Clerics SPEND more on others, give them something in return



  • Afterlyfe - Dreamweaver
    Afterlyfe - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    yea dito..clerics needs somthing..we cant even farm cuz we'r spending money on mana pots all the farm..we hv to spend money..thus we dont get as much money as others...and force to make a new acct that can farmb:shocked
  • Muah - Heavens Tear
    Muah - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LOL I'm going to be bias and say Heck Yeah, but the truth is I believe every class has to spend a lot veno have to spend what 25Mil for Herics, BM and Barbs prob have to spend a lot on HP charms, Wiz I assume MP charms and Archers I guess HP and arrows. We are all used and have a certain job to full fill and like some ppl said in this thread "If you don't like it, then switch class". I personally like being a cleric because all I have to do is sit back and hit my F4 (Iron Heart) Key 90% of the time.

    And here people is the truth!! ^^ b:thanks Thank you chrisss for including everyone :3

    If you do TT runs and know the ladder...

    Subber, tank and cleric are the top 3 who get first pick,.. so if you are getting jipped... then I have no idea who you are running with.

    Yes venos make money grinding since our pets take the hits but to get the tank we want and everyone else wants us to get is a herc.. and yes try spending 23-25m on a friggin pet.. not all of us can afford buying the sof from Boutique with irl money. Yes and those fast rare pets for quick luring...
    Everyone has their ups and downs.. it is the way the game is ... every game is.. YOU CAN"T PLEASE EVERYONE NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!

    and btw CHARMS ARE THE WAY TO GO!~
    ~Mrs. Curry~
    Since 7/4/09
  • AliceDonut - Harshlands
    AliceDonut - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Why would anyone be a Wizard when you could be a Cleric? Almost as powerful (if you spend your SP wisely) AND can buff, debuff, and heal like a madman. There's little reason to be a wizard...well, unless you like pretty lights and fancy fireworks. :) And from what I hear, a Wizard is no match for a Cleric in PVP either.

    btw, Wizards can heal too, but for some reason, - no one hounds them if they only concentrate on maxing their offensive skills. You can't have a double standard. You can't expect a Cleric to only support.

    You don't get equal EXP if you're not the one attacking. Clerics do not have the easiest and quickest time leveling up. So, to say that asking a Barb to tank a boss for you isn't charitable in itself is nuts. They get most the EXP from the battle! (psst - it's the reason they do it). Just as it's why the cleric asks the barb to tank - to advance in the quest.

    rez-ing is a whole separate subject. that is charitable. You don't have to be rez'd. The next time you fall in battle, opt to not be rez'd. Go back to town every time and lose tons of exp just like the clerics, and you will quickly change your tune. You know what, that's a great idea. Lets do away with Rez-ing all together. then all is fair.

    back to the point, in all seriousness - I can see people's points with some of these suggestions. Some are good ideas and concepts, but are too easy for certain perks to get exploited. And even as a Cleric, I don't agree with that.

    there should be some recognition for going out of our way for everyone else though, when it comes to rez-ing. A pat on the back and a kick in the **** doesn't cut it. how 'bout give us angel halos. :)

  • Deonra - Heavens Tear
    Deonra - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well clerics do have a benifit. At first the cleric has verry low pysical defence and usually requires a squad to get the job done. This i have seen myself. Clerics ressurect us and buff us while venomancers, barbarians, archers, wizards, and blademasters assist them in many of thier quests. Therefore, we are giveing back to clerics. This truthfully is just a way for them to gain an excuse to get more out of us other players for thier characters own personal benifit. We do your FB's people isnt that enough.
  • Wynve - Dreamweaver
    Wynve - Dreamweaver Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sorry. But you picked the class, and you have to deal with the pros and cons of it, 250 coins alone is an abuse of charity. and 1 rep would be... just... no. Nooow. Spirit i could live with, more than one spirit, some, but your proposal would cause an unbalanced game. b:shocked
  • peacefulsilence
    peacefulsilence Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Gaining rep or money for rezing is beyond abuseable. I can already see a bunch of faction members pooling characters, getting themselves killed then the cleric(s) rezing them, only being as slow as the cast and cool. A Cleric could quickly amass a large amount of rep and money in a very short period of time. A few spirit wouldn't be so bad since killing one monster would give you more making it hard to abuse.

