New Races/classes!!



  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Wow, I wonder if I should ask for this to be stickied? It's really popular!
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Being a writer I would share some ideas but pretty well any race I've come up with would be reserved for my story :/ kinda sucks but I really don't want to give away my ideas... Especially if they're any good.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • sephy287
    sephy287 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    To sephy287:

    appologies!!, i dont want to sound like i was ripping you off b:shutup

    i just NOW saw your post about merpeople.
    needless to say thats the first thing that came to my mind when i read this thread too lol

    Dont worry bout it list your ideas too, you might have something different/better than my ideas. I wouldnt consider it ripping me off just cause you have a simmilar idea, lol and I wouldn't blame you if you didnt see mine at first since its kinda long. Game Design was my major and char developement and balancing was my favorite part so Im just tossing ideas ( I do tend to get a bit long winded sometimes), personaly I prefer when someone adds things it makes it better thats why I just put down some base ideas for skills, so by all means post whatever you want, it makes for good discussion.
  • dane12
    dane12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    how about a a Chinese samurai with quick attacks and speed faster than other characters and some awesome skills
  • marcus208
    marcus208 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    how about a stealth class for all of the races. like a panther for the untamed. a ninja or assassin for humans. and a rogue elf. they could use daggers and have higher speed than other classes. they could be invisible and jump higher
  • NoFearZ - Lost City
    NoFearZ - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    this game is based off of chinese mythology try making up ideas from that.

    I think they should add a monk class you know use ground fisting blow's to enemies the skills would have healing abilities,stun, raise dmg, sorta stuff like that related to all that mythology stuff
  • Belokk - Sanctuary
    Belokk - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    New Race -The Corrupt

    When the Wraith invaded the world of Pangu, there were a few brave warriors from all the races who united under one flag to defend themselves. They engaged the Wraith while the capital cities were still reluctantly forming their alliances. These were the most righteous of them all, and they were also the first to be killed. The Wraith were impressed by the bravery of these martyrs and tried to corrupt them with hatred and evil towards their cowardly brethren. However, they resisted, escaping the cluthes of the Wraith and forming colonies on the outermost reaches of Pangu. They are feared and distrusted by most, and many of them are questioning their loyalty to Pangu. But most are willing to continue fighting for good, knowing that they have nothing left to lose...

    [The Corrupt exist in both genders and look humanoid, except that some have tattered wings and tails, and some even have fur, owed to their original genetic composition. They are covered with various symbols and tatoos, and have pale or blue-tinged skin, all signs of wraith "uncleanliness".]

    Coming up with new classes is harder than it sounds. Why? Because all the good ones are taken! Maybe a melee magic user? I dunno. But if anyone can top my race idea and add some classes, go for it! Post your ideas too!

    GIEF playable demons b:angry
  • Revens - Dreamweaver
    Revens - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    add a wraith class with its own unique quests and territories making it a seperate factions
  • Zaw - Heavens Tear
    Zaw - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If we could get enough supporters im sure this could happen ^_^
    lol yeah u got my support ^^
    not sure what good it'll do tho lol
    i love the idea of having more races/classes :)
    instead of the same 3 races and the same 9 classes -.-
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Huh, I like the mechanic idea! Fighting with technology would be cool. But maybe it should be a human subclass. Or you could add debuffing to gnomes and then add it to them too!

    Sticky please!!
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • Nehemiah - Harshlands
    Nehemiah - Harshlands Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    A dagger user like a ninja/assasin
    barbs need shields
    a magic using swordsman
    a mass debuffer/lesser magician
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    While I don't think any of these ideas will be used, some of them are really good, and look like they could be interesting. Anyway, here's my attempt at a new race and its classes.

    New Race: Elementals
    They're relatives of genies, and come from the same place they do. They are mostly humanoid, and lack the ability to fly, but they do have features related to the elements, such as fire for hair, or having metallic skin. Since the genies have come to help fight, these guys decided to follow suit, and help the mortal races fight the wraiths. Opening area would either be in the elemental world, crossing over to Pangu around lvl 20 or so, or make an island or another mildly remote area where they made a settlement in the mortal world.

