Overpowerment in PWI
What do archers depend on in pvp? Crits.
What do venos depend on in pvp? Pets
The only difference is that you don't have to pay a few hundred dollars for yours. Stop being an idiot.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »What do archers depend on in pvp? Crits.
What do venos depend on in pvp? Pets
The only difference is that you don't have to pay a few hundred dollars for yours. Stop being an idiot.
I for one would welcome an end-game quality cash shop item that I could buy at level 1 that would let me do PvE damage in PvP. Yay for 15k crits off normal arrows.
Assuming I had this would you be whining on the boards about it being unfair? I'm sure that dozens of people would call you newb because you dont know how to use XX genie skill in combination with an apothecary item while fully buffed and doing backflips to avoid being one-shotted by my auto-attack.
Learn to play.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »What do archers depend on in pvp? Crits.
What do venos depend on in pvp? Pets
The only difference is that you don't have to pay a few hundred dollars for yours. Stop being an idiot.
You don't have to pay a few hundred dollars for a pet. They are free to tame. You only have to pay when you wanna have a pet that outdamages fist bms by far even without a bugged skill.
Its not like venos are gimped without those things. I'm reading the perfectworld multi language service-forums for a while now and the venos there don't complain because they can't buy battle pets.
The only reason why some venos here can't imagine their class without a phoenix and a herc is because they already got used to it.
Listen, i don't want to start another battle-pets-are-op-discussion (even if i already did), but comparing a veno without a nix and herc to barbs without hp and archers without crits is just wrong.IceJazmin - Heavens Tear wrote: »Can you tell me what stats to sacrifice in order for me to do as much damage as you do please? By the way, my bank account is not a stat, nor is my time....
A barb will never reach the damage of an archer too, but a barbs capacity is not high spike damage but high physical armor and insane hp.
Alot of people claim, that each class has its weakness and strengths, and thats what make it balanced. But there are always some people like you that never can get enough.0 -
Oh lets brag about archers being able to 1 and 2 shot players in pvp then complain when another class gets a weapon that makes them not so easy to kill anymore.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Osiris - Dreamweaver wrote: »A barb will never reach the damage of an archer too, but a barbs capacity is not high spike damage but high physical armor and insane hp.
Alot of people claim, that each class has its weakness and strengths, and thats what make it balanced. But there are always some people like you that never can get enough.
You make no sense. Of course for the most part the game is balance, I dare you to find a single quote from me that states that any class is overpowered.
My comment was directed at the this post that says archers have to sacrifice Vita to get the high Dex for the high damage.
"Originally Posted by mbrunestud
lets make something clear:
archers have high crits due to having high dex. it doesn't come with the class. pure dex archers sacrifice all vitality for this "high crit" (which is really 20% at lvl 90 coming from base stats) archers spend millions compensating for low hp with refines, gems, etc.
barbs sacrifice dex for this high hp, hence their accuracy is low, but low accuracy doesn't come with the class. low accuracy is as a result of putting every spare point into vit. barbs spend millions compensating for low accuracy with gems, +% accuracy equipment
see the ****** analogy?
so no, you don't take away the crit percentages that come with allocating dex then make it a cash shop purchase, that's ****ing ****
that's like taking away the mana pool that comes with allocating magic, taking away the melee damage from allocating strength"
As you can see, I am just asking what stat I have to sacrifice in order to have his high damage.
I am perfectly happy with my pets (no herc or phoenix, not even rare ones.. just plain pets), I am happy with what I can or cannot do. That does not change the fact that we do less damage than other classes, and have less tanking capabilites. Someone could say we are the jacks of all trades and masters of none.Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.0 -
my high damage?? what is this damage that you speak of? archer damage isn't all that great as you think for all the points we put into dex. against other lvl 90+ with decent gear, we need to crit to kill someone. no crit, no kill. archer nukes are not all that great either, they all do base damage + a fixed damage on top of that, while caster nukes do base damage + x00% weapon damage + fixed damage. so in the same amount of channel/cast time, a caster nuke outdamages an archer nuke by far. you want to compare nuke damage? compare archers' metal spells versus cleric, or even veno nukes. yeah, the metal spells that we're supposed to kill 18k hp barbs with, it just doesn't match up (unless theres crit)
and so what if your base attack can't match an archer's? you got a bloody pet to supplement your damage. if an archer goes vit build, will the archer ever reach the hp of a vit barb? or even a bm? just as i dont expect to have as much hp as a melee class because i'm ranged, you shouldn't expect as much damage output on your own as a DD class because you have a pet0 -
***applause!***_Shalimar_ - Sanctuary wrote: »The crying about operpowered classes needs to end. Every class has attributes that make them more effective than others in some areas.
