


  • VenusFox - Sanctuary
    VenusFox - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    but for the most part the human race r lazy and would rather start on top and stay there as compared to working from the bottom up, which of course would be more rewarding..
    If you look at what I said I did NOT call anyone lazy..

    In regards to the 5 minute TWs, that's just my point.. They are lame and I so miss the good TWs that lasted 2 or 3 hours specially the ones where its down to the last minutes and you're saying " OMG OMG.. we can do this!! "

    But if you think that Nef is the only faction that has high lvl ppl in it then you are mistaken.. Remember there is a limit to how many members a faction can have, Nef being a lvl 3 the limit is 200.. There is just no way you can tell me that there are only 200 lvl 85+ on this server specially when taking in the fact of the xp you receive from Bounty Hunter and Frostland and so on.. and quite honestly Nef does not recruit ppl by their lvl .. there is an application that must be filled out and that goes for returning members as well.. there is also an interview that an applicant goes thru with 2 or more nef members.. if you look at our recruitment thread and see the applications there, you will see that not all high lvl ppl are permitted to join.. we try to keep a family atmosphere in Nef and unless you're actually a member of Nef you can not judge this realistically.. Not to mention with the recent changes within Nef i'd say we are more like a family then ever... b:pleased
  • FitHitDShan - Sanctuary
    FitHitDShan - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To close, I have found that in general, many of those who claim that most Nef members currently do not "deserve" the lands they have, or credit they get, are not too well informed as to the specifics of each member's history in Nef. I simply ask that you take the bad with the good, and truly take a member's accomplishments in relation to those that have come before them. If someone has the balls to try to take credit for something they didn't do, I myself will gladly correct them.

    Number of coins Nef has distributed in the past year: ~ 50 Billion
    Number of people Nef has gone through in the past year: ~ 700
    Worth of 1 Loyal Nef Member: Priceless

    It is, indeed, a shame that so many people phrase their frustration with "Nef" as a matter of people not deserving the rewards they get. However, promoting that badly-articulated version of the concern into a straw man and then knocking it down as if that eliminates the fundamental concern itself is disingenuous. I have watched Nef for the life of the server. One of my best friends in those early days joined Nef and I did a lot of my first FBs and boss hunts with squads from Nef. It was a fun group and I always thought that if I was just a little more dedicated to levelling I might have happily taken one of those early recruiting offers (which were always at a minimum 2 levels above where I was). Those players were not mythical. I fondly remember the double squad of Nef members we had to pull together to kill Virridis because the tank needed that much healing and support from outside the squad. But, they were a faction struggling and working to make themself something just like everybody else. That, to my mind, is Nef. It is not "Nef" - the vaguely threatening force that people feel so strongly against.

    What bothers people about "Nef" is more the phenomenon that occurred after world domination became visible on the horizon rather than the members themselves or something about the faction as a faction. It is the same dysfunctional problem that has happened on every PW server ever (albeit Heaven's Tear appears to be populated by slowpokes, but they are getting there too). It is the phenomenon that the PWI staff recognized and hoped they could avoid with a few tweaks to the TW rules, but failed. Over time, a dominant faction absorbs all of the most capable players. In doing so, it sucks them out of the competition which makes the whole process even more self-reinforcing. Whether the most promising players at other factions leave to join the dominant faction or just leave altogether (or give up on things like TW and play the game differently) because they see they cannot keep up with the dominant faction, the effect is the same. Blame selfishness, a lack of coordination, or laziness if you will but it is a fact of human nature demonstrated time and again that a dominant faction in this game is an absorbing state. It is also clear (and should be completely clear to Nef's own members) that this problem of game design precludes TW from being as fun as it was when each faction had real potential and could, therefore, hold on to its most promising players.

