PWI Fondest Memories



  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pkin certain noobs till they rage so much they log out, even unistall perfect world, wouldn't suprise me.

    Pkin squads if I can when killing Krixx or something, always fun to watch it rampage on the left over of squads.

    Pkin more random noobs.

    And being hated for it :D
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Rohana - Lost City
    Rohana - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The first time I did fb19. Me (blademaster) my brother (another blademaster maybe lvl 15), a random barbarian of 2x and a lvl 19 cleric. We had no idea what we were doing. Two squad-wipes and many resurrections later, we finally managed, somehow, to finish the fb. That was so much fun, especially because there was no fighting over who had to do what. XD
    Someone fix all the avatars stuck at lvl 1!!
  • _azure_ - Sanctuary
    _azure_ - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Two of my fondest memories I can recall thinking about this thread was with my 1st guild Dignity many moons ago:

    I was roughly lvl 70+ and I just came home from work and logged into ventrillo when Aerycaine asked me if I wanted to do a 'suicide' run in fb89. We had never done that FB and back then not many groups/guilds had done it at the time either. Safe to say it took us 3+ hours to do the whole run, being lvls 70-80 but it was a lot of fun.

    Then there was another of when I reached lvl 55, I was finding it so difficult gettin the xp to lvl and was thinking about giving up. But then Mischevious the director of the guild told me not to give up and that I could do it. Her words must have spurred something in me because I just gave it my all and did my best. Looking back to then and where I am now, christ I have so much to thank her and former dignity members for.

    Altho saying that Aerycaine, Kiralla and Kwiver no longer play the game, which is sad for me, they were all really gr8 ppl and I enjoyed playing the game far more when they were around. 2 other members of dignity who I thought were gd ppl also and hung around with turned out to be 'bad eggs' and I'm glad there not with the guild anymore.

    I still keep in touch with Mischevious, Kashear and a few other Dignity members because it's ppl like them from my former guild that made this game more worthwhile, genuinely nice and honest ppl. I'm glad to have met them.

    My last 2 fondest memories are with Nefarious:

    The 1st being of partaking of World Bosses. When the former leader of nef and Templar were not online once we kinda had a problem on what to do with the WB's as they organised them. So I took the initative and organised the guild to do WBs and we killed about 3+ of them. I remember thinking I was goin to get alot of stick for doing it and even said in faction chat that if anyone was to blame that I would take full responsibility for doing an unoffical WB run.

    However the next day when I apologised to them both for doing it they both thanked me for thinking ahead and doing something for the guild. I was proud of their compliments and felt chuffed^^

    Sometime after that in nef I organised some other WB's for a few weeks after, I enjoyed the responsibility of helping out guild members and making sure ppl got gems for their equipment.

    My last memory is the most recent of them all. The was a pair of axes in the TT forges that templar told me to get as he told me they were 'a Bms dream to have' the TT99 gold 'unparralled brimstone edges'

    Well with me being me, I followed orders and today as I write this I still have those axes now at+5. What makes those weapons more special to me as well as the memory is the fact that at that time I was the 1st and only player on the sanctuary server to have them, that's something no-one can take from me^^
  • Azus - Heavens Tear
    Azus - Heavens Tear Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hmmm, there have been so many of them so it is hard to say.

    One of the best times was when me and all my friends did about 13 fb19's (or 29's... cant remember now XD) in one long stretch, that was so epic b:victory (finish one > buy a pot or two > ???? > start another)

    Another is the countless hours we spent just mucking around in Etherblade and Lost, talking about the most random stuff you can imagine and making very "screenshot-worthy" scenes.

    Haha, the next would be when i got my first bit of fashion (had been grinding forever) - I was all like: "b:cool"

    One of the biggest moments was when I made my faction and kept it running for a few months. I met so many people and had so much fun. It was incredible. Shame it died in the end.... b:sad

    But perhaps the best memory i have is of when I met my nicest friend RawrMuse at the City of The Lost. I will never forget the times we have shared XD

    "While it is good to have an end to journey toward, it is the journey that matters the most in the end"
  • KittyPurrs - Sanctuary
    KittyPurrs - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Me not knowing what fb19 was and not being as social as i am now then, doing it when i was lvl 27 with a bunch of venos and no cleric. WE ALL LIVED! Being introduced to this game by a guy i used to date and he left to go play another game and i stayed here xD Climbing everything in sight thinking i was so cool i could scale anything.. Only to find out when i was lvl 30 people with flying mounts could do it easily. Getting a mold thinking "ok this is a mold, you keep molds after the first use irl, why not a game?" and freaking out when i made the weapon for a friend and gave it to them for free, going back to my bank to put the mold i thought i should of still had in there only to find it was gone. (had went to NPC some things i didn't need before hand.) and thinking i accidently NPC'd it without knowing. Finally found out they dont stay.. T_T
    I give a new definition the word "Purr" b:pleased
  • Cuzilovehun - Heavens Tear
    Cuzilovehun - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    when my RL GF started to play this game.
    tamed all the rare pets for her.
    when i get her a herc.
    when i bought her a panda mount.
    and when we broke up last november and she quit the game. b:sadb:cry
  • Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary
    Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Something that comes to mind was playing cleric on a qianji BH - the tank was an LA bm (no vit build) - the others in the squad were archers >.>

    We somehow didn't have a squad wipe. o_o, although the bm's hp was always at 1/3 when my heal finished channeling - I kept praying "please don't die, please don't die >.<"
  • JoeyPoey - Sanctuary
    JoeyPoey - Sanctuary Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    2 things...


    OMGWTF: Sword Tamer?!?

    Remember Sword Tamer?

    Yeah... That wasn't there last time I played.

    So, I jump outta Heaven's Tear... "Gonna grind mobs for the next 2% so I lvl"


    I get one-shot-ko'ed by this thing with the fecking world on its back. Whoops... now its 5%.


    What now???

    The first time I played, I was a cleric in Heaven's Tear server.

    There was maintenance going on near Lost City. something was being created that was called "Undefined"...

    So I go in for an adventure...

    There's a barrier blocking me. It was invisible. But there seemed to be a small path through it that I could squeeze through.

    Next thing I know, I'm falling through the floor. Then I'm ABOVE it, falling from the highest... height... possible. But for some reason, I'm dead.


    Why do all my favorite moments end in me dying???
    "Who the hell do you think I am?!?"



    JoeyPoey: Leader of Tengen: The Great Gurren Brigade.

    Also, the baddest mutha this side of the Sanctuary server.
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    -getting a windwalking pig as a present from a friend

    -meeting really nice venos, who gave me tips on how to tame rares and even tried to get a kitty for me

    -the few TWs I was in

    -finishing a load of quests around tusk town with friends, hard work but fun

    -doing several veno-only runs (TT, FBs) to see if it was possible to finish them

    -killing WBs with the guild

    -bein stalked/stalking a veno by accident who I never really talked to, except for some smilies and calling each other "stalker"^^ we had a race while doing wq, after that we randomly met at different places the following days >.>

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Lone_Dragon - Lost City
    Lone_Dragon - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The three amigos and my first guild WarGods xD