TW Battlefront Report - Dreamweaver



  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    First I would like to start off by saying that Anubus will not be getting Immortal Back as I am Now the Leader and that is the way that it will Remain.

    Second I think everyone should know That EquiNOT is actually VictoryPets. He made that character to place a bid against EQ when we were being attacked on every land. All post made by this character EquiNOT are in my opinion to be taken with a grain of salt as it will appear bias towards VictoryPets. VictoryPets made this character while he was logged into vent and was very vocal about it in the room with a few other members, Most of which are now his Loyal Lackys of the Faction XBushidoX.

    Yes Anubus did sign on to vent after the TW and then released control of Immortal To VictoryPets as he was tired off dealing with the issues that were being caused within the faction. Also there are members of what is now XBushidoX that he had trusted that stabbed him in the back. I will not go into the fine lines of it but some of it did involve the logging of his account by members that are now in XBushidoX to cause WC drama and brand him with a bad name. Some may tell you and believe that Anubus was completly at fault for these issues, but this is not entirely true. The person behind Anubus has been a friend of mine for an Extremly long time and i know for a fact that a majority of the accuisations that has been spread about him to be false. 1)And seeing as he has left the game almost entirely I feel that this is no longer a subject that needs to be discussed.

    Third and last I am sorry for all the Issues that this post might cause the real noninvolved members of XBushidoX. 2) It is still my opinion that XBushidoX was created and **** the members of mine as well as other guilds on the fortellings of Lies that were spread about Anubus and other truly Loyal members just to give reason and purpose to the stealing of items and funds from the guild Banks.

    Nice necro, but your contradicting yourself.

    1) If this is a subject that no longer needs to be discussed, why did you make this post and necro a 2 month old thread? Nice contradiction.

    2) How exactly did you get ****? Your just QQing because someone is a better leader than you are.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Don't necro please.
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