for it to die so fast . Hell , I've already seen lots of ppl saying how it sucks and their going back to their original ones or just quitting .

    Just my 2 cents .

    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I didn't really bother reading but what sucks is that there really are no good factions out there besides Infamy. Infamy has foundation and has leadership and that is what this server lacks. Too many followers and not enough leaders. b:surrender

    I kind of disagree with you in the point that, a faction is only good if powerful? If you enjoy one another and like playing together that is not a fail faction Am i right?

    I think good factions are out there if you look,while they not be stacked with 80 90+. I think later after we have friendships established on this server we won't have to be in the same faction to play together. At that point we can make a power faction and take Infamu's land one at a time, and teach them what power hording is all about.

    /end controversial statement
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well Man, I really play this game mostly for pvp and TW, and I meant that Infamy is strong because of its leadership. As Pimp said, Nerves of Steel :P.

    If you look on the map, Not many factions are alive anymore probably due to drama that couldn't be handled..
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Infamy is strong because of its leadership

    Maybe it is, maybe it isnt, hard for Fuzzy to know looking from the outside....

    But one thing me do know is Fuzzy find it too funny that someone like Andro would pretend to be "above" certain ppl (QQme shall remain namless) yet me see him flame just as much as anyone when the **** starts flying on WC in game.

    Fuzzy also find it disgusting they would use a "recruitment" thread just to start even more flaming.

    .....if having a big faction on auto-pilot and wasting time trying to talk down to those you actually seem to be below is leadership, well then.......
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Haven is a good faction.It might not be crammed full of level 80-90+s but everyone in it gets along well and enjoys each others company. Much like Man said. A good faction is not necessarily powerful. In Infamys case it is both good and powerful. IJS.
  • HealthPotion - Raging Tide
    HealthPotion - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Usually every that joines a new server they want to be #1, they oracle like hell just to have the # 1spot (for awhile).
    Its like you desire and need attention, you want to be number #1 but with that you wont.
    Infamy has the knowledge and power, the pure skill and force, and with that we got our needs and desires. Yes we had it in our minds that we also wanted to be #1, we played like a team, we helped each other out in many ways as we could and we are now considered the #1 faction of RT.
    Man, you would really be a good leader. You have the knowledge and wisdom for it. Sucks that you got sucked into the wrong crowed of people. Your rational thoughts have been clogged up with all this smuck by the people you have been hanging out with.
    Alot of the people join other factions (like QQme and Insight and etc..) because they hate infamy. How are you going to win anything with hate?
    Alot of the people who join infamy join because they want to join a #1 faction (which really sounds bad and for the wrong reason..) but they have atleast some good intentions to better the faction with helping each other out.
    Sorry we are soo good at what we do, when its time to get things done we get on it, we arnt some immature faction who WC all the time talking all this drama.
    Infamy are the nerds of the school. We keep getting A's because we study. We are the ones who will be succeeding, getting a good paying job while everyone else just flips burgers.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Haven is a good faction.It might not be crammed full of level 80-90+s but everyone in it gets along well and enjoys each others company. Much like Man said. A good faction is not necessarily powerful. In Infamys case it is both good and powerful. IJS.

    That's the problem here . It's stupid for others to hate them because of this but without any other factions being at least half of what they are they'll get too far ahead of every1 else in terms of lvls/gears/cooperation between members in no time thus killing the server TW fun faster than ever .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • HealthPotion - Raging Tide
    HealthPotion - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That's the problem here . It's stupid for others to hate them because of this but without any other factions being at least half of what they are they'll get too far ahead of every1 else in terms of lvls/gears/cooperation between members in no time thus killing the server TW fun faster than ever .

    Again, we are a TW faction, we will keep TWing. We(infamy) are sorry for being too good and having to much land?
    Doesnt make sense that everyone is flaming that we will ruin the game and the fun for others. If you have a problem with it bring it up with PWi, we didnt make the game, we just play it the way it was ment to be played.

    Theres a faction called America, and they have won many wars in their time. They own this land called The United States of America. Alot of people hate that faction because they pretty much control alot of the things that people do. But here in RT, we dont control you guys, we dont do pretty much anything to you guys. We do our own thing and you guys do your own thing. All we want is just a pretty red color all over the map. Just be happy you arnt in Americas server or then you would be in BIG trouble!
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They just ain't that emo *Votes for emo leadership to cause more drama*

    Btw, did u guys got a selection process since the beginning or did u randomly invite ppl back then?
    There are other factions with a good leadership too, it's not only the lack of good leaders, there are too little ppl who join a faction and grow with the faction - they just join an already strong faction cuz they don't have to care about anything then. No helpin the lower ppl to get a decent lvl faster or explaining things to someone whose english isn't that good and, and, and...just doin runs where they benefit from. Sure some ppl may not have enough time to lvl as fast as they wish and help others so they choose the lvlin way and there are sure some who join cuz they got some friends there.
    But it would be a lie if u say the others join cuz of the good leadership. The leadership is responsible for the teamwork of the faction by choosin ppl who fit, but mostly everyone thinks about that and not the leadership when joining a faction.

    Maybe I'm just not used to it but it pisses me off how easy some **** ppl can join a faction and disturb the **** love and peace there (nomnomnom).
    "Hey can I join I'm 6x sin/barb/whatever" and dundundun -> u got a 13 year old or at least acting like a 13 year old (nothing against 13 years old ppl, there sure are exceptions :P ) kid cryin for help, talkin in his motherlanguage which isn't english cuz he hardly can communicate in english and leavin the following day. Am I the only one who QQs about that? Not that I think I'm better than whoever or anything, but I just want to play with ppl who are able to communicate, reliable and not annoying. And in every faction I had been in (me is guildhopper somehow QQ) there were many of those mentioned above.

    Before pulling out another wall of text even if I'm in the mood for it, let's end my QQ.
    I think Rage is one of the upcoming factions who may get in Infamy's way.
    Urm...and this is a recruiting thread and we're talkin about far too objective stuff so we need some flames here.
    *expect a flame post after mine*

    /edit: not talkin about QQme cuz I'm in QQme, but to fit the expections of many here: fk u we pwn u [insert random provocation here] kkthxbai