whats the worst thing somwon has said to your cleric



  • Koltrast - Sanctuary
    Koltrast - Sanctuary Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Random noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "OMFG just res me idiot, I dun need a conversation"
    Me: "..."

    or later same day
    Random (other) noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "Man, not again, I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "... no you're a cleric"
    Me: "No, I'm definitely an archer, I can't res you"
    Random noob: "OMFG you are such epic fail"
    Me: "..."

    About then I realised I was in fact on hubby's 'puter finishing his WQ for him... he's a cleric.
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Random noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "OMFG just res me idiot, I dun need a conversation"
    Me: "..."

    or later same day
    Random (other) noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "Man, not again, I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "... no you're a cleric"
    Me: "No, I'm definitely an archer, I can't res you"
    Random noob: "OMFG you are such epic fail"
    Me: "..."

    About then I realised I was in fact on hubby's 'puter finishing his WQ for him... he's a cleric.

    b:laugh OMG thats hilarious.

    Its been pretty rare for me to get any insults. I generally stick with a good group of people that communicate and dont do anything really stupid. The one I remember was during a BH69. We get to where polearm was at, and I ask the barb where he was going to tank at. I get no response. He runs out of my range and starts tanking. By the time I could get into range of him, he died. Then the entire party gets wiped. He starts going off about how much of a FAIL cleric I was and how much all the clerics in his guild was sooo much better. b:angry I told him next time answer my question when I ask you. He's lucky I didnt just break party after that. I had a good friend in squad and didnt want to leave her hanging. Second try (Now that I knew what the barb was gonna do) we got through it with no issues and no casualities.
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Random noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "OMFG just res me idiot, I dun need a conversation"
    Me: "..."

    or later same day
    Random (other) noob: "Res plz"
    Me: "Man, not again, I'm an archer"
    Random noob: "... no you're a cleric"
    Me: "No, I'm definitely an archer, I can't res you"
    Random noob: "OMFG you are such epic fail"
    Me: "..."

    About then I realised I was in fact on hubby's 'puter finishing his WQ for him... he's a cleric.

    That's pretty classic b:victory

    Worst thing for me isn't something said to my cleric, but something said about my cleric. Mainly when one of my friends decided to start telling people I was always happy to come res strangers, where ever they are. I still get people I've never heard of flipping out on me cause I won't travel from the Barrier Villages to Dreamweaver just to res them.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Nikamerece - Lost City
    Nikamerece - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The only excuse I could possibly think of for being yelled at for buffing would be overbuffing a life/focus powder. But since you said he had NO buffs at the time, I think that "unknown female character" was a little mental. Or suicidal. b:cute

    Anywho, on topic.

    BH59 Qianji:

    2 clerics. I was 75, the other was 70. We decided that the other cleric would heal, and I would DD. We were totally fine up until Qianji herself. She was healing just fine, and I was DDing just fine...then she decides to stop healing for a couple of seconds...and then pops an RB instead of healing. By the time I saw her do this, it was too late for me to keep our tank alive. She then proceeded to flame me for "doing nothing the whole time".

    Apparently, DDers do nothing to help a squad. I don't think all the Wizzies/BMs/Archers got that memo. b:chuckle

    I LOVE YOUR SIG! May I borrow?

    I've had a couple run ins with stupid people but I distinctly remember an fb29 that I did about lvl 44 that we apparently we needed 2 healers for (I heal 60+ barbs and bm's with bosses by myself b:pleased). I told the other cleric to focus on everyone else and I would focus on the tank (had a terrible habit of pulling 3+ mobs w/o warning). They agree and all goes well until we get to Qingzi.