People cry that WF are OP because they can solo a lot of things. WF are an option for people who don't like being in squads much. They do have an advantage with Hercules and Pheonix, but that could be easily fixed by adding a class specific legendary item for each class, perhaps to go in the "Mysterious Gear" slot. But honestly, for a WF to solo TT that it needs for 70 before reaching 70 is difficult. Soloing for your level 80 is damn near impossible. Soloing 90 is suicidal. If a level 90 WF can solo Ancient Evil, then they could be OP.
People cry that WB are OP also, due to the massive health of the WB, and the recent changes to a group of WB skills. In my opinion, go ahead and nerf WB. Then watch how many people end up dead when WB can no longer tank. The changes made to WB skills aid in tanking. The 100% accuracy on Mighty Swing is the only skill that is useless in tanking. Ripping Bite, Pounce, and the speed changes to Holy/Hell True Form all keep more people alive. Yes, they can be used in pvp also. But it keeps people alive. Get over it.
People cry that WR are OP. WR are only good at damage without stuns. Take away their stuns and see how many people quit playing WR, leaving squads without Golden Bell Aura and leaving the cleric without a guard. WR can't do much in pvp either.
People cry that MG are OP. MG have immense damage output. Hell, I have a friend who is a level 77 MG and can kill level 85 mobs without getting touched. They are indeed powerful, but if an enemy does reach them, its over.
People cry that EA are OP. EA can kill robes and some light armor players in one hit. They also have low health and their defenses, while rounded, are lower than others. Their attack per second ratio also is not to be admired. That's why they have such high damage per hit, and a very high critical. It allows them to survive.
It isn't common at all, but people have cried that EP are OP. So what if they can heal themselves in pvp? Take away their healing, sure. Without that, over half the game would be impossible.
Every class has something that makes them powerful. People get beaten by that factor and call it OP. Said factors are part of the staple-classes in the fantasy RPG archetype. Take away those factors and you are left with all classes being identical.
Bottom line is - Overpowerment is not in a game like this. When one class seems to be able to outshine another class in every way, it is due to one having a superior stat setup and the other is an idiot.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
"Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.
Playing here since '08b:heart0 -
IceJazmin - Heavens Tear wrote: »[...]As you can see, I am just asking what stat I have to sacrifice in order to have his high damage.
I am perfectly happy with my pets (no herc or phoenix, not even rare ones.. just plain pets), I am happy with what I can or cannot do. That does not change the fact that we do less damage than other classes, and have less tanking capabilites. Someone could say we are the jacks of all trades and masters of none.
You missed the point. What i said is, that most of the people claiming that the game actually IS balanced say, that it's because of the fact that each class has both weaknesses and strengths (like the OP for example). Venos for example are awesome soloers (even without a herc), have strong debuffs and are probably the most diverse class you can play. This and the fact that you have a pet that can also damage and learn several skills maybe justifies a damage outputs that can compete with an archers or wizards damage - both classes that are all about damage.Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh lets brag about archers being able to 1 and 2 shot players in pvp then complain when another class gets a weapon that makes them not so easy to kill anymore.
Archers that brag about stuff like this must have just backstabbed their first bad-equipped robe 15 levels lower than them.
The archers damage isn't as high as everyone likes to claim. Sure, a deadly shot crit can prevent a charm tick by eating 65% of the hp of a full int robe, but usually my damage on robes is about 700-900 without crits - and don't forget about my missed attacks.0 -
Has anyone really stopped to think about whether the people they fight against in PvP have varying levels of skill? I'm just wondering whether some of the people who say they easily kill certain classes have found themselves fighting only people who can't play very well, as it is very possible for this to happen. Same goes for the opposite, you can't take these as facts until something is actually proven. Its also hard to judge when PvP in itself, is just one sided at times with people dying in only a few seconds. Honestly, I think PvP is wrong for any class to just die like that without a chance to fight back. Bleed is bugged though. It was fixed in another version, but was changed back not because it was seen to be balanced originally, but because of the amount of whining that happened thereafter, and they just caved in because they didn't want to lose money.
