Too much complaining about TW..



  • Mikinori - Dreamweaver
    Mikinori - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Someone said Equinox got rolled in 22 & 30 minutes by Calamity. If that's the case then lol; your poor server doesn't have "two strongest factions," it has one dominant faction that is allowing others to enjoy land here and there (as it can only take 1 new land per week).


    In my opinion, this is due to DW being a "new" server. I've played a few other MMOs before and whenever a new server goes up, a lot of people who couldn't **** it on their first server reroll on the new server. So the "endgame" on new server has a lot of people with "loser" attitude, they will blame anything but themselves for not being able to win. They won't admit to their lack of organization, their lack of teamwork or their bad strategies but will blame the top faction in any way possible for their losses.

    I'm betting a lot of those people are already wishing or asking PWE for a new server so they can reroll again instead of fixing the problem.

    If you want to beat Cala or at least put up a good fight, start doing your homeworks. Get levelling, in TW use apothecary stuff and charms and sit down to make a real war strategy before going in. Teach your members to work together instead of all going their separate way rambo-style. TW is about teamwork and people who are trying to pad their kill count for the leaderboard don't belong in there.

    Teach your members to play their class if they're not doing their job properly. Record videos or take screenshots so you can analyze what went wrong later, if needed. Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing the other faction's clerics trying to kill me instead of healing while my teammates are killing their barbs or DDs.

    TW is about organization and discipline. Yes, this is a game but TW is competitive and if you want your share of the land, prepare for the war. b:chuckle
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    @Kannone = yeah, this week they got about 30 min or so cause we tried something that didn't work properly and we had to recover. Our crystal was down to 25% when we regrouped and push them back. So basically they got a 75% crystal head start. Last week they went down in about 10-13 minutes in both wars.

    Now, honestly, it's not only about the high lvls Calamity has. I'm not here to point out flaws in EQ TW strategy and anyway I'm not the right person to do it, but when u have an archer with a +10 TT90 crossbow/bow ( dont remember) and +7 TT90 gear with full 4 sock IMMAC on it that goes down like a leaf in the autumn it's just makes me go "WTF !?!". And they don't have 1, they have a few more like that, not as much refined but close, damn close. Maybe some Clerics should read the description on PWI Wiki for their class. Hiding in the trees and sending a Nix out to kill clerics/wizards and sitting along on the flank of the battle killing whatever gets in sight is not a TW strategy. It's just pew-pew for PvP rankings.
    I should have been an easy 1 shot for that archer, right? well ... no. Cause the devs put the Apothecary in game for a reason and also created a class that could heal players in distress, called cleric, and even more than that, they have this skill that can do mdef debuff. Stack that with an undine + poison/frenzy and any LA will go to respawn in matter of seconds. TEAM WORK. "Assist on me will set you free"
    There are zounds out TW clips on the web, Pandora had a lot, Haiz I think had also a number of them. I always lol when I read on those topic some kids bashing "you had a slave cleric!"... lol. But OFC...
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wish lost cities map was as colorful as Dreamweavers.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Mikinori - Dreamweaver
    Mikinori - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Factions can make one TW move per week. One of the top TW faction stopped using theirs a few weeks ago. I don't know if it's a coincidence but the next week, two of their members on the top50 by level went factionless. A faction that quit using their TW move is no longer a TW faction, in my opinion, it's a faction who's given up and is just waiting to be pushed off the map. b:sad

    Every TW faction should be using their move every week even if only for practice or learning. Equinox has been using theirs every week and even if they think they will probably lose, they keep going against Calamity. They're learning and getting good practice. If they analyze how the TW went every week, they can basically use Calamity to point out the flaws in their strategy and work on improving it.

    Players that want to TW are more likely to join a faction that actually tries and uses their TW move every week to improve than one that has lands but just sits on it. No offense to Arma but I was seriously hoping you guys would grow stronger and give Cala a run for its money instead of giving up. You had the most high level members beside Calamity but at the moment Equinox is shining brighter.

    Much respect to all the smaller and growing factions that use their TW move every week to learn, improve and have fun. Factions like HDT, Bushido, Crusaders, Dynasty, ENVY and PsyTribe that have been active in DW's TW scene for a while and are still active. b:victory

    BTW, this is in no way meant as a flame. I'm simply hoping to give that little nudge to the factions that aren't trying so they start giving their best again and make TW more fun for everyone. b:pleased
  • Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver
    Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Just a couple of quick tales for anyone who thinks that even members of the big factions won't take the time to help those of us lower than them, or in other factions.

