This is why heavens tear is failing



  • Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I did mention apothecary pots, but what I meant somewhere in all of that text, is that charms are more reliable than pots. I guess with the pots you can choose when you want it to only complaint with charms is that it fills up at 75% instead of 50%..and also idk..with pots the cooldown's just kill me. In the time when I could wait until the timer has cooled down, I could be out killing x amount of mobs.

    Whats your real lvl anyway because at lvl 20, i don't think you have to grind that much.

    I like my BM avatar, so uhm... This is my LVL lol. I mainly use life powders, focus powders and dew of Rival protection (this one for AOE). So HP charm is pretty much useless since I regen a lot of HP already and for MP powder, I can just spam on for 10 minutes each

    Nyan nyan nyan nyan.
  • Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    @Quilue : yeah the charm price is taken into account..but most time a tw is, is for 3 hours, I've had weekends where we would have at least 2 full 3 hour tw, and yes the charms go out so quickly..I dont even want to know what the cata parties(barbs) went though. About midway through, a good number of member ran out of charms and were rushing to buy some. But anyway, 3 hour tw's are rare now on this server(Lost City). Usually the tw ends in about an 1hour and a half or less, but idk about your server. My charm(full) only goes down maybe 100k or 200k(idk about the barbs). But yeah, I guess depending on who is fighting it could vary on how much charms are being used.

    You should do like me and hide in the lake down "a" route. My charms seem to last a long time in there b:chuckle
  • Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    david12345 wrote: »

    This has GOT to be the hardest lol on PWI Forums. but its so freaking true!

    Now, i agree to all those who think that gold is insanely high, and according to the pic, JJ was the biggest gold price fail, with Anni Packs to stack.

    I also agree to the awesome alternatives given here, because heres the
    benefits of Apothecary Skill...

    1) You dont have to buy pots, and its the easiest class to level.
    2) The Apothecary Pots are much better, as they have great bonuses, like
    invincibility ones, fast health regens, HP/MP Regen Buffs (Life Powders), -50% Channelling, and a great variety of others. The only one to REALLY defeat this is Jiaozi and Yuanaxiao (?).
    3) Farming gives exp, so it can be a great alternative to grind.
    4) Its good for cash making, but this is arguable. (i tend to succeed)

    Now the disadvantages...

    1) HIGHLY TIME CONSUMING. unless you buy the herbs (which is totally stupid. theyre all over the place)
    2) There are level limits on certain herbs to farm and pots.

    As you can see, Apothecary is probably the BEST money saving on pots, and can prove better than charms (i stopped charms when i got Apo lv4). IF you disagree, leave it to messages plz.

    (to reiterate) Apothecary is worth the time because the Pots are much better than the basic one like Condensed Health Potion. for those who still want gold, get a job b:chuckle
    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    so play a little more before you talk. try pvping w/ 100k GAs and 1m charms. i wonder how much charm you'd burn in a week at higher lvls; wanna reach into your wallet everytime for that? don't pvp? dont tw? dont know what a charm is? then you wouldn't know why people are so pissed. even in pve, people burn charms running instances and keeping certain spells up, it's pretty much a must for certain classes. not everyone who left are f2p. some probably realized they spend more money here than in a p2p game. hope you figure that out soon enough.

    and for those who think the game is very much alive...well...going to be as alive as certain other versions of pw i guess

    b:laugh LMAO .... FAIL b:laugh
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) Too lazy to fill out your registration. First time poster on the site, only came here to whine.

    2) You either believe that no one else over the last 4 months has dared bring up the subject of inflated Gold prices, or you believe that somehow *your* take on it will change everything.

    3) Too lazy to search the forum to see what others have said about the problem, how long it had been going on, and the GM's *repeated* response to these complaints.

    It's all here. Multiple times. If you bother to look, there are scores of people here who have said the same things, made the same pronouncements, and ranted in the same fashion.

    You came here to vent, you have vented thus, you have stated you don't play here anymore.

    What do you want from us? Armed Revolution?

    Why are you here, instead of the forums of the game you *are* playing?


    Wow, still an Idiot. Im impressed that you can count to 3 though.

    1)Never had a NEED to fill out a registration, still dont.

    2)In the last 4 months, gold was never 400k.

    3)I had no need to search through old topics to post what I wanted to say.

    4)You must be racking up in AH these days or my comments wouldnt really bother you.

