Best in QQme?



  • Lindt - Harshlands
    Lindt - Harshlands Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You're right Lindt, Pancake IS the coolest person in QQme.

    Quoted for truth.

    -edit- awww why'd you edit your post Icon? The one I quoted was much better.
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Quoted for truth.

    -edit- awww why'd you edit your post Icon? The one I quoted was much better.

    I'm not the coolest in QQme? :( b:cry
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Oh, ok, since you know everything that gose on.
    You sure seem to think you do - especially concerning factions you were never in.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • BlazingAzn - Harshlands
    BlazingAzn - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Stick pretty much quit pw, hardly dose dailies.
    Dont be an Awwie, what I say to you, is to you.

    QQme can talk on bids? really? dont go there.
    Now you guys are giving Crimson HH mats and protection, just LMAO.

    Kingdom kosed QQme at a time for GodsFear you think we wouldnt kos another guild who would pay him a salary? that stuffs over he was a memeber in Kingdom for a few days and we worked it out.

    Wtf is with this jump on ixta seriously? hes a pretty cool guy made alot of friends in Kingdom, quit being bullies, all this forum **** gets old, I am out.

    wtf are u doing on the forums?

    I like u as a person, but tbh i could careless about you ingame. The one that was QQing about how it wasnt right for QQme to have KOSed KD just to be crimson lapdogs, What we did was KOS the factions (that was before Ascii's lil NERD RAGE attempt btw we when actually had a KOS, now we just have a safe list) that sat back and tried to pve their way to high lvls before doing anything important. Look what it did, caused KD to QQ so much. I swear kd QQs moar about pk then Crimson ever did, and we hardly let crimson grind at all. Jesus icon, take the high and mighty stick outta your **** and stop acting like wat other guilds do is your business. Its a PVP server. End of Story. Stop carebearing it.
  • Exodus - Harshlands
    Exodus - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:cry aww thnx for mentioning me u guuuuys