Clerics SPEND more on others, give them something in return



  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Honestly if you don't like spending your money on doing what your class is designed to do it might just be time for a new char. I've played a cleric and their repair bills are almost exactly the same as a wiz. Just because you're not punching it in the face or zapping it with some spell doesn't mean you should get rewarded for your heals and buffs.

    What would be after that everyone who helps out anyone at any time would then need some reward. How about 1 rep for "saving" or trying to save someone from a redname?

    You shouldn't get rewarded for doing what you are designed to do. There are always two options either say no, or just make something where you don't have to be bothered.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The cleric continuously get's SCREWED out of the money making bene's of FB's, TT's and Boss kills. The point is simple Cost vs. reward.

    I am realy struggling to resist responding to the simple comment "You don't like it - don't be a cleric!"

    The simple fact is that No cleric healing Barb - Barb no longer looks invincible, then he is no longer praised as "THE ONE" who got everyone through the run in one piece.

    Let me give you a recent example of a "typical" cleric experience.

    FB51 run, Veno uses pet to Lure an add, something goes wrong and multiple adds come "and" Boss comes for entire squad.

    Barb and DD have their hands full trying to acquire aggro "BUT" the Veno is under relentless assault by the add she lured with pet.

    I, the cleric spam IH on Barb and DD and notice the Veno is losing life "FAST," Realizing the Barb and DD have their Foe's close to death and IH stacked, I turn to save Veno - I spam IH on her and recover her HP FULLY, befor the Barb and DD turn to her rescue.

    At this point The veno's life is no lobger at risk and she could easily have finished off the mob alone - BUT the Barb and DD both get 1 or 2 hits on the mob b4 it dies.

    What was her response? Oh, Thank you Barb...Thank you DD...YOU SAVED MY LIFE! OMFG - not a single acknowledgement to me - in fact complete disregard for my fast action and "MY" skill at saving her ****!!

    Yes - the Cleric is overlooked and it's clear many people have no respect or regard for the "unspoken" contributions and expense YOUR CLERIC endures on daily basis.

    wow it sounds some people try to take advantage of clerics. I have never asked to be resurrected. I go to town or if I dont want to returnt to town I buy the required items from catshops BEFOREHAND.

    Thats too bad because a cleric can make a barbarian almost unstoppable.

    peaceful silence nailed it I believe. Resurrecting is a BENEFIT not a BURDEN. you want more reward for rewards you already have?
  • Pr___johnny - Sanctuary
    Pr___johnny - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    1 rep point for a res:

    Just stand outside of fb19 untamed for an hour and wohoo 100 rep. Also getting 1 rep a res will be abused: shall i heal a random person, naaaah i'll let him/her die and res him/her (and get a: thanks for ressing me). Now how charitable is that?

    The point of the cleric class is to heal/buff/res just like the barbs job is to tank (will a barb get 1 rep for every boss he tanks for others??).

    I like the idea of getting rep for being charitable (just got my 5k rep at 80). Only: if it can be abused, it will be.

    I'm not for giving clerics more money but for making em get mp charms at half the price hell yeah !!! we burn half an mp charm in a tt run red or blue bubble eats ur mana real quick.
    Make clerics get mp charms at half the price (but special bound mp charms so that we dont go naughty and start selling for profit)or make bb and rb like 100 mp every 3 sec...instead of 500 each 5 s.

    Barbs nearly ever get hp charms and help on bosses, clerics have to buy mp charms to help on bosses(cos barbs die without clerics). Pay to help???? oO doesent make sense.
    And beleave me at lvl 70 - 90 we do use half mp charm per tt run.
    +arcane stuff costs more because were kinda broke and we wanna sell higher not to be broke...

    venos need a lot of money too (herc) but when they get herc u can solo tt 10 lvls higher than u and get lotsa money. its true herc costs REAL much and need a lot of time to get back the coins u spent on it but u get ur money back with time, mp charm u dont , its gone !!!b:cry

