Let's break it down



  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    How many times have youve tried saying this? You even made an alt and on a thread where I said my RL gurfriend does my dailies at times, you typed it in all caps "HE SHARES HIS ACCOUNT". Nobody cares, Just stop dude. My walls of text might be annoying, but you repetitive leeching post are so worthless I feel like Im being cheated cause your post count highers and highers with **** like that. If you havent noticed, Im trying to get as many post sheesh!! b:kissb:bye

    Never.. lol. I was only told today since i one shoot ur fully buffed ea with a stun arrow >.>
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Never.. lol. I was only told today since i one shoot ur fully buffed ea with a stun arrow >.>

    1. Look at you post history, I bet you all my **** in game that you have said it at least 5 times.

    2. SS or it never happened. I dont even recall fighting u in the last few days. And btw, If you saying that I was fully buffed right?, And you one shot me, according to you with a stun arrow... That would mean that you hit me fully buffed with a stun arrow for about 6.8k (Thats how much HP I have fully buffed). GG dude. I think you trolled yourself. Like I said, SS or it never happened, I wanna see the full buffs on me, with the "MrConce Takes 6800+ damage." =P Stop lying, I heard it makes your nose grow bigger.


    Edit : 5 Minutes Later

    PS LOOOL Right now, Im talking to my gurl (cause shes sitting right next to me duh), and shes telling me that this happened today, when i was still sleeping, she was doing my dailies for me in OHT (Which i just found out about) and she is telling me that, 1. You didnt one shot her, 2. She wasnt even fully buffed, as a matter of fact only buffs she had was archers, and 3. That you went and bragged about it in Kingdom Guild Chat and that SHE, herself, told you it was her who you killed, and that you should get over yourself. Stop trying so hard, you were embarrased in your own guild chat today, and you have the guts to come type it 5+ hours later in the forums? You come and type a lie? Great example of how proud kingdom members are. Seriously man, I understand trash talk and everything, but what you did today, its really low, really really low. You lie about something that you got caught and embarrased about in your own guild in game. I was wondering when the hell I fought you and u one shottted me. Cause only time ive been on today in game was for tw, and I didnt even see you around. Anyways, I knew it was a lie anyways. Fully buffed MrConce cant get one shotted by a stun arrow. pff. I have 6.8k hp and over 7k phys def fully buffed.

    TAKE it from me Ajani. YOU should really get a life. And if you say a word about this and have the guts to reply back, I will make Sixela give me the screenies of you bragging in guild about it and her telling you that the person you killed was her and that she wasnt fully buffed. I dont think you would want people in the forums to see how your guildies reacted to your immaturity. You dont wanna be embarrased in forums either. So please save urself the trouble, and back the **** off and gtfo off my back already.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Dragonbow > Big mouth wannabe.

    Back to ignored (took you off cause i was told of that post).
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Quit and still trolling forums? hardcore dude.

    I will be back, as soon as i get home, porbably 3 weeks b4 expansion. Enough time to get 100 then reroll a Assn. Hoping for good PvP.

    All trolling aside goodluck in basic. My brother said its more fun then hard, if you arent a poon. b:laugh

    1. I might have quit, but if Im guilty of trolling the forums even after quitting, then so is saveless, and you, and angeRR, and who else? Too many... So yes, Im hardcore, ty for the compliment.

    2. If I still have sumwhat of an interest for this game after training, then Ill be back as well. Hope to see you here when I get back, I would love some nice end game pvp =]

    3. Thanks for your honesty and for wishing me luck, Im actually kinda excited, Im the type of person that likes to exceed, and while Im going to be getting yelled at and rolled over by an instructor, the least they should expect from me is nothing short from expectacular. Im an overachiever, you might not be able to see that or anyone on this game (I dont show it either), but hell, a game is a game, why should I need to prove myself to yall? Most wouldnt understand anyways.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Dragonbow > Big mouth wannabe.

    Back to ignored (took you off cause i was told of that post).

    I really hope despite how much people hate me, that they at least take the time to read that post, and really see how sad you truly are my friend.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1. I might have quit, but if Im guilty of trolling the forums even after quitting, then so is saveless, and you, and angeRR, and who else? Too many... So yes, Im hardcore, ty for the compliment.

    So cute of you to bring my name up first. Just so damn cute.
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So cute of you to bring my name up first. Just so damn cute.

