What happened to the PvP?



  • kanel321
    kanel321 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This is another problem. I go to a place and kill everyone. For many this is camping.. which is not. My real toon is 95 almost 96 since the only dailie i do is OHT one for p stones. I lvled with quests and grinding with or without miji's. At that time grind was even fun to do since people would try to crah ur butterflie or fish or we spot. And no sorry.. even tho a lot could give me a challange most people are either unable to play their class right thanks to oracling to 100 or they just dont fight. A lot of people could kick my ****.. they just go lvl to 101 instead.
    K , I will agree that as being on a PVP server you should be able to drop into an area and wipe everyone out . As long as you dont do it repeatedly its not camping or greifing. That being said dont tell me that there is no challenge for you . There are lots of lvl 90-100 around. Some maybe oraclers , some may be more concered with lvling, but why not hang around higher level areas then ??? How are u gonna satisfy your need for a challenge killing ppl way lower than you. Also you got all the way to 95-96, congrats .. but why risk getting reported just to kill somebody thats not a challenge. I have always thought the the whole PK system needs work. But untill that happends .. if that happends.. do u really wanna risk a ban???
  • IKnowRight - Harshlands
    IKnowRight - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    kanel321 wrote: »
    K , I will agree that as being on a PVP server you should be able to drop into an area and wipe everyone out . As long as you dont do it repeatedly its not camping or greifing. That being said dont tell me that there is no challenge for you . There are lots of lvl 90-100 around. Some maybe oraclers , some may be more concered with lvling, but why not hang around higher level areas then ??? How are u gonna satisfy your need for a challenge killing ppl way lower than you. Also you got all the way to 95-96, congrats .. but why risk getting reported just to kill somebody thats not a challenge. I have always thought the the whole PK system needs work. But untill that happends .. if that happends.. do u really wanna risk a ban???

    I can't crash FC and GV. GV delta to 100 is the new cool thing to do >.>
  • Lexxus - Harshlands
    Lexxus - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i like seeing ppl from pvp server complain about pvp system.. it just never ends... altho there are 3 pve server...wonder why the mods create those server for...b:surrender
  • Grim_Reaper/ - Harshlands
    Grim_Reaper/ - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I demand a new pvp server to make it fare.b:angry
    and Ajani the word pvp is taboo on HLb:surrender
    i like seeing ppl from pvp server complain about pvp system.. it just never ends... altho there are 3 pve server...wonder why the mods create those server for...b:surrender
    Your opinion doesn't matter
  • BrocktheMace - Dreamweaver
    BrocktheMace - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Do you realize why PVE servers are more occupied then PVP servers?

    1. they can lvl in peace.

    2. there is not some wanker on every corner trying to pk them when they tp somewhere.

    3. they hate LOSING gear.

    4. most PVPers are spiteful and hateful kids who enjoy harassing other players.

    5. PvP is boring when you get ganged up upon by some higher lvls that think "oooh, i killed someone, i"m awesome". And those same kids think it means anything when confronted with REAL life.

    6. PvP doesn't mean anything. It just means you spend lots of time in a pixellated game trying to be better then someone else who also plays the same game. In the end, no one will remember you. 1 month after quitting my previous game (massive PvP) i couldn't even remember the game NAME itself. And that after over 5 years of playing it.

    I had to think more then 10 seconds to remember it. and even then i had it wrong.

    So wake up and think. PvP means you like killing others. You know what ? Do like i did, join the army. At least then you get paid for it.

    Hear hear.

  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The fact that you can get banned for pk'ing in a 'pvp' server is probly the reason why i never went there. So many bs rules where there isnt supposed to be any.

    When I joined Harshlands and was at 30+ it was fine to PK everywhere. Had to use Holy Path to sneak past PKers to do own fb29. Had to use eyeballs to watch out for PKers during grind or quests, was killed a lot anyway by high level players but never complained - "it's a PvP server, one day I'll be strong enough to face them" was telling to myself.

