Harshlands economy



  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    our economy is in the toilet BUT YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVERRRR YOU LIIIIKEEEEE
  • Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sadly i have to say your right, its a rich mans game. i've been farming HH for almost 2 months. and now u have SOTK and others running with them? what kind of lame sh"tuff" is that? so lame.. o wells i guess ill get mine when i get it.

    LOL - poor tekki has no gx?
    but what? always the best armor, highest refinements and most expensive shards in it?
    rly..i see no reason for you to complain about this 'rich-man-game'
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    most things i have i earned//worked for and farmed for months now someone who doesnt prolly know what belial even looks like runs around with GX? b:surrender
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    most things i have i earned//worked for and farmed for months now someone who doesnt prolly know what belial even looks like runs around with GX? b:surrender

    even if it is tekkblade, his point still stands correct
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    most things i have i earned//worked for and farmed for months now someone who doesnt prolly know what belial even looks like runs around with GX? b:surrender

    So constantly WC'ing "Buying beast shell 10m each" etc etc etc is working hard for months to get? I find that hard to believe.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Another broken F2P flushed down the toilet.

    It's all about making profits before they know they are hosed down by competition, just that the rate they are going down is faster.

    Simple marketing, hosed everyone fast and hose the game after b:thanks
    PWI - retired.
    JD - retiring Sept 22nd.b:shocked
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    b:sad I can't believe in the few months I've played this the economy has been becoming sky rocking high. And I can understand now why the upper levels (even the highest!!!!!!!) are quitting... I mean look at it, people worked hard to get there, now lower levels are just...

    Sadly to admit, I do buy gold, but only to buy presents for people, clothes, telecoustics, and my mount... Just stuff to have fun with like everyone used to. There is no stupid anniversary packs with my idea of fun.

    b:cry I wish PWI would stop with the anniversary presents, apologize to people who already bought or wished to buy them, stop with the extension and everything else and work on the game itself since its full of glitches and everything. But I know that will never happen probably... b:sad

    So yeah......... b:sad
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    to late for aniversery packs to departure b:surrender
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    to late for aniversery packs to departure b:surrender

    ....... are you serious? can't they just apologize? b:cry I don't want this game to go down because of this!
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There is a huge problem here.

    They should rename the game from 'free' to


    Seriously. PWI is getting greedy...the business idea was awesome at the beginning, but it got way over limits.

    In other games you see gold-sellers, in this game PWI is the gold-seller.

    Great business idea! Except if you really think that everyone will spend several thousand dollars on a game.
    Worse if you are making it so, that those that do, have a clear advantage.

    Dunno who is making the quarterly goals, but someone is gonna hit a wall with their face real hard very soon.
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    omfg IXTA where have you been damnit!

    I log in once a week for tw and still never see you QQ

    O and i agree with what you said.
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've played many "so called" F2P MMO's before and I really thought at the start PWI wasn't in it for the money alone like most of them. Mostly since you could buy gold with in game money.

    But after all the negative outcry that the jolly jones event got I wouldn't think that they would bring it back. But they did just because the first one boosted sales of gold astronomically. Then they show such disrespect to the people that devoted time and in most cases lots of money to get the good gear and good weapons by just handing them out to anybody with a dollar in hand. In the end they get money hungry and greedy and it destroys the game.
  • Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've played many "so called" F2P MMO's before and I really thought at the start PWI wasn't in it for the money alone like most of them. Mostly since you could buy gold with in game money.

    But after all the negative outcry that the jolly jones event got I wouldn't think that they would bring it back. But they did just because the first one boosted sales of gold astronomically. Then they show such disrespect to the people that devoted time and in most cases lots of money to get the good gear and good weapons by just handing them out to anybody with a dollar in hand. In the end they get money hungry and greedy and it destroys the game.

    I agree with most things u said but the fact that they r bringing new content shows that they also want to make the game better for the players nd while this is a game for us, for em is more then a game, for em this is a business that can give money.
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I agree with most things u said but the fact that they r bringing new content shows that they also want to make the game better for the players nd while this is a game for us, for em is more then a game, for em this is a business that can give money.

    You should make a poll debating whether or not we agree or disagree with you.
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    b:tired dont worry, all the cash shoppers have no skills because they all suck b:surrender
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    In my opinion, there should be a way of getting hp and mp charms without relying on gold since they r a very important at high levels pvp wise and pve wise. There should be alternate ways of getting very important items like perfect hammer for example. Only with gold is greatly limitating the player in a free to play game.
    An example of alternate ways on the game, are the flying mounts and riding mounts. Every1 gets a flying mount at level 30 but its not that fast comparing to the boutique ones, and every1 can get a riding mount spending 2mil. b:victory
    b:victory b:victory b:victory
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    omfg IXTA where have you been damnit!

    I log in once a week for tw and still never see you QQ

    O and i agree with what you said.