    If you would read through EVERYONES opinion you would see that im not alone in my thoughts which is also why this post isnt on page one anymore. You are so bold to ask "what do you want from us?", do you really feel you speak for more than just yourself? Is it really up to you to protect pwi's good name with the commonwealth? If im just a repeat of everyone else's cries then why are you so compelled to keep replying?

    In case you havent noticed Redmenace, this thread has now gone beyond my mere whining and has actually had other members offer viable solutions to a problem that the majority agree exist. It's ashame that actual pwi staff isnt here to discuss it but i guess they sent you in their place right? What do you bring to the table?

    Interesting enough, my 1 "rant" with my "unregistered" image has created more thought, idea, suggestion and sensible debate than anything you've ever done.

    So Mr Redmenace, you are hereby releaved of your obligation to reply to my simple repeated cry of desperation. I ask nothing of you nor do i expect you to answer on anyone else's behalf. You have accomplished nothing but to help keep my thread bumped up so i can at least thank you for that.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    As a cleric, i can burn through a spirit charm in no time via all the methods mentioned already. TT, TW, WB, grinding and keeping tanks like Yulk alive, thus saving their charm. Apoth products are decent with the exception that Coraline mentioned, cool down. Event pots are no doubt best option when available but its a catch 22 to get them. I have apoth 5 and i certainly use it but again theres somethings that pots just arent quite good enough for. Pots suck for TW, hands down. Pots suck for world bosses when your a healer, no doubt. Then theres PvP, if you do PvP then i need not say more.
  • Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This has GOT to be the hardest lol on PWI Forums. but its so freaking true!

    Now, i agree to all those who think that gold is insanely high, and according to the pic, JJ was the biggest gold price fail, with Anni Packs to stack.

    I also agree to the awesome alternatives given here, because heres the
    benefits of Apothecary Skill...

    1) You dont have to buy pots, and its the easiest class to level.
    2) The Apothecary Pots are much better, as they have great bonuses, like
    invincibility ones, fast health regens, HP/MP Regen Buffs (Life Powders), -50% Channelling, and a great variety of others. The only one to REALLY defeat this is Jiaozi and Yuanaxiao (?).
    3) Farming gives exp, so it can be a great alternative to grind.
    4) Its good for cash making, but this is arguable. (i tend to succeed)

    Now the disadvantages...

    1) HIGHLY TIME CONSUMING. unless you buy the herbs (which is totally stupid. theyre all over the place)
    2) There are level limits on certain herbs to farm and pots.

    As you can see, Apothecary is probably the BEST money saving on pots, and can prove better than charms (i stopped charms when i got Apo lv4). IF you disagree, leave it to messages plz.

    (to reiterate) Apothecary is worth the time because the Pots are much better than the basic one like Condensed Health Potion. for those who still want gold, get a job b:chuckle

    HAHAHA DUDE NICE!b:chuckle
  • Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    liljim wrote: »
    4)You must be racking up in AH these days or my comments wouldnt really bother you.

    I respect both sides' opinions until this point comes up. When someone is actively trying to anger the other side they'll "assume" that the other side is benefiting and that's why they're arguing, i.e. people accusing others of putting their catshops on top of NPCs because they were arguing for the right to put catshops wherever they'd like.

    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    liljim wrote: »
    Wow, still an Idiot. Im impressed that you can count to 3 though.

    1)Never had a NEED to fill out a registration, still dont.

    2)In the last 4 months, gold was never 400k.

    3)I had no need to search through old topics to post what I wanted to say.

    4)You must be racking up in AH these days or my comments wouldnt really bother you.

    If you would read through EVERYONES opinion you would see that im not alone in my thoughts which is also why this post isnt on page one anymore. You are so bold to ask "what do you want from us?", do you really feel you speak for more than just yourself? Is it really up to you to protect pwi's good name with the commonwealth? If im just a repeat of everyone else's cries then why are you so compelled to keep replying?

    In case you havent noticed Redmenace, this thread has now gone beyond my mere whining and has actually had other members offer viable solutions to a problem that the majority agree exist. It's ashame that actual pwi staff isnt here to discuss it but i guess they sent you in their place right? What do you bring to the table?

    Interesting enough, my 1 "rant" with my "unregistered" image has created more thought, idea, suggestion and sensible debate than anything you've ever done.

    So Mr Redmenace, you are hereby releaved of your obligation to reply to my simple repeated cry of desperation. I ask nothing of you nor do i expect you to answer on anyone else's behalf. You have accomplished nothing but to help keep my thread bumped up so i can at least thank you for that.

    1) No, you don't *need* to. But it's helpful for the rest of *us*, to know what char you play, and what server you're on, to understand who you are and where you are.