    Maybe gaining 1% of the exp you recovered up to a certain amount for the player instead would be a nice balancer instead since not often when a cleric is killed in a squad is there another one around. In most cases I've found being a cleric is a sure way to be killed since healing an agro'd player when nothing is actually attacking its is a fast way for the monster(s) to turn their focus on the squishy little healer. I've seen multiple clerics go down like this in say fb39 where a tank can end up with multiple monsters attacking them. So getting a little exp for saving someone elses exp seems a little fair. And since its a small amount of whats recovered, its hard to abuse, especially with a cap, maybe raise as the skill levels.

    If not boohoo, shouldn't be a cleric if you don't like the problems that come with being a support class. Every class has problems. Like... no other class can rez other players. Sucks for them huh? Being able to res people is supposed to be a perk, not a burden.
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I laugh at this comment!

    You make so many "assumptions"!

    I don't squad - I SOLO!
    I refuse to squad except in situations where I am willing to sacrifice my income. I.E. guildies, loyal friends and occasionally helping others level.
    Oh yes, and when I run across a stranger that is clearly "struggling" to complete their quest.

    When I squad with 1 other person my drops, more often then not, are reduced to as little as 1/3 of what I get when I solo. Also, when I squad, I burn even MORE MP in healing my partner(s).

    When YOU HELP ME, the cleric...
    YOU get the lions share of Drops, and are usually too inconsiderate to notice OR ask how I am doing!

    YOU ARE GIVING BACK???? Bull pucky!!

    I'd like to see "ALL CLERICS" united - go on strike for an entire week, refusing to assist anyone, in any way!

    Let's see how well those Barbs do tanking bosses.
    Let's see how well Damage Dealers and Tanks do the bosses.
    Let's listen to the complaints of what they lose after going to town upon death.

    Before you start bragging that you can do just fine without the cleric, "WE" pick the bosses for you, to demonstrate you superior skills and talents.

    Yup, with charms you may be able to survive, but in doing so - our point about expense will be proven when you see how fast that 800K(400k per mp/hp charm) vanishes.

    Then after replacing 2 charms + the total of repair bills - tell us how little clerics would have contributed to you.

    Then you can also tell us how much you REALLY give back to your clerics.
    Well clerics do have a benifit. At first the cleric has verry low pysical defence and usually requires a squad to get the job done. This i have seen myself. Clerics ressurect us and buff us while venomancers, barbarians, archers, wizards, and blademasters assist them in many of thier quests. Therefore, we are giveing back to clerics. This truthfully is just a way for them to gain an excuse to get more out of us other players for thier characters own personal benifit. We do your FB's people isnt that enough.
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You present a scenario where clerics would abuse a token benefit for rezing, although what faction has enough idiots willing to sacrifice exp on multiple rez's to help a cleric gain a few points?


    BTW, we clerics are well aware of the aggro prob as a result of healing others and they fail to hold aggro - lol
    Just another one of those silly hp and mp drains we neglect to mention when discussing our expenses.

    and Finally:
    The ever popular "Boo Hoo, shouldn't be a cleric if you don't like the problems!"

    See my previous post? If not, read it! - lol

    Seriously though, WTF are you trying to say?

    Gaining rep or money for rezing is beyond abuseable. I can already see a bunch of faction members pooling characters, getting themselves killed then the cleric(s) rezing them, only being as slow as the cast and cool. A Cleric could quickly amass a large amount of rep and money in a very short period of time. A few spirit wouldn't be so bad since killing one monster would give you more making it hard to abuse.