    Met a lvl 93 Calamity Barbarian around Heaven's Tear the other day with a couple of friends, and had some fun hitting him in duels (you know, lots of 8s and 9s floating up the screen cos of his armor!). Somehow chat gets onto bosses, and one of my friends (a lvl 54 wizard at the time) mentions that she's behind on her bosses and hasn't even done Vriddis yet. This lvl 93 Barb (who's name I'm afraid I can't remember, or I'd give him proper thanks here) volunteers to help her, so we all teleport/fly over that way and he takes the boss down in no time. If he's a good example of the sort of people who are in Calamity, I can understand others wanting to join.

    Second story, last night, doing an FB51 for another friend, our tank had to drop out. As the wizard in our party knew him, we then had Wolfgang (lvl 89 Barbarian and Equinox Leader for those of you who don't know) join the party and come and tank for us for Rankar and Wyvern. And when our other Cleric had to drop out too (leaving just me!) he even invited Kaena (I think I spelt that right), a lvl 88 cleric from Equinox to come and help out too. Now of course, in this case they both got exp and rep from the tabs, but at their level, I'm sure that little bit doesn't make a huge amount of difference towards hitting their next level. So again, does that really sound so bad?

    I'm sure that both factions have a few bad apples - they're so big it'd be almost impossible for groups that size to NOT have a couple, but why do people always feel the need to judge the entire faction on the actions of just a few?

    And in case ya'll are wondering, no I'm not in either faction (I'm only lvl 55 at time of writing), and wouldn't plan on joining either - but not because I have anything against them. Simply because I'm British, and we seem to have this desire to support the underdogs. So I'm going to stick with my current faction and maybe one day, we'll get enough high levels of our own together to have a go at taking a terriority off one of the bigger factions b:laugh

    EDIT: Having since spoken with my friends I have remembered who the friendly Cala barb was :D
    Heartstone :D
    Wizard's First Rule:

    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.

    Cleric's First Rule:

    Those who die through their own stupidity, goes to town. 'Nuff said.
  • Theia - Dreamweaver
    Theia - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm sure that both factions have a few bad apples - they're so big it'd be almost impossible for groups that size to NOT have a couple, but why do people always feel the need to judge the entire faction on the actions of just a few?

    Wish more ppl think the way you do.

    +1 from me b:victory
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    yeah, big factions have bad apples, almost impossible to avoid.
    And never judge someone by one action only, maybe he/she had a bad day or something or someone pissed him/her off for the moment.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Kagutsuchi - Dreamweaver
    Kagutsuchi - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Second story, last night, doing an FB51 for another friend, our tank had to drop out. As the wizard in our party knew him, we then had Wolfgang (lvl 89 Barbarian and Equinox Leader for those of you who don't know) join the party and come and tank for us for Rankar and Wyvern. And when our other Cleric had to drop out too (leaving just me!) he even invited Kaena (I think I spelt that right), a lvl 88 cleric from Equinox to come and help out too. Now of course, in this case they both got exp and rep from the tabs, but at their level, I'm sure that little bit doesn't make a huge amount of difference towards hitting their next level. So again, does that really sound so bad?

    Not to put down the rest of your post, but doing lower FB's with tabs is a really easy way to get pretty good exp and reputation. So yeah, that does make a difference (you get more exp from fb's when you are a higher level)
  • Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver
    Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Not to put down the rest of your post, but doing lower FB's with tabs is a really easy way to get pretty good exp and reputation. So yeah, that does make a difference (you get more exp from fb's when you are a higher level)

    I know they would've got more than I did, because it's based on your level, but given the huge amount of exp that Wolfgang would need to get from lvl 89 to lvl 90, would doing two fb51 tabs (we'd already done the first tab by the time he joined) really make a huge dent? I could be wrong, but I suspect not. Of course, every little helps, but I suspect his daily quests would've given him more exp than those two tabs! b:laugh
    Wizard's First Rule:

    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.