    I'm still not sure how but I had no heals and I ran out of mp pots meanwhile Qingzi is beating the barb pretty nicely. The barb had aggro so I asked the other cleric to heal him while I let my mp restore a bit since he hadn't needed to heal the others and was DDing anyway. The cleric stacks 2 IH then goes back to DDing though my mp is still not not enough to do anything productive while theirs is still about 3/4. I stacked on the barb then let my mp fill back up a bit then repeat until Qingzi was done. I leave squad first and the other cleric was begging me not to pk them. I probably would have had it not been against faction rules. Funniest thing ever. b:chuckle That almost made up for their lack of helping.
    Cleric Power! b:chuckle Clericism movement anyone? =D

    "We are not your slaves,
    We are not your babysitters,
    We are not your personal med-pack,
    We are Clerics, god dammit,
    And if your death means the survival of the squad as a whole,
    Well...I'll see you in hell..."
    -Sralyn [Dreamweaver]
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    while on my cleric alt some1 said and had stall with "Elves Sux" b:angry
  • Sralyn - Dreamweaver
    Sralyn - Dreamweaver Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I LOVE YOUR SIG! May I borrow?

    No problem. Just give me credit if you wouldn't mind. b:cute
    We are not your slaves,
    We are not your babysitters,
    We are not your personal med-pack,
    We are Clerics, god dammit,
    And if your death means the survival of the squad as a whole,
    Well...I'll see you in hell...
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:chuckle I just love running BHs 3+ clerics. Today I was going to run my BH79, but then switched to my cleric so that she could get her culti done in there. Only one of the other clerics were there. She tanked every thing and as we're standing in the big room that has doors to Stygean and Hoolie she tells me she wants to adopt my cleric. b:cute That was great, made my day.

    b:shocked Scary thing was, she tanked Stygean. Okay, she's L99 Sage Cleric and totally awesome, but it got really scary at times. I half wondered if putting BB up might have helped, but we were the only ones there, so I stuck with IH. That was a really cool experience. b:victory Cleric power!
  • dntkid
    dntkid Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This happened to me on a fb29 run

    other cleric (tabber) - OMG! u r using Purehearted!, U FAIL!!!
    me - okaeyyy... then if you are so much cleric win, why are you using heavy armour?
    other cleric - Im not cleric fail! I'm a paladin!!

    wow that should be like a big slap on that other clerics face
  • SunriseWind - Heavens Tear
    SunriseWind - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i was out with my daughter (lv55veno) and son (lv70 barb) today, getting some of her quests done, and one was DoD. we were taking off the adds gradually, and when it got down to just two, my son was wanting to start on the boss, and hit the last two adds at the same time. i sweetly told him that if he did that, he would have to find a way to be the first barb/cleric in PWI, because i wasnt going to try to keep up with the kind of damage he would incur from that. he blustered a bit, about how the tank keeps everyone alive. and i said, and my job is it keep his furry lil white butt alive....and i would split if he got ambitious.

    its so frustrating to me when someone asks my veno to res or heal them, just because i can with my pets. but not as frustating as when i see someone who needs help, and im on my archer!

    I wear a coat of angels' breath and
    warm myself with God's love.
    ~Emme Woodhull-B
  • Musiku - Heavens Tear
    Musiku - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    in bh barb decides he wants to lure mob 4 at a time and qq's cause i didnt heal him when he didnt have agro of all th mobs. 3 venos offer to lure and he says ill lure cause im the tank. We eventually get to boss and veno sends pet but barb tries to and lures 4 mobs with the boss. so bm and venos try to take mobs off barb so i drop a bb to save squad and barb dies. Barb curses at me and leaves squad. we get party wiped ugh and then everyone yells at me for losing barb and leaves.ugh..

    so after everyone leaves.. im in the dungeon alone that been cleared by the squad that left me, so for my little revenge i send a wc calling a new squad for an empty bh with only boss to kill. hehehe
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Stick to playing your archer b:surrender
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • Alantor - Dreamweaver
    Alantor - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol, a funny read this topic.

    Most go about boss runs and party messups. I think everyone has experienced it a few times.

    But so far, no one has ever been "not nice" to me. Cause if they do, i'll leave em to die. Without remorse.