    Its a game and lets have fun true but being broke and insulted if u dont have mp charm or someone dies and being broke a lot isnt fun.(not to talk about all the skill we gotta learn and how much they cost !)
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Again the whole mp charm arguement can be made for the wiz with zhenning or doing gv. Take your pick. It sounds like you don't spend enough time making your high lvl appo stuff. Try farming and making the +HP/sec and +MP/sec plus pots off mobs and all the recovery appo stuff. Charms are a right not a privelage lol. Wiz skills cost more so again it's not that big a deal and overall it sounds like you are just getting used to the higher lvl stuff.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Pr___johnny - Sanctuary
    Pr___johnny - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Again the whole mp charm arguement can be made for the wiz with zhenning or doing gv. Take your pick. It sounds like you don't spend enough time making your high lvl appo stuff. Try farming and making the +HP/sec and +MP/sec plus pots off mobs and all the recovery appo stuff. Charms are a right not a privelage lol. Wiz skills cost more so again it's not that big a deal and overall it sounds like you are just getting used to the higher lvl stuff.

    - We have to do bb in tt do wizz have to do theyr aoe thing in each tt yes they can but dont have to. again its true we chose the class but doesnet mean anything cos its not like we choose teh class to be broke.
    - Its not a big deal i mean am still happy like that but wizz dont need mp charms or pots as much as clerics, u have a good mp recovery and quantity with ur shield.
    - The 100/s recovery isnt worth a lot cos when we do bb its because aoe and = in battle so its 50/s and the time u loose with farming herbs instead of grinding is big.
    - I have 7.4k mp at lvl 72 and i'm full mag (only mag and str just for armor needs) that isnt a lot wizz with shield can have about 14k mp at lvl 78 (if full mag).
    -Would be nice if they would change bb to 200mp/3 sec or 250mp/5sec would help a lot.
  • Pr___johnny - Sanctuary
    Pr___johnny - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    But i know it wont change so yeah its already a lost argument.
  • MoonAura - Heavens Tear
    MoonAura - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think 1 rep point for every 10 rez's would be a great minor benefit for clerics
  • XMidKnight - Lost City
    XMidKnight - Lost City Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    That is the role of a cleric. If you dont like it, play a different class.

    Also if clerics were enabled them "charitable rewards" they would just stand there all day spamming macros on eachother.
  • czakalaka
    czakalaka Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Cleric have easy life,
    you just need to call money or items for help.
    I see on server many:

    "Cleric for rent, you can pay with cash/charms/items"

    and its works well
  • DredOpal - Heavens Tear
    DredOpal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    My my what funny things some people say... Please don't take offense, but... Can make 30 levels in 2 days. Is that playing 72 hrs straight?:) Re: the idea that Clerics and Wizards are equal money wise. My level 22 Wiz has more money (CASH on hand) than my level 45 Cleric has ever had.

    I would like to thank those that have voted yes to giving some kind of benefit to clerics for being helpful, that is very kind of you and I was certainly pleased that more people have voted for that. As well as those that voted no, because we chose that role to play (without rudely stating same).

    To those of you disdainful, abusive and regard clerics as "support" staff, I'd have to say that you don't really understand "teamwork".

    Teamwork is a big thing in PW, that's how we all do things in it.

    It certainly isn't real exciting at times clicking Ironheart 100 times while someone else kills a boss, but I do enjoy helping people (and my team) succeed.