    That and *I* have my name on these messages. People who disagree with me can find me and argue with me in-game. My name is up there, which means I not afraid to stand behind my opinions. You choose to stick with "anonymous". That way, you don't ever have to deal with the consequences of your opinions.

    2) Gold has been inflated for at least 4 months - even if it hasn't been at 400k, and if you look (which I know you won't) people were screaming cold bloody murder on *this* forum about how this was going to destroy this game, and how they were gonna leave right now unless someone fixed it. This is what my comment was referring to - this is not a new thought, and you are not the only one to say it.

    But now that I've seen your follow up comments, I now believe you not only have the solution, but PWI is actually going to shut the servers down on your advice. I'm sure they've recognized the futility of saving this game, and already have plans to pack it in.

    *If Only I Had Listened!*

    3)So happy you were able to drop in *your* "ME TOO" before you left.

    4) Wow. I guess you've caught me there. 16X posts in 6 months - I've really been trolling the forums and posting "hahaha lol" in every conversation, just to get my massive post count up. I SURRENDER!

    I actually have read the other messages in this thread and agree with some of them. It's all academic though - we can sit here all day and create as many ways to solve World Hunger as we like, but that has no effect on PWI or what they do, or when they do it, nor do the Board of Directors of the company patiently filter through this message board looking for the solution to their problems.

    This conversation is just as pointless as the 200 others before it, as is trying to apply some sense of perspective to people who *need* to whine.

    But thank you for coming back, again and again, to the game you have quit, in order to respond to my messages, to lovingly tend to the Users Revolution you helped spawn, and to relieve my of my duty to make sense of the world.

    You are truly a prince.


    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    liljim wrote: »
    As a cleric, i can burn through a spirit charm in no time via all the methods mentioned already. TT, TW, WB, grinding and keeping tanks like Yulk alive, thus saving their charm. Apoth products are decent with the exception that Coraline mentioned, cool down. Event pots are no doubt best option when available but its a catch 22 to get them.
    The nice thing to do is to give whatever Cleric is helping out a big stack of Sesames. They only cost about 300 each during Jolly Jones, and there were tons of surplus available for dirt cheap.
    liljim wrote: »
    In case you havent noticed Redmenace, this thread has now gone beyond my mere whining and has actually had other members offer viable solutions to a problem that the majority agree exist.
    There's only a problem for people who feel a need to use Charms. I have faction mates who shrug off suggestions to use pots/apoth/Genie etc..., and insist that that's too much trouble. They then gripe that Charms are too expensive. So I just shrug and roll my eyes and let them believe what they want.

    Meanwhile, since I do all the things listed in this thread to protect/minimize Charm use, then I really don't see a problem with them being 1, 2, or even 3 or more million each. They last forever and are just for emergencies. I used to blow through 1 of each type every 2 weeks or so when they were cheap, but now that they aren't I'm still not paying any more overall because the alternatives are cheap too.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You should do like me and hide in the lake down "a" route. My charms seem to last a long time in there b:chuckle

    And I even seen him do a TT run with a barb without a HP charm while he was BBing and healing without a Mana Charm, including wurlord.... And nobody got killed.... Just took some planning before each boss.


    I do TT runs 1-3 thourgh 2-3 all the time with a barb without HP charm and with Cleric without mana charm, and we kill every boss.... It just requires planning.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And I even seen him do a TT run with a barb without a HP charm while he was BBing and healing without a Mana Charm, including wurlord.... And nobody got killed.... Just took some planning before each boss.


    I do TT runs 1-3 thourgh 2-3 all the time with a barb without HP charm and with Cleric without mana charm, and we kill every boss.... It just requires planning.

    Well, your level is 83... Do you have an herc? Think you can TW/PvP with just a fly?

    @everyone; This argument about how you don't need charms is just silly, half the posters aren't even 60. To access most of the content you can't substitute charms with pots/apo items because you need BOTH. All you people bragging about how acomplished your gameplay is lemme ask, do you run your fbs with squads your own level? Did you have all of your TT gear as soon as you got to 70? Do you challenge yourselves doing higher level bosses/runs?

    Ofc you really don't need to run FC anymore, its gotten nerfed anyway... And why run TT when it's easier to just grind coin to buy the mats? So, let's see, you don't pvp, don't run instances and you get higher levels to do you culti bosses... which leaves you with just grinding and dailies i guess. I mean Dragon Temple is basically PvP and you need a lot of coin to do the cube and let's not even get into how most people don't even try to TW anymore. So basically a couple of quests per lvl, a lot of grinding and WQ, CS and wined BH which really must be the highlight of your day... Am i forgetting something? refining your gear maybe? Yea, i can see people not needing gold if all they ever do is grinding/farming, maybe running easy instances for their level...