    If peeps are nice to me, i keep em alive and rezz em in worst case scenarios. It's not more then fair to do your best if they do the same. Luckily its very rare that you encounter uneducated players or plain stupid people.
  • Lanaught - Harshlands
    Lanaught - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    To me it was

    "Cleric buff"

    I was like >.> im not your maid
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I get some funny ones since my cleric actually is a paliden, and not exactly peoples idea of what a cleric "should be"
    I've got things such as.
    "reported.." (on asking why?) "ur hacker, bm's can't use cleric skills" (rofl)
    "hey WTF is going on?! Clerics don't use melee wpns? how are you doing that?!"

    them: "so...uh how do you even kill mobs?"
    me: "slicesliceslice? O.o"
    them: "ah.."

    "ok, keep me healed as much as you possibly can and I'll tank!!!" (<blinks>..at this point a lv40 bm in bh29 is entrusting his life if the hands of an axe wielding HA cleric and is about to hurl himself into quingzi. I might add, this situation has happened at least 4 times now)

    "omg don't buff me!" and "omg don't rez me!".... "let him/her do it!" (players are very reluctant to let a HA buff/rez. Unlike a lot of lowbies, I always kept my rez and buffs maxed as much as I could....but was their loss.)

    "omg n00b! b:laugh *runs off*"
    "why don't you just roll a BM" (fun telling them I have an 85bm lol)
    "why don't you just roll a barb"
  • Chillectric - Sanctuary
    Chillectric - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Worst thing happened this morning. I was just flying around near TT entrance when I saw an archer unbuffed. got closer and buffed him. Then he asked me to join him and 2 others for TT 1-3 couse they needed a cleric. I told him I've never done it before and he and rest were ok with it. After explaining the we share the loot rules (all will be shared equaly) we went in. I got killed 2x due to healing the Barb while he should have had the agro over 3-4 mobs while he didn't, I let the barb die 2x because he was allready to far away and 1x at the end boss becouse my BB ended while trying to eat some herb mix for 3000mp over 30sec. Got BB up right after that and with the archer and veno we still made it.
    then after we got out the archer sais **** you, you've let the barb die you don't get your war drum only the other stuf. tried to protest and explain the unfairness but no luck! So much for trusting people I don't know on a nice trip in TT.
    So many games to be played b:shocked
    So little time to do it b:angry
    I realy need an extra life b:laugh
  • Ryukezen - Sanctuary
    Ryukezen - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My cleric is lvl 30 and currently in the works. I was on him one day assisting in a fb19 and the tabber says to me

    Tabber: Ryu. Why aren't you healing me?

    Me: Because ur not fighting anything u dumbass

    Tabber: But im the 'tabber' ?

    Me: And?

    Tabber: If you won't heal me you won't get any exp.

    Me: Newb, I get exp regardless of healing u!

    Fail FTW! XD
  • Missy_kathie - Sanctuary
    Missy_kathie - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I was AFk and i was shock on what i found when i came back in five mintues.. LOL b:thanks

    Person: "Res me now"

    Me:... (afk)

    Person: "You Fcu*** Noob res me!"


    Person: "Your a lvl 40 and dont have res"

    Me: (afk)

    Person : "What a ***** archer!"

    Me: you can't inslut me.. LOL I am a cleric!!b:laugh

  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    then after we got out the archer sais **** you, you've let the barb die you don't get your war drum only the other stuf. tried to protest and explain the unfairness but no luck! So much for trusting people I don't know on a nice trip in TT.

    That's when you let the archer die. b:chuckle I tried to kill a BM on Veno today. He was being nub and I was AoEing the entire Drake canyon. b:lipcurl I tried to get all of the exploders going at the same time. No such luck. I've tried that on my cleric too. Worst thing is a fail Barb. I saw a couple of those today. Bad at catching, failed at holding agro, squad members died because they would pull agro (b:surrender I wanted to let the barb die since I was the only cleric). Oh well. Live and learn (and take note of names).
  • Alreatha - Sanctuary
    Alreatha - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    One time I was killing some mobs around Rook's Valley and I saw 2 people next to me killing the same things. So, being a nice cleric I am I decided to buff them. The 2 char's were a barb and an unknown female char lol... After I finished buffing the barb I see white letters over the other char and I go to common chat. Normally I expected to see a "Ty!" or "thx 4 buffs" but instead it was: "NO BUFFS WTF ARE U DOING" (from the lady friend of the barb)

    I was like are you serious (I didn't respond to her)...I went along with my business and then happened to click on the same barb, saw that his health was going down so I healed him...and his buffs had went away...so I buffed him, and the other lady. Next thing I see in common chat: "WTF ARE U STUPID, I SAID NO BUFFSb:angry"
    Her barb friend didn't say a peep btw, which was kinda weird....

