9/5/2009 - Legendary Vs Nefarious @ Archosaur

MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
So I just wanna address a few things:

1. first off, Nefarious practically beat us one on one, a clean win, no cheat or hax involved, so i better not see anyone talking trash abt this, even my own LG members. For the LG ppl, if you wanna talk trash abt nef, go back to LG forum n do it there.

2. for those of you who WCed y is LG letting Nef beat us n take over the whole map. First of all, we didnt LET nef beat us. As i stated above, they beat us cleanly, and we believe that we did ours best to defend. Enough said there. And for the 2nd part, we arent the one letting nef take over the map, YOU r.

Y, if i counted right, there's 15 total attacks this week, 14 on LG, n 1 on Nef, which btw is declared by LG if u didnt notice. For those of you who doesnt know, the defending side has a much better advantage over the attacking side. And if u have been following the server's TW, LG is losing defense wars to nef, so if we cant defend against em, u'd wonder how r we gonna beat em on offense. So since we r getting owned by Nef so badly, looks like ANYBODY on the server can beat us rite? Well we see from last week, there was that triple attack from Regi, Recluse, and Nef. As one would have expected, Nef won pretty quickly, but Regi and Recluse came out with, you know it, nothing. O yea srry but i forgot to mention the fact that Regi and Recluse also came out with nothing working with us. So from this pattern, we can see that other factions, even teamed up with nef, doesnt get a piece of LG, but yea on the other hand, Nef, of course, gets one new land every single week. Simple logic? The 14 attacks on LG this week just sent us a msg - hey LG, we are from the server, n we want you guys to lose. Srry but we dont quite need that, we r losing anyways regardless if the other 13 factions attack or not. But wat i wanna say here is, y ask us y r we losing, if the server wants us to lose to begin with?

O btw, I have been a carebear since the new patch came out, so rather the server goes all red or not doesnt really concern me. But i definitely wish you all a happy red sanctuary.
Post edited by MiStAiSa - Sanctuary on


  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    We didn't get any attack this week hun. Just Leg got. Nor Leg bid on us this weekend.
  • MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
    MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol srry but i m too much of a carebear to even know if my own faction attacked or not, i just assumed. I guess mb we will attack again when more of these other factions bid on us so we get 500k from somewhere to declare an attack.
  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well, the sad thing, with it, is that the chalenge is going away... I had much more fun in the first tws Leg x Nef, with 3 hours long and none getting nothing than is the last ones... Idk, after this patching the feeling I have is that the server and the PWI is going bye bye...

    This confront Leg x Nef (besides all the trash talking and the dirty behaviour from both side, because yes, there are things from Nefarious that I don't agree either and even me have done some BS) was very healthy and exciting in the beginning.

    I miss it...

  • Nassinew - Sanctuary
    Nassinew - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the 3 hour tw's were fun, probably the most fun i'd ever had in a TW if im honest ( still hate kaggy!! she killed me more than any1 else) after a while it got a bit boring and repetive, so im glad it changed, going from lg winning, to you winning, to lg winning to you winning.. well now its just u guys wiinning, so gratz to you guys, u pulled ur act together and got the job done.

    Sad to see leg lose arch thou D< when we worked so hard to get it b:cry
  • Templar - Sanctuary
    Templar - Sanctuary Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i respect my enemy LG ( hate wizards tho :P ) we had so much in past , shame that new patch come out it ruined a lot of balance. I hope u guys pull together so we can have some TW action in future.

    TBH i would be most happy if we could all fit in 1 guild:) and dont fight anymore

    gm's alove 400 man per guild b:bye
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Past few weeks have been clean win's. Nef has clearly overtaking the concept of TW and are more or less impeding it through the win of 1 land a week from leg. Wars with u guys are becoming pointless on my end just a charm burn and as we all know there not cheap anymore. So either it ends soon and u become passive or u leave leg where they are now..... if u continue to fight plz fight to clear the last 14 lands don't be egotistical and leave leg with a land or 2 like they do on LC. b:victory