    Hey Martin bro.. yeah I've been offline and not leveling up. This thing called RL needed me..

    But, I, two-shot it, so I'm half back...
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sadly i have to say your right, its a rich mans game. i've been farming HH for almost 2 months. and now u have SOTK and others running with them? what kind of lame sh"tuff" is that? so lame.. o wells i guess ill get mine when i get it.

    I see that you still have yet to take my advice on a method of relaxation. If twinkies are not your style there are always ho ho's as well as king dons. If you gourging yourself till you are 500 lbs does not suit your fancy, you could always find a hobby to reduce the stress of the game that is perfect world.

    Might I suggest to you the prospect of lifting weights until you can no longer move your arms from the sheer bulk of them. Or maybe you would prefer to carouse about the town with various women fullfilling your hormonal urges. If all else fails you could just sit in your room and watch beaches with a fellow pmsing lady friend.

    Lastly in regards to cash shopping gear, is your pride sorely defeated since you did not have the ability to cash all the gear you wanted? or perhaps you wasted all your tokens of dumb luck on oracles to level instead of on chips to get those pretty blue axes that every WB dreams of someday gasping in the brilliance that is GX. Oh wait those are warriors. Stick to your 50000 hp build and tank the server in a massive pk fight that doesn't exist.

    While your at it if you're going to slate other people for cash shop please remember that people in glass houses dare not throw stones, and that karmic justice has a funny way of eating pompous cows like yourself.

    BTW if you wondered why the entire server just can't stand you, its because you just can't seem to ever shut that gigantic hole that sits at the bottom of your face. Maybe just maybe if you had the ability to think before you speak you would gain some measure of peace and quiet from all those who heckle your every word. Sadly I fear this is just not meant to be.

    PS. why are you so concerned with Tams and her GX anyway? I heard 50 usd can get them for you just fine, and seeing as you've spent clearly x4 that on this event i can't particularly see why you have anyone to **** and moan about to except yourself. So perhaps you really should curl up with a fellow female who's being visited by aunt irma, have a big girls night out and watch beaches together after all. Or you could just have that twinkie i suggested so long ago
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Nei Turn It On


  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    OH EM GEE, that post was so long I fell a sleep twice, then I gave up b:surrender

    Although, I probably would pay $1 to see the conversations between Nei and SOTK, SOTK being BR and Nei with his/her long speeches and poor SOTK not understanding half of what Nei is saying. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.b:laugh
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    iam007 wrote: »
    OH EM GEE, that post was so long I fell a sleep twice, then I gave up b:surrender

    Although, I probably would pay $1 to see the conversations between Nei and SOTK, SOTK being BR and Nei with his/her long speeches and poor SOTK not understanding half of what Nei is saying. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.b:laugh

    Secret agent man. Secret agent man. They've given you a number and taken away your name
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sadly i have to say your right, its a rich mans game. i've been farming HH for almost 2 months. and now u have SOTK and others running with them? what kind of lame sh"tuff" is that? so lame.. o wells i guess ill get mine when i get it.

    OH THE IRONY. Says the CS'er running around with Warsong neck/belt obtained from over 9000 anniversary packs. Just keep trollin' tho.

    Edit: Nei gb2 Vaizel i wanna go rifting soon.
    Nova - Marksman / Bard
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    narc0tix wrote: »
    OH THE IRONY. Says the CS'er running around with Warsong neck/belt obtained from over 9000 anniversary packs. Just keep trollin' tho.

    Edit: Nei gb2 Vaizel i wanna go rifting soon.

    i heard vaizel is down right now guy
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've played many "so called" F2P MMO's before and I really thought at the start PWI wasn't in it for the money alone like most of them. Mostly since you could buy gold with in game money.

    But after all the negative outcry that the jolly jones event got I wouldn't think that they would bring it back. But they did just because the first one boosted sales of gold astronomically. Then they show such disrespect to the people that devoted time and in most cases lots of money to get the good gear and good weapons by just handing them out to anybody with a dollar in hand. In the end they get money hungry and greedy and it destroys the game.

    <.< wow.......... so logical! b:shocked b:cry wish pwi would stop this!
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    <3 sin for solo rifting :3 too bad b0en made us go EU b:chuckle
  • Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    roll US servers when retail comes out b:laugh

    my elyos sorc ownss youuuu
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    roll US servers when retail comes out b:laugh

    my elyos sorc ownss youuuu

    My cleric would outheal you like a prob:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My glad would own nooberr but boon and nurfed would peace me out due to no stun or CC b:surrender
    Nova - Marksman / Bard
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    nah sin peaces out sorc, at least at this lowbie level cap, aethertwisting and focused evasion mean i don't get CC'd, also the dash attack just counters the teleport. can lame glads by kiting for cd on focused evasion <3
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    l2 hit 50 endgame with endgame gear before theory crafting thx


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