I'm not going to comment on on PvP other than the bleed bug. Venos with cash shop pets however, are overpowered PvE. They can solo TT, and some bosses their level; Something that none of the other classes can do alone. Stating that they aren't really wanted in groups, and the fact that they're quite squishy as a counterpoint doesn't have much hold when they have no need for groups for the most part, and mobs are focused on the pet.0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »What do venos depend on in pvp? Pets
you are now the most pathetic human being i have ever met.
wasnt it you who said venos shouldnt rely on pets in PvP? and that if you do you should learn to play? fail. leave forums and never come backLess QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
Osiris - Dreamweaver wrote: »You missed the point. What i said is, that most of the people claiming that the game actually IS balanced say, that it's because of the fact that each class has both weaknesses and strengths (like the OP for example). Venos for example are awesome soloers (even without a herc), have strong debuffs and are probably the most diverse class you can play. This and the fact that you have a pet that can also damage and learn several skills maybe justifies a damage outputs that can compete with an archers or wizards damage - both classes that are all about damage.
Well, I agree with that. I guess is not so much that you or I missed the point as that we said it differently although meaning the same.Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh lets brag about archers being able to 1 and 2 shot players in pvp then complain when another class gets a weapon that makes them not so easy to kill anymore.
thats ****ing bull****. go look in the archer forums, where is there bragging? you hear some punk brag about 1shotting someone 30 levels lower, and it somehow applies to the rest of us?
that makes as much sense as me calling every veno arrogant and full of it because i've read your posts0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »If everyone wants something for $200 in the cash shop to make them overpowered here is my idea.
Take away an archers crits, take away a wizards crazy damage, take away a blademasters stuns, take away a barbs high hp, take away a clerics buffs. Then sell them all back to them for $200 in the cash shop.
People openly admit venos have the lowest spell damage of any class, then complain when they get a pet that counters that! You are a bunch of morons. Learn to freaking play the game properly and maybe you won't die so fast. I kill phoenixes all the time in pvp! Why can't you?! Oh that's right, you just spam the same skills all the time and never bother to learn how to play better. You just want to complain instead of actually think for once, and you wonder why I keep saying you suck at pvp?
(The above ignores the bleed issue since it should have proper pvp damage reduction. FIX IT PLEASE!)
For one, a WF does not need a legendary pet to hit hard. I have seen a WF with a magmite out-DPS a cleric of the same level. Furthermore, WF have the lower magical damage because they function as an entire party in one player if needed. A Pheonix is not hard for some people to beat if they know what they are doing. Granted a MG won't do well, but they are meant to DPS on the enemy melee. But a WB, who is meant to take a hit, can easily crush the WF. A WF is perfectly fine with a magmite, also noting it is an easy pet to obtain without spending any coin. But a magmite pales in comparison to a Herc. If the idea you posted was acutally implemented, which would kill the game right there, then the WF classes would have to pay $200 for a basic weak pet. But if there was an item in the cash shop that made them as good as an entire squad of equal level for every class, the class balance would be even. But at that point, the pve balance would die. Things once thought difficult would then be common activity. TT would become worthless, as well as molds, tomes, LG, FC, and many other things in the game. The economy would die and the game shortly after. If the developers instead removed the legendary pets, things would once again be balanced.
@ Zoe: You are an idiot with a massive ego problem. Face the truth, you are NOT a goddess among insects. You are NOT as good as you think. You are NOT good at pvp for your level if you really believe in what you post, and if not then you are a stuck up hipocrit. People are tired of your idiocy, your ego, your outlandish claims. Find a new hobby other than making your self look like you were dropped on your head all throughout your life.Disclaimer
I hereby absolve myself from all responsibilities from damage incurred, loss of life, and severe mental retardation from trying to read and/or understand my posts. Please do not come to me about these problems or I shall be forced to stab you with a dull wooden spoon. Enjoy your day. =D0 -
_Shalimar_ - Sanctuary wrote: »
@ Zoe: You are an idiot with a massive ego problem. Face the truth, you are NOT a goddess among insects. You are NOT as good as you think. You are NOT good at pvp for your level if you really believe in what you post, and if not then you are a stuck up hipocrit. People are tired of your idiocy, your ego, your outlandish claims. Find a new hobby other than making your self look like you were dropped on your head all throughout your life.
