DD classes Please read.
Nelae - Heavens Tear wrote: »I would love to Pk you one day for this comment b:kiss
You are quite clearly a fail cleric if you cant handle healing 2 people at the same time or just let other people die because your simple mind doesnt know how to use the party menu to switch targets..
Good luck with being a fail cleric, i know it doesnt take skill.. Im sorry if you think that being a good cleric is hard but guess what its not you just need to use your headDrMelvin: Level 90 Cleric > Retired
MrMelvin: Level 8X British Wizard > Active And Owning
For Corn: One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them b:shocked (That should be your sig dude!)0 -
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear wrote: »You are quite clearly a fail cleric if you cant handle healing 2 people at the same time or just let other people die because your simple mind doesnt know how to use the party menu to switch targets..
Good luck with being a fail cleric, i know it doesnt take skill.. Im sorry if you think that being a good cleric is hard but guess what its not you just need to use your head
Yeah i fail (solo heal TT1-3, 2-2, and part of 2-3).....oh nose, the only one fail here is you for not understanding jokes when you see one. Half of the posts here were not written seriously.
Get over your self pl0x b:byeb:dirty0 -
Nelae - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah i fail (solo heal TT1-3, 2-2, and part of 2-3).....oh nose, the only one fail here is you for not understanding jokes when you see one. Half of the posts here were not written seriously.
Get over your self pl0x b:bye
Wow you solo heal TT, ive never done that! Only everytime I TT im the solo cleric, Ive solo healed FF and I even solo healed my own FB69 at level 70 with a level 70 barb
If anyone needs to get over themselves its you my dear, you seem to think the sun shines out your backside like your something special. Perhaps if you spent less time trolling forums trying to gain a rep and more time in game you would learn something about clerics b:byeDrMelvin: Level 90 Cleric > Retired
MrMelvin: Level 8X British Wizard > Active And Owning
For Corn: One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them b:shocked (That should be your sig dude!)0 -
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wow you solo heal TT, ive never done that! Only everytime I TT im the solo cleric, Ive solo healed FF and I even solo healed my own FB69 at level 70 with a level 70 barb
If anyone needs to get over themselves its you my dear, you seem to think the sun shines out your backside like your something special.
You otherwise seem to act like that too.....b:chuckleb:bye0 -
If we have a squad of the crappiest lvl 90 players:
1) A tank or two who cannot keep aggro.
2) A cleric who cannot heal well.
3) A venomancer who bought his/her herc with real life money and sucks at gameplay
4) Damage Dealers who keep stealing aggro.
and you put them into a BH Brimstone or BH Eden, you end up with: BB + Lure + AoE. This results in the fastest BH Brim and Eden runs possible. Ironic, isn't it?
High level does not imply competence. It implies a higher chance of survivability when things go wrong. Thus, high levelers who run low level BHs will always be reckless.
I'm not justifying poor DD gameplay. I'm just explaining it.0 -
Ty - Heavens Tear wrote: »I go all out, Triple spark->Undine->Poison->Frenzy->White Tea->Sutra->Sage Pyro->Sage Div. Pyro->Gush->Sage Pyro->Master Li's Technique->Sage Black Ice Dragon Strike at the beginning of every boss. If the tank can't keep aggro, then they can GTFO of my party.
hahahaha, gd that's funny.0 -
Veluciel - Heavens Tear wrote: »You otherwise seem to act like that too.....b:chuckleb:bye
this is so true...+1TheEmpire
Elenacostel - Heavens Tear wrote: »If we have a squad of the crappiest lvl 90 players:
1) A tank or two who cannot keep aggro.
2) A cleric who cannot heal well.
3) A venomancer who bought his/her herc with real life money and sucks at gameplay
4) Damage Dealers who keep stealing aggro.
and you put them into a BH Brimstone or BH Eden, you end up with: BB + Lure + AoE. This results in the fastest BH Brim and Eden runs possible. Ironic, isn't it?
High level does not imply competence. It implies a higher chance of survivability when things go wrong. Thus, high levelers who run low level BHs will always be reckless.
I'm not justifying poor DD gameplay. I'm just explaining it.
@_@ BB does not mean a bad cleric Aoe does not mean bad DDs and herc bought with real cash does not mean a bad veno. I know that last one you said was bad at gameplay but I just had to put that in.