    And what now? I'm getting close to end-game and see the PvP is dying on PvP server due to dumb, carebear rules. What's the difference between PvE and PvP servers now? I see none at this point.

    But QQing won't change anything so here I ask all players to post here that we want PvP back.
    If enough people will agree with that then maybe one day eatwithspoons will post here that PKing everywhere except Cube (which should be fixed with incoming update but meh) is 100% allowed.

    This will revive world PvP, maybe force lowbies to become social and befriend few higher leveled players to protect them from time to time. Sometimes all it takes to get rid of PKers in SP is 1 teleacoustic "members of xxxx guild are red in SP, come and get them" and when high levels fight each other, that poor 30+ will go and do his fb/bh.

    Thanks in advance for support b:thanks

    Ps. No, I never camped lowbies. I never had more that 2hrs red name. I do enjoy fighting red named players though and I'm angry that best places to practice PvP are getting empty - only white names there who threat with reporting even when you fight only equal level players b:shocked
    Packs World International
  • Cir - Harshlands
    Cir - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    kanel321 wrote: »
    K , I will agree that as being on a PVP server you should be able to drop into an area and wipe everyone out . As long as you dont do it repeatedly its not camping or greifing. That being said dont tell me that there is no challenge for you . There are lots of lvl 90-100 around. Some maybe oraclers , some may be more concered with lvling, but why not hang around higher level areas then ??? How are u gonna satisfy your need for a challenge killing ppl way lower than you. Also you got all the way to 95-96, congrats .. but why risk getting reported just to kill somebody thats not a challenge. I have always thought the the whole PK system needs work. But untill that happends .. if that happends.. do u really wanna risk a ban???

    Exactly. When I read that post I laughed out loud and drew stares from people around me. If you don't feel challenged enough by killing mobs and realize the only challenge you can get is by fighting player controlled toons with the potential skill to beat you, then why would you, a level 90+ player, find ganking much lower level players challenging? I can understand if maybe those players are the lowbie members of a large guild and you are hoping they call for back-up, but otherwise what's the point? You might as well be killing mobs for the same challenge according to your own argument.

    On the other hand, I don't see what the big deal is anyway with getting randomly ganked, camped, stalked, or w/e. It's just a game. If you keep getting killed at the same location while questing, take your free tele to town and research shop prices, catch up on your email, chat with some friends, go outside and moon a car passing by, I don't care, whatever floats your boat. The point is there is always something else you can do besides play the game. Personally, whenever I need to go to town I look for the first red-named player and ask for a free tele to town, they usually oblige b:laugh
  • IKnowRight - Harshlands
    IKnowRight - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Kind Cir, you play in HL. Enumerate the 90+ that PK. Kylin fail ganks? Takoda's wannabe ganks? Sorry when 1 squad fights 1 uncharmed archer and still maneges to get wiped not my fault. Not a challange to fight any of those. Kylin on the other hand comes with 20+ people to Silver pool or west adc. Since i pk alone atm i just leave for couple of minutes then come back and wipe the remains in there. But ey dood i know. I gank lowbie. I managed to get in pvp rank while being in a non rpk guild with 4 majos kos's. I'am a noob QQ
  • Cir - Harshlands
    Cir - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Meh, I don't know much about level 90+ players on HL anymore as I haven't played PW since September and even then I wasn't involved in high level PVP with my mid 40 level toon, that is except when I was the victim of high level gankers lol. If players your level don't provide enough of a challenge for you then I don't know what else there is for you to do. Maybe start a bounty hunter service where people pay you a fee to go PK someone, that might not be challenging but it could be fun for you I guess or at least maybe profitable.
  • Carnica - Heavens Tear
    Carnica - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So much drama and angst over PK and PvP in PW...