    So, thank you very much, but I don't want anything more (except teleport charges if speed is requested). A polite request and a ty when I've helped is all the reward necessary.
  • aribethtyr
    aribethtyr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    As a lvl 77 cleric I would like to see PWI make some minor alterations to the cleric especially regarding sp cost, as much as I would like to be rewarded for rezing ppl esp as a small percentage are ungrateful when rezed. However I do not feel that this would work nor do I think it would be fair. I am in constant demand for TT runs which I dont mind and almost all the runs done the splits are evenly distrubted.
  • Beastlyraven - Heavens Tear
    Beastlyraven - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i think the chance of this will help the cleric's to become a nicer player to play with I'm a cleric and it suck to die and no one comes and help b:angry so please people give some credit to us
  • Intellius - Heavens Tear
    Intellius - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    To all of the players who say, "If you don't like ressing people, go solo or choose a different class," you are making a huge mistake in saying so. What would you do if every Cleric thought that way, just because you demand them to like the way things are or quit? When you end up dying and you ask a Cleric to res you, and they tell you that, "Well, if you don't like dying, get a squad, or choose a different class," you're going to feel like an idiot. Don't give them an ultimatum. I don't even have to be a Cleric to understand that it's a pain in the ****. I don't believe that they should get anything extra in a squad, whether it's FB, Zhen, TT, etc. They do their part keeping others alive, as others keep them alive, so it wouldn't be fair. I do believe, however, that they should be awarded for ressing others on the field. They do end up spending time and money to do so. How would you like it if you had to go and buy res scrolls for everyone who asks you to, and then you don't get anything for it in return? Though it's not to that extreme, you get the point.
  • Division - Harshlands
    Division - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I hope you realise that you don't have to be a cleric, and you don't have to res people or heal the or buff the or whatever. It's your choice on what class you choose to be, and if you choose a cleric, which is 90% of the time a support class, you are going to be asked to res and heal and buff people, and if they implement a reward for resing another player, it can and will be abused, and I think this is a stupid idea.

    In a nutshell, if you don't want to res someone, don't. Making a reward for ressing someone is a stupid idea.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    One thing I see missing here that Most MMO's had is the player base "Donation system".... Where if you get rezed you could Donate (this isn't required it's just being nice)... Personally I think this would give the rezers going out of their way to rez your sorry butt the incentive they need w/o this whine-fest. Another person mentioned pimping your cleric services "Powerleveling" as it is called in many games. I recommend you make them pay you 1/2 up front you can get gypped. Spent an hour on EQ doing this guy promised me x amt I received 0 because I didn't get 1/2 the money up front, and he spent it all on gear and skills. Anyway you get the idea.

    In Everquest it was standard to be offering buffs for Donation at exits to major cities... I don't see why this practice couldn't work for these poor clerics here...

    ---to the comment about Level 1-30 in 2 days without working hard at it...
    Try a veno you'll see how easy it is... I never said a clr, barb, wizard are exactly 2 days, although I may have implied it.. For a veno it's aprox 16-18 hours of casual game-play to lvl 30 if you know what your doing. For a BM it's around 20-24 Hours, for a barb it was 32-38 hours some casual once multiple aggro not casual, Wizard was 36-38 hours not casual always paying 100% attention. (Clerics can get it done faster then wizzys just been a while since I've leveled a cleric). Haven't tried the archer class.
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If I don't feel like traveling to rez someone I don't bottom line. If I'm standing right there though I usually will, even if it costs me some mp provided they ask nicely. In fact yesterday I even went into 2-1 to rez a squad of guildmates because I was so elated on having wrapped up a long WQ I felt I'd share the love. After rezzing someone gave me a couple dolls. Seriously what a thoughtful gift. I mean that person could clearly have used them themself, but recognized it would do the squad no good so waited for me. Now I have the equivalent of a cleric rez in return for the favor.

    I strongly feel the biggest problems people have with clerics, rez and buffs is the charm usage. I can't say it enough. 3 things will solve the whole problem and make clerics a more level playing field in terms of RL cash.

    1) Make MP Charms tick at 25% or 50% so we can throw a pot or two in every now and again to offset charm use. 75% is too high and doesn't allow for fast enough pot use especially when you fire off a buff or attack macro.

    2) Make Blue Bubble so it isn't in attack mode reducing mp regen by 25%. This would allow us to pot and use BB or to offset some by apoth. potions.

    3) Allow clerics a skill to self rez. Make it a level 11 rez skill. (Like with the buffs). After level 10 rez you can learn a skill to self rez. It has a cool down of one hour.