    Everyone around me was like "Wtf is up with her?" Lol anyone else ever been yelled at for buffing?!


    Me thinks she's a little weeee too protective of her charge. You know... those that go mental when you try to heal/buff their charges. Came across a few crazy ones that insist on being healed by their favourite clerics only and went ballistic when you try to help. Seems like they'd rather die than let "the other cleric" help.

    Oh well =\
    b:chuckle ==> Abusing Legerity since Demonhood <== b:chuckle
  • dededeet
    dededeet Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Once around the mines, found a player having it hard against mobs. Hp kept going down to *almost dead* point on each of them. Buffed him and healed him, and in an act of courtesy and gratitude he said: *WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME JERK!*

    Funny Funny Funny
  • dededeet
    dededeet Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i was out with my daughter (lv55veno) and son (lv70 barb) today, getting some of her quests done, and one was DoD. we were taking off the adds gradually, and when it got down to just two, my son was wanting to start on the boss, and hit the last two adds at the same time. i sweetly told him that if he did that, he would have to find a way to be the first barb/cleric in PWI, because i wasnt going to try to keep up with the kind of damage he would incur from that. he blustered a bit, about how the tank keeps everyone alive. and i said, and my job is it keep his furry lil white butt alive....and i would split if he got ambitious.

    its so frustrating to me when someone asks my veno to res or heal them, just because i can with my pets. but not as frustating as when i see someone who needs help, and im on my archer!

    Awwwww so sweet. Playing PWI as a family.
  • Flugal_Rere - Sanctuary
    Flugal_Rere - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I phys buffed someone when they were fighting a magic mob and they died. But i already left so i didnt rez. And they called me an effing fckutard.
    Hey cleric buff, now.b:angry
    What if i don't have buffs?
    Then your a fail.
    Hey cleric rez, now.b:angry
    What if i dont have rez?
    Then your an uber fail.

    I was on my archerb:pleased
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I phys buffed someone when they were fighting a magic mob and they died. But i already left so i didnt rez. And they called me an effing fckutard.

    Not much you can really do in your nub levels to help people out. b:chuckle (Except let them die again.)
  • Sarunya - Sanctuary
    Sarunya - Sanctuary Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Not really the worst thing but the most annoying thing.. This happens quite often lol.

    Person: buff plz
    Me: *buffs*
    Me: there ya go! :)
    Person: the 1hour
    Me: uhm ok..
    Person: *runs off after getting 1h buffs*

    Sure.. it's only my MP charm >_>
    Omg and another time someone had been whispering a full page of lame stuff to me while I was in the cube, being afk, and s/he wanted my buffs lmao.

    I just hate being used as a tool lol. Further not really mean comments about my healing skills n stuff.. Or maybe I banned them from my thoughts lol.

  • Khina - Heavens Tear
    Khina - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    One time I was killing some mobs around Rook's Valley and I saw 2 people next to me killing the same things. So, being a nice cleric I am I decided to buff them. The 2 char's were a barb and an unknown female char lol... After I finished buffing the barb I see white letters over the other char and I go to common chat. Normally I expected to see a "Ty!" or "thx 4 buffs" but instead it was: "NO BUFFS WTF ARE U DOING" (from the lady friend of the barb)

    I was like are you serious (I didn't respond to her)...I went along with my business and then happened to click on the same barb, saw that his health was going down so I healed him...and his buffs had went away...so I buffed him, and the other lady. Next thing I see in common chat: "WTF ARE U STUPID, I SAID NO BUFFSb:angry"
    Her barb friend didn't say a peep btw, which was kinda weird....