Reckless in low level BH is because you are tense in your own and must perform or you die. In a low level BH its nice to go rambo and enjoy that its hard to die. Notice I said hard not impossible even a fb 19 can kill you if you take no precautions.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wow you solo heal TT, ive never done that! Only everytime I TT im the solo cleric, Ive solo healed FF and I even solo healed my own FB69 at level 70 with a level 70 barbPWI:
"Free to play. Pay to win"
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wow you solo heal TT, ive never done that! Only everytime I TT im the solo cleric, Ive solo healed FF and I even solo healed my own FB69 at level 70 with a level 70 barb
If anyone needs to get over themselves its you my dear, you seem to think the sun shines out your backside like your something special. Perhaps if you spent less time trolling forums trying to gain a rep and more time in game you would learn something about clerics b:bye
o.O I'm going to have to take this post as a joke. Clearly, someone's been wanking their epeen. You're screaming troll at one of the few that probably wasn't joking.
=_= Come to think of it, you are probably the troll, in this scenario. So...stfu and gtfo.Good post? d=(^_^)=b
Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
Troll post? t(^_^)t0 -
Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »@_@ BB does not mean a bad cleric Aoe does not mean bad DDs and herc bought with real cash does not mean a bad veno. I know that last one you said was bad at gameplay but I just had to put that in.
I never made any of those statements. At all. You are deriving an implication via logical fallacy. I think Denying the Antecedent.
For example, I said that a bad cleric still has BB. That's like saying there are some stupid human beings with two ears. This does not in any way imply smart human beings have less or more than two ears.
All I am saying is that even bad players can get away with success.0 -
I agree 100% with the OP. DDs should control their damage. Specially when they demand for hercules to be the tank.0
The point of the post is not entirely asking a DD to restrain their DPS for the entire run, but allow the tank to gain solid aggro before letting loose.
For me, it's pretty simple to follow the guide on when do I start DPS. I usually start out with a low lvl bow for STA, then keep a steady dps with vicious arrow. When the boss mob is in half hp, I will switch weapon and go double spark, while keeping up with vicious arrow for bleed effect.
There are times when I saw archers pulling aggro on intent (not in a situation like saving a cleric) just to 'tank' it. The tank would usually run back for the mob (from tanking multi mobs).
Tanking is the Barb's job. DD on barb's target is my job. IMHO, making the Barb run to and fro just makes his job harder.
Exploring the game on your own is fun. Guides exist because players would like to share their past experience with others, thus improving the overall experience of the Beginner and from it, I learnt alot on the game play mechanics, strenthening what I already know from Past experience.
I lulz at those who have pushed the blame onto the poor barbs who failed on aggro retention. If you would allow the barb time to gain sufficient aggro instead of dps-ing at sight (much akin to hercules tanking), no aggro will be pulled, right?
I can understand that your time is valuable and it rings true for everyone else. Making the run goes smoothly is the responsibility of all squad member.
Addressing the part that some Barbs are not good in aggro holding, I think it's important to point out that to the team, and not pulling aggro with intent. I am postively sure that any DD's that are worth their salt would know what to do.
b:chuckle0 -
Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »All I have to say to this post is b:dirty AMEN b:surrender always blamin us DDs for stealing the aggro. I would understand if it was ten levels over him then MAYBE the barb would be excused but 5? on a BH 39 you have got to be ****ing me. I have seen level 80 barbs hold better then 90 barbs cause they know how to ****in play. Blame your dam barb not your dds its not hard to keep aggro. If my golem can hold verus wizards trying to steal aggro a barb can hold verus everything.
This is not a flame reply. But taking skills into consideration and with good gear, I think the statement for a lvl 80 barb outdoing a lvl 90 rings true.
Also, your golem might have a lvl 5 bash (which is not available all the time on AH, despite checking everyday). Giving a golem (with lvl 5 Bash) 10 secs (with other aggro skills spamming) is usually enough to hold aggro.Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »And yes lots of DDs try to steal aggro from a barb if you can't tank verus us you don't need to be tanking. If you hold against our damage you will most certainly do. Why should someone hold back if the group should be able to hold it should something go wrong.