    Summoner: Able to call on the essences of the elements, they can not only use spells of all elements like the other races, but can also call on the spirits of the elements to help them. These spirits would act like veno pets, but only stay around temporarily, and gain bonuses depending on the environment (i.e water spirit would get a boost while swimming, and the wood spirit would get stronger in a forest area).

    Guardian: A defensive specialist, they can take massive amounts of damage without any trouble. They can buff themselves and party members very well, giving massive pdef and mdef boosts. They can attract attention from enemies so well, that if used correctly, no other party member can take the aggro off them. While having little to no direct offensive abilities, they do gain the ability to reflect damage, both magical and physical, back onto the enemy, and can use their own energies to make the reflected attack stronger than it otherwise would be, even going so far as to change the affinity of the attack.

    I'm not sure what they would use for flying mounts. Maybe they could use the genies to help them fly, or use a spirit type thing.
    Be nice to people
  • matokni55
    matokni55 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ok how bout: during a great volcanic eruption near city of the lost all was well lost for the untamed race, the only chance of survival was EVOLUTION, some evolved into creatures(dont know how could they look use ur imagination) who could witstand great heats and others developed falcon like wings wich allowed them to fly out of dangers(both male and female)b:laugh
  • Caseyd - Dreamweaver
    Caseyd - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    undead or zombie would be cool. they could be samuris(like rogues or ninjas with steallth melee) or necromancer.(debuffing and drain magic attacks) and this would go with the ancient japan or china game setting and rly be sweet.(the apparence would be bad posture and deteriating skin.) b:victoryb:victoryb:victory

    (deteriate~to decompose) ...(idk if i spelled it right lolb:chuckle)

  • Caseyd - Dreamweaver
    Caseyd - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    maybe u can choose the height of your character in the upcoming patch? that would be great. so no one is rly the same height which would make them more uniqueb:victoryb:victoryb:victory

  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well this was fun while it lasted.

    New challenge: Anyone wanna do fan art of your new idea for a race/class?
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • Venacious - Harshlands
    Venacious - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There are so many premade classes out in the MMO world to be honest, if the game creators wanted new classes they could easily find some, Look at W.o.W for instance. Many classes that are shown up in many other games. Warhammer is like the off-brand of the W.o.W classes. Oblivion has a newer look to the Class making and great design, Maybe if the GMs could impliment the classes from previous games, and change a few things such as detailability much like what they have, and so on, It wouldn't take much to make a new grp of classes.
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    an undead race : the undead are skeleton and have skeleton wings.thay are sprits that are stuck in this world damed to make up for thar past sins.thay are of both male and female and have only one class witch is necromancer! necromancers are vary powerful dark wizerds.necromances can cast spell useing aney wapon thay cuose equll t the damage shown o wapon if a magical wapon is used to cast the spell it is equll to the both amonts added togather.

    the roge race : he roge race is a mix betwen he untamed an the elf. in witch thay have simaller featchers such as thay are wide and bullkey like the nutamed aswall as short like the elf and tha have fury wings.

    Dworf race: you guyshave a human an elfand untamed but no Dworf why?

    anyways the dworf is short and fat thay have longbeards this gos for both male and female.(sorry girls in old lore dworfen weman had longer beards than the males it is sade that the males needd some thing to holed on to lol )dworfs use havey wapons suchas axes, clubs and hammers.dworfs can be all class's and have vary strong magic but thay do not know thay have it .aswal Dworfs are skilled in makeing wapons and armors.

    sorry if i spelled things wrang i have bad spelling!

    wall that wus easy i could go on if i wanted to but i am good.

    this is bowan saying stay high and ceap playing
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i cant make art for my races but i have the ideas th conts for some thing ah smoke weed 420
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    a new class the glatator class thay us all wapons but not magic wapons and have a starting pet of a puppy and thay can only have one pet
  • Venacious - Harshlands
    Venacious - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    bowan wrote: »
    a new class the glatator class thay us all wapons but not magic wapons Why would you make even MORE items that are un useable for certaint classes?
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    No dont make new wapons use the ones that we allraedy have but the glatator class only uses the wapons that we all ready have made up all but the magical wapons
    i only post this because i have all ways wated to use swords but bo not want thave to be a blade master
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    an undead race : the undead are skeleton and have skeleton wings.thay are sprits that are stuck in this world damed to make up for thar past sins.thay are of both male and female and have only one class witch is necromancer! necromancers are vary powerful dark wizerds.necromances can cast spell useing aney wapon thay cuose equll t the damage shown on wapon if a magical wapon is used to cast the spell it is equll to the both amonts added togather.

    the roge race : he roge race is a mix betwen he untamed an the elf. in witch thay have simaller featchers such as thay are wide and bullkey like the nutamed aswall as short like the elf and tha have fury wings.