    Everyone around me was like "Wtf is up with her?" Lol anyone else ever been yelled at for buffing?!


    But that player was Stupid herself, obviously she doesn't know what buffs do for her hp/mp. The barb on the other hand probably didn't have a problem with you buffing him. She was probably jealous because her character was ugly and thought you wanted her "man".b:chuckle
  • Kyrinia - Dreamweaver
    Kyrinia - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Had a party wipe in an FB39 I was doing for someone, and I was kicked out of the party and replaced with a lower level cleric, who then died, asked me for a rez (I had level 9 at the time), I rez'd him, at which point I was again kicked out of the party for doing a trick rez (wtf is a trick rez I thought, I guess level 1). A leader and a director of a faction said something along the lines of 'come back and help us when you can make a difference'

    Had a person who thought I stole mats in TT1-1. I ended up accidentally giving him mine out of nervousness, and he still blacklisted me.

    I offered to give a guy buffs and he refused rudely.

    "If you wanted to DD you should have been a wizard" after I died, party left and dismissed.

    I've made a lot of mistakes on the way to this level, and people take it extremely seriously.

    Once a TT squad kicked me after 1hr buffing them because they didn't need me and their FA cleric didn't want to learn buffs at level 67. Is third pick really that important?
  • Conducto - Heavens Tear
    Conducto - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Anything "you can't" always just makes me grrr.

    Barb saying "you can't solo heal against Polearm"
    (dismiss barb)
    Me "ok, BM you tank" few mins later dead polearm

    Or "only 1900hp, you can't survive, we need second cleric"
    second cleric comes along, they tell me heal cleric only(15lvl's above me) squad wipe, i'm last survivor, appearantly second cleric didn't have as much mag as me and couldn't heal. 2nd try, other cleric healed me, i healed/purified tank.

    Edit: ooh, reading Kyrinia's reminded me of one event when i first joined my faction.
    I was supposed to heal the other cleric on a fb29 run, and i did, constantly, tho she kept dying. Everyone put the blame on me (she was being one-shot and was MANY levels higher than me, i hadn't even done my FB29 yet) Now, days later, i solo'd my way through the final hallway of 29, and kept wondering why she was dying on one shot. Then, way later, at the level she was during that time, i started solo'ing it for BH's for our factions lvl 40-49's, still confused why she kept dying.
  • Kyrinia - Dreamweaver
    Kyrinia - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think I know why she died. Full mag clerics at that level have a tough time with those flames in 29. You can be 2 or even one shot; it probably deals physical damage.

    Edit: Oh, the final hallway? o.O I've never had any kind of difficult time there.
  • Khina - Heavens Tear
    Khina - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The other day was in a TT 1-1 with a friend (BM), two venos and a low lvl (30) BM. I whispered my lvl 72 BM friend:
    "What is a lvl 30 BM doing in here? He shouldn't be in here, he's going to die."
    BM friend: "He's so and so's son, so she invited him along, he's doing pretty good (they didn't have a cleric at the time either)
    Me: Ok, let's see how this goes...I still think he shouldn't be in here.

    The low lvl BM says to me when we were at Drums Boss

    Him:Cleric heal pet
    Me: I'm not a veno
    Him:I thought cleric can heal all sorts of creatures
    Me: No, sorry they don't

    As soon as the drums boss hp bar goes down to 40% the low lvl(by this point I start to use BB because he doesn't have high enough hp yet, also trying to tank a [?] boss) bm hp is almost wiped out, so he comes running and stay besides me to heal and runs back.b:laugh
  • Conducto - Heavens Tear
    Conducto - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think I know why she died. Full mag clerics at that level have a tough time with those flames in 29. You can be 2 or even one shot; it probably deals physical damage.

    Edit: Oh, the final hallway? o.O I've never had any kind of difficult time there.

    Ah guess i forgot to say, the last hallway was where other cleric kept dieing. Which is why i was confused, cause i kept grabbing agro after she died, and i was about 30 lvl's below her and survived.

    Oh and i'm a full mag cleric, she wasn't. (isn't)