    I couldnt help myself to. You will always be my fav prick and i will miss you.. b:cute
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Dropzplox - Harshlands
    Dropzplox - Harshlands Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I remember you trying to kill me all the way from level 60-80 when you were always 10+ levels above me and you continued to fail over and over again even with ur nix. At times you were even raging in my chat, too bad I took those screenies off. Remember that one day at swamps? The day that I had you coming back and forth for 2 hours cause you were ranting so bad about a 60+ archer running to safe zone from an 80+ nix? Ahh yes.. U remember that. Yet you never got the kill. One time you got close though. Too bad the mob killed me instead (lol). Sux though, one day, I was coming out of safe not really caring doing world quest, and so happens you were group pking sumone and voala caught me offguard and u got ur sad kill without me even trying to do anything about it. Makes you feel high right? Please. Iffy /better veno than u. At least ive seen him tank and kill rather than share butts with deja and run when the fight isnt favorable.

    =s why would you just make up random **** like that o.o

    I never raged at people who run away - why would I be so hypocritical? If you don't run from a fight you can't win you just have downs. I used to just roll around swamps getting people to low HP so mobs would kill them xD so they would either loose a doll or XP =D makes them rage, like you did when you said you would get me kicked out of pendulum for rpk, even though you were a guildless redname xD I remember laughing about that on vent actually, some random guildless guy i hadnt seen before saying I was gonna get kicked out of pendulum for getting him low hp and letting him die to a mob =D good times.

    Honestly, me ranting? Ask anyone who knows me, I literally don't rage in chat and I tell everyone I play with not to.
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    =s why would you just make up random **** like that o.o

    I never raged at people who run away - why would I be so hypocritical? If you don't run from a fight you can't win you just have downs. I used to just roll around swamps getting people to low HP so mobs would kill them xD so they would either loose a doll or XP =D makes them rage, like you did when you said you would get me kicked out of pendulum for rpk, even though you were a guildless redname xD I remember laughing about that on vent actually, some random guildless guy i hadnt seen before saying I was gonna get kicked out of pendulum for getting him low hp and letting him die to a mob =D good times.

    Honestly, me ranting? Ask anyone who knows me, I literally don't rage in chat and I tell everyone I play with not to.

    you never crashed my grind :(
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    =s why would you just make up random **** like that o.o

    I never raged at people who run away - why would I be so hypocritical? If you don't run from a fight you can't win you just have downs. I used to just roll around swamps getting people to low HP so mobs would kill them xD so they would either loose a doll or XP =D makes them rage, like you did when you said you would get me kicked out of pendulum for rpk, even though you were a guildless redname xD I remember laughing about that on vent actually, some random guildless guy i hadnt seen before saying I was gonna get kicked out of pendulum for getting him low hp and letting him die to a mob =D good times.

    Honestly, me ranting? Ask anyone who knows me, I literally don't rage in chat and I tell everyone I play with not to.

    1. Who knows why you could be so hypocritical, your excuses are just like everyone elses trying to justify themselves so that they dont look bad. The truth will never really be known unless we show SS. So drop it, I already proved any nub can come to the forum and lie (Look at the "Ajani scandal" lol).

    2. For all we know, you just made that excuse, you wouldnt have 200+ hours and be top of the leaderboard in PK if you didnt kill people. Dont give me that excuse that you killed tons of people in pk fights because we know that just by pking in a random guild fight vs another guild, your never gonna show your face in the leaderboards. That BS bout only "touching" people for fun is a bunch of **** and you know it.

    3. I dont even recall ever saying that tbh, wether I said it or not, it defitnly wasnt important to me cause I would rememeber. Everyone rages at some point, im sure youve dont it plenty, as I wished I had screenshots of you complaining about how much I run. Too bad I deleted those SSes. I really dont care about the past. Is the past, and thats what you are my friend. If you gonna be trolling the forums, you might as well do it on new material, no one cares about the past, especially when everyone already knew who you were and what you did. If anything, what you doing right now is bragging. Get a grip bro, and get back on the game. Otherwise, with all due respect, stay the **** off the forums. =]
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I am curious how 3 hour long TWs are not good TWs. I'm curious why you are proud of having 100 members on at TW time...so do we. Cause it's really easy winning a war against KY and GG at the same time with 100 members....

    One more thing, wtf is with everyone's obsession with HT. For one...KY has far more heavy cash shoppers than Kingdom. It's not even close. And secondly, HT hasn't even been in like the last 3-4 weeks of TWs.

    And I'm pretty sure there was never a single time when KY had higher levels than KD, not that really has any significance at all.