    Dworf race: you guyshave a human an elfand untamed but no Dworf why?

    anyways the dworf is short and fat thay have longbeards this gos for both male and female.(sorry girls in old lore dworfen weman had longer beards than the males it is sade that the males needd some thing to holed on to lol )dworfs use havey wapons suchas axes, clubs and hammers.dworfs can be all class's and have vary strong magic but thay do not know thay have it .aswal Dworfs are skilled in makeing wapons and armors.

    sorry if i spelled things wrang i have bad spelling!

    wall that wus easy i could go on if i wanted to but i am good.

    this is bowan saying stay high and ceap playing
  • Soumissed - Heavens Tear
    Soumissed - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    shapeshifter class: why not make a class where similar to untamed but can transform into any mobs there at their lvl so it would be like tauroc slave vs tauroc slave and make it so u can walk while transformed
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I believe when they say "race" they really mean "species"... and since Vikings are human... you can simply accomplish Vikings by allowing the character creator to give human characters big beards and more body hair and muscle... and make helmets actually be visible on the character model in game... or just implement Water Buffalo/Ox/Bull Barbarians

    Also you don't need to worry about the relevance to Chinese Mythology... I'm pretty certain totem poles and robots (the Mecha-crab enemies and this one NPC I saw calling itself a Summonobot XXL) were not part of Chinese mythology, yet there they are in the game anyway, on that note... From now on I'm referring to the game world as "Ancient NOTChina"

    robots may not be in thar mythology but it is in thar caltur but yes the vikings were humas so i dont think that will work
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    shapeshifter Class: Why Not Make A Class Where Similar To Untamed But Can Transform Into Any Mobs There At Their Lvl So It Would Be Like Tauroc Slave Vs Tauroc Slave And Make It So U Can Walk While Transformed

    That Is A Good Idea But I Think You Shued Just Look Lke Tham Not Take On Thar Skills Or Strangth
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    And What About A Dworf Race Thar Shued Be A Dworf Race Seeing As Thars A Elf And A Human Race Dworfs Are Like Humans But Hafe The Hight Ad Ar Twice As Strong Ad Every Thing Alats I Posted Above I Hop You All Think About The Dworf Race And Hlep Make It A Realty.
    This Is Bowan Saying Tay High And Ceap Playing
  • Corzac - Harshlands
    Corzac - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    First off i'd like to see more animal options for barbarians or even the ability to change their colors.
    For example animal options: Jaguar, Snow leoppard, Panther, Grizzly bear, Gorilla, BobCat, Polar bear, Rhino, Falcon, Eagle...Just to name a few that could maybe work and be fun to see in the game...

    And as far as Races we currently have:

    We can even use some creatures from the game.
    The game even has at some other races in it already that i have seen:
    (i think I saw)Centaur like creatures

    What about these as new playable races:
    Dinosapiens (dinos evolved like untamed)
    Vikings(human version of barbarians)
    Valkyries (elf version of Barbarian)

    Rides/Pets thatd be nice to see in the game:
    Wooly mammoth
    Wooly Rhino
    Saber toothed cat
    Irish deer

    Just a few ideas i had......
  • Venacious - Harshlands
    Venacious - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    bowan wrote: »
    No dont make new wapons use the ones that we allraedy have but the glatator class only uses the wapons that we all ready have made up all but the magical wapons
    i only post this because i have all ways wated to use swords but bo not want thave to be a blade master

    Lawl. L2 read please, i was saying WHY make more weapons that are specified to or away from other classes.
  • Ryo_Hazuki - Lost City
    Ryo_Hazuki - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Elemental - Maybe uses magic from all elements along with elemental melee weapons?
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