Let's break it down

Saveless - Harshlands
Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
It's obvious that KD is going to remain with 1 land soon. Seeing as every week it's KY/GG attacking and KD defends at least 1 of the 2. What will happen in the future? Probably KY with most of the lands 'til it'll have to be let's say KD/GG/some other faction to attack and KY will probably lose. (That is if KD doesn't fall apart which I think it will seeing as how dramatic Halloween weekend was) Anyways....please, let's make this more amusing. Pretty boring imo.
Post edited by Saveless - Harshlands on


  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It's obvious that KD is going to remain with 1 land soon. Seeing as every week it's KY/GG attacking and KD defends at least 1 of the 2. What will happen in the future? Probably KY with most of the lands 'til it'll have to be let's say KD/GG/some other faction to attack and KY will probably lose. (That is if KD doesn't fall apart which I think it will seeing as how dramatic Halloween weekend was) Anyways....please, let's make this more amusing. Pretty boring imo.

    lol there is no other way to make this more amusing unless both KD nd Kylin disband nd they go separate ways to make another 4 or 3 guilds xD
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • FiftyThousan - Sanctuary
    FiftyThousan - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It's obvious that KD is going to remain with 1 land soon. Seeing as every week it's KY/GG attacking and KD defends at least 1 of the 2. What will happen in the future? Probably KY with most of the lands 'til it'll have to be let's say KD/GG/some other faction to attack and KY will probably lose. (That is if KD doesn't fall apart which I think it will seeing as how dramatic Halloween weekend was) Anyways....please, let's make this more amusing. Pretty boring imo.

    Because you do not pk

    The world is changing

    I have fifty thousan

    I tank belial

    Ill be level 100 soon

    Who will rise to power

    Give me my gear back

    Fifty thousan
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Because you do not pk

    The world is changing

    I have fifty thousan

    I tank belial

    Ill be level 100 soon

    Who will rise to power

    Give me my gear back

    Fifty thousan

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Loner - Harshlands
    Loner - Harshlands Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2009
  • bawksy
    bawksy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Remake QQme b:victory

    Do you want Kylin to be with less than 150 members again? YOU SICK VENO!
    inb4 Alexeno

    ಠೈಠ Troll-sauce-face made by Konariraiden
    When you see it.. Just don't post again.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    bawksy wrote: »
    Do you want Kylin to be with less than 150 members again? YOU SICK VENO!

    go make QQmeb:thanks nurfed is here and angeRR was on last week
  • Swiftfire - Harshlands
    Swiftfire - Harshlands Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    None of the main QQme's are actively playing anymore. It won't be the same.
  • Dropzplox - Harshlands
    Dropzplox - Harshlands Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    QQme = like funlolz, suwaki, blazingazn, antihero, anger, dejavu, nurfed, muse, nova, fsweetxD, iffy etc. + a few people i missed + random scrubs to make numbers in tw (think like historyx etc.)

    all the core basically quit =o
  • Collapse - Harshlands
    Collapse - Harshlands Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ill be making a faction once the expansion comes out ( thats when ill be back home most likely) with whoever is left, since Ion is boring as ****.

    Also what did you expect with KD? A bunch of unloyal ex-enemies join just to TW, then they start losing becuz no matter what they try to do KD is still bad. Pretty expected outcome IMO.
    Currently playing : |||| Waiting for:
    Allods |||||| G.W.2
    Bloodline Champions
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    QQme = like funlolz, suwaki, blazingazn, antihero, anger, dejavu, nurfed, muse, nova, fsweetxD, iffy etc. + a few people i missed + random scrubs to make numbers in tw (think like historyx etc.)

    all the core basically quit =o


    And you forgot about me angeRRb:surrender
    The only mage in senseb:surrender
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    QQme = like funlolz, suwaki, blazingazn, antihero, anger, dejavu, nurfed, muse, nova, fsweetxD, iffy etc. + a few people i missed + random scrubs to make numbers in tw (think like historyx etc.)