    Maybe gaining 1% of the exp you recovered up to a certain amount for the player instead would be a nice balancer instead since not often when a cleric is killed in a squad is there another one around. In most cases I've found being a cleric is a sure way to be killed since healing an agro'd player when nothing is actually attacking its is a fast way for the monster(s) to turn their focus on the squishy little healer. I've seen multiple clerics go down like this in say fb39 where a tank can end up with multiple monsters attacking them. So getting a little exp for saving someone elses exp seems a little fair. And since its a small amount of whats recovered, its hard to abuse, especially with a cap, maybe raise as the skill levels.

    If not boohoo, shouldn't be a cleric if you don't like the problems that come with being a support class. Every class has problems. Like... no other class can rez other players. Sucks for them huh? Being able to res people is supposed to be a perk, not a burden.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I also see the same abuse Highestelf as Peacefulsilence did:
    you assume they're talking about dying on their mains? I can make a lvl 1-30 in 2 days... but I'd only have to make a lvl 5 or 6 by then mobs actually can kill them, after that presto rez/rez/rez... <See the picture> The idea is how easy the system could be abused... Not saying we think you'd abuse it but others definitely would. Then there's the do you trust this <insert clr> not to abuse the rezing in TT etc. if there are higher rewards for level of character rezed. How would we know if clr isn't just letting us die for the spirit/rep/$.

    So once again to fix some of this let apoth/clr buffs stack or make cleric buffs equal to or greater then apoth. Give clerics some kind of once an hour/day spell of 100% xp returned on rez. Heck I wouldn't mind clr getting a self buff that acted like a Rez scroll if they die their rez button is already showing.

    Once again reward for rezing (aka Role Playing your class you chose) no!

    Now asking for donations I'm fine with that system. (Heck that's been in all MMORPG games I've played: buffers/rezers get donations no problem there).
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As a cleric (my new main at only lvl 67) I agree that abuse could occur and don't support any reward system. However things in the game do need to change to make clerics not such a cash cow/sieve

    - Reset the charm tick point on mp charms from 75% to 50 or 25% which would allow us to use pots and apoth to help stem the damage to our charms. I swear mine ticks at like 85% and I have zero change to pot before it ticks.
    - Change BB, a defense based spell, so that it no longer puts you in attack mode when using so the mp regen rate is not reduced
    - Allow pots and apoth to stack
    - Create a rez skill that is obtainable only after getting level 10 rez (much like the AoE buffs) that allow a cleric to rez self and has a 1 hour cool down, but no mp use (for obvious reasons, i.e. you have none when dead)
    -Give clerics a speed buff skill so they can keep up with tanks

    I think these would go a long way in making the cleric more enjoyable and fiscally reasonable to play.

    As another note I think mentality needs to change in game. Lets take fb59, a great fb to run, but it can be expensive. As a cleric I spam heal the tank. The tank attacks the boss and not once does their charm tick, however mine ticks constantly throughout the kill and basically gets ****. If the tanks hp charm ticks just once they complain and say we're not healing fast enough. Where is the reasoning in this? Why should my charm tick all day long and not the tanks? Well one is that tanks will have an expense in repairs to account for so equal ticking is not fair. Perhaps we should let the tanks hp charm tick once every 30 seconds to save our mp charm a tad? Sorry this last part here is just ranting and musing, but I think you all understand what I mean.

  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As a cleric (my new main at only lvl 67) I agree that abuse could occur and don't support any reward system. However things in the game do need to change to make clerics not such a cash cow/sieve We really are not that much different then Barbs needing HP charms and there repairs.

    - Reset the charm tick point on mp charms from 75% to 50 or 25% which would allow us to use pots and apoth to help stem the damage to our charms. I swear mine ticks at like 85% and I have zero change to pot before it ticks. You can still use pots just click slightly before it is going to tick. But the charms are set up to reflect the cool-down time.
    - Change BB, a defense based spell, so that it no longer puts you in attack mode when using so the mp regen rate is not reduced I do agree with you on this.
    - Allow pots and apoth to stack Lol...would be nice but then no one would ever really die if they had enough pots. Iron heart stacks and works extremely well.
    - Create a rez skill that is obtainable only after getting level 10 rez (much like the AoE buffs) that allow a cleric to rez self and has a 1 hour cool down, but no mp use (for obvious reasons, i.e. you have none when dead) ???
    -Give clerics a speed buff skill so they can keep up with tanks There are Charger Orbs and other pots you can make and Genies have the skill Holy Path.