    On our server, "Nef" is the easy name to associate with this problem. The members who left other factions because they were promising enough to become part of the winner are the specific embodiment of the problem. It's pointless to try and define a group of people who are particularly deserving of that treatment. They take grief not because of any hatred of them as players (for the most part) or their faction as a faction. Any introspective observer would have to admit that they really are no different from the rest of us. But, that does not address the fact that we can all feel a bit of rage against the phenomenon and the fact that it deprives us from having any real fun from the TW system. If we are supremely lucky, that rage might make someone like Regicide have enough cohesiveness to do something that's never been done before. I personally doubt it, but that is why I root for them (just like I rooted for Legendary) to succeed at making TW fun again.

    My apologies to anyone who has read this far and yet does not like a "wall-o-text."
    "?" IS my avatar.
  • MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
    MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you look at what I said I did NOT call anyone lazy..

    In regards to the 5 minute TWs, that's just my point.. They are lame and I so miss the good TWs that lasted 2 or 3 hours specially the ones where its down to the last minutes and you're saying " OMG OMG.. we can do this!! "

    But if you think that Nef is the only faction that has high lvl ppl in it then you are mistaken.. Remember there is a limit to how many members a faction can have, Nef being a lvl 3 the limit is 200.. There is just no way you can tell me that there are only 200 lvl 85+ on this server specially when taking in the fact of the xp you receive from Bounty Hunter and Frostland and so on.. and quite honestly Nef does not recruit ppl by their lvl .. there is an application that must be filled out and that goes for returning members as well.. there is also an interview that an applicant goes thru with 2 or more nef members.. if you look at our recruitment thread and see the applications there, you will see that not all high lvl ppl are permitted to join.. we try to keep a family atmosphere in Nef and unless you're actually a member of Nef you can not judge this realistically.. Not to mention with the recent changes within Nef i'd say we are more like a family then ever... b:pleased

    5 minute TWs are really lame, so why do people leave whatever faction they were in, and join nef for the reason of "wanting longer TWs" ? as of now, 25/50 on the level rank list are in Nefarious. The ones that are in Legendary are not playing anymore. Nef has more members to do delta with to level..just because there are probably a lot of 85+ around doesnt mean they can fight against 95+s... and people are probably thinking..
    "Why fight nef and lose when we can just try and gang up on the remaining lands that leg has"

    it just seems like people have given up on balance of the server.
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Haha Venus how long where you in nef? Your previous leader was banned for fake bidding were you on vacation that week? Sinangel read Legendary strategies on leg forums before each TW for weeks and has come out to admit it. You are way behind in all your assumptions your really need to get more into faction politics.
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    But if you think that Nef is the only faction that has high lvl ppl in it then you are mistaken.. Remember there is a limit to how many members a faction can have, Nef being a lvl 3 the limit is 200.. There is just no way you can tell me that there are only 200 lvl 85+ on this server specially when taking in the fact of the xp you receive from Bounty Hunter and Frostland and so on..

    Well of course there are many factions with level 80s and even some with 90s. The point you are missing is that nef is the only faction filled to the brim with level 85+. My faction, Enelysion, has exactly ten level 90+ and Forty level 80+ (most of which probably doesn't own the most impressive EQ) and the rest are 79 and under (going all the way down to the 50s). Does that sound like a faction that can go 3 hours with the likes of nefs superior TW experience and High refined gear?

    Now maybe Legendary and Regi have all 80+ or close to it but most of them are inexperienced and do not have great gear. Face it, nef is a joke, there shouldn't be so many "Pro" players in one faction. Most of the 90+ in nef could and should be officers in other factions prepping the the new level 80s for TWs and managing the faction.

    Please dont try to tell us nef is in the right. Even though its not against the rules it is still most certainly wrong to deprive us of the games most appealing feature. Of course we could make another faction like legendary but when I say "we" that means people from 8-10 factions leaving their factions and just joining one faction of high level strangers which Isn't and Shouldn't need to happen. Of course nef isn't responsible for killing Legendary and making several other Old players quit, we can blame the anniversary packs for that. The point is a hell of a lot of High levels quit from many factions and now the only 85+ left are all spread out with many different factions meaning there is no single faction who can take on nef for a full 3 hours (meaning even if someone does get land they will not be able to hold it)


    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You need to start a faction and conquer the map ray.

