Opinion: Reset Territory Maps?
Personally if I was 9x in a large land owning faction, and the map reset every 3 months, I'd be perfectly happy. I play to have fun, and TW is an endgame goal for me, same as most players, when all their hard work leveling pays off.
Seems some of these high level factions with their obscene paychecks are becoming extremely greedy. You literally get up to several thousand dollars weekly, in a f2p game. You're well more than strong enough to win everything back in the end. And it's a freaking game anyways.
The only thing that resets mean is that you lose a little money for a few weeks out of your vast sums, in order to let other factions who have worked hard (let's face it, nub lv20-30 factions won't stand a chance against the mobs in an unoccupied territory) have a chance to be in the spotlight if only for a little, to give everyone hope and something to aim for, and to make the game a better and more fun place for everyone. And you can't even do that, just because you want more money? You greedy f***** s****. -.-0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Personally if I was 9x in a large land owning faction, and the map reset every 3 months, I'd be perfectly happy. I play to have fun, and TW is an endgame goal for me, same as most players, when all their hard work leveling pays off.
Seems some of these high level factions with their obscene paychecks are becoming extremely greedy. You literally get up to several thousand dollars weekly, in a f2p game. You're well more than strong enough to win everything back in the end. And it's a freaking game anyways.
The only thing that resets mean is that you lose a little money for a few weeks out of your vast sums, in order to let other factions who have worked hard (let's face it, nub lv20-30 factions won't stand a chance against the mobs in an unoccupied territory) have a chance to be in the spotlight if only for a little, to give everyone hope and something to aim for, and to make the game a better and more fun place for everyone. And you can't even do that, just because you want more money? You greedy f***** s****. -.-
but....you aren't a lvl 90, so therefore ur opinion of if u were a lvl 90 doesn't matter. if you want a shot at TW, go lvl up and join a TW guild.0 -
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »Exactly. You're a lv 11 wanting land of the game's top event. Enough said.
I'm going to point you to my first post in this thread which should outline my stance on resetting the map, what TW represents historically, what resetting the map would do, what would happen when the map resets, and why resetting the map wouldn't work.
Please read this before mistaking my playing the Devil's Advocate for actually having the stance of being for resetting the map.
http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=3181902&postcount=7[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
PVE servers
u can lvl freely with ganks/pvp/pk
=tw there will always be a compittion,
only problem is you gotta have alot high lvl's in ur faction to fight already alot of high lvl's land owning factions
unlike PVP server where usually 1 faction will own the map eventually0 -
Waterboy - Lost City wrote: »PVE servers
u can lvl freely with ganks/pvp/pk
=tw there will always be a compittion,
only problem is you gotta have alot high lvl's in ur faction to fight already alot of high lvl's land owning factions
unlike PVP server where usually 1 faction will own the map eventually
Maybe, maybe not. It really depends on the players.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I would understand if its the TWers asking for a reset. But most of you people never owned a single land in your PW life. So basically you asking the GMs to take stuff away from other players and put it on the auction block. How would you feel if a GM comes along and take your gear, AH it, and pocket the coins? If you want land, go work for it. And don't bs about how land owning factions get millions each week. Do you even have any idea how much charms/pots/gear they spent to get that land?
Lastly, attacking a mob owned land isn't all that fun. I can pick 20 people off my friend list and easily beat a level 3 in the 3 hours allocated.0 -
the arguement for a reset is so that all people can have a chance to tw and own a land.(even if only for a short time) the way it is if you want to have a remote chance to tw you need to be in the top 3-4 factions or you are just wasting your money. so that basically means that only 6-800 people can be in a guild with a chance to do tw. so people have to level up and hope they can get into one of these ruling factions or just forget about it since they can only waste their money to get slaughtered in 5 minutes.
the arguement against any kind of reset is that if 1 faction is able to take all lands they put in the time and effort and earned them all. if you take away their lands you are nullifying all their hard work.
personally i wouldnt have a problem with a reset every 6~ months to give everyone a chance to do a tw. the powerful factions will still end up with all the lands in the long run but it would help some of the smaller factions to build up equips so they can compete with the larger groups. in the long run even the larger land owning factions should like the idea of a reset if it is 6+ months inbetween. to use lost city as an example conqueror has to get bored not having any kind of challenge from other guilds. this will just end up making some people quit the game because there will be nothing left for them in this game.Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »^^ Yet another person who doesn't know that OMGLAZERZ is merely an alt, as assumes forum status by character levels.