    I think these would go a long way in making the cleric more enjoyable and fiscally reasonable to play.

    As another note I think mentality needs to change in game. Lets take fb59, a great fb to run, but it can be expensive. As a cleric I spam heal the tank. The tank attacks the boss and not once does their charm tick, however mine ticks constantly throughout the kill and basically gets ****. If the tanks hp charm ticks just once they complain and say we're not healing fast enough. Where is the reasoning in this? Why should my charm tick all day long and not the tanks? Well one is that tanks will have an expense in repairs to account for so equal ticking is not fair. Perhaps we should let the tanks hp charm tick once every 30 seconds to save our mp charm a tad? Sorry this last part here is just ranting and musing, but I think you all understand what I mean.


    GOOD tanks will understand if there charm ticks once or a few times, it all depends on the boss. If is possible if you know what you are doing that the Barb's hp charm will never tick, BUT there are always situations in which it is unavoidable. b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Maddieson - Sanctuary
    Maddieson - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As said earleir, if you dont like healling, buffing and resing people with no cost to them or any benefit to you, dont be a cleric.

    EDIT: Also remeber as cleric you can buff and heal yourself, not just others.
    It's not my job to shut you down on a suggestion. It's a pleasure, though.
  • Kajinn - Heavens Tear
    Kajinn - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    clerics are there to help thats why they are called a "cleric" its a healing priest too bad you should have went melee cleric and you wouldn't have to worry about burning your loads of mp.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Perhaps we should let the tanks hp charm tick once every 30 seconds to save our mp charm a tad? Sorry this last part here is just ranting and musing, but I think you all understand what I mean.

    See once again I see this charm idea... Charms should never be required to play the game unless your attempting something you normally couldn't w/o them. (Rebirth orders, Zhen groups, make sense) FB's shouldn't require use of charms.

    So on one hand we've got this let the barb charm tick vs let the clr charm tick... yeah if my charm ticks that's 5.5k hp used on a 600k charm every tick.
    if your charm ticks that's what 800 to 1.5k mana on a 900k mana charm every tick? is their some disparity in your math maybe? Doesn't the apoth 10 min mana regen cover most mana consumption?

    10 ticks on HP charm would be 55k gone
    10 ticks on MP charm only 15k ish gone
    so by your logic every 30 sec let 1 charm tick average boss takes up to 5 min to kill in FB so yeah there you have the numbers.

    Seeing any issues with your idea... Oh and if you let it tick then we get critted and your heal doesn't come in time everyone dies and you need to use your 40k res scroll? Is that sound logic?

    I do like the BB idea of defensive spells shouldn't put you in attack mode but the Charms are PW-I's constant source of income so I don't think they'd implement this. I have heard that BB can be offset alot by using the 10 min apoth mana regen stuff.
  • aquilonianbarbar
    aquilonianbarbar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    wow it sounds some people try to take advantage of clerics. I have never asked to be resurrected. I go to town or if I dont want to returnt to town I buy the required items from catshops BEFOREHAND.

    Thats too bad because a cleric can make a barbarian almost unstoppable.

    peaceful silence nailed it I believe. Resurrecting is a BENEFIT not a BURDEN. you want more reward for rewards you already have?
  • Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver
    Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Clerics are made to heal pretty much... If you don't like it I suppose you could change to an attack cleric build OR even better yet.... change classes.

    You choose what class you wanna be and if healing isn't your thing then don't be a cleric.

    BTW, sometimes if your real nice and all we do pay you back. I've died before, and when a cleric resurects me and I don't lose any exp or anything sometimes I give them like 10k or so.

