Best in QQme?



  • Shajrix - Harshlands
    Shajrix - Harshlands Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    When Antihero is drunk, listening to him on vent is the funniest **** ever.

    But i admit, even though I like to act tough in front of the newer players, deep down I'm really just a big fuzzy carebear. b:cute

    Awww! b:cute

    Don't waste time, or time will waste you.
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Scarlet's the best.<3333333333333333333333
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Shoot.. What about me and helping anyone that needs help, and giving away my HH weapons :( DOH! No respect I tells ya! No respect! b:laugh
  • Lindt - Harshlands
    Lindt - Harshlands Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Shoot.. What about me and helping anyone that needs help, and giving away my HH weapons :( DOH! No respect I tells ya! No respect! b:laugh

    Dropping it in pk doesn't count. LET THE FLAMING BEGIN! b:angry

    btw am i really still the only person to say Panny? b:sad
  • Escobar - Harshlands
    Escobar - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hands down Malilizi. and Sha I know you would have mentioned me, but I mean.. cmon 14 yr olds who steal molds from fbs? definitely not worthy of my friends list.
  • Shajrix - Harshlands
    Shajrix - Harshlands Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hands down Malilizi. and Sha I know you would have mentioned me, but I mean.. cmon 14 yr olds who steal molds from fbs? definitely not worthy of my friends list.

    QQmore.. it was like, a week or two ago. Let it go, damn. O__o

    Don't waste time, or time will waste you.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'll go PK anyone that says Anti is sweet b:angry Even godless, greedy, soulless players like Iffy or me are nicer than **** guy.
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Dropping it in pk doesn't count. LET THE FLAMING BEGIN! b:angry

    btw am i really still the only person to say Panny? b:sad

    LOL Nahhhh.. the worst I ever dropped was 10 golden herb when I was level 30 something. :) Nice try.. Actually gave both my HHs away when I was in Crimson so I guess that doesn't count.. But I do help whenever I can and am not AFK (which is like 90% of the time). Got to keep the character white somehow, so I figure if I stay logged in then he will always be white named.
  • Escobar - Harshlands
    Escobar - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    QQmore.. it was like, a week or two ago. Let it go, damn. O__o

    Oh so you're saying that since it was a week ago, you are now a better person and all that is behind you? Really now? You're still just a little thief, grow up.
  • BlazingAzn - Harshlands
    BlazingAzn - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    - They grouped a lot of the high levels into a single guild, kill lowbies
    - They wanted to remove Crimson from the map, ...but failed
    - They made an alliance with Crimson, ...double fail.
    - They chose AMAZING Directors, ...Mo-mo-monster fail.
    - They decided to make more guilds but failed and went back
    last but not least:
    - Now that the lowbies (see above) are 8x and some 9x, they quit game.

    Oh well..

    making posts about higher lvls killing lowbies is kinda stupid dontcha think. SEEING AS IF WE GROUPED ALL THE HIGHER LEVELS INTO ONE GUILD THERE WOULD BE NOTHING BUT LOWBIES. LOLOLOLOL I <3 CAPSLOCK DUNTCHU?!

    anyway. i like how nonfactors post things.

    BTW what point is there to remove one guild off the map while the other carebear guilds sit and watch? no fun in that at all. Thats why Kylin is just about dead, and KD is sitting there attacking PVE lands b:chuckle
  • Ruby - Harshlands
    Ruby - Harshlands Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Epic b:cuteb:victory
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    - They grouped a lot of the high levels into a single guild, kill lowbies
    - They wanted to remove Crimson from the map, ...but failed
    - They made an alliance with Crimson, ...double fail.
    - They chose AMAZING Directors, ...Mo-mo-monster fail.
    - They decided to make more guilds but failed and went back
    last but not least:
    - Now that the lowbies (see above) are 8x and some 9x, they quit game.

    Oh well..

    - Grouped up a lot of high levels into a single guild to kill lowbies? I don't see what that has to do with anything, not like they forced one another.
    - Sure it was failed, but Kingdom failed aswell....stop why be a hypocrite?
    - You're just butthurt 'cause we broke alliance with KD and chose Crimson, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
    - Directors? Was only 1 that was explain that.
    - We made more guilds 'cause Anti was gone and we were bored, no idea why you even brought this up looooooooooooooooool.