Thats the measure of a good sqaud is if I attempt a wipe and they stop the wipe guess what it keeps em on their toes they know how to work together and boom I don't have to worry about dying anymore so things die faster cause I am not gimping my damage. Safety first but without a little opposition its boring.
Have you given the said tank a fair chance to gain solid aggro before attempting your wipe? If your answer is yes, I think it's the Barb's fault.Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »And to the OP you will find people at your level do not read guides on the forums just because its a good idea they just play the game. I myself didn't read a single guide till 75-80 because I decided it would be more fun to figure it out thru trial and error and it is.
So next time op the veno's job as well as the BMs is to prevent stuff like that they are equipped to do so and must grab mobs that the barb cannot its the reason you are so powerful to tank your own mobs. Just as well don't whine about a party wipe it happens all the time to even the best people. And like I said don't blame the DDs so much.
wow wall of text xD
If DDs, going by your train of thought here, attempts to wipe the party even though you know something is wrong with the tank, then wouldn't it be childish to do so?
Assuming the prank went well (for your thinking) and wiped the party, all that are proven are:
1. Barb is poor in aggro retention
2. You are incredibly childish (or insert insult)
If the party is aware and are controlling their DPS to make up for the barb's aggro retention, then maybe you should do so too as they are willing to commit more time to the run or imho you should leave squad since your time is extremely valuable. b:chuckle
I do apologize if I do sound offensive. Having a safe run beats a hazard prone run everyday. b:victory0 -
lol this is a funny topic as its discussed all the time. but i can say there is a big difference in a veriety of barbs. i have barbs on my friends list that are 5+ lvls lower than me that i cant steal agro from and some 5 lvls higher that have trouble holding it. my only question is what makes a good barb and a fail barb... it comes down to gear and putting your stat points in the right place.. yes its nice your barb has 18k hp buffed but those hp are useless if they cant hold on to the boss. this can come down to purely poor stats or poor refines and me myself and i are not going to sit looking at a barbs gear all day trying to figure out if im gonna steal agro or not.0
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Firstly go QQ in the lost city thread
Secondly DDs are ment to deal damage we shouldnt have to wait to unleash our awesome powers of pwn because the tank doesnt know how to use fleshream
Thirdly I have tanked the bosses in FB59 better than some barbs and also manta.. Why do people want a wizard to tank manta if we cant tank?
Any DD that wants aggro that desperately from me, is welcome to it.
You want 'em all, you can have 'em.
\if you want to be the tank, be my guest
\\but if you party wipe the cleric, and leave me cleric-less with the boss, I *WILL* find you and make your puny life miserableA human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert A. Heinlein0 -
I dunno whether it's all the people I've run with, but I've never had probs with a dd taking aggro since I hit 89. Tanks should know how to tank tbh.
When I do eden or brim or whatever, I think it's fun when an high lvl archer tries to take a boss b:chuckle keeps me on my toes hehe.
As for clerics, I try not to run anything with clerics I dont know or trust, not after on polearm when the cleric tried bb and didn't know about purifying on it, and meditated *looks at Enrage cleric* b:bye0 -
Redmenace - Heavens Tear wrote: »Any DD that wants aggro that desperately from me, is welcome to it.
You want 'em all, you can have 'em.
\if you want to be the tank, be my guest
\\but if you party wipe the cleric, and leave me cleric-less with the boss, I *WILL* find you and make your puny life miserable
someone sounds upset. if you cant keep agro its your own fault. i can MACRO tank, on rb bosses (no damage reduction) with Ty in my party, and keep agro. if i can macro tank better than other barbs, then there is something seriously wrong.Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
Stickygreen - Heavens Tear wrote: »someone sounds upset. if you cant keep agro its your own fault. i can MACRO tank, on rb bosses (no damage reduction) with Ty in my party, and keep agro. if i can macro tank better than other barbs, then there is something seriously wrong.