    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
    MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    its just there are many 90+s that dont like to work together..
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Not to mention with the recent changes within Nef i'd say we are more like a family then ever...

    Ofc you do , devalis is gone ; I would've held a party for days because of that b:victory .
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And to Deceptistar this thread is not like all the rest bc i wrote it and i dont write threads like this even tho ive been a member of nef for the better part of my existence on this game.. Why, bc in most cases i could care less what ppl have to say. But when a good friend of mine goes half cocked at me bc of how horrible Nef is and how all the problems that occur are due to, if not in some part by Nef and all the lands we hold.. i just got a little crazy and wanted to shout.. but the Nef clan is expected to be respectable and whether we r considered to be such by the ppl of the server may be a different thing, but i know most of us try..
    b:sweat Im pretty sure everyone thinks their threads are exceptional just like you. In other words you couldnt deal with the good AND the bad side of your friends opinion and decided to post here about 1 of the 3 most debated faction on sanctuary and expected everyone to just sit quietly and read or nod their heads in approval, because you wrote it and its *gasp* not like all the 20 others out there. Im sorry to break your blue bubble but on a public forum if a persona makes a thread, its the audience that chooses whether its different/special/exceptional/worth approving and disapproving. If you 'make' something to let everyone see in public, you are not gonna be the judge.
    One more thing to you if i may.. in all your posts a see a whole lot of quotes and other than comments belittling ppl's statements i dont really see you as saying much.. if you have something to say then plz by all means say it.. but dont just tear apart other ppls statements just so you can have the most posts on another person's thread.. Gad its like nobody can have an opinion unless its the same as yours..
    I say everything, but i do leave out some things because i dont like cussing outright (cept in fac chats) :P and half my things dont get answered because pple cant seem to sometimes. It only sounds belittling when you got too much ego than you can hold whether conscious or not. You probably dont look in the forums alot if your judging by the few sanc forum threads i post in. Im usually in the cleric and general forum posting funny things and getting legit discussions going on.
    Haha Venus how long where you in nef? Your previous leader was banned for fake bidding were you on vacation that week? Sinangel read Legendary strategies on leg forums before each TW for weeks and has come out to admit it. You are way behind in all your assumptions your really need to get more into faction politics.
    ooo.... very interesting... wonder for how long the 'reading' continued...
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    On our server, "Nef" is the easy name to associate with this problem. The members who left other factions because they were promising enough to become part of the winner are the specific embodiment of the problem. It's pointless to try and define a group of people who are particularly deserving of that treatment. They take grief not because of any hatred of them as players (for the most part) or their faction as a faction. Any introspective observer would have to admit that they really are no different from the rest of us. But, that does not address the fact that we can all feel a bit of rage against the phenomenon and the fact that it deprives us from having any real fun from the TW system. If we are supremely lucky, that rage might make someone like Regicide have enough cohesiveness to do something that's never been done before. I personally doubt it, but that is why I root for them (just like I rooted for Legendary) to succeed at making TW fun again.

    Yes, we agree. Nefarious certainly is the "easy name" for other people's lack of fun with TW, and it is easy to skip a few steps and stereotype the faction and its members. Like this:
    Please, don't try to tell us Nef is in the right. Even though its not against the rules it is still most certainly wrong to deprive us of the games most appealing feature.

    Sorry, but I did not deprive anyone intentionally of their fun. D: I would love it if we could all have fun, but were the shoe on the other foot, I am almost 100% sure that you would pick your enjoyment over mine xD.

    (Also, about faulty premises, please tell me where Nef is in the wrong before I have to prove that it is in the right =P.)