  • Scarlet - Harshlands
    Scarlet - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    - They grouped a lot of the high levels into a single guild, kill lowbies
    - They wanted to remove Crimson from the map, ...but failed
    - They made an alliance with Crimson, ...double fail.
    - They chose AMAZING Directors, ...Mo-mo-monster fail.
    - They decided to make more guilds but failed and went back
    last but not least:
    - Now that the lowbies (see above) are 8x and some 9x, they quit game.

    Oh well..

    I decided to keep my mouth shut when it comes to saying directly anything about Kingdom since you, along with a few ex-Heavenly's are there. But since you drew first blood, without obviously any sort of consideration, then so be it.

    I have never expected such a hasty generalization to come from you at least, Ixta. I, as a previous member of Heavenly, chose to be in QQme. And it’s not just me, others who have been a part of our previous circle are on "this side." And you, are with Kingdom - right after you have come to yet another generalization from the past that Kingdom brainwashes lowly factions by dictating who or who shouldn’t be in their faction, being the reason why you left Heavenly.

    If we are on such a "failing" cause, then your personal vendetta is an absolute failure as well. More so, if I might say. Settling your self on the side of those that we once deemed as hypocrites? Classic. I can confidently speak for you if I will say that we hate Kingdom and Kylin’s guts more than we hated QQme. And look which side of the alliance you are on right now.

    Truthfully speaking, setting aside your partiality with Kingdom, what is it that you REALLY hate about QQme? The random PKing, the PKing of lowbies, right? Tough. Those are all part of the package when you signed up to be in a PVP server. Neither you, nor ANYONE, have the privilege to whine and protest about the consequence for picking such a choice.

    Those QQme stains that you see back in Heavenly before, I don't see them. That thing that you hate about QQme, I don't anymore. Why? It's because I, along with some of your "once friends", see beyond what your goody-two-shoes faction try to dictate on this server. Ask Acrelar.

    What about you, Ixta? Has your perspective about Kingdom changed? Have they proven you wrong about "doing things their way"? Have they somehow persuaded you that they’re not as tyrannical and ego-centric as they are? What's "being with Kingdom" contributed to you? Clearly, from your points of argument which have been YOUR perspective from the very beginning, I don’t think you’re as inclined to them as you should be. Some of us that you know very well are here, and we're loving it. Do you enjoy being in Kingdom? And yet you had the impudence to "inscribe" us on your informative point of view about QQme.

  • Echo - Harshlands
    Echo - Harshlands Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I decided to keep my mouth shut when it comes to saying directly anything about Kingdom since you, along with a few ex-Heavenly's are there. But since you drew first blood, without obviously any sort of consideration, then so be it.

    I have never expected such a hasty generalization to come from you at least, Ixta. I, as a previous member of Heavenly, chose to be in QQme. And it
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I remember PKing Scarlet when i was in BC. xD

    Anyway into topic. Mr. LxLRO w/e name is, barely a tr0ll that takes the game too serious. Hell, he had even louder mouth when Heavenly was attacking BC.
    Anyone paying attention to what this guy says is just wasting time, not sure why you guys take so much time talking about nonfactors like him when you could be typing about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! j/k

    Haha name of thread is best in QQme, now GTFO with non-factor, non-related

    P.S: If you have not noticed, THIS IS A tr0LL POST. Rage now b:bye
  • BlazingAzn - Harshlands
    BlazingAzn - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2009
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I still find it fascinating that Ixta left Heavenly because Heavenly "buckled" to Kingdoms bullying demands to kick GodsFear when GodsFear had did nothing wrong in Heavenly. Ixta was "enraged" that Heavenly lacked the balls to stand up to that.

    .....and 3 hours later joined Kingdom

    You lost your credibility Ixta. Btw all the whining and QQing about Heavenly not helping you gear up? Best of luck convincing Icon to get you your Belial mats for your bow at 90.
  • Shajrix - Harshlands
    Shajrix - Harshlands Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Oh so you're saying that since it was a week ago, you are now a better person and all that is behind you? Really now? You're still just a little thief, grow up.

    And this is just a game, why dont you stop taking a few pixels of a mold so damn seriously and move on with your life, if you even have one.