    all the core basically quit =o

    not random scub tyvm b:sad
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    not random scub tyvm b:sad

    Ye, you are. lol@28kbtfrom80MGlol
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I believe that KD never had it in them. It was just levels and levels. When KY had 60+ level 90+, KD barely had 40. Recently, both KY and KD have achieved 70+ 90+ and the only reason why KD is still able to keep up in levels is because more than 75% of the higher levels of the server still suck up to Nurfed and followed him to KD when its clear that Nurfed hated KD back in the day. Nurfed could never stand the fact of siding with the other mages who put or could put his name to shame, so he joined KD. There went the rest of Over9k and random ex QQme & Sense members. True fact = KY has on average 100+ people during TW weekends, while KD only can afford to have 80+ on during TW weekends. It has been proven in their forums not even enough people sign up. KD has just being the guild that has provided other people their kindness, and they have taken advantadge of them. I thank for KD for gearing the future pvpers of the server and I truly wish yall the best. I want good TW's,but from the looks of it, KD is like 75% of the male population, always brag about penors and how they break it down in bed, and come to find out, they dont have it in them. Go on, /rage now KD members. We all know what you are going through. I only speak truth.

    PS. Im glad HT threw a fit about me being in guild and had me kicked. Gave me an insight of the true KD and although I only joined to be with my GF, I had some hope in getting to like you guys. But thank you HT, thank you for not forgiving me for all those days back in the day when I made your life miserable. Enjoy your money, enjoy your 2 rank 8, and for the sake of the server, gear your whole guild, buy +5 for everyone as well, that way we can have decent tw's in peace & spare future QQ.

    Just to clear, I by no means am trying to spark hate here. Its all business talk. I dont have anything against anyone in KD despite many encounters and fights between KY and KD, myself & some of the kingdom members. No grudges, just want decent TW. So for all of those who are about to rage and rant at my post, keep in mind I will just ignore your post, and continue with my life.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Apollo - Harshlands
    Apollo - Harshlands Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I believe that KD never had it in them. It was just levels and levels. When KY had 60+ level 90+, KD barely had 40. Recently, both KY and KD have achieved 70+ 90+ and the only reason why KD is still able to keep up in levels is because more than 75% of the higher levels of the server still suck up to Nurfed and followed him to KD when its clear that Nurfed hated KD back in the day. Nurfed could never stand the fact of siding with the other mages who put or could put his name to shame, so he joined KD. There went the rest of Over9k and random ex QQme & Sense members. True fact = KY has on average 100+ people during TW weekends, while KD only can afford to have 80+ on during TW weekends. It has been proven in their forums not even enough people sign up. KD has just being the guild that has provided other people their kindness, and they have taken advantadge of them. I thank for KD for gearing the future pvpers of the server and I truly wish yall the best. I want good TW's,but from the looks of it, KD is like 75% of the male population, always brag about penors and how they break it down in bed, and come to find out, they dont have it in them. Go on, /rage now KD members. We all know what you are going through. I only speak truth.

    PS. Im glad HT threw a fit about me being in guild and had me kicked. Gave me an insight of the true KD and although I only joined to be with my GF, I had some hope in getting to like you guys. But thank you HT, thank you for not forgiving me for all those days back in the day when I made your life miserable. Enjoy your money, enjoy your 2 rank 8, and for the sake of the server, gear your whole guild, buy +5 for everyone as well, that way we can have decent tw's in peace & spare future QQ.

    Just to clear, I by no means am trying to spark hate here. Its all business talk. I dont have anything against anyone in KD despite many encounters and fights between KY and KD, myself & some of the kingdom members. No grudges, just want decent TW. So for all of those who are about to rage and rant at my post, keep in mind I will just ignore your post, and continue with my life.

    Damn dude get a life. b:laugh
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I am curious how 3 hour long TWs are not good TWs. I'm curious why you are proud of having 100 members on at TW time...so do we. Cause it's really easy winning a war against KY and GG at the same time with 100 members....