    Don't whine about healing on fb runs... Guess what, its your role in an fb. Barbs are for tanking and clerics heal and venos lure and bms/archers deal damage and wizards deal damage or they are a magic tank.
    In an fb we all have our roles and as a cleric your role is to heal.

    Basically, don't whine about wasting your mp or having to heal, its what you do. You might get a reward if you are nice and the person you're helping is nice but otherwise you don't get a reward.
    Note: No thats not me... I stole that from the interwebs b:chuckle

    I like to think of myself as a dog, I can be cute and cuddly but sniff people's butts and get away with it ><>

    Warlock recruiting lvl 70+ on the Dreamweaver Server.
    PM an officer for an invite.

  • Temptresss - Lost City
    Temptresss - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I played cleric till 28, it was my first class. Once i realized how much the skills cost and how fast the mana drained I quit that class and won't play it again unless it's repaired. The class is broken. Only the stubborn, persistent, and patient can stick it out as a cleric. So far all the other classes seem fine. I have a veno at 35, a barb, archer, wiz, and bm all following closely behind, and they are all infinitely more enjoyable, considerably less expensive (in maintenance cost, spirit cost for skills, and lost xp from horrible weakness to monsters), and ultimately less stress to play then the cleric ever was. Good luck to those who stick it out.
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I love the responses of "don't whine" or "don't be a cleric then".

    You're completely missing the point of the post.

    First it's just a game. I don't play a cleric because I have some personal real life unfulfilled need to heal and nurture people. I play one because it's an oft sought after class for most of the tasks required in this game (fbs, tt, word bosses, etc.) Pretty much everything you do outside of solo grinding requires a cleric. Being one assures I get my bosses done and helps me harvest rep more then possibly other classes. Being a good one almost guarantees it. So let's end the discussion about "don't be one if you don't like....etc."

    Also I don't agree we should get any rewards for healing, buffs or rez etc. Although people should be aware that if I throw you a buff or two when I'm out questing it might give the ole charm a tick so it's costing me money. I still do it, but keep it in mind.

    My complaint is how much money it can cost to play a cleric where it likely is not as expensive to play other classes. If you're a cleric and you want to do TT runs it's expected you have to have a charm. I've seen some try without and when BB busts and everyone is wiped then who do they look at?

    So my suggestions are towards equalizing the playing field in terms of RL money and costs. To me the biggest two are changing the percentage of when a charm ticks to allow us more time to pot and making sure BB does not out you into attack mode. The other ideas would be nice, but not essential.

    As for the math on letting a barb charm tick once every 30 seconds to me the only valid point you bring is the crit one. It was just a comment to get people thinking and not one I implement. A dead barb is nothing anyone in a group wants to see. Your math though is not exactly right. When you say 10 ticks on each is worth that money it's true. (or close enough to I'm sure) However in a 5 minute boss fight it would equate to 10 ticks for you, but well more then 10 ticks for a cleric. If I have to spam heal IH on a tank, my charm is constantly ticking. Not every 30 seconds. More like every 3-5 seconds. Especially if I'm laying down some pures (depending on boss) and maybe firing in a few debuffs on the boss to help speed up the kill. Let's just forget the **** BB does to a charm here as well. So the example I gave was more food for thought. I doubt anyone else blows through charms and the respective money as much as a cleric provided equal footing in game play. Meaning a bad player in any other class might burn though more, but assuming a good tank and a good cleric the cleric will spend more RL money then the tank. (We'll forget the other classes all together who are weighing in on opinions because they don't spend nearly as much) Obviously if it is a bad cleric and teh tank's charm is ticking away then it doesn't hold true.

    All I want is the RL money required to play each class to be equal. I'm not asking for equality in leveling or PvP or anything like that, but if the game requires people to use a charm and RL money to reasonably continue game play then the amount each class should be reruired or recommended to spend should be near equal. I find it is currently not.