  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People that say you NEED the cash shop to do things in this game never bothered to really try without it.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People that say you NEED the cash shop to do things in this game never bothered to really try without it.

    Really don't mean to start a flame war with you, but i seem to remember you having a different opinion on the veno forums...or is herc not a cash shop pet anymore?
  • Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    calavera wrote: »
    All you people bragging about how acomplished your gameplay is lemme ask, do you run your fbs with squads your own level? Did you have all of your TT gear as soon as you got to 70? Do you challenge yourselves doing higher level bosses/runs?
    There's no denying Charms let you do more. The question is why some people consider them absolutely essential.

    As you point out, you can challenge yourself by doing FBs at lower levels, or with lesser gear, or against higher level bosses. But that's no different than doing things without Charms.

    My only experience being Charmless is way back in FB19, where my girlfriend and I did FB19 at level 24. We died right at the end, and it's probably true that two charmless noobs, who didn't know what they were doing (like not knowing you could pull 1 mob at a time and so having to take on 3 at once), probably could have succeeded if we had just had Charms.

    But then again, having 6 people instead of 2 would have been even better, so Charms weren't essential there either.

    Nowadays I always have a Charm, but I do everything I can to prevent it from triggering. If it was up to me I'd actually prefer if the game did not have Charms at all, because they do seem like their main design purpose is to be a PvP money sink, or a PvE poor-play-enabling money-sink. But since they're in the game I might as well make use of them.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Redmenace wrote:
    This conversation is just as pointless as the 200 others before it
    Yet again you are compelled to participate in "pointless" conversation, simply fascinating.

    congrads on having your own opinion though, isnt it nice?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There's no denying Charms let you do more. The question is why some people consider them absolutely essential.

    As you point out, you can challenge yourself by doing FBs at lower levels, or with lesser gear, or against higher level bosses. But that's no different than doing things without Charms.

    My only experience being Charmless is way back in FB19, where my girlfriend and I did FB19 at level 24. We died right at the end, and it's probably true that two charmless noobs, who didn't know what they were doing (like not knowing you could pull 1 mob at a time and so having to take on 3 at once), probably could have succeeded if we had just had Charms.

    But then again, having 6 people instead of 2 would have been even better, so Charms weren't essential there either.

    Nowadays I always have a Charm, but I do everything I can to prevent it from triggering. If it was up to me I'd actually prefer if the game did not have Charms at all, because they do seem like their main design purpose is to be a PvP money sink, or a PvE poor-play-enabling money-sink. But since they're in the game I might as well make use of them.

    Come on man, you're smarter than that. What i meant to say is that if you're willing to miss a large part of the game's content (like PvP) yes, then you can say you can "play" without gold, although i don't really see the fun in doing nothing but grinding... And don't take it personal if i say i don't care for people who brag about the ways they've found to deal with higher gold prices, even you admit its affected you and by your own admission you're good at buying/reselling "playing the market" your average player isn't. People have to both give up on perks like fashion or mounts and grind/farm 2-3 times longer just to keep up. The irony is now that you can level at a much faster pace you'll be broke most of the time. New players may not know any better but we do.

    Time is the most valuable of all resources you can put in this game and for people that don't charge zen the amount of time they must spend on dull tasks has now become ridiculous. Yes, you can do a lot of things without charms or good gear but the extra 20-40 mins you'll need to find a "mature" squad adds on top of that. You'll now be missing half of the game's content, spend more than half of your logged on time bored and even if you manage to somehow cope, you know that good gear and fun stuff like TW is out of your reach.

    I do remember a time when charging $30 a month was more than enough to have everything you wanted, not anymore. Ofc people that haven't charged a dime in this game don't mind about price hikes, apparently they don't even mind that they get pwned by people who haven't played longer than weeks... guess what? You're all customers! You all deserve a fair chance, regardless of wether you put in money or not. Games are about skill and fun, not putting in enough logged in time that this becomes a second job, just so a few players can use you a target practice or look down on you as noobish cuz every single goal you could work at they get handed down. geez...
  • Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    calavera wrote: »
    (sniped to save space)---Games are about skill and fun, not putting in enough logged in time that this becomes a second job, just so a few players can use you a target practice or look down on you as noobish cuz every single goal you could work at they get handed down. geez...

    youre right on man. All three posts you made in here are the truth. Straight out. Bookmarked.