your now cool in my book, i cant troll you after readin this.. lolb:chuckleLess QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm sorry but this made me ROFL. Sticky I luff yew! ^__^b:dirty My damage isn't pathetic. I mean compared to a Wizzy maybe, but I crit like 35k+ on some mobs. Never watched my damage against people, but I am pretty sure it's not pathetic either. I don't even HAVE a nix.
joo moar b:pleased
Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »If everyone wants something for $200 in the cash shop to make them overpowered here is my idea.
Take away an archers crits, take away a wizards crazy damage, take away a blademasters stuns, take away a barbs high hp, take away a clerics buffs. Then sell them all back to them for $200 in the cash shop.
People openly admit venos have the lowest spell damage of any class, then complain when they get a pet that counters that! You are a bunch of morons. Learn to freaking play the game properly and maybe you won't die so fast. I kill phoenixes all the time in pvp! Why can't you?! Oh that's right, you just spam the same skills all the time and never bother to learn how to play better. You just want to complain instead of actually think for once, and you wonder why I keep saying you suck at pvp?
(The above ignores the bleed issue since it should have proper pvp damage reduction. FIX IT PLEASE!)0 -
1: I'm going by the general veno population. Not ones that got so good they don't even need a pet.
2: I said many times I've done TW and will continue to do so, I just have to do badly intentionally to make it more fair for everyone else yet I still kill with little effort generally.
Learn to play, learn to think. Learn to pvp without your normal stuff and see how much better at pvp you become. This is a fact that will never change but instead you want to complain. Once you think you've learned how to pvp, let me know and I'll just kill you again.
I'm not sure where the bigger idiots are. Here, or flyff.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
it all just comes down to the type of player you are in the end. Excellent, Average, or terrible. Sadly, the larger percentage is in the average/terrible spectrum (mostly in the terrible). If you fail, don't blame others for your weakness, take it in stride and learn from it. SHAL YOU ROCK BROFrom the darkness of the abyss, ascends a new king.
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »1: I'm going by the general veno population. Not ones that got so good they don't even need a pet.
2: I said many times I've done TW and will continue to do so, I just have to do badly intentionally to make it more fair for everyone else yet I still kill with little effort generally.
Learn to play, learn to think. Learn to pvp without your normal stuff and see how much better at pvp you become. This is a fact that will never change but instead you want to complain. Once you think you've learned how to pvp, let me know and I'll just kill you again.
I'm not sure where the bigger idiots are. Here, or flyff.
come pk me now without your pet then b:chuckleLess QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
AscendedKing - Sanctuary wrote: »it all just comes down to the type of player you are in the end. Excellent, Average, or terrible. Sadly, the larger percentage is in the average/terrible spectrum (mostly in the terrible). If you fail, don't blame others for your weakness, take it in stride and learn from it. SHAL YOU ROCK BRO
Most people just don't understand it though King....
On a side note, AscendedKing is my beasting brother I have mentioned on these forums >=D.Disclaimer
I hereby absolve myself from all responsibilities from damage incurred, loss of life, and severe mental retardation from trying to read and/or understand my posts. Please do not come to me about these problems or I shall be forced to stab you with a dull wooden spoon. Enjoy your day. =D0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »Learn to play, learn to think. Learn to pvp without your normal stuff and see how much better at pvp you become. This is a fact that will never change but instead you want to complain. Once you think you've learned how to pvp, let me know and I'll just kill you again.
I did TW against Rome when I was on HT (are you still in there?) and when i fought against you, all you did was sending your phoenix against me, not using any of its skills while your veno just stand still healing the bird. Hell, what do you think am i? A freaking mob?
Sry Zoe, but you are simply not in the position to tell anyone how to pvp...0 -
I'm not sure where the bigger idiots are. Here, or flyff.
lern not 2 fail lul.0 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »I just have to do badly intentionally to make it more fair for everyone else yet I still kill with little effort generally.
Shut up, kittens die every time you post.0
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