    If you feel that these changes will help then submit a ticket to gms requesting. They will see buy in and want from a large community, not just one or two voices, and perhaps will make the change knowing so many people are requesting it.

    Lastly I love the people who love to brag about how quick they level. Love it. Keep the stories coming. I leveled a mage to 67 in 4 days. I got a cleric to level 43 in 9 hours. You know, ya just need to know what you're doing. Anyone can do it. I threw a 97 yard touchdown pass and caught it myself. That's how awesome I am. Please save it. No one wants to hear your video game glory story.
  • Elfic - Harshlands
    Elfic - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    cleric exist to heal it's a healer why did u do a cleric if you are not helpful b:questionb:sweat
  • eon26
    eon26 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I don't know why we're chewing this guy out, he has a point. Maybe not rep or anything, but they should get a little something for helping people. nothing too big, maybe a little exp and some spirit, like you get when you pick up herbs and ore. I wouldn't know, I don't have a cleric. But they're right, too, that's what clerics are designed to do and if they lessened the mp cost it would make the game too easy :)
    every class has disadvantages, that's yours. I, for one, am tired of running around in circles trying to get away from a wraith because the wiz doesn't take much damage. just saying.
  • Dakaruch - Lost City
    Dakaruch - Lost City Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    QQ more :D

    Cleric job is to buff/heal/etc, in any dungeon you might think off. When you chose the char you were going to play, it was very explicit. If you can't live with that, reroll a damn veno and be rich forever.
    1-Yes cleric heals in fbs/HH/etc, but what you get in return? XP, SP, and REP for finishing it. HH mats for your weapons and armor(yes, you really get nothing in return QQ)
    Bear with it, cleric job in a party is to heal and buff as boring as it is, just like a barb job is to spam flesh ream to keep aggro out of everyone in party asses.
    Like i said... don't like your job, reroll a damn new char and stop with the QQ'ing. b:thanksb:bye
  • Tinypony - Dreamweaver
    Tinypony - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I haven't the faintest clue why this thread caught my eye. I rarely check the forums as it is.

    To the poster above me: Amen!
    After scanning through a few replies I decided that if I were to facepalm every deserving person I don't think I'd be able to write this message.

    The classes are designed as they are, no-one is ever going to be completely satisfied so just take it as it comes, deal with it how it is and PLAY THE DAYUM GAME.

    OR if you really want to have fun PLAY A BM! b:chuckle

    As the saying goes que que que some more more more. And then break me off a piece of that.

    PS. To the whatchusay way back who wrote 'clerics are the weakest, but ..... (fill in with nonsensical bs reasoning)'
    I know some clerics that would make your backside hurt more than if you were to make friendly with a lusty male elephant.

    And before anyone even thinks to **** on me for not having rolled a cleric:
    TrickyPony: level 71 EX-Cleric
  • Zhai - Dreamweaver
    Zhai - Dreamweaver Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    Helping people is a choice.
    Just because you chose cleric...
    ...doesn't automatically obligate you to "save" people.
    We shouldn't expect to receive anything in return, anyways.
    Choosing cleric comes with the full attention that you give, and don't receive.
    The bright side. There are other clerics, to revive fallen ones.
    If you don't like charitable actions I suggest picking another class.
    Nuff said.

  • Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear
    Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i love clerics and all but i don't think they should get extra benefits for doing something onli a cleric can do. yes, you use alot of mp but thats what apo items are for, you don't even have to buy mp pots, make them by farming herbs.
    all classes have their dilemma with money.
    *barb uses alot of money for hp charm and repair fees. when a cleric dies, the barb can usually hp-charm tank the boss till the cleric runs bak = bb charm. and all clerics will die for barb hp buff, so i guess you can trade buffs
    *bm also takes tons of repair just from normal grinding and they have a pdef buff that is really helpful.
    *wizards use as much mp as cleric if not more
    *venos also use mp to heal pet and to afford a herc or phoenix...alot of money
    *archers uses hp charm usually since they can't heal themselves and although i believe our buff is the least useful, clerics and wiz always want the speed buff in dungeons. also, casting one skill is like 1/4 of our mp gone so our mp charm ticks much more