    Don't waste time, or time will waste you.
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    And this is just a game, why dont you stop taking a few pixels of a mold so damn seriously and move on with your life, if you even have one.

    No fighting... Escobar's hella chill, no sense arguing about something in the past. Whats done is done, yall don't need to keep bringing it back up.
  • Ixta - Harshlands
    Ixta - Harshlands Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Looks like I hurt some people given the personal attacks..truth always hurts doesn't it.

    Oh well suck on it.
  • Lindt - Harshlands
    Lindt - Harshlands Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, it's nice to see that QQme has some decent people in it. Like Pancake right? Who agrees with me? (I'll keep trying until someone agrees with me! b:angry)
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, it's nice to see that QQme has some decent people in it. Like Pancake right? Who agrees with me? (I'll keep trying until someone agrees with me! b:angry)

  • Scarlet - Harshlands
    Scarlet - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Looks like I hurt some people given the personal attacks..

    Not even close.
  • BlazingAzn - Harshlands
    BlazingAzn - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Looks like I hurt some people given the personal attacks..truth always hurts doesn't it.

    Oh well suck on it.

    lol get some big balls in kingdom eh?

    then why is it taht kd decided to take the safe bet in land this week and take a pve land? hmmz?

    and i wonder if stick has even gotten his hh90 weap yet? LOL

    icon told me he wasnt sure about giving stick mats cus he "guild hops"

    and u think u are going to get ur weap? GG.
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Looks like I hurt some people given the personal attacks..truth always hurts doesn't it.

    Oh well suck on it.

    It has everything to do with you being a flaming hypocrite and leaving Heavenly for KD after they acted like the arrogant bullies they are and nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with QQme or anything you said about QQme.
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol get some big balls in kingdom eh?

    then why is it taht kd decided to take the safe bet in land this week and take a pve land? hmmz?

    and i wonder if stick has even gotten his hh90 weap yet? LOL

    icon told me he wasnt sure about giving stick mats cus he "guild hops"

    and u think u are going to get ur weap? GG.

    Stick pretty much quit pw, hardly dose dailies.
    Dont be an Awwie, what I say to you, is to you.

    QQme can talk on bids? really? dont go there.
    Now you guys are giving Crimson HH mats and protection, just LMAO.

    Kingdom kosed QQme at a time for GodsFear you think we wouldnt kos another guild who would pay him a salary? that stuffs over he was a memeber in Kingdom for a few days and we worked it out.

    Wtf is with this jump on ixta seriously? hes a pretty cool guy made alot of friends in Kingdom, quit being bullies, all this forum **** gets old, I am out.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yeah guys stop being bullies. It's like not nice and stuff.
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Stick pretty much quit pw, hardly dose dailies.
    Dont be an Awwie, what I say to you, is to you.

    QQme can talk on bids? really? dont go there.
    Now you guys are giving Crimson mats and protection, just LMAO.

    Kingdom kosed QQme at a time for GodsFear you think we wouldnt kos another guild who would pay him a salary? that stuffs over he was a memeber in Kingdom for a few days and we worked it out.

    Wtf is with this jump on ixta seriously? hes a pretty cool guy made alot of friends in Kingdom, quit being bullies, all this forum **** gets old, I am out.

    The people talking to Ixta know him well from Heavenly. You really don't factor into that discussion.

    "Worked out" with GodsFear huh? You didn't "work it out" with him when you KOSed Heavenly and other small factions. "Zerging" them with numbers and levels, the precise thing KD accuses QQme of (which isn't a rational criticism since Kingdom is a large faction with levels as well. They simply refuse to bring more). Nope, you bullied those factions, demanded they kick GodsFear without cause or reason, and basically made them do Kingdoms bidding.

    Bullies indeed
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    you think we wouldnt kos another guild who would pay him a salary?

    Oh and this in particular. I remember, was it Hextic?, begging, literally, on world chat to let GodsFear rejoin LastStand. A faction at that point with no land or immediate TW ambitions. Didn't he even offer to let you continue to KOS GodsFear personally just don't KOS all of LastStand? You refused. "GodsFear shall remain factionless"

    .....until he is allowed to join Kingdom.

    Bullies. Yep.
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Oh, ok, since you know everything that gose on.

    I seriously dont care to, or have to convince you on what really happened.

    So for now enjoy believing you know everything that went down.