    Some simple solutions PWI could implement that would (maybe?) solve a bit of it...
      Make SP completely safe zone for PK. Maybe leave it unsafe on PvE servers (because people with white names CHOOSE to be in PvP mode, and that choice should be honored!)
      On PvE servers, make the entire Cube a safe zone for anyone with a blue name. If you want to escape the two rooms that require a kill, you either pay the 4 Do-All cards (400,000 coins roughly, at present), or you turn white-named.
      Fix the entrance to the Cube on all servers so that it is not a PK zone. Less tickets for the GMs to worry about.

    Speaking only about PvE servers here: on them you do have a CHOICE, and you can choose to participate in PvP/PK stuff, or not. All areas should honor this choice and a lot of the complaints would go away.
    [SIGPIC]TY Santacruz![/SIGPIC]

  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So much drama and angst over PK and PvP in PW...

    Some simple solutions PWI could implement that would (maybe?) solve a bit of it...
      Make SP completely safe zone for PK. Maybe leave it unsafe on PvE servers (
    because people with white names CHOOSE to be in PvP mode, and that choice should be honored!)
      On PvE servers, make the entire Cube a safe zone for anyone with a blue name. If you want to escape the two rooms that require a kill, you either pay the 4 Do-All cards (400,000 coins roughly, at present), or you turn white-named.
      Fix the entrance to the Cube on all servers so that it is not a PK zone. Less tickets for the GMs to worry about.

    Speaking only about PvE servers here: on them you do have a CHOICE, and you can choose to participate in PvP/PK stuff, or not. All areas should honor this choice and a lot of the complaints would go away.

    ........part in.......green..........virtually everyone in PvP servers CHOOSE to be pk mode on.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Carnica - Heavens Tear
    Carnica - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ........part in.......green..........virtually everyone in PvP servers CHOOSE to be pk mode on.

    True enough... I am mostly seeing this from a PvE point of view of course.

    My overall point though - PWI could take some small steps to fix some of this, and bring the overall ticket load on their GMs down.

    And I would agree with many of the posters in this thread that if you choose the PvP server and someone PKs you at step 29 of WQ you should not open a ticket.

    I do have a character on Harshlands server, so I am not totally PvE-only carebear, just part carebear? b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC]TY Santacruz![/SIGPIC]

  • screwnickslol
    screwnickslol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    simple solution... remove all safe zones except the starter cities (plume, etherblade, city of lost), archosaur, and 1k streams

    PvP servers are PvP servers. PK anyone, anytime, anywhere, for any reason, and camping a spot to PK people is totally a-ok. you rolled PvP, so you have absolutely no right to complain about being PK'd, end of story

    PvE servers... you have the option to turn PK mode on. the 10 hour timer is reduced to 2 hours. when you turn PK mode on, you are able to get PK'd by ANYONE, including bluenames (if a bluename attacks you, they get put in "temporary" PK-enabled status, that lasts for ~5minutes after the fight, as if they were whitename and PK'd a redname). like PvP server, if you go PK mode, or attack someone who's PK-enabled, you forfeit all rights to complain about being PK'd, regardless of the situation

    i hereby start the movement for TRUE PK. down with these pathetic carebear PvP rules, if you're going to PK, you should not have any right to claim griefing/camping/interruption of play/whatever

    EDIT: inb4ragebearcomments
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    What happened to the PvP in PWI?
    When they added Dominance Blessing and people in Harshland learned how to GV, much of world questing and grinding disappeared.
    When they "improved" FC, all of world questing and grinding disappeared.

    Just wait til they "improve" Lunar Glade b:cry

  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    When they added Dominance Blessing and people in Harshland learned how to GV, much of world questing and grinding disappeared.

    When they "improved" FC, all of world questing and grinding disappeared.

    Just wait til they "improve" Lunar Glade b:cry


    true QQ although I love how easy it is to get too 100 now, I hate it how dungeons r now better then staying sumwhere out of SZ to gain exp or sum great stuffs like TT mats, etc Thats y I was hoping public quest would stimulate pvp
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