    Cleric's First Rule:

    Those who die through their own stupidity, goes to town. 'Nuff said.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    right now for me the best FB to do is the 39.
    I get 28k first boss, 20k second and 20k third ( or something close to that numbers). 51 gives me something similar, but it's longer and more difficult. I need a lvl 39+ cleric only for FB39 and I can do all the job by myself basically.
    The bosses in 59 give me about 18k/piece, so yeah, I get more xp because there are more of them(5).
    FB 29 gives me 25k xp and that's a 7-8 minute run I can solo with virtually no costs at all.
    So as you can see , FBs are a good deal no matter what lvl you are.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • AtomsPhere - Dreamweaver
    AtomsPhere - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't know much about the current PWI community let alone Dreamweaver, but I have had my fair share of guild bs. I have played a game where a player left their guild because she out lvled the guild leader. That's just dumb. And to top it off, she took two other high lvls that were well into the 90's out of a 100 lvl cap, one of which being the guild leader's best friend. Now if you think about it, this kind of stuff happens in every single MMO you play...every time one starts, or everytime one gets a new server. But no matter how different they are, the guild wars, guilds, and guilds rankings are all the same...PWI's TW is no different than Gunz's GW. There's always some guild that tops everyone, and one day that some guild will get it's **** kicked and eventually become a thing of the past!
  • Mikinori - Dreamweaver
    Mikinori - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have played a game where a player left their guild because she out lvled the guild leader. That's just dumb.

    That's not dumb at all.

    If you outlevel everyone in your faction, the game will only remain fun for so long when you spend your time helping lower levels with their stuff and you can't get help with your own stuff.

    Being highest level in a faction or guild can be quite boring and frustrating. You have noone to group with for your quest, instances or to get your gear. Noone wants to help you since they don't need that stuff yet but they all expect you to go help them with their things.

    When you actually get to be highest level of a guild by a few level for a while, you'll understand. Most people play games to have fun and the game can stop being fun if you stop progressing because you have to spoon-feed lower levels or hold their hands through everything.

    I spend my fair share of time helping lower levels and people I've been in factions with could confirm it but I've had to leave a faction before because I was almost 10 levels higher than the next highest. I would also refuse to join a faction where I would be the highest by a significant margin since I would surely get bored and frustrated in no time.
  • ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver
    ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That's not dumb at all.

    If you outlevel everyone in your faction, the game will only remain fun for so long when you spend your time helping lower levels with their stuff and you can't get help with your own stuff.

    Being highest level in a faction or guild can be quite boring and frustrating. You have noone to group with for your quest, instances or to get your gear. Noone wants to help you since they don't need that stuff yet but they all expect you to go help them with their things.

    When you actually get to be highest level of a guild by a few level for a while, you'll understand. Most people play games to have fun and the game can stop being fun if you stop progressing because you have to spoon-feed lower levels or hold their hands through everything.

    I spend my fair share of time helping lower levels and people I've been in factions with could confirm it but I've had to leave a faction before because I was almost 10 levels higher than the next highest. I would also refuse to join a faction where I would be the highest by a significant margin since I would surely get bored and frustrated in no time.

    I agree with that.
    But overall for me, this game have little ( action ) to offer, beside ''pk mode'' ( which can be verry expensive, even if the gold prices aren't 400K +).
    And in my lvl, i even don't know why i should lvl more, just for some higher TT,.... somehow pointless. So my main fun is to help in the faction and do Fb's with them.
    Town Wars are for me just a problem, because this is the only freeware '' massive '' pvp what you can have - beside Town War this game have no (freeware) pvp to offer. I quess even if they would open Arena for pvp, people wouldn't screem so much to reset the map, because they would finally have a place for a lot of fun, and you wouldn't need cash shop items to not loose everything.
    And the problems are for sure not the gulid(s) who own almost whole the map, but Pwi, because they don't do anything for pvp fun in this game.
  • Ajareeya - Dreamweaver
    Ajareeya - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've read all the message and happy to see I'm not the only one to think this way.

    Calamity and Equinox did a really good job. I understand people who leave to apply in these 2 goods actives factions, because they want to play all face of the game and find help very quick. But to me, it's like killing the game.

    I have nothing against Calamity and Equinox, lot of people from there are helpful, but I think this server needs more strong faction or one day nothing will happen on TW because the map will be full of one unique color.

    Although, I like doing TW against Calamity or Equinox because I can learn a lot from this. I don't care about win or lose TW, it's a game. But it will be much fun if the bidding system for TW just disappear. I think a very little faction must have the opportunity to enter TW, that's the best way to learn and it will make the powerfull faction face to a lot of TW instance from lowest level to highest level faction.

    In my theory, all territory must be in war every week for no coins at all. Then we will see an alliance system organize around this.

    Well keep going to all factions, the server is still young and needs more strong big factions ! And be patient !
  • Miseri - Dreamweaver
    Miseri - Dreamweaver Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The post above just said everything i was going to say,

    I just wish they didnt suck up all the high lvls, it seems the moment a person hits the lvl mark to join
    they go to one or the other.