    Those who have any "rage" concerning the TW System can and should direct it to PWE through tickets and suggestion threads xD.
    It is also clear (and should be completely clear to Nef's own members) that this problem of game design precludes TW from being as fun as it was when each faction had real potential and could, therefore, hold on to its most promising players.

    That isn't so clear, and I've been here a while. I hear a common complaint in PvP servers is that the CareBears eventually win. Some people equate "Win" with "Fun", while others have a different idea of it, maybe a challenge. I've had fun in my year's worth of Nef TWs and 95% of them ended in 15 minutes or less. Presumably, if people weren't having fun, they would have quit the game/faction, (Since that is the purpose of playing) but I see many Nef members sticking around. I appreciate a challenge from time to time, but I prefer to win. I feel bad that it is not fun for the rest of you though, but again; look elsewhere to pin the blame.
    What bothers people about "Nef" is more the phenomenon that occurred after world domination became visible on the horizon rather than the members themselves or something about the faction as a faction.

    I'm just curious, but when was this horizon visible? Even during this summer there were those within the faction jumping ship, for fear it would sink to pressure from Legendary and the rest of the server. People have "seen" this since Seppuku, and since that time, Nef has been on the ropes at least 2-3 times. Apparently, it hasn't been so obvious to as much of the server as one might imagine, or they would've taken those opportunities to finish us off.
    It is the same dysfunctional problem that has happened on every PW server ever (albeit Heaven's Tear appears to be populated by slowpokes, but they are getting there too). It is the phenomenon that the PWI staff recognized and hoped they could avoid with a few tweaks to the TW rules, but failed. Over time, a dominant faction absorbs all of the most capable players. In doing so, it sucks them out of the competition which makes the whole process even more self-reinforcing. Whether the most promising players at other factions leave to join the dominant faction or just leave altogether (or give up on things like TW and play the game differently) because they see they cannot keep up with the dominant faction, the effect is the same. Blame selfishness, a lack of coordination, or laziness if you will but it is a fact of human nature demonstrated time and again that a dominant faction in this game is an absorbing state. It is also clear (and should be completely clear to Nef's own members) that this problem of game design precludes TW from being as fun as it was when each faction had real potential and could, therefore, hold on to its most promising players.

    Yes, but its the same the whole world over when you are dealing with people and politics (One of the most difficult parts of being in a big faction =/). I know of few games where the guild system doesn't benefit the biggest, fattest faction. That is not to excuse PW entirely of having a pretty bad guild war system (IMO), in relation to others, but the rules (If not the implications) were clear to all of us when we started playing. So in large part, I will gladly blame: "selfishness, a lack of coordination, [and/]or laziness". That is not to say everyone who opposes Nef is that way, because I know for instance that TheDan has been trying for a good long time. Overall though, it seems that the [Insert Social Element] of the 200 in Nef beat that of the rest of the server. (You can go ahead and pick your word, whether it be Cooperation, Tolerance, or CareBear-iness ;D.)

    I personally support changing the TW Rules (Chance of actually happening: ~0%), but while they remain what they are, I will play by those rules to the best of my ability, for my greatest possible benefit, cause that's my idea of fun. Straight from the mouth of the greatest coach ever xD: .

    Venus how long where you in Nef? Your previous leader was banned for fake bidding were you on vacation that week? Sinangel read Legendary strategies on leg forums before each TW for weeks and has come out to admit it. You are way behind in all your assumptions your really need to get more into faction politics.

    Yes, Venus was wrong in writing that no fake bid part in her original post.

    Is it evil? Maybe. I did it once, and I regret it on a moral basis, it would be one of my regrets on that "Accomplishments and Regrets" post. I left the game after that, since I was clearly taking it all too seriously.