    Keep in mind most of the people that are in 2nd and 3rd past got there with KD. The only reason you guys were able to get any amount of land was because Icon was a carebear. The only reason you have land at all at this point is because Ascii. The only reason you are winning any lands (other than Arch -> the auto win) now is because GG. You guys are a circumstantial guild and have not actually achieved anything on your own. Yes, I agree, KD in general sucks at this game, but so does KY. Neither group has any actual accomplishments to warrant the **** talking and bragging.

    I have no idea why Nurfed chose to join, maybe because he wants money, I don't know. But most of the other people had already joined before him, and I'm pretty sure there isn't this full server obsession with Nurfed that made everyone suddenly want to join KD. That sounds like some weird conspiracy you just came up with overnight.


    wow.. someone withsome intellect.

    but from my views, Ky doesnt have the CS'rs that u think we do.

    in fact.. i get hazed 24/7 for spending 1.5k on the game not that it matters.
    but it does to some^^

    but Never, did u guys ever send us money, help us by giving us levels to fight.

    we supported u guys, sent members to help u guys TW to take archo and many other great acomplishments.

    we took a beating - went to 150members.

    you guys asorbed those members/but does anyone bring that up?

    we kept fighting.. we got stronger, and we grew up - Alot

    but now we fight, and there are nights where we dont fight u guys with GG.

    (we still won..)
    and i dont say that to brag - bc its not braging rights / it was a good fight.

    so we dont WC it. (u guys won last night at a 3 vs 1, and i was amazed at the maturity level). but hey, thats me.. moving onto the next post
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    If I was Emo like you, I'd be making longer worthless time wasting rants. Like I said, never return to my forums again. (Please, stop being butthurt....shows too much)

    he makes a point those saveless, all u do is trash talk?

    for pointless reasons.

    i dont know if you live in the usa, or what country your from - but get off the american soldiers already.

    insult me, wish that i die (w/e guy) .. i wish u have a happy and healthy life in the future. You have alot of growing up to do (no offence "bra") but you really are the attention freak.

    you remind me of someone i know that still plays this game. *sighs*

    maybe im adding to the fire and ur gunna come back with a lame responce.

    if u dont care? why try? (you try entirely way to hard man... and no one looks bad in the end but you).

    maybe you get some laughs with your friends on vent - and u guys find it amusing /// but you really look like a moron lol
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    he makes a point those saveless, all u do is trash talk?

    for pointless reasons.

    i dont know if you live in the usa, or what country your from - but get off the american soldiers already.

    insult me, wish that i die (w/e guy) .. i wish u have a happy and healthy life in the future. You have alot of growing up to do (no offence "bra") but you really are the attention freak.

    you remind me of someone i know that still plays this game. *sighs*

    maybe im adding to the fire and ur gunna come back with a lame responce.

    if u dont care? why try? (you try entirely way to hard man... and no one looks bad in the end but you).

    maybe you get some laughs with your friends on vent - and u guys find it amusing /// but you really look like a moron lol

    Yo bra, you lost to HT 1v1 during which a 7x archer shot you once with normal hit and you QQ'ed about it. Bra, I'd be so damn mad. (Which you were, it was cute) I even hear you perditioned HT from the beginning and got him to 85% hp....way to perdition a BM with phys marrow on bra. (You got a BM on Sanct, you're dumb) Really though bra, don't quote to me. YOU AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON ME BRA.
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What are you fkin illiterate or something? All I'm saying is that HT can't be playing Nurfed atm because if he was, he woulda +12 it already since he already spent $4000 on the rep badges.

    And reading your recent posts.. you are a SPECULATION KING. Some of the things you write are just crazy and you know NOTHING about, son.

    for the record, me and HT had a talk, and we both know the answer to that remark. if he didnt he didnt, if he did he did.

    who cares
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yo bra, you lost to HT 1v1 during which a 7x archer shot you once with normal hit and you QQ'ed about it. Bra, I'd be so damn mad. (Which you were, it was cute) I even hear you perditioned HT from the beginning and got him to 85% hp....way to perdition a BM with phys marrow on bra. (You got a BM on Sanct, you're dumb) Really though bra, don't quote to me. YOU AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON ME BRA.

    i respect HT, as a man - he doesnt trash talk. i never see him on forums.

    me and him we're fighting and i did get hit by a archer, even you admit it.

    but who cares?

    all i seen after the fight was you raging typing in caps // spaming the entire server "TEKKMONEY GOT OWNED SS BLAH BLAH BLAH"

    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    one last note to all those that mock me...