    I really dont care, Im not paying attention to almost ANYTHING in game anymore

    i just nuke my mobs, turn in quest, repeat.
  • Belldandy_ - Dreamweaver
    Belldandy_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    mekkan90 wrote: »
    *Wall O' Text*

    All I have to say is this...

    I am Belldandy, Goddess 1st Class, Unlimited License.
  • Ophelius - Dreamweaver
    Ophelius - Dreamweaver Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That face...
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The post above just said everything i was going to say,

    I just wish they didnt suck up all the high lvls, it seems the moment a person hits the lvl mark to join
    they go to one or the other.

    I really dont care, Im not paying attention to almost ANYTHING in game anymore

    i just nuke my mobs, turn in quest, repeat.

    Thats not true.

    Here in Bushido, we have countless players who have meet the level requirement to join one of the two dominating factions, but they stay here because they enjoy it here. I myself plan to stay in Bushido as long as its alive, because its enjoyable and ive become acquainted with everyone.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have helped people out of guild plenty of times, sometimes to get help on this server you just need to know where to look. As others have said the server is 'new' so finding people who are willing to help, and have the time to do so it can sometimes be difficult, but more then doable.

    As far as guilds 'ganking' (multiple guilds attacking one to get land) each other, well it is a STRATEGY, and a pretty effective one at that. It may not be liked by many, but if the guild(s) who are ganking can deal with the negative feedback they receive, then nothing short of being short on cash will stop them from ganking. As I am sure some of you have noticed Armagedon is being attacked by both hdt, and xXBushidoxx (spealling?) for the past few weekends. To be honest I don't see that ceasing anytime soon, people can be greedy, and some guilds really are just 'too' powerful to take on one on one.

    EDIT I unno how true this is but our leader over here at ARmagedon has said the only guild that can beat us one one one is calamity, but like I said I haven't seen this first hand let alone been in any fights with equinox/calamity.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Guilds are greedy because they gank? Are you ****ing serious?

    More like factions who own multiple lands are greedy. Sure, they work hard to earn their land, i know that. But nonetheless, its still greedy. So instead of calling people who have no land greedy, please stfu.
  • Lightaine - Dreamweaver
    Lightaine - Dreamweaver Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Listen, children. Multiple guilds attacking one guild is not a gank. If they have more than one land to begin with, they can handle it.

    Listen, children. One guild with multiple lands is not greedy. Your failure to look past "I don't wanna give up my Executor spot in blahblah or my faction still holds X lands, we're not dead yet." has allowed one faction with their stuff together to dominate. I'm sorry, but until you guys disband and create a new faction with an unbiased leader (good luck) things will stay the way they are.

    Listen, children. The greedy ones are the people who troll the forums with their hands outstretched asking for 10 mil for free and a map reset.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    T_t I said PEOPLE not the entire guild. xD I guess it did come out wrong, but still greed is in us all, its just dormant in some. xD

    To be honest only one of the guilds attacking armagedon has been able to beat us (split up) and effectively have been the only guild getting any land, seems a bit greedy of bushido, at least in my opinion. (They are strategically attacking the one land that they know we wont defend full out, if they did then hdt would have a MUCH better chance at getting a land) Though I can also see why you would say that one guild owning multiple lands is greedy. It can go either way.

    Also as far as the term ganking goes... well i guess that is just an opinion, but I still think that is what is going on, when they cant beat us one on one, and use another guild to there advantage and them (as in the used guild) not getting a decent chance to obtain a land is actually pretty low in my honest opinion, and its only a matter of time before one guild gets fed up with the back and forth of land exchange, and one guild being 'shafted' with the land exchanges.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    To be honest only one of the guilds attacking armagedon has been able to beat us (split up) and effectively have been the only guild getting any land, seems a bit greedy of bushido, at least in my opinion. (They are strategically attacking the one land that they know we wont defend full out, if they did then hdt would have a MUCH better chance at getting a land) Though I can also see why you would say that one guild owning multiple lands is greedy. It can go either way.

    I Don't understand what you mean. Could you please rephrase that better.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'll try. I can see why it would have been kind of confusing. I haven't been known for getting my point across right the first time. xD lol

    Anyways, as I am sure you can see armagedon holds three lands, if bushido were to attack the middle land first then we would defend full out against them, so (if) we lost to hdt we could just take the land back next weekend, but bushido has been attacking the outer lands, effectively getting us to defend/go all out more against hdt, (on the defense of course) and therefore making our numbers lack a bit at their war, (bushido's) making it easier for them to obtain a land.