    Is it stupid? Yes xD. I hoped that at least Devalis would have learned that lesson from me. It never works well, especially not when Nef is involved, the reason being that we get tickets submitted against us, whether we actually commit the offense or not, so the chance of getting caught is like 100%. And GMs don't even care to have that much proof, and will ban additional people even circumstantially, if it makes sense to them x3.

    So I would say that all in all, fake bidding has worked against Nef, and killed a couple of good attack weeks. I certainly wouldn't list it as a dirty tactic that helped cement Nefarious' TW dominance. If you want to claim that it was wrong, that is fair, and I accept it.

    The spying thing, I wasn't around for too much of that, and when I was, Devalis was in charge. Its not cheating according to the rules, as fake bidding is, and does add an extra element of espionage that can be fun for some. I personally wouldn't do it, because that involves a little too much deception for my taste/taking it all too seriously, but I think some people get their kicks pretending to be super spies xD.
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've had fun in my year's worth of Nef TWs and 95% of them ended in 15 minutes or less

    Ouch,you've been missing out on the real fun. I'd prefer to loose and have 2-3 hour fights than win and 5-15 min ones b:cool .
    I hear a common complaint in PvP servers is that the CareBears eventually win.

    Conqueror = carebear faction on a pvp server , perfect example. As long as there are no real rewards for pking and it's just for fun but time consuming and costly , this rule will always apply for both PVP and PVE servers. You get some chances to stop them from their lvling streak on PVP servers but if they do manage to outlvl you as a whole ,then your in for a rough time.
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sorry, but I did not deprive anyone intentionally of their fun. D: I would love it if we could all have fun, but were the shoe on the other foot, I am almost 100% sure that you would pick your enjoyment over mine xD.

    (Also, about faulty premises, please tell me where Nef is in the wrong before I have to prove that it is in the right =P.)

    Like I said before all the people who left their faction out to die,to join nef just so they can be the best, is in the wrong and I do believe that applies to quite a big number of nefs (of course this is just my opinion).

    I dunno what your goals are but I do hope that the nefs who say they love pw will eventually leave nef in an attempt to balance things out. If you don't then you will own the whole map and when that happens many will quit and many will role the new classes. You will probably have a few factions attacking you every week but don't expect a fight, expect a waste of 5 minutes of your life because that is all you will get (and this is a Fact).

    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ouch,you've been missing out on the real fun. I'd prefer to loose and have 2-3 hour fights than win and 5-15 min ones b:cool.

    Actually, I had a nameless level 60 Veno Alt in ShockWave (Way back when, when Alt Venos for grinding coins where in vogue b:cool), so I've seen some of what you might consider to be the most entertaining TWs against Legendary firsthand =P.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ooooh pictures of veno pl0x! you can blot out the name if you want, but i hear it reached sage o.o (hopefully not as angry looking as your bm b:chuckle)
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ooooh pictures of veno pl0x! you can blot out the name if you want, but i hear it reached sage o.o (hopefully not as angry looking as your bm b:chuckle)

    LOL She is sour faced too xD. I stopped leveling it at 73 or something, because I was taking care of another much cooler Veno Toy :3 that did make Sage.

    Edit: The kitten's name is original >;3.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    All these giant walls of text...

    I'm not trying to sound mean but, dont you all have something better to do?
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    LOL She is sour faced too xD. I stopped leveling it at 73 or something, because I was taking care of another much cooler Veno Toy :3 that did make Sage.

    Edit: The kitten's name is original >;3.

    oh dear! that face reminds me of Akasera b:chuckle
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    oh dear! that face reminds me of Akasera b:chuckle