    On a side note GL to the other TW factions who will continue to attempt to take land from leg as we dwindle down. b:dirty we all love this patch b:dirty
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No Templar. Don't wish that to be happened b:angry. Because if it did, there will be another Steel. Not that i dislike Steel, i loved my Steel. It's because that when the 2 biggest guilds come altogether, there will be drama which none of us wants. And i'm wondering how much charm u used with ur hp b:cute
    I'll be watching TW after this weekend. I hope and will be glad if there will be another Steel or another power (like Regicide) will stand up and make TW more interesting. To me, i'm done with TW
  • Wizeleven - Lost City
    Wizeleven - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wow LG has become pathetic or maybe they always were and did a splendid job of hiding it. The amount of LG crying "Y U ATTACK US" is pretty hilarious given the faction being one of the main proponents in the Outlaw mass attack demise. Its basically the same thing happening now, they are only 2 factions on the map and one is clearly weaker than the next. People will always play the odds in their favor, so ur being attacked, its that simple. Do you LG members believe the "noob" factions as u declared them in your world chat whinefest after the archo lost, think for a moment any land won from ur faction wont eventually be snatched up by nef. Duh, with the amount of money these losers have dished out they'lll take the map sooner or later anyway. People are just having fun before such a circumstance occurs. Your attidude will also make it more fun for these "noob" factions as the mass quitting occurs within ur faction with each nef lost.
  • Earcher - Sanctuary
    Earcher - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well whats the big problem from the patch that causes so many ppl to leave?
    Elfen Lied is my life
  • imakeyouqq
    imakeyouqq Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well whats the big problem from the patch that causes so many ppl to leave?

    Ask around,check our forums,other server forums,general forums(mainly) and you'll find out.
    Wow LG has become pathetic or maybe they always were and did a splendid job of hiding it. The amount of LG crying "Y U ATTACK US" is pretty hilarious given the faction being one of the main proponents in the Outlaw mass attack demise. Its basically the same thing happening now, they are only 2 factions on the map and one is clearly weaker than the next. People will always play the odds in their favor, so ur being attacked, its that simple. Do you LG members believe the "noob" factions as u declared them in your world chat whinefest after the archo lost, think for a moment any land won from ur faction wont eventually be snatched up by nef. Duh, with the amount of money these losers have dished out they'lll take the map sooner or later anyway. People are just having fun before such a circumstance occurs. Your attidude will also make it more fun for these "noob" factions as the mass quitting occurs within ur faction with each nef lost.

    Well I won't log in to tell that,at best I'll just log to send leave an in-game msg to some ppl and that's it so can't say I know what's happening in wc anymore.
    But I've said it once,I'll say it again : there shouldn't be anymore TW-related drama . Game's over,we(leg) lost to it; we can fight nef but we can't fight PWE. That's all there is to it.

  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well whats the big problem from the patch that causes so many ppl to leave?

    are you back playing time game?
  • MiStAiSa - Sanctuary
    MiStAiSa - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wow LG has become pathetic or maybe they always were and did a splendid job of hiding it. The amount of LG crying "Y U ATTACK US" is pretty hilarious given the faction being one of the main proponents in the Outlaw mass attack demise. Its basically the same thing happening now, they are only 2 factions on the map and one is clearly weaker than the next. People will always play the odds in their favor, so ur being attacked, its that simple. Do you LG members believe the "noob" factions as u declared them in your world chat whinefest after the archo lost, think for a moment any land won from ur faction wont eventually be snatched up by nef. Duh, with the amount of money these losers have dished out they'lll take the map sooner or later anyway. People are just having fun before such a circumstance occurs. Your attidude will also make it more fun for these "noob" factions as the mass quitting occurs within ur faction with each nef lost.

    first you have to understand the idea that we DO NOT n WILL NOT mind any faction attack us, as we have proved that Nef is the only one that can beat us atm, no offense but Regi and Rec couldnt do it even when they were slotted in with nef. So the more attack we get, the more practically 'free money' we receive, good for compensating the 10mil we lose every week. All we wanna say is that if u guys dont do anything about nef, dont blame us (LG) for letting Nef take over the map, at least we have guts to fight against em, do you?

    And btw, i think you are getting the idea pretty wrong on the 'quiting' problems in LG. As a really long term LG members (o yes i been to every big tw since LG vs SW), i will admit the fact that we do have ppl leaving the faction for nef or just leaving becuz we lost to nef. However, these r individual cases. We did not collapse or mass quit becuz we lose to nef, or LG would have collapsed when Etherblade fell. I m proud to say it, and this is the reason y i m in LG: We dont quit becuz we lose lands. If u are thinking of the current game-quitting drama, or like in my case, becoming a carebear in LG, it is definitely not becuz we lost land. It is all abt the new patch. Most in LG are non CS users, and ppl like U would not have any idea how much time we spend on gettng our gears and stuffs.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    are you back playing time game?