    If they were to attack the middle land first when arma holds all three of them, then I am sure our leader would probably make the decision to defend against bushido. Argo leaving a lesser amount/level range to defend from HDT, and go all out on bushido. Therefore slightly increasing the the chances of HDT actually beating us.

    Hope that cleared it up... or at least made more sense. xD lol
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well, why don't you go suggest that to your leader.

    Anyways, im looking forward to the TW this week against you guys. :]
  • MissPsyched - Dreamweaver
    MissPsyched - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Listen, children. Multiple guilds attacking one guild is not a gank. If they have more than one land to begin with, they can handle it. [...]

    Try being condescending when you actually have some sort of a point to bring across, child.

    I'll try. I can see why it would have been kind of confusing. I haven't been known for getting my point across right the first time. xD lol

    Anyways, as I am sure you can see armagedon holds three lands, if bushido were to attack the middle land first then we would defend full out against them, so (if) we lost to hdt we could just take the land back next weekend, but bushido has been attacking the outer lands, effectively getting us to defend/go all out more against hdt, (on the defense of course) and therefore making our numbers lack a bit at their war, (bushido's) making it easier for them to obtain a land.

    If they were to attack the middle land first when arma holds all three of them, then I am sure our leader would probably make the decision to defend against bushido. Argo leaving a lesser amount/level range to defend from HDT, and go all out on bushido. Therefore slightly increasing the the chances of HDT actually beating us.

    Hope that cleared it up... or at least made more sense. xD lol

    I still don't see how this is greedy, it seems more like a smart tactical move on Bushido's end. If you can't scrape up enough people to defend 2 territories at once, That's on Armagedon's (I giggle everytime I'm forced to misspell this name because they couldn't think of another name) misplaced ego and loudmouthed supporters/members.
    (Hi Harundil AKA "WC: It takes 10 people to kill me xDDD" (click me))

    or should that be AKA, it takes 1 Archer with PvM gear to kill you in 2 seconds. Amirite?
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    (Hi Harundil AKA "WC: It takes 10 people to kill me xDDD" (click me))

    or should that be AKA, it takes 1 Archer with PvM gear to kill you in 2 seconds. Amirite?

    LOL, He's a fail and everyone knows it.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Try being condescending when you actually have some sort of a point to bring across, child.

    I still don't see how this is greedy, it seems more like a smart tactical move on Bushido's end. If you can't scrape up enough people to defend 2 territories at once, That's on Armagedon's (I giggle everytime I'm forced to misspell this name because they couldn't think of another name) misplaced ego and loudmouthed supporters/members.
    (Hi Harundil AKA "WC: It takes 10 people to kill me xDDD" (click me))

    or should that be AKA, it takes 1 Archer with PvM gear to kill you in 2 seconds. Amirite?

    I wont deny that armagedon has some trouble makers/people with holier then thou attitudes, but each time we win or lose (if I have the money) I do try to wc and congratulate bushido for winning. (Though just about every guild has a member or two like that.) Some people are just sneakier about how they act. xD

    Though aye it is indeed a smart tactic, however as I said earlier (which I probably failed to explain correctly. xD lol) it will only be a matter of time before HDT gets fed up with getting the raw end of the deal, and stuck without ever getting a land. Being used as a tool so bushido can get the land/cash. (I know I didnt mention it later, but I did have my doubts until Victorypets (Leader? of bushido) world chatted about the unison.) Either way whether it's true or not, it is indeed a very smart tactic, for now at least. xD

    Also kardie I am guessing you are in bushido? Maybe HDT, well either way which ever one you are in, want to wish you luck, hope to meet some of you all on the battlefield. (if I can make it)

    One more thing also @Kardie, it was actually our leader choice on who to defend/the person who spoke of what I was trying to say earlier.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A gank on armagedon is probably the best chance HDT has of getting land. I don't know their exact levels and numbers, but assuming what i saw these past few months against their 1v1 Dynasty vs HDT solo battles, Dynasty just seems too strong for HDT. HDT's battles have lasted longer in their Armagedon battles versus their Dynasty battles.
  • Lightaine - Dreamweaver
    Lightaine - Dreamweaver Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1. Armagedon doesn't have 3 lands.
    2. When they did, the one that HDT attacks wasn't touching either of the other two.
    3. To say that Bushido attacked the outer land to split up Arma in whatever way you were trying to explain doesn't make sense. Bushido attacked that one since they then had a chance to take the other one without trying to go through Calamity.
    4. All TWs between those 3 factions are inconsequential and temporary.
    5. Welcome to Dreamweaver MissPsyched.