    Kinda,but aka was most of the times in her fish armor (tt90 green LA) thus called Fishkasera or Akatuna <>< by some faction mates , * points at strife for the 2nd nick name*.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    oh? Aka would refuse to wear clothes to cover up that awful looking armor? also: Akatuna

    you can see me through the wing of her QQbird
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    oh? Aka would refuse to wear clothes to cover up that awful looking armor? also: Akatuna b:chuckle

    you can see me through the wing of her QQbird

    Looks like a less wrinkly Clint Eastwood that sucked on a lemon.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    hahaha you're right! but clint's just old and was probably looking into the sun, she looks more sinister, almost like she's squinting and focusing her hatred b:shocked

    i bet that look alone can flesh ream!
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Majou - Sanctuary
    Majou - Sanctuary Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Frankly i wouldnt mind attacking nef (im in regi). But it is not like nef would just give up land (as proven in the past). And to be quite honest they are just too much for us to handle. No matter how much we've grown, level gap and gear gap (does not apply to me) is just too great. Not saying this as an excuse. I am merely stating the reality of the situation. And i am not complaining at all. They have the money to become stronger, so why not use it, i know i would (if i had it b:sad).
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Frankly i wouldnt mind attacking nef (im in regi). But it is not like nef would just give up land (as proven in the past). And to be quite honest they are just too much for us to handle. No matter how much we've grown, level gap and gear gap (does not apply to me) is just too great. Not saying this as an excuse. I am merely stating the reality of the situation. And i am not complaining at all. They have the money to become stronger, so why not use it, i know i would (if i had it b:sad).

    Even if a faction was formed specifically to take down Nef, it still would not match up to Nef's gear, experience, and co-operation.

    When you have that much money, there is no competition. Plain and simple :) Legendary held off for as long as they possibly could, and did so honorably. But their eventual fate is inevitable, as most of ours is, until Nefarious grows bored and runs out of land.

    This thread seems more to me that certain...people, are upset no one has paid attention to them lately. :)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Bobbyjoe - Sanctuary
    Bobbyjoe - Sanctuary Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is my drunk 3 am IMO

    MOST of you didnt win ****. When I was in Nef I didnt feel like I won **** other than the lands we won while I was there. Most people in Nef wasnt even there till Nef controlled Majority of the map.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    .....................................good lord that pic reminds me of Saitada.....
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • tatu3110
    tatu3110 Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I accept nef is strong but not cause they got cash shoppers....... Templar would have still been in outlaw if he hadnt gone to nef cause of pockey dont forget that and there are many more. If nef is still in place its cause of the foundation Sasaky Falls had made long time back devalis also did a nice job but devalis got too many bad rumros against him unlike any other leader of nef. You also cant deny the fact that IF aka still was leader of leg and PWI didnt start this stupid event Leg would still have been strong very strong. as for regi i have been saying this in all other posts that regi is and has the power but still TheDan needs to learn tons of more stuff before he can prepare regicide for TW. Just knowing the TW bidding alog doesnt mean u have a priority. regi got 2 lands now i would love to see if it can defend 2 lands at the same time if they pull that through then 1 month or 2 month down the line with the same members regi can be a eligible for TW against Nef.

    in the recent past ShockWave have proven to be a threat to outlaw when it still had 3-4 lands. 23 ppl against 60 outlaw and they did quiet well till outlaw had pulled in re reinforcement (as told by a friend). Outlaw at that point of time was way stronger gear wise lvl wise and also member wise.

    i heard a few leg people complaining that Templar and BigP got 30k + hp which i think is a full feldged rumor. but yeah there skills are also incomparable. This doesnt imply this there arent any better well there are barbs who can do as well as them why not work on them ? you all talk bout level gap but i thought delta was cracked and ppl are doing regular delta ??

    well anyways. as of what i think regicide still needs to sort out tons of stuff if am not mistaken though dan might deny it, obvious for a leader. but i kind of dont care cause i say what i know and think is right and if there is anything wrong do change it for me. anyways hf all
  • VenusFox - Sanctuary
    VenusFox - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is my drunk 3 am IMO

    MOST of you didnt win ****. When I was in Nef I didnt feel like I won **** other than the lands we won while I was there. Most people in Nef wasnt even there till Nef controlled Majority of the map.

