High vit psychics?

Leolf - Heavens Tear
Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Psychic
So...been thinking about this lately. Anyone else think that a Psychic's skills could be good with a high vit build?
Post edited by Leolf - Heavens Tear on


  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    1 vit per level. Enough for support and you still do good damage. Personally im going pure mag.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Sheks - Dreamweaver
    Sheks - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So...been thinking about this lately. Anyone else think that a Psychic's skills could be good with a high vit build?
    Nah... i think ill go 1 VIT, 1 STR (For armors and weapons) And 3 MAG
  • Moobysnax - Lost City
    Moobysnax - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I will probably make a higher vit psych to take advantage of the revenge skills.
  • yetey
    yetey Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I would rather max out magic attributes since it seems psychic attacks lean towards mg damage...
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I will probably make a higher vit psych to take advantage of the revenge skills.

    less vit to take advantage of the +50 atk level buff
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Sralyn - Dreamweaver
    Sralyn - Dreamweaver Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    less vit to take advantage of the +50 atk level buff

    You're just absolutely obsessed about that, aren't you? b:chuckle
    We are not your slaves,
    We are not your babysitters,
    We are not your personal med-pack,
    We are Clerics, god dammit,
    And if your death means the survival of the squad as a whole,
    Well...I'll see you in hell...
  • Fallenmind - Lost City
    Fallenmind - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with lewolf
    i will be doing
    +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 str on odd lvls, and +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 dex on even lvls
    this will build a vit hybrid LA Psychic
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    to wear LA you need 1 STR 1 DEX each level I thought
    and I dare say pure mag with lots of citrine early game, high refine and lots of garnet end game, Cleric did that, Wizard did that, and so will Psychic.
    BUT we don't know yet, dare test it out?
    I personally go pure mag =P
  • Sralyn - Dreamweaver
    Sralyn - Dreamweaver Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with lewolf
    i will be doing
    +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 str on odd lvls, and +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 dex on even lvls
    this will build a vit hybrid LA Psychic

    Eww, totally gimped magic damage, and not being able to use your current level LA? b:spit
    We are not your slaves,
    We are not your babysitters,
    We are not your personal med-pack,
    We are Clerics, god dammit,
    And if your death means the survival of the squad as a whole,
    Well...I'll see you in hell...
  • Fallenmind - Lost City
    Fallenmind - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol u think just watch
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    why vit? b:surrender

    All squishy classes shud use it only if they have to - to fix hp/def- coz refine + shards gives too little

    why ppl think it s cool to have high base vit stat without any good reason? b:shocked
    BUILD EFFICIENCY CALCULATOR: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1129681

    AGGRO MECHANICS: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=481682

    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=938282
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with lewolf
    i will be doing
    +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 str on odd lvls, and +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 dex on even lvls
    this will build a vit hybrid LA Psychic

    and this here will = FAIL.


    because unless psychic's orb things have less mag requirement than the currently existing magic weapois, you wont have the magic needed to equip the orb, and you'll pretty much be running around shooting dustbunnnies for dmg. light armor casters have 5 vit or less, nothing more (from base stats) so that there's enough points for light armor and weapon requirements.
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • dellmoressan
    dellmoressan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so whats best way to GET Good charr ???????b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Sheezafox - Dreamweaver
    Sheezafox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm using 8-Mag, 1-Vit, 1-Str every 2 lvs. I'll let you now how it works out.
  • Tidelord - Dreamweaver_1386746192
    edited December 2009
    At lower lvls its advised to add hp, but not much. At higher lvls it depends if u stay pure pve or pvp. I'd advise very low vit and high magic for pvp, probably even for pve. I know from experience wiz with 20 vit, str just enough for armour and rest magic still survives very easily at high lvls, if u have good armour equiped that is :)
  • Opalwind - Heavens Tear
    Opalwind - Heavens Tear Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    im a high vit psychic b:pleased
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    im a high vit psychic b:pleased

    Quoted for failz.....

    With the Psychic White and Black Vodoo, I have yet to die a single time since this character's inception.

    If you cant take something out without 3 shots, kiting is always an option and Psychics can do it as well as Mage.

    Vit? *snickers* What's the point when it is not your best bang for stat points?

    1 point to Vit only yields you 10 HP and you think that's good value ?

    I wonder what you are smoking because I have yet to die when I solo quest mobs and adding vit is wasteful. b:bye
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Im doing pure mage. 5 magic on even lvls and 1 str 4 magic on odd lvls ^^
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Vit is completely a waste of points. I've been using a pure magic build and I rarely die. There's a reason we have a knockback skill and a buff called White Voodoo that raises our DEF LEVEL. Even then when you use White Voodoo you're still doing decent damage with a pure mag build. Hell we even have a healing skill (Bubble of Life), so if you're getting hit THAT much from physical mobs (which you should not) it will basically keep you from dying in 2 or 3 hits.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Vit is completely a waste of points. I've been using a pure magic build and I rarely die. There's a reason we have a knockback skill and a buff called White Voodoo that raises our DEF LEVEL. Even then when you use White Voodoo you're still doing decent damage with a pure mag build. Hell we even have a healing skill (Bubble of Life), so if you're getting hit THAT much from physical mobs (which you should not) it will basically keep you from dying in 2 or 3 hits.