    Someday ill have rank 8//and 40k hp

    when it does happen..well it'll happen :/

    u can make fun, laugh, and give criticism remarks

    it's going to happen eventually though, so that makes me tekkfail till then

    *shrugs* moving onto the next post
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hi Tekk.
    How are you?
    Me too.
    60 / 250.
  • FortyThousan - Harshlands
    FortyThousan - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    wow.. someone withsome intellect.

    but from my views, Ky doesnt have the CS'rs that u think we do.

    in fact.. i get hazed 24/7 for spending 1.5k on the game not that it matters.
    but it does to some^^

    but Never, did u guys ever send us money, help us by giving us levels to fight.

    we supported u guys, sent members to help u guys TW to take archo and many other great acomplishments.

    we took a beating - went to 150members.

    you guys asorbed those members/but does anyone bring that up?

    we kept fighting.. we got stronger, and we grew up - Alot

    but now we fight, and there are nights where we dont fight u guys with GG.

    (we still won..)
    and i dont say that to brag - bc its not braging rights / it was a good fight.

    so we dont WC it. (u guys won last night at a 3 vs 1, and i was amazed at the maturity level). but hey, thats me.. moving onto the next post

    The world is changing

    I have forty thousan

    I tank belial

    Ill be level 100 soon

    Who will rise to power

    Give me my gear back

    Forty thousan
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hi Tekk.
    How are you?
    Me too.

    lol@epic u a funny guy i cant believe u would bring ur spam bot here too

    yes, at some point i made those remarks i did tank belial with no cleric, and i only wasted 30k charm while everyone else slaughtered it. - yes it only took 4mins to kill him..

    yup, 40k hp someday^

    we took 4 more lands then we had a month ago. (things changed.. i didnt lie^^)

    yeah, i droped x2 (8 refines HH90) that i replaced that same night (but i didnt tell u i wanted my gear back, i had asked an ex-friend/who wears it now).

    *smiles* funny guy xD

    my advice: give a good reason to try to troll me, or else ur just another stalker//fan on this game
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Apollo - Harshlands
    Apollo - Harshlands Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think Conce should write more internet essays.
  • FortyThousan - Harshlands
    FortyThousan - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol@epic u a funny guy i cant believe u would bring ur spam bot here too

    yes, at some point i made those remarks i did tank belial with no cleric, and i only wasted 30k charm while everyone else slaughtered it. - yes it only took 4mins to kill him..

    yup, 40k hp someday^

    we took 4 more lands then we had a month ago. (things changed.. i didnt lie^^)

    yeah, i droped x2 (8 refines HH90) that i replaced that same night (but i didnt tell u i wanted my gear back, i had asked an ex-friend/who wears it now).

    *smiles* funny guy xD

    my advice: give a good reason to try to troll me, or else ur just another stalker//fan on this game

    Im not Bloop. Lets just say im the Icom of Kylin

    The world is changing

    I have forty thousan

    I tank belial

    Ill be level 100 soon

    Who will rise to power

    Give me my gear back

    Forty thousan
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol@epic u a funny guy i cant believe u would bring ur spam bot here too

    yes, at some point i made those remarks i did tank belial with no cleric, and i only wasted 30k charm while everyone else slaughtered it. - yes it only took 4mins to kill him..

    yup, 40k hp someday^

    we took 4 more lands then we had a month ago. (things changed.. i didnt lie^^)

    yeah, i droped x2 (8 refines HH90) that i replaced that same night (but i didnt tell u i wanted my gear back, i had asked an ex-friend/who wears it now).

    *smiles* funny guy xD

    my advice: give a good reason to try to troll me, or else ur just another stalker//fan on this game

    I`m your number one, your number one
    I`m your number one, fan
    Your number one, I`m your number one, your number one
    I`m your number one, fan
    60 / 250.
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I`m your number one, your number one
    I`m your number one, fan
    Your number one, I`m your number one, your number one
    I`m your number one, fan

    The sun rises above the hillcrest,
    As does the joy of my heart;
    Rays of warmth and love,
    From her I will never depart.

    Fresh dew upon the grass,
    Young birds chirp in their nests;
    I watch her gently sleep,
    My love to her I silently profess.

    I enjoy the stillness and calm,
    Watching as she smiles and dreams;
    She brings me to stillness and peace,
    Like that of a slow flowing stream.

    My heart and soul flow with love,
    And I smile as I quietly reflect;
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Edit: Everytime i post the last part of the Poem it just says I...b:cry

    I love you Bloopy