    Also here is where we get the flames of "I've never spent a dime of RL money and I'm lvl 150...." Good for you. Also if you've kept your bank full of charms and not spent RL great. But remember since charms don't drop someone did spend RL money to provide those and therefore they become a requirement of the game inherently.


    As for
  • WitchBurner - Sanctuary
    WitchBurner - Sanctuary Posts: 1,394 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    @Budika, if you fail to understand and appreciate magic classes then don't bother asking for a cleric next time you run TT/FB/bosses, what the hell kind of cleric will have 3200MP, at your level most will have triple that. The mp charm will tick for 2400MP(more since mp used bypasses charm response). Wizards and Clerics can easily burn a charm a day providing assistance to classes who rarely appreciate and acknowledge it.
    Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

    Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything

    Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I swear it's amazing how right my teachers were about the 3 part theory on writing something people only seem to read the end of my stuff....

    So a simple end: I agree that RL money should be = for the classes. But to stress my first statement
    "Charms should never be required to play the game unless your attempting something you normally couldn't w/o them." Zhen groups is an example of this.
    I agree Blue Bubble shouldn't be able to drain more the apoth items can handle... If you'd read my comments you'd see I'm not against some fixing of the classes by any means. But I disagree with the proposed methods.

    If you want to see someone really burn trough mana check the consumption on lvl 10 Barrage of Arrows (Consuming 540 mana every 3 seconds)

    @Witchburner - Sanctuary try reading all my comments before posting on a continued one.
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    WHy don't you make it so that Cleric Skills cost less so that they wouldn't have to burn as much charm doing their job.
  • bowski2
    bowski2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You can get xp from getting materials and then even sell the materials, but it's so little that no one bothers to abuse it. So why not give small amounts of xp for healing and ressing? Such small amounts that it would be a waste to abuse it but just enough to stop people from complaining.
  • sephy287
    sephy287 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bowski2 wrote: »
    You can get xp from getting materials and then even sell the materials, but it's so little that no one bothers to abuse it. So why not give small amounts of xp for healing and ressing? Such small amounts that it would be a waste to abuse it but just enough to stop people from complaining.

    I agree here too as I always belive that clerics are generaly worked to death sometimes being called in here for this and there for that, but also just for a random res. Why should someone stop what they are doing fly across the map and spend 40 min jsut to res you and go back to where they are? Answer: Dont really know, but I know quite a few who do so why not give a cleric a small bit of a bonus for each heal like maybe 70exp and 10 spirit, and maybe 120exp and 20spirit per res. Its a small amount I dont see why anyone would bother abusing and it would help the cleric for doing the hard duties we throw at em and putting up with the rest of us classes.

    I also agree that a charm should not be required to play the game, and that perhaps a little lessening of mp cost would be quite nice. Though from PW's perspective its a great buisiness strategy, if a little assenine, as charms are not technicaly required, but they are dang encouraged.
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bowski2 wrote: »
    You can get xp from getting materials and then even sell the materials, but it's so little that no one bothers to abuse it. So why not give small amounts of xp for healing and ressing? Such small amounts that it would be a waste to abuse it but just enough to stop people from complaining.

    Really? I dig up every single mats while grinding AND I sell them does that count?

    I think that's pretty much what all mats sellers do, or did I misunderstood your idea of abuse.
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If clerics get exp and spirit for buffing other players then so should venos, barbs, BM, etc who also have buff spells. Personally I am against it (and my highest level char now is a cleric). I'm against it because I don't see it making a huge difference and therefore not worth the coding. I mean in a given day I do 3-5 fb runs. Let's say I need to buff twice for each so 10 max and there are 4 buffs we use so 40 iterations. At 70 exp and 10 spirit that's only 2800 exp and 400 spirit. Would your idea be based on buff level? Surely a level 10 or AoE buff should get more exp then a level 1. So if 125 is for AoE then that's the max. I mean it's better then nothing, but is it worth the coding effort?