Players usually choose their main chars so others can have an idea of what kind of experience that player had with PW. Lazer wanted to hide his. Usually when someone uses an alt to speak through forum its because his main char is a known cheater or someone with very little respect in-game. Whatever his reasons may be, only he can say and going further on these kinds of disucssions leads nowhere.
Back on topic...
You guys keep hitting the "everyone deserves a chance at TW" button. Guys, everyone DOES have a chance at TW. All you need to do is attack a map like everyone else. You'll participate, which is the whole point. Winning is a matter of group effort. Even smaller factions are able to win. In HT i've seen factions work together and attack a common enemy within 3 mins apart of the other. 1 planned to hit at xx:00, the 2nd xx:03 and the 3rd xx:06. 2 of them won. The point is, even the best faction will lose sometimes and there will never be a 'total control' of the map.
The way i see it (and im sure many agree with me), resseting map takes away the 'dignity' of winning. I rather lose to a faction than win from mobs.PWI:
"Free to play. Pay to win"
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »Thanks for stating the obvious, as if nobody could possibly know players could choose a diferent char apart from his main to be his forum avatar.
Players usually choose their main chars so others can have an idea of what kind of experience that player had with PW. Lazer wanted to hide his. Usually when someone uses an alt to speak through forum its because his main char is a known cheater or someone with very little respect in-game. Whatever his reasons may be, only he can say and going further on these kinds of disucssions leads nowhere.
You're funny, you really are. I've stated a few times I don't have a "main"; that I play multiple characters. You see it as "hiding mine". I see it as keeping forum drama on the forums where it belongs. Besides, the number of people who probably have ever had any interaction with me in game and would even remember me is probably non-existant.
I'm practically a ghost, and I highly doubt anyone actually cares who I am in game anyway.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Yes Every 6 months[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »You guys keep hitting the "everyone deserves a chance at TW" button. Guys, everyone DOES have a chance at TW. All you need to do is attack a map like everyone else. You'll participate, which is the whole point. Winning is a matter of group effort. Even smaller factions are able to win. In HT i've seen factions work together and attack a common enemy within 3 mins apart of the other. 1 planned to hit at xx:00, the 2nd xx:03 and the 3rd xx:06. 2 of them won. The point is, even the best faction will lose sometimes and there will never be a 'total control' of the map.
The way i see it (and im sure many agree with me), resseting map takes away the 'dignity' of winning. I rather lose to a faction than win from mobs.
The TW system as currently implemented is what we in engineering circles call an unstable positive feedback loop. Owning a territory gives you money to help you buy equipment, so stronger factions tend to get stronger. The mathematical conclusion to this is (absent external money sources which greatly exceed what you can get from TW territories) one faction owning everything. It may take a while, but theoretically this is the conclusion to which the map will tend to converge. To prevent this and to keep the map changing, you can do a couple things.
You can change it to a negative feedback loop, which are usually stable (depends on the magnitude of the negative feedback). That means as a faction owns more territories, it becomes progressively harder to hold onto them. Unfortunately this usually has the effect of making it "not worth it" to own territories, so it's usually a bad option for games. The best case would be a critically damped system, where the benefit of owning the territory exactly balances out the cost (ignoring things like bragging rights). But it's really hard to hit that exact balance point.
The other option is to do resets. If the frequency of the resets is about the same as the time constant of the system, then the map will reset before a single guild or few elite guilds really start to dominate, and so TW never becomes stale. Unfortunately resets result in a "we did all that for nothing" feeling, which is why I proposed a short playoff series prior to each reset, complete with prizes.