    are you back playing time game? you can tell that evga got very excited at the thought of earcher coming back. so excited that the words back, playing, time, and game were probably shot out as if evga didn't even get the chance to organize her thoughts properly. b:chuckle
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Time to turn a page and see what happens next.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • TheHunter_ - Sanctuary
    TheHunter_ - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tht miriam (or w/e her name was - who rly remembers? ) still around..? i rly thought nef is mature and swiftly kicks out of faction if some1 trashtalks on WC or other bublic channels (including pwi forums)...but guess she made tht[removed] for officer she can do it...

    i was wittnessing yesterday how she announced in WC how she gonna kill her guildmate!! O.o which is also forbidden in nef...and if u guys dont believe me..i have screenies of this! i wud post those here but i dunno how!b:surrender i can mail em tho to whoever wants! it just makes me angry always when i see tht person (or her name or avatar) anywhere...nothing personal to u mirrie but u just trashtalk too much and u r in guild tht shud not allow tht...

    i wonder how blind nef's officers r? or am i just only1 who have noticed this?
  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok Mr Hunter.... let's do it for parts...

    1. It's MIRIADE and if you have ss you can learn to right my name in a correct way.

    2. You made an offensive accusation and you know this have consequenses. If I was you I would learn to respect ppl and do not accuse they of things they do not do. Ofc was sent a ticket, not by me. But by my bf, who first saw it.

    3. What I talk about my guildmates it's a problem just inside Nefarious, if you don't like, bl me, but stop disturbing yourself with it. Actually I guess you like to bring drama.

    4. Everyone inside Nefarious knows what happened and knows that what happened and what I said was a joke. You are not in Nefarious, so you cannot talk nothing. There are tons of ppl trash talking in wc these days, worst things than what i've done. So why don't you go complain about every single person? What is your problem against me?

    5. Black list me. Is the better thing you can do. But stop coming in forums to offend me. This is ridiculous. I do not offend anyone here in forums. So what is your problem? When I offended you, btw?

    6. NecroRaider, just to let everyone know, it's, in game, my little brother and he made a big BS yesterday, what was kinda funny. The whole guild was laughling a lot cause of happened. I just used wc because he is my little brother and also becuase BS concerns to me. Every single pm I got yesterday was ppl having fun with the situation. And thanks, i didn't get any stupid pm.

    7. If you're not an Nef officer you cannot come here and start disturbing yourself and other ppl with this sort of comment. Better you pay attention.

    8. Ah! And btw I am an Nef officer, and like this I know I cannot kill a guildmate in any situation, so yes, that was a joke and everyone knows that.

    9. If you have some big problem, send a ticket for gms.
  • imakeyouqq
    imakeyouqq Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Lol >>> this is getting kinda off topic .
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wish we could BL people on forums.
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wish we could BL people on forums.

    You can. Click persons avatar, next to send message button in red is the user list, click user list, then click add to ignore list and done.
  • wraithkiller69
    wraithkiller69 Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok Mr Hunter.... let's do it for parts...

    1. It's MIRIADE and if you have ss you can learn to right my name in a correct way.

    2. You made an offensive accusation and you know this have consequenses. If I was you I would learn to respect ppl and do not accuse they of things they do not do. Ofc was sent a ticket, not by me. But by my bf, who first saw it.

    3. What I talk about my guildmates it's a problem just inside Nefarious, if you don't like, bl me, but stop disturbing yourself with it. Actually I guess you like to bring drama.

    4. Everyone inside Nefarious knows what happened and knows that what happened and what I said was a joke. You are not in Nefarious, so you cannot talk nothing. There are tons of ppl trash talking in wc these days, worst things than what i've done. So why don't you go complain about every single person? What is your problem against me?

    5. Black list me. Is the better thing you can do. But stop coming in forums to offend me. This is ridiculous. I do not offend anyone here in forums. So what is your problem? When I offended you, btw?

    6. NecroRaider, just to let everyone know, it's, in game, my little brother and he made a big BS yesterday, what was kinda funny. The whole guild was laughling a lot cause of happened. I just used wc because he is my little brother and also becuase BS concerns to me. Every single pm I got yesterday was ppl having fun with the situation. And thanks, i didn't get any stupid pm.

    7. If you're not an Nef officer you cannot come here and start disturbing yourself and other ppl with this sort of comment. Better you pay attention.

    8. Ah! And btw I am an Nef officer, and like this I know I cannot kill a guildmate in any situation, so yes, that was a joke and everyone knows that.