    Thats exactly what happens in a non cash shoppers day, and thats exactly their feelings, and that is exactly how others treat them and view them. I know cause that is my personal experience on this game.

    I love the grind. I do it for hours. if I didn't this game would have NOTHING, nothing at all for me. I can run TT and FB without charm np. Being a PvE player you get really good against the computer and playing your role in a party. The thing is that it costs so much compared to the reward that its actually cheaper to just buy the mats like you say.

    So I dont run TT. Infact I gave up on it altogher, I dont even need any of those equips, cause like you say most of your day is doing dailies, grinding, and farming. I dont help as much as I would like either cause of the costs. I help only once per day. No one calls on a barb or a cleric to do anything cheap.
    "Let's all be reasonable here. PWI hasn't fully kept their word about anything since the "Permanent" Charm Packs. This is just another example. We should be used to it by now." -Isala
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    anybody remember pwi advertising their game as having 100k gold??? lulz
  • Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    malator wrote: »
    anybody remember pwi advertising their game as having 100k gold??? lulz

    b:dirty 100k.....*looks at her mp-charm* T_T.....getting pills....
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Aquilonian wrote:
    No one calls on a barb or a cleric to do anything cheap.
    I very much agree
    calavera wrote:
    Ofc people that haven't charged a dime in this game don't mind about price hikes
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    calavera wrote: »
    Well, your level is 83... Do you have an herc? Think you can TW/PvP with just a fly?


    Let me answer those:
    TT runs with the charmless cleric and barb: I use a scorpion with debuffs, it is a far better DD than the herc, and it lets me DD on top of it as well. Herc is not the best DD debuffer pet in game...... For general physical mobs inside I use a golem, since it holds aggro much better, and for magic ones I use the herc. For bosses with strong AOEs I use the herc as well, so I do not have to keep reviving the scorpion/golem. Some bosses, if the barb wants to save on repairs, and if we are not in hurry, we have the herc tank them, but if it is a speed run, other pets are used for the majority of the killings.
    TWs: Sawfly is doing ok in TWs, I end up with about 1-1 kill ratios. In TWs, I use my fly to kill the phoenixes as I debuff the players, my role is as a debuffer in the squads I play (I have maxed out debuffs), so fly is doing great. The ocasional veno that decides to res her phoenix in from of me goes down nicely to the sawfly. With other players within the same level range, it is pretty close and it can go either way. (exception is HA venos.. but those are just a all around pain in the tush).
    Dragon Temple I use a plumfish now, used to use a turtle. I die and I kill, not a big deal.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Let me answer those:
    TT runs with the charmless cleric and barb: I use a scorpion with debuffs, it is a far better DD than the herc, and it lets me DD on top of it as well. Herc is not the best DD debuffer pet in game...... For general physical mobs inside I use a golem, since it holds aggro much better, and for magic ones I use the herc. For bosses with strong AOEs I use the herc as well, so I do not have to keep reviving the scorpion/golem. Some bosses, if the barb wants to save on repairs, and if we are not in hurry, we have the herc tank them, but if it is a speed run, other pets are used for the majority of the killings.
    TWs: Sawfly is doing ok in TWs, I end up with about 1-1 kill ratios. In TWs, I use my fly to kill the phoenixes as I debuff the players, my role is as a debuffer in the squads I play (I have maxed out debuffs), so fly is doing great. The ocasional veno that decides to res her phoenix in from of me goes down nicely to the sawfly. With other players within the same level range, it is pretty close and it can go either way. (exception is HA venos.. but those are just a all around pain in the tush).
    Dragon Temple I use a plumfish now, used to use a turtle. I die and I kill, not a big deal.

    I respect that you use a fly for TW as it can be very efective, but it's really not a nix is it? FACT; Not the best pet you could have. Scorp is, for the purpose that you use it for, i'll grant you that. With all due respect, venos have no need for charms unless they PvP (Do you TW without charms?) so unless you have an alt in any other class you really wouldn't know. If you go back to read my posts (i really don't feel like repeating myself) my point was not that you couldn't do without charms, but that a large part of the content would be missed without CS items. If you play with a good enough squad that you can handle TT 2-x uncharmed, now imagine what you could do if you had them.