I will grant you that the time constant for TW seems to be pretty long - around several months. So several servers that have experienced breakups of major guilds with greater frequency effectively have had their maps reset. But other servers without these breakups have stagnant maps. And in the long-term (assuming this game is around for 2+ years), the maps are gonna all converge towards being stagnant unless system is changed so it's no longer an unstable positive feedback loop.0 -
Other Idea:
Territories shouldn't be reset based on a stagnant time table. Harshlands, for instance, has a nice diverse TW map with many guilds holding land. Multiple lands still change hands on a weekly basis. This past weekend was actually filled with a lot of territory changes.
Instead, lands should only be reset if 1 guild controls over 80% of the map. When that limit is reached, 1/3 of the lands under their control should randomly revert to mob-controlled lands. Possibly with a special day where all those lands are "attacked" by mobs in a standard TW PvE scenario - just in reverse from how they claimed the lands. They would be unable to defend all of them and some lands would revert to Mob-controlled, so that other guilds can come in and grab a piece on the next weekend.
Maps where there is still a nice diversity in color and ownership percentage should be left alone.Leader of Howl on Harshlands (Recruiting.)
"Now Garmr howls loud before Gnipahellir, The fetters will burst, and the wolf run free..."
Howl! The winds of Ragnarok come borne upon this she-wolf's feet.0 -
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »I play for fun and i intend on building up my faction with my friends to take land in the future.
Please give us the name of your faction, so we can monitor it's progress in TW. b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
I agree that the new servers don't really need resets anytime soon. Wait till there's around 2 factions on the map then start a 1-2 month counter.
Needs to be stressed that TW is one of the main advertised features of this game(Reviews saying it makes the game better than any other F2P MMO), but the way the odds end up stacked in land owners favour+the attraction of money prevent new factions from really building up steam against them.
The current situation on Sanctuary is Nefarious are beginning to dissolve, had a leader banned again and losing 1 land a week to Legendary. Several promising factions are rising, Regicide(Land owning Veterans) are showing the most promise and several high level factions have started to counter the big two. Still too spread thin to stand much chance though.Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.
Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything
Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.0 -
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »In HT i've seen factions work together and attack a common enemy within 3 mins apart of the other. 1 planned to hit at xx:00, the 2nd xx:03 and the 3rd xx:06. 2 of them won. The point is, even the best faction will lose sometimes and there will never be a 'total control' of the map.
Faction names please?
The only time I recall seeing a lot of smaller factions attacking a big one was when they attacked Radiance.
And Radiance defended successfully against all those small factions.
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
Garmr - Harshlands wrote: »Possibly with a special day where all those lands are "attacked" by mobs in a standard TW PvE scenario - just in reverse from how they claimed the lands. They would be unable to defend all of them and some lands would revert to Mob-controlled, so that other guilds can come in and grab a piece on the next weekend.
Are you kidding me? Guild can't defend mob attacks? a level 3 land can be taken with 15-20 level 80 players. Any guild with more then 3 land can easily defend all three against mobs.
Edit: Mob attacks will actually help the powerful guilds stay powerful. There is no doubt that players attacks are more dangerous then mobs. Since there is a limation of 3 attacks per time frame. Throw in a mob attack, only 2 guilds can attack a major power at the same time.0 -
Kazue - Heavens Tear wrote: »Are you kidding me? Guild can't defend mob attacks? a level 3 land can be taken with 15-20 level 80 players. Any guild with more then 3 land can easily defend all three against mobs.
Edit: Mob attacks will actually help the powerful guilds stay powerful. There is no doubt that players attacks are more dangerous then mobs. Since there is a limation of 3 attacks per time frame. Throw in a mob attack, only 2 guilds can attack a major power at the same time.
I don't mean do it exactly like a territory war. I mean that 1/3 of their lands would be attacked nearly simultaneously. Even if it's limited by game logistics to 3 wars at a time, that should stretch them thin enough that they stand the chance to lose one. This should repeat until they're down to holding about 40-50% of the territories. The mob battles should be at least twice as hard as they were when they initially gained the territories, to make it even more likely that the land resets.