    *note, i am jealous of clerics becuz they don't have to waste their hp charms in cube doin the 100 sec wouldnt believe how much charm is wasted in those rooms

    ---all classes have their disadvantages and advantages, you chose the class so live with it.b:victory
  • __Cherry__ - Dreamweaver
    __Cherry__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I dont mind the free healing or buffs; however, the extra spirit would go a long way over time. take care cuties
  • Bebisita - Dreamweaver
    Bebisita - Dreamweaver Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The cleric's reward is in its ease for finding parties.
    I've never heard of a cleric fall behind on quests/bosses unless it was voluntary.

    If anything, I think barbs have it rougher.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The cleric's reward is in its ease for finding parties.
    I've never heard of a cleric fall behind on quests/bosses unless it was voluntary.

    If anything, I think barbs have it rougher.


    But 1 spirit+250 coin? For 1 iron heart =.=
    1Spirit+250 coin for a revive, yeah thats fine, but for just one IH blessing? Thats just overkill. It would be exploited. Just stay somewhere and keep healing someone even if they dont need it.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
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  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Just so no one has to scroll back to see my stance I don't think we (playing a level 71 cleric atm) deserve rep for buffs, heals, etc. Exp and spirit will amount to nothing anyways so it's a moot point. I mean seriously at level 71 getting 100 exp for a rez won't even register so why bother. No need. If we're healing someone else it's usually in a party and we split exp and spirit for the kill because we're not attacking (or lending a few hits/debuffs). If it's just us solo we get the exp and spirit for the kill. Not sure what the big deal is as someone who now exclusively plays a cleric.

    I have however made some suggestions I think that will improve cleric game play and make them on even footing for CS reliance. (Blue Bubble is ridiculous. No barb or BM can even talk about expenses when BB is used). I suggest if you agree on my ideas (posted within this thread)send a ticket to GMs so they know it has the popular vote and maybe they'll get implemented. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.

    As for the "roll another class" crew. Well that's just a dumb response. This is a MMORPG that people play for a myriad of different reasons. Me, I play to relax and escape work when the sun isn't out and I can't be hiking, skiing, golfing, climbing, sailing, etc. The last thing I need is for someone to tell me what my "job" is. If I want that I'll go to work. b:pleased I play the character as I like and if I want to heal you or buff you it's my choice. Now coincidentally I do a lot of FB and TT runs so healing and buffs are a must and is part of my role. Nothing goes smoother then a run where everyone knows their role. But I will say I've been on FB runs with a bunch of noobs and rambos who go charging in at the expense of my charm then QQ when their health drops or they die. Or who demand a buff if they were **** around and wouldn't gather for AoE buffs. To them I "choose" to say **** you. I don't allow others to **** my charm with their stupidity. So in that regard I don't always do my "job", but that's just it. It's not a job because I'm not getting paid in RL. I'm playing to enjoy myself and relax so I'll play whatever class I want as I see fit. Nuff said.
  • Lessein - Sanctuary
    Lessein - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I am a cleric, and just res and buff who i think is polite "res pls" doesnt register with me, i just ignore them. "buff pls" obviously gets the same treatment.
    but "please can i have a res" or "would you mind buffing me please" gets my attention and I'm happy to help them.

    I think rep points/ exp points etc could easily be abused, and obviously there is no way to moderate politeness.

    However MP Costs are high, i have about 6k of mp, and it takes half my mp to buff the squad with squad buffs. I think a skill similar to the venos MP restoring skill, or the venos transfusion would be useful, fair and couldnt be abbused.

    that way mp costs are targeted, but no real benefit is gained, so there's no real problem for any of the other classes. After all venos have the skill too so at the very least they couldn't complain!