    I have seen Psychics taking hits when they could have killed the mob within 3 shots. But the way they cycle their skills is epicz failz.

    But I'm not gonna bother telling them because most of them will not listen anyway. b:laugh
  • PsyIcy - Sanctuary
    PsyIcy - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    <Is too lazy to read the whole thread>

    With skills like Aqua Cannon, White Voodoo and Soul of Stunning. (There's one other). I'm quite sure a High VIT Psychic is a probable build. But how good is it? Unsure. I'll test it MUCH later.
  • Draeyos - Lost City
    Draeyos - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i wonder if psychics could aoe grind with these skills :3
  • Nominal - Heavens Tear
    Nominal - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    everyone is too low level to sound like they know whats right, but magic is best for now to help us kill things.

    though some of the skills would go well with high vit

    it's too new, give it some time
  • Tidelord - Dreamweaver_1386746192
    edited December 2009
    High vit cannot be a good build...ur arcane for god sake, how will u lvl decently.... spamming white voodoo and dots on every mob and wait?


    If u want a good high vit build, go Barbarian, that's what they r for.
  • Szol - Harshlands
    Szol - Harshlands Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    high vit psych is just a fail ... nearly all skills are base matk .. -.-
  • Zeilos - Lost City
    Zeilos - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    some clerics have high vit for support/ pvp so u never know
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    some clerics have high vit for support/ pvp so u never know

    On PVP servers, I would agree to adding some vit, not for AOE grinding, but for the purpose of surviving ganks (by same level or lower).

    If a higher levels ganks you, die and move on.
  • devilnod
    devilnod Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just My 2 cents here..I am evning out everything till I get to lvl 20,then I will put more into magic,with it being a new toon,guess we will all have to waite and see wich will be bestb:shocked
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm surprised people are so idealistic about this and bashing ideas. Maybe the vit LA psychic is fail (and I laughed too), but at level 28 my psychic has 20 vit, 140 mag, and does perfectly fine. With absolutely zero vit you have to rely significantly on not getting hit much, as your heal is nothing like a cleric's ironheart (or purely rely on high pots like multiflavors), as similar as it seems. While Landslide, for instance, will greatly help in these regards, and often times prevents you from ever using pots, when you face archer-like mobs, there is a great risk of being killed by the fast-arrow-glitch-or-non-glitch. Personally, I would say go low on vit, but not high, and not zero. Just enough to survive those occasions you run into, then re-stat later like a good portion of magic builds that get 10-or-similar HP per vit do when refines/shards are more sensible.

    That being said, mobs are still very easy to kill, to 2, 3, or 4 shot before they ever get to you. I've died twice the entire time with my psychic. First one at like level 11 because I was on the phone, not paying attention, and going hit-for-hit with a mag resist mob who was doing phys dmg on me, and the 2nd time when I turned my head toward the TV (short attention span) and forgot I hit a mob, turned my head back to see a mob with like 3/4 of its life left kill me and got the "you were killed!" box. None of them had to do with the build.
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm surprised people are so idealistic about this and bashing ideas. Maybe the vit LA psychic is fail (and I laughed too), but at level 28 my psychic has 20 vit, 140 mag, and does perfectly fine. With absolutely zero vit you have to rely significantly on not getting hit much, as your heal is nothing like a cleric's ironheart (or purely rely on high pots like multiflavors), as similar as it seems. While Landslide, for instance, will greatly help in these regards, and often times prevents you from ever using pots, when you face archer-like mobs, there is a great risk of being killed by the fast-arrow-glitch-or-non-glitch. Personally, I would say go low on vit, but not high, and not zero. Just enough to survive those occasions you run into, then re-stat later like a good portion of magic builds that get 10-or-similar HP per vit do when refines/shards are more sensible.

    That being said, mobs are still very easy to kill, to 2, 3, or 4 shot before they ever get to you. I've died twice the entire time with my psychic. First one at like level 11 because I was on the phone, not paying attention, and going hit-for-hit with a mag resist mob who was doing phys dmg on me, and the 2nd time when I turned my head toward the TV (short attention span) and forgot I hit a mob, turned my head back to see a mob with like 3/4 of its life left kill me and got the "you were killed!" box. None of them had to do with the build.

    That is what White Voodoo+Bubble of life combination is for. Against archer mobs they'll barely do anything to your HP. Putting in vit will gimp your magic attack power. If they get close to you, then simply use Aqua Impact+Landslide, that combination itself will give you enough time to cast Aqua Impact and Spirit Blast. It'll even give you enough time to cast Bubble of Life instead.

    Learning to keep archer mobs off you (and kill them before they get to you) not only saves your HP, it'll also help you save money from those unnecessary repair bills on your armor. Psy's mana will be eaten up so easily by their skills which means you'll need money for mp pots(if you don't have an mp charm) and let's also not forget about their skills.