    9. If you have some big problem, send a ticket for gms.

    Good job ignoring the trash talk=Kick comment b:chuckle
  • TheHunter_ - Sanctuary
    TheHunter_ - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You can. Click persons avatar, next to send message button in red is the user list, click user list, then click add to ignore list and done.

    ty vm i BL'd tht mirium
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok Mr Hunter.... let's do it for parts...

    1. It's MIRIADE and if you have ss you can learn to right my name in a correct way.

    It's WRITE. If you have a brain, you can learn to spell it correctly.

    2. You made an offensive accusation and you know this have consequenses. If I was you I would learn to respect ppl and do not accuse they of things they do not do. Ofc was sent a ticket, not by me. But by my bf, who first saw it.

    I've been reading all the threads, everyday, as they're made, including all the new posts, and alot of people have problems with you. No point in acting innocent. =D

    3. What I talk about my guildmates it's a problem just inside Nefarious, if you don't like, bl me, but stop disturbing yourself with it. Actually I guess you like to bring drama.

    Everyone loves drama. Indirectly or not. It adds a spark to the game, that isn't there when everyone's all lovey dovey.

    4. Everyone inside Nefarious knows what happened and knows that what happened and what I said was a joke. You are not in Nefarious, so you cannot talk nothing. There are tons of ppl trash talking in wc these days, worst things than what i've done. So why don't you go complain about every single person? What is your problem against me?

    He WAS in Nefarious. You mean just cause someone leaves Nefarious, everything they say is void? What's stopping him from having friends in Nefarious?

    5. Black list me. Is the better thing you can do. But stop coming in forums to offend me. This is ridiculous. I do not offend anyone here in forums. So what is your problem? When I offended you, btw?

    Y'know what's ridiculous? all the b!tchy whining you do on the forums. I can't say anything regarding you ingame, as I haven't played in ages, however, I can point it out as I see it. You're a tard, you whine, you ****, you hate on people with a difference of opinion regarding Nefarious, and you're always trying to indirectly belittle Legendary.

    6. NecroRaider, just to let everyone know, it's, in game, my little brother and he made a big BS yesterday, what was kinda funny. The whole guild was laughling a lot cause of happened. I just used wc because he is my little brother and also becuase BS concerns to me. Every single pm I got yesterday was ppl having fun with the situation. And thanks, i didn't get any stupid pm.

    My attention **** sense is tingling..

    7. If you're not an Nef officer you cannot come here and start disturbing yourself and other ppl with this sort of comment. Better you pay attention.

    Wait, back up a bit. Nefarious officers are now allowed to come into PWI Public Forums and start disturbing the other people that play the game, with ***** like this? Seriously? Wow, how degrading. I wonder what happened to the officers from Nefarious I used to be friends with, and respect.. Oh yeah, they left PWI as well. b:chuckle

    8. Ah! And btw I am an Nef officer, and like this I know I cannot kill a guildmate in any situation, so yes, that was a joke and everyone knows that.

    Yup, you are a Nefarious officer, and you set a fine example of the kind of Faction Nefarious has become! Kudos!

    9. If you have some big problem, send a ticket for gms.

    I used to really like Nefarious. I had loads of friends in there, and the Faction was so respectable. Sas > Falls held it together so well. To be honest, I preferred Nefarious over Legendary, even though I had some friends in Legendary. (Ayano, Vincent, er.. few others I don't remember anymore lol). Anyway, even though it looks like Nefarious is pwning Legendary nowadays, the fallen titan is, in actuality, Nefarious. They lost their core, and all respect they once had. Legendary, although a buncha tards, retained their respect, and for the most part, their core, up until the end. Kudos to you guys. b:victory
  • Kabrinski - Sanctuary
    Kabrinski - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    edited out
  • Devalis - Sanctuary
    Devalis - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I used to really like Nefarious. I had loads of friends in there, and the Faction was so respectable. Sas > Falls held it together so well. To be honest, I preferred Nefarious over Legendary, even though I had some friends in Legendary. (Ayano, Vincent, er.. few others I don't remember anymore lol). Anyway, even though it looks like Nefarious is pwning Legendary nowadays, the fallen titan is, in actuality, Nefarious. They lost their core, and all respect they once had. Legendary, although a buncha tards, retained their respect, and for the most part, their core, up until the end. Kudos to you guys. b:victory

    Honestly Asch, do you have nothing better to do than belittle people? I expected more from you. A shame.

    Legendary has lost a lot of their original players too. I used to see heaps of new Legendary members every day, and I was always amazed at how I'd keep running across them, having never seen them before.