I don't believe in automatic resets without even a chance of holding onto the land. That's just rude XDLeader of Howl on Harshlands (Recruiting.)
"Now Garmr howls loud before Gnipahellir, The fetters will burst, and the wolf run free..."
Howl! The winds of Ragnarok come borne upon this she-wolf's feet.0 -
Garmr - Harshlands wrote: »Harshlands, for instance, has a nice diverse TW map with many guilds holding land.
Harshland is still a young server. Give it some times and eventually it will reach a stagnant state too. You can already see 2 major powers emerging.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
Ht has been around a long time, and that map is very dynamic.Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.0
OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear wrote: »You're funny, you really are. I've stated a few times I don't have a "main"; that I play multiple characters. You see it as "hiding mine". I see it as keeping forum drama on the forums where it belongs. Besides, the number of people who probably have ever had any interaction with me in game and would even remember me is probably non-existant.
I'm practically a ghost, and I highly doubt anyone actually cares who I am in game anyway.Blancheneige - Heavens Tear wrote: »Faction names please?
The only time I recall seeing a lot of smaller factions attacking a big one was when they attacked Radiance.
And Radiance defended successfully against all those small factions.
b:byeBlancheneige - Heavens Tear wrote: »Please give us the name of your faction, so we can monitor it's progress in TW. b:laughPWI:
"Free to play. Pay to win"
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yea, because im so interested in keeping records of factions names of every attack made on TW map.
More likely because it never happened on HT.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
IceJazmin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ht has been around a long time, and that map is very dynamic.
Cause the huge egos cant stay in one place b:chuckle but i think the server in whole benefits from this[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Absoluth - Heavens Tear wrote: »I dont 'see it' as anything. I only mentioned a common scenario. *snipped irrelevant "stuff"*
Common scenario? That's nothing more than your opinion arbitrarily chosen to defend your choice of words.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
No reset. The people mainly moaning about resets are those who dont own land. Eventually sure a few new guilds would appear on the map but the guilds that were dominant before will become dominant again eventually. Guilds who are on that map deserve to be there, if they didn't they would not be there.
ye sure post about my comment. Wanna see what response to my first post is b:laugh0 -
just reset every 6 moths ..thats all that is needed..AND no incentives..NOTHINGb:coolWalk, walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that ***** crazy
Walk, walk fashion baby
Work it
I'm a freak *****, baby
b:shockedb:kiss0 -
I don't really think reseting would a wise choice, people did fight to get these lands and therefore owe the right to keep it untill the time one other faction fight them successfully.
The only point that is screwed with TW is the money, i personally think that money shouldn't be given away, TYhey should implement some kind of buffs for the faction owner when they are in the considered territories.
As i am on lost city, the map is controlled by only one faction...
People saying fight them makes me laugh (sorry), All greedy High lvl players join them due to money and salary, they will never have a end of hands supply. Besides they earn so much money that their gears is a long way above of us.
So my point is we need not to reset the map but to give something else than money to the winning faction.
Monocolor map will make the server die!
PS: PVP and PVE TW is totally different as so that u can choose pK or non pK mod outside of TW, As for us on Lost city, trying to fight the main faction is giving us KoS statue, as a matter of consequences, u can't really grind and lvl up peacefully, but that's our choice, PVP oR PVE.0 -
A couple points:
1) we are dreaming; chances are PW will not change on the request of one, or even 10 people.
2) A reset isn't an ideal resolution as it kind of counters the entire point.
3) 1 or two factions dominating strikes me as natural, powerful players can be drawn to the biggest factions who pay the best, and ensure consistent TW battles.
4) Rather than a reset, how about a slow but steady penalty as factions grow in size? Restrict the catapults & towers in a game to a graduated limit so that the larger territories cannot have as many and smaller factions get more.
5) Provide larger benefits to smaller factions for just having a land. Perhaps a minor daily 70+ quest limited to one squad so higher levels are encouraged to belong to weaker factions.
6) Allow small factions to do TW over instances (level 0 land) with minimal faction pay but restricted to small factions.0
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