Something is seriously wrong. I'm not a pro barb so I really can't say for sure. My guess is it's a combination of mostly stat build and gear. It has nothing to do with flesh ream itself, only possibly the timing of it. I've had barbs 10+ levels lower than me hold agro in TT while I triple spark+poison. On the other hand I've had barbs near my level that cannot hold agro with me only occasionally auto-attacking. My guess is they are vit build and their accuracy is low, their crit is low, and their damage is low. Vit build is great for taking punishment(main tank, catapult puller, rebirth), but as far as your typical dungeon run it struggles to keep agro from damage dealers not even trying to pull agro. That's my guess, I'm not sure actually, and don't feel like interrogating every barb or using eyes on them.0 -
enough saidworking it Q_Q
Miatemaro - Heavens Tear wrote: »
enough said
Oh, hey, there's my cleric.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
9x Demon Cleric0 -
Tomiko - Heavens Tear wrote: »Something is seriously wrong. I'm not a pro barb so I really can't say for sure. My guess is it's a combination of mostly stat build and gear. It has nothing to do with flesh ream itself, only possibly the timing of it. I've had barbs 10+ levels lower than me hold agro in TT while I triple spark+poison. On the other hand I've had barbs near my level that cannot hold agro with me only occasionally auto-attacking. My guess is they are vit build and their accuracy is low, their crit is low, and their damage is low. Vit build is great for taking punishment(main tank, catapult puller, rebirth), but as far as your typical dungeon run it struggles to keep agro from damage dealers not even trying to pull agro. That's my guess, I'm not sure actually, and don't feel like interrogating every barb or using eyes on them.
nothing to do with build. tanking is by far the easiest thing in the world. i ahve full vit build, i cant even equip TT90 axes without event cape and helm. i have 60 dex. 3% crit rate, and low accuracy. trust me, i dont know how people can fail so much at tanking. its the easiest thing in the worldLess QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
b:laugh nah time ain't a issue really if it keeps the party on its toes thats why I do it and I am crazy hard to kill if I am expecting to die pots hood feral you name it I got it so if I see a party is about to wipe I can usually keep them from doing it or die trying. And hey they learn from it the only way to learn is by doing and if you get lax you get killed.
And as odd as it may seem b:shutup I agree with sticky its really easy to keep aggro although sticky keeping aggro is no big thing since he is a demon barb. But flesh ream is so not the only aggro skill barbs have and if they are only using flesh ream they fail b:laugh
Oh and you don't buy bash from the AH you buy it from the pet lady for about 300k that is 1 level book. And yah golem has level 5 bash & cancel level 1 tough and level 1 of that earth skill.
And um its not really gear or build although it helps its skill knowing just how to use it and some are just better at it then others.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
lol i have never had this issue, i guess my friends(barbs) r good0
i see what you mean people are like let me establish aggro first
but barbs suck tbh. i mean, this game sucks. what kind of game has a "tank" that cant even keep aggro0 -
WTS Barb tanking book for dummies. b:thanks
i can teach you how to tank using a bow or fist b:dirty-retired-b:bye
9x WB, Tao
Jermaine 83 Sin - retired...0 -
Some barbs probably get stuck to fail tanking style, and also referring to comment about demon barb, nah you don't need to be one to excel with aggro holding over other barbs. *Adds +1 to the comment redmenace might fail at tanking* have you possibly considered that with that attitude you won't improve as aggroholder if there are any faults? Well, just my view, but you could see it a challenge to save even fail DDers.0
Stickygreen - Heavens Tear wrote: »nothing to do with build. tanking is by far the easiest thing in the world. <snip> i dont know how people can fail so much at tanking. its the easiest thing in the world
I think the problem is that some tanks get distracted fighting bosses...or go AFK and don't watch what they're doing. The point of a tank is...to let the boss hit you, and further to make the boss hit you, the tank, instead of the wizzies, archers, BMs, and especially the clerics.
If the tank loses aggro, it's his job to get it back...like NOW![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
lvl10XAssassin0 -
XylolyX - Heavens Tear wrote: »If the tank loses aggro, it's his job to get it back...like NOW!
Heheh... we had a big laugh Monday when my Herc lasted a whole minute and a half (with me spam healing it) at the tail end of Belial, the tank would get aggro back and it would turn right back to the Herc on the next hit. I know the Herc didn't "steal" aggro since he random aggros but the tank did his best to try and keep it and we all had a very amusing time watching it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Neomccoy - Heavens Tear wrote: »WTS Barb tanking book for dummies. b:thanks
i can teach you how to tank using a bow or fist b:dirty
b:quiet *takes out wallet* b:avoid how much for the uh book[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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