    If you really need that ego boost pushing someone around, give me a try. At the very least, you can leave Miriade out of the crossfire.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you really need that ego boost pushing someone around, give me a try. At the very least, you can leave Miriade out of the crossfire.
    Im not gonna side with anyone here but uh............. you need to post and read here often, pple dont attract attention by just posting once or twice, hell even i dont get bashed that much on this forum and look how much posts I have...
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    wtf miriade why the **** cant u stop your whining and rants ... is there a psychotic prob with u ?? i mean that **** hat of a leader devalis asking members to leave cause his ingame wifey is upset with them proved what he is.. and u i care a sht bout what u are or nef officers are i mean seriously most of the time i was in nef i had devalis on bl cause he was an **** and trust me many more ... and a leader who makes comments like i could have made Stoned_guy pull a cat much better than Templar and BeastLeO isnt even worthy of being a leader you makeda bought ur way into nef cause our leader was tradable... u were always an attention grabing whiny **** in the game.... been a big time noob... i still dont understand that though being a healer to the cat puller u never healed the barb pulling cat but was too focused on ur hubby dear ... seriously you all got coins = uber lunar stuff. thats all you got. brains = 0 atleast for u devalis and makeda.... did u know that other than those whom u have bought all others hate you no matter they dont come on the forums... i mean seirously miri i left game and am happy i dont have to see ur face everyday it was annoying really annoying ... for a change try to be a female human being rather than being a female animal (guess u know what i meant)

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    riginal players too. I used to see heaps of new Legendary members every day, and I was always amazed at how I'd keep running across them, having never seen them before.

    what did u do to nef ?? how many old school nef are there in nef u got a bunch of jokers standing there all faction hoppers and money hungry assess doesnt mind wasting a charm in TW but will be there for pay .....

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • Devalis - Sanctuary
    Devalis - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    wtf miriade why the **** cant u stop your whining and rants ... is there a psychotic prob with u ?? i mean that **** hat of a leader devalis asking members to leave cause his ingame wifey is upset with them proved what he is.. and u i care a sht bout what u are or nef officers are i mean seriously most of the time i was in nef i had devalis on bl cause he was an **** and trust me many more ... and a leader who makes comments like i could have made Stoned_guy pull a cat much better than Templar and BeastLeO isnt even worthy of being a leader you makeda bought ur way into nef cause our leader was tradable... u were always an attention grabing whiny **** in the game.... been a big time noob... i still dont understand that though being a healer to the cat puller u never healed the barb pulling cat but was too focused on ur hubby dear ... seriously you all got coins = uber lunar stuff. thats all you got. brains = 0 atleast for u devalis and makeda.... did u know that other than those whom u have bought all others hate you no matter they dont come on the forums... i mean seirously miri i left game and am happy i dont have to see ur face everyday it was annoying really annoying ... for a change try to be a female human being rather than being a female animal (guess u know what i meant)

    Herne, you asked me if I should dismiss you, and I did. Instead of taking it nicely, you chose to complain and flame. Frankly, I'm glad I did, because you should be angry at me, not her.

    Take it out on me, Herne.

    Do your worst.
  • Vahnhalia - Sanctuary
    Vahnhalia - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tht miriam (or w/e her name was - who rly remembers? ) still around..? i rly thought nef is mature and swiftly kicks out of faction if some1 trashtalks on WC or other bublic channels (including pwi forums)...but guess she made tht good pixelblowjob for officer she can do it...

    i was wittnessing yesterday how she announced in WC how she gonna kill her guildmate!! O.o which is also forbidden in nef...and if u guys dont believe me..i have screenies of this! i wud post those here but i dunno how!b:surrender i can mail em tho to whoever wants! it just makes me angry always when i see tht person (or her name or avatar) anywhere...nothing personal to u mirrie but u just trashtalk too much and u r in guild tht shud not allow tht...

    i wonder how blind nef's officers r? or am i just only1 who have noticed this?

    You pathetic little slime. Your gutter mouth needs to be slapped along with your mother's for not teaching you better. You call her a trash talker???? That's all you do. You better learn to respect people that are higher class and more powerful than you are, or you will probably end up dead or in jail.

    Miri is an Angel and we in Nef respect her and love her!! b:kiss b:chuckle b:victory

    Herne, if you want to call names you need to look over at Rox. I used to think of you as a friend, but I just can't call someone a friend that would say such trashy things. Please stop.
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    wow wat a nice show by all neffies guarding there guardian angel ?? lol w/e to all others thats what the most powerfull faction on PWI is made of judge urself ...

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
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