    One more thing, wtf is with everyone's obsession with HT. For one...KY has far more heavy cash shoppers than Kingdom. It's not even close. And secondly, HT hasn't even been in like the last 3-4 weeks of TWs.

    And I'm pretty sure there was never a single time when KY had higher levels than KD, not that really has any significance at all.

    Keep in mind most of the people that are in 2nd and 3rd past got there with KD. The only reason you guys were able to get any amount of land was because Icon was a carebear. The only reason you have land at all at this point is because Ascii. The only reason you are winning any lands (other than Arch -> the auto win) now is because GG. You guys are a circumstantial guild and have not actually achieved anything on your own. Yes, I agree, KD in general sucks at this game, but so does KY. Neither group has any actual accomplishments to warrant the **** talking and bragging.

    I have no idea why Nurfed chose to join, maybe because he wants money, I don't know. But most of the other people had already joined before him, and I'm pretty sure there isn't this full server obsession with Nurfed that made everyone suddenly want to join KD. That sounds like some weird conspiracy you just came up with overnight.

  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    And secondly, HT hasn't even been in like the last 3-4 weeks of TWs.

    Maybe cause he's playing Nurfed's char?

    Just a thought.
  • Devil - Harshlands
    Devil - Harshlands Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lulz, isnt that how Nurfed got rank 8? b:chuckle
  • Mdtheclown - Harshlands
    Mdtheclown - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Maybe cause he's playing Nurfed's char?

    Just a thought.

    HT is busy irl. nurfed's refines blow **** at the moment. If HT was playing nurfed char, the r8 wep would be +12 already.

    just a thought.
    MD : so keep on qqing to the best mage in HL, its ok
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    dude get real, nurfed left this game some time ago for another one
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    nah me plus about 6 GG members were pking against KD today on hidden orchid nd Nurfed was there, I saw him pking nd kitting nd that definetly is the real Nurfed unless HT was Nurfed all this timeb:shocked
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I am curious how 3 hour long TWs are not good TWs. I'm curious why you are proud of having 100 members on at TW time...so do we. Cause it's really easy winning a war against KY and GG at the same time with 100 members....

    One more thing, wtf is with everyone's obsession with HT. For one...KY has far more heavy cash shoppers than Kingdom. It's not even close. And secondly, HT hasn't even been in like the last 3-4 weeks of TWs.

    And I'm pretty sure there was never a single time when KY had higher levels than KD, not that really has any significance at all.

    Keep in mind most of the people that are in 2nd and 3rd past got there with KD. The only reason you guys were able to get any amount of land was because Icon was a carebear. The only reason you have land at all at this point is because Ascii. The only reason you are winning any lands (other than Arch -> the auto win) now is because GG. You guys are a circumstantial guild and have not actually achieved anything on your own. Yes, I agree, KD in general sucks at this game, but so does KY. Neither group has any actual accomplishments to warrant the **** talking and bragging.

    I have no idea why Nurfed chose to join, maybe because he wants money, I don't know. But most of the other people had already joined before him, and I'm pretty sure there isn't this full server obsession with Nurfed that made everyone suddenly want to join KD. That sounds like some weird conspiracy you just came up with overnight.