    I can understand how you'd feel that way.. im looking at the the Nef forum which showins you filled out your app for Nef on January 18th.. Then i see a post saying you left and to be removed from the forum on February 17th.. You were in there for just about a month.. So yea I can understand how you'd feel like you didnt win "****".
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tatu3110 wrote: »
    I accept nef is strong but not cause they got cash shoppers....... Templar would have still been in outlaw if he hadnt gone to nef cause of pockey dont forget that and there are many more. If nef is still in place its cause of the foundation Sasaky Falls had made long time back devalis also did a nice job but devalis got too many bad rumros against him unlike any other leader of nef. You also cant deny the fact that IF aka still was leader of leg and PWI didnt start this stupid event Leg would still have been strong very strong. as for regi i have been saying this in all other posts that regi is and has the power but still TheDan needs to learn tons of more stuff before he can prepare regicide for TW. Just knowing the TW bidding alog doesnt mean u have a priority. regi got 2 lands now i would love to see if it can defend 2 lands at the same time if they pull that through then 1 month or 2 month down the line with the same members regi can be a eligible for TW against Nef.

    in the recent past ShockWave have proven to be a threat to outlaw when it still had 3-4 lands. 23 ppl against 60 outlaw and they did quiet well till outlaw had pulled in re reinforcement (as told by a friend). Outlaw at that point of time was way stronger gear wise lvl wise and also member wise.

    i heard a few leg people complaining that Templar and BigP got 30k + hp which i think is a full feldged rumor. but yeah there skills are also incomparable. This doesnt imply this there arent any better well there are barbs who can do as well as them why not work on them ? you all talk bout level gap but i thought delta was cracked and ppl are doing regular delta ??

    well anyways. as of what i think regicide still needs to sort out tons of stuff if am not mistaken though dan might deny it, obvious for a leader. but i kind of dont care cause i say what i know and think is right and if there is anything wrong do change it for me. anyways hf all

    Well I'm always going to be honest about things, I have no reason to lie or deny. Problems don't get resolved by ignoring them, I'm not ashamed if we're not up to par to the greatest factions of Sanctuary yet, but I can acclaim that we've worked hard to catch up. I just always tend to be positive about things; as always, suggestions, ideas, and positive criticism are always welcome. I'm not denying the mechanics of our faction are changing a bit. And with greater power comes greater responsibility. Regicide has never owned more than 2 lands at once(AKA never needed a pay system). So we are still a faction in development. Some time I'd gladly donate to improve on certain areas, which I won't go into detail on our personal affairs.

    Obviously the Nefarious Barbs have gotten a lot stronger in terms of survivability(but so have our barbs). The counter balance to that is that we've been closing in the level gaps. Where their gear might have gotten better, their level does not move. The damage reduction becomes minimal and our DPS increasing rapidly with new strengths we acquire by overcoming obstacles we've been meaning to address. Whereas the rest of the server may have given up I still think that we have a chance given there is a lot of opportunity to take advantage of right now.
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  • tatu3110
    tatu3110 Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    dear Dan dont take it that am blindly supporting Nef and suppressing Regicide. i accept that Regicide has evolved during these years... but there are a few stuff u still need to take care of and you are working on it but yeah you wanna be at par with nef u need to over come those probs. your probs are not very important but yet harmfull.And dont forget ur biggest threat will be when nef has wiped of legendary from the map and its only u and nef .. would you be able to hold long as legendary ?? i mean look at it this way ur the 3rd colour but is it of any use if u cant maintain it ?? i mean this is for those legendary people who left leg and joined regicide...its partially cause of you all that regi got land first cuase u made regi strong and leg more weaker but if u did help regicide why cudnt u help legendary ? i mean what u are doing in regicide you can do it in legendary too......

    at the end nice job regicide keep the spirit up
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tatu3110 wrote: »
    i accept that Regicide has evolved during these years...

    Yes....all these years. Seeing as it hasn't even been a year for Regicide yet.