    As for getting 125 exp for a rez I hope you weren't implying that 125 per rez would then justify it for someone to fly 40 minutes to rez someone. In 40 minutes I hope I can at least make 125 exp. If I'm flying 40 minutes for someone (and it's usually more like 10-15 round trip) they usually offer me some coin to cover teleports and a bit of time expenses so I don't have to fly and waste time. This I usually decline unless I was in the middle of something and in a groove. As mentioned I'd rather see clerics have a self rez skill so we can at least take advantage of the skill instead of always being the givers of said advantage.
  • sephy287
    sephy287 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I was just implying they should get something for doing stuff like flying all over the place just for people, I dont particularly care what just tossing ideas. Yes I do think its worth the "coding effort" which would be what 2-3 lines of code copy pasted to all heals and 2-3 more for res whoo hoo hard work there, but what do I know about that I only spent 4 years in a school full of programmers. I always support the healer getting things because when I do play a healer class I like to play the pacifist healer who does nothing but heal, this is why I dont do it on here cus it flat out doesnt work, or in most MMOs for that matter, if you do that everyone you know is gonna be miles ahead of ya and youll be like lv10. I know thats not how things are done, but idealy a healer should be able to lv by only healing if they do so choose to grind that way, no its not very fast and its not much at a time, but are are we to tell someone the way they want to play a game and enjoy themselves is wrong?
  • Repth - Harshlands
    Repth - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Really? I dig up every single mats while grinding AND I sell them does that count?

    I think that's pretty much what all mats sellers do, or did I misunderstood your idea of abuse.

    Yeah you did misunderstand a little bit, not a big deal though. I meant they don't abuse it in terms of the XP and spirit gain. Like no one focuses on leveling by collecting materials, but the xp and spirit bonus is nice. It's nothing drastic though and you could get much more exp from killing mobs.

    I think healing and ressing should be like that as well. You get the same amount of xp for each, so no one tries to wait for someone to die and then ress and get more. But at the same time it's not enough xp to level. So you would be wasting your time spamming heals when you can instead grind mobs or do quests. It's really simple.
  • WindMaiden - Sanctuary
    WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I do believe clerics should also have a skill to regain some mp....other classes have a variation of mp or hp recovery skill. I think that would be a very good solution. Kudos to the brain that thought of that.....sweet and simple i like that.
  • Priest_Maste - Sanctuary
    Priest_Maste - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well its up to you if u want to pick cleric...If your gonna pick cleric you've gotta be prepared for all that work..But i do agree that clerics should have mp skill regen(Even though GM's wont do anythin about it)maybe some more dmg for easy lvlin lol or maybe even a smalll pet >.< b:thanksb:victory
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Rather than appearing as a sharp jab, Budika took the time to "Clarify" a point made - which, in turn justified the opinion "and" contributed to the discussion.

    That's "all" I asked for at the very beginning - Review my first post(s)!
    Some people get it, and some don't!

    Leave the attacks and insults in another thread - there's plenty of them available.(This statement not directed to anyone in particular - just an appropriate time to restate it).
    I also see the same abuse Highestelf as Peacefulsilence did:
    you assume they're talking about dying on their mains? I can make a lvl 1-30 in 2 days... but I'd only have to make a lvl 5 or 6 by then mobs actually can kill them, after that presto rez/rez/rez... <See the picture> The idea is how easy the system could be abused... Not saying we think you'd abuse it but others definitely would. Then there's the do you trust this <insert clr> not to abuse the rezing in TT etc. if there are higher rewards for level of character rezed. How would we know if clr isn't just letting us die for the spirit/rep/$.

    So once again to fix some of this let apoth/clr buffs stack or make cleric buffs equal to or greater then apoth. Give clerics some kind of once an hour/day spell of 100% xp returned on rez. Heck I wouldn't mind clr getting a self buff that acted like a Rez scroll if they die their rez button is already showing.

    Once again reward for rezing (aka Role Playing your class you chose) no!

    Now asking for donations I'm fine with that system. (Heck that's been in all MMORPG games I've played: buffers/rezers get donations no problem there).