    That is where your whole post fails. As I recall, this very last TW weekend, KD attacked KY with NOBODY else but a fake tw at the beginning ON KY's side. We ended that TW quick, and still managed to get back into action defending against KD, and not surprisingly, KD lost on an attack TW at 2 hours and 20' sumthing minutes into the tw. No excuses dude, It was fair and square with no tw's other than the attacking one on KD's side and 2 tw's defending on KY's side (this was Friday's TW, Dont give me that Halloween excuse). Nurfed joined > then rpk friends from ex QQme/Over9k/Sense joined. Dont give me that BS, I can asssure you ur roster aint no secret and you did not EVER have more higher leveled people than KY. Maybe at the beginning, but at the time when Nurfed joined, I can assure you, we had at least 10+ more 90's than you guys. Believe that. And due to all these people joining, you have managed to stay on top and caught up with KY, still is not enough. You bet I'm damn proud of my own guild being able to put 100+ people in tw. It shows devotion. Even if people dont or cant play during week, they show up to TW at least. Because they care. Because KY is more than just a guild, is a family. Dont give me the "dont have a life" excuse cause many do, yet they find a way to compensate and show their devotion to guild. And FYI, dont bs me on the "KD has more than 100+ on during TW time". That is a whole complete new set of **** coming out of ur mouth. I am 100% sure that last time yall set record for 100+ people on was for PVE/Free Territory TW. Maybe, maybe when ya'll were fighting Crimson. Lately, you dont even have enough people to even sign up at the forums for tw. You can not fit or have 90+ peeps on at a time. Goes to show, KD is nothing close to a good guild, nothing close to a family, all pure fame and money. And tbh, KD was better and more respected, when Icon played. Wether he was a carebear or not, he put people like you to shame, and put order in HIS guild. Maybe if he was still Leader, yall would still have a chance.

    And about HT, bought nurfed rank 8 or helped, I dont care if he did or not, Nurfed was bought rank 8, from what I hear most of it was guild money that people in KD dont know about, Yes, ask yourself why ur paychecks every friday are being cut so low ( and no, is not cause u losing land, u dont lose 1 land, and get cut more than 1 mil coin next week from paycheck). Your leaders used guild money without guildies consent to get their only good mage a decent weapon in hopes to save KD. And even then, you all still fail. Bottom line, guild money/HT helped get Nurfed rank 8. We might have more cash shoppers than you, but at least im proud that while they talk smack or they are not liked, as least they can back it up and put it to good use, unlike HT, who has all money and gear, and dies to a 80+ cleric (XFerX) and 80+ archer (HunterPK). Enough said.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    HT is busy irl. nurfed's refines blow **** at the moment. If HT was playing nurfed char, the r8 wep would be +12 already.

    just a thought.

    That's the great MD troller comeback? You definitly are a Kingdom member.

    Just FYI son, **** refines or not, unrefined Rank 8 is better than any weapon nurfed,MD,or XuLin ever had. Nurfed doesnt need refines to put that weapon to good use. Either nurfed got really bad and sucks now, or HT is indeed playing Nurfed with the excuse of being busy IRL. Go cry more about refines, and quit the trolling, You just trolled urself with your own post.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That's the great MD troller comeback? You definitly are a Kingdom member.

    Just FYI son, **** refines or not, unrefined Rank 8 is better than any weapon nurfed,MD,or XuLin ever had. Nurfed doesnt need refines to put that weapon to good use. Either nurfed got really bad and sucks now, or HT is indeed playing Nurfed with the excuse of being busy IRL. Go cry more about refines, and quit the trolling, You just trolled urself with your own post.

    I think you troll yourself whenever you make your little story posts. And with this paragraph post, you're still dumb.
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think you troll yourself whenever you make your little story posts. And with this paragraph post, you're still dumb.

    Saveless. All I gotta say to you is.....

    You failed the day you joined Kingdom, and despite your "Hardcore" attitude and fame of being an ****, you were played and laugh at all day yourself. Karma is a bish, you raged quitted Kingdom, and now you telling me I'm dumb. Stop being in Denial. Get urself back up, or even better yet, quit the game already.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Saveless. All I gotta say to you is.....

    You failed the day you joined Kingdom, and despite your "Hardcore" attitude and fame of being an ****, you were played and laugh at all day yourself. Karma is a bish, you raged quitted Kingdom, and now you telling me I'm dumb. Stop being in Denial. Get urself back up, or even better yet, quit the game already.