    If you do Dragon Temple on a regular basis chances are your plump fish has maxed flesh ream. It's called being competitive. You wouldn't give up a gameplay advantage if you had one, would you? You amp and spark when the cooldown is up. I wasn't so much comenting on your personal style of play but making a point. I wouldn't believe you if you told me no one in your faction has ever suggested you should get a phoenix. If you told me you've never been rejected by a squad for not having an herc it just means you only squad with your friends. Do I agree with such attitudes? NO. Best venos i've met are the ones that don't use legendary pets, they usually go out of their way to get the job done instead of just healing their pet/throwing random scarabs.

    If your point is gold prices don't affect you, i'm sorry but i disagree, they very much matter. And handing free xp, endgame gear and whatever other whatnot to CS users matters as well. Interested in FC runs? probly won't get to do more than one or two the way things stand now. RB? charmless and without an herc? Your friends really must like you...
  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    When I do rebirth its sometimes with random people and they could not care less what pet I use, or if I even use one at all. My constant barrage of noxious gas, malefic crush, parasitic nova and fox myriad rainbow is more than enough for any group I've been with.

    Charm? What's that? I don't use them when I grind, I don't use them when I run RB, TT, FC. I don't even use a charm in TW. They have a hard enough time killing me without one.b:chuckle

    I find it fun being chased around by 2 high level blademasters stunning me and beating on me but not being able to kill me when I can't even heal myself. Flesh ream and blazing scarab on me at the same time? Sorry, not good enough.b:victory
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    calavera wrote: »
    If you play with a good enough squad that you can handle TT 2-x uncharmed, now imagine what you could do if you had them.
    I understand where you're coming from, and it reminds me of a disagreement I had with a faction mate-regarding playing styles.

    He believed in a constant focus on leveling, because by his logic it meant he could get to the fun stuff faster. I have no problem with that, except when he would try to pressure me to play like him.

    My personal feeling is that in these kinds of game you never actually make progress. Every time you get a bit stronger the game just gets a bit tougher. So that's why I'm not in any hurry, because it's a never-ending treadmill that only offers an illusion of progress.

    Granted, that means I've already conceded I'm not going to be a top PvP player, but that's OK to me because I don't have the time to dedicate to that goal anyway. In the meantime, I enjoy that fact that much higher level players keep trying, and failing, to ambush and kill me. Yes, I admit they're better than me, but it's kinda fun to be an under-dog, even if a "victory" for me means simply surviving. That's a segment of the game's content that my friend is missing out, but I suppose to each his own.
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I find it fun being chased around by 2 high level blademasters stunning me and beating on me but not being able to kill me when I can't even heal myself. Flesh ream and blazing scarab on me at the same time? Sorry, not good enough.b:victory
    Ok, leaving aside the whole "venos don't need charms" thing, didn't you use to be miss pking=murder? I know i must've missed something, was it funny? You seem to imply you actually turn pk mode on.

    My personal feeling is that in these kinds of game you never actually make progress. Every time you get a bit stronger the game just gets a bit tougher. So that's why I'm not in any hurry, because it's a never-ending treadmill that only offers an illusion of progress.


    Dude, i mostly don't agree with you but i must say i respect your philosophy.
  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you had read my post you would see I was talking about TW. TW is not pk because there are no monsters and no distractions.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you had read my post you would see I was talking about TW. TW is not pk because there are no monsters and no distractions.

    LOL i c, would you at least grant me most mortals wouldn't TW without charms? I know it may come off a bit sarcastic but really, you have an absolutely unique way of playing...
  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    calavera wrote: »
    LOL i c, would you at least grant me most mortals wouldn't TW without charms? I know it may come off a bit sarcastic but really, you have an absolutely unique way of playing...

    I've always said it. The BEST way to learn how to play your class well is to NOT use your advantages and find out how to survive/win anyway. My bird does not have flesh ream, I don't use charms, I often pvp/TW petless and I've been known to tank high level bosses in foxform including the debuffer in frost and general wurlord in TT 2-3. Yeah wurlord killed me (of course) but I held him off long enough for the tank to get a res.

    That is what makes me so tough in the game.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've always said it. The BEST way to learn how to play your class well is to NOT use your advantages and find out how to survive/win anyway. My bird does not have flesh ream, I don't use charms, I often pvp/TW petless and I've been known to tank high level bosses in foxform including the debuffer in frost and general wurlord in TT 2-3. Yeah wurlord killed me (of course) but I held him off long enough for the tank to get a res.

    That is what makes me so tough in the game.


    youd get rolled in 2 seconds by any half decent pker in PvP. come meet me at west gate, ill show you
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

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