    Played and laughed at all day? Well duh, no one has the balls like I do to confront people....even more pathetic since this is online. You come to me if you're wanting something to be said that you're too scared to say. So far, haven't seen any karma. Why? 'cause there's nothing I do/did wrong to receive it. Left Kingdom 'cause idk, just not the type of person that can stay in a faction long. (Besides QQme sort of) Now, let me give you a tip....get out of your own little fantasy world, stop quoting others and acting like you know everything, and shard those stupid **** elemental shards in your weap. /yawn going to bed...fail entertainment.
  • MrConce - Harshlands
    MrConce - Harshlands Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Played and laughed at all day? Well duh, no one has the balls like I do to confront people....even more pathetic since this is online. You come to me if you're wanting something to be said that you're too scared to say. So far, haven't seen any karma. Why? 'cause there's nothing I do/did wrong to receive it. Left Kingdom 'cause idk, just not the type of person that can stay in a faction long. (Besides QQme sort of) Now, let me give you a tip....get out of your own little fantasy world, stop quoting others and acting like you know everything, and shard those stupid **** elemental shards in your weap. /yawn going to bed...fail entertainment.

    I just confronted you. On your point scale of respect and following the great "Saveless" philosophy, I just earned a 10. You find it "fun" to insult the weak and get kicks out of it, I find it fun making you accept that you just like everyone else in this world, a human with feelings, and wether you like it or not, urs were long hurt the day u raged quitted Kingdom. U even resorted to calling several ladies "Hoes". Even if they were or are, it goes to show you put urself down a level and submitted into depression. I do not know everything about you, never cared about you, and I do not seek to start caring or knowing anything about you anytime soon. And I take it you dont have a sense of humor, since I find it quite amusing to shard my fist or even the spare bow or slingshot I have, with mana and metal/earth shards. My real bow? Hell I put Accuracy shard in it. I always miss those pesky archers. Ever heard of the great "Mana" bow in Kylin? Of course not, your just as close minded as every other *******/bully we all come to know in this beautiful word.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" ~ Co7Vc3 ♥ El Romance Letal ♥ ~ Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands. Guess who's back? Bought a sexy **** powerful gaming laptop. Ready to be exploited. On my way to tech school/dorm. Be back soon. =)
  • bawksy
    bawksy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Don't mind me here just read the next post.

    No guild in this server has accomplished something by themselves. Not Kd, Ky, Crimson, GG, etc..

    Since the beginning of this server all we saw were "alliances".
    If KD wouldn't have allied with KY vs QQme there wouldn't be any KY. If ascii wouldn't have raged, there wouldn't be any KD or KY. and now KD is just being bombed by 2 sides on a silent "pact".

    in4 Conce raging :3
    Im out.
    inb4 Alexeno

    ಠೈಠ Troll-sauce-face made by Konariraiden
    When you see it.. Just don't post again.
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    but the world is changing...
  • Mdtheclown - Harshlands
    Mdtheclown - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Maybe cause he's playing Nurfed's char?

    Just a thought.
    HT is busy irl. nurfed's refines blow **** at the moment. If HT was playing nurfed char, the r8 wep would be +12 already.

    just a thought.
    That's the great MD troller comeback? You definitly are a Kingdom member.

    Just FYI son, **** refines or not, unrefined Rank 8 is better than any weapon nurfed,MD,or XuLin ever had. Nurfed doesnt need refines to put that weapon to good use. Either nurfed got really bad and sucks now, or HT is indeed playing Nurfed with the excuse of being busy IRL. Go cry more about refines, and quit the trolling, You just trolled urself with your own post.

    What are you fkin illiterate or something? All I'm saying is that HT can't be playing Nurfed atm because if he was, he woulda +12 it already since he already spent $4000 on the rep badges.

    And reading your recent posts.. you are a SPECULATION KING. Some of the things you write are just crazy and you know NOTHING about, son.
    MD : so keep on qqing to the best mage in HL, its ok
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    None of you poor weak-minded mortals understand...

    the world is changing b:shocked
