LeslieFoxy - Harshlands wrote: »Crimson are pathetic people, they dont' want to go to pvp tw against QQme because they're so afraid of getting powned hard. QQme they are fun, i thought when D5 started this faction it was to kill Crimson, but now that they have new leadership they want to gang bang a carebear guild just to boost their own ego after losing their tw war against Crimson.
Crimson has been the most pathetic faction that ever stepped into a pvp server, they needed KD's help back then, now they need QQme's help now. You guys talk about Kylin not having won a land from a good pvp faction, but i haven't seen you guys win a good pvp faction's land yet. You guys powned Pendulum (who only had 40 or lower members back then), and you guys think you are gods or whatsoever. You guys need to grow balls and face QQme and stop sucking their ballz/p.ussies. Fight your own battles you lil f@g bags.
Sounds the same as what Kylin and Kingdom have been doing with QQme the past few weeks while they were on KoS with Crimson. Kylin played both sides for all that time to carebear their way past the massive KoS, now they're suffering the consequences. Get over it please.0 -
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »++++++Ligeia for last few weeks was Kd or Kylim trying to force a ally to 3vs1 after Heavenly goes out, some members of QQme make me see some of them are cool, no I am not changing my speech, I continue dont like ppl who bot but at least QQme are doing something for this server, we are just tired of having fun togheter , now is time for the server have fun too, this is the way we say we love u guys who for some months???!!!??? grind in safe while pk each other and while u joke with that in your guild chat is time for you too stop colect flowers and fight and in my opinion is already too late, month just doing pve in a pvp server? wtf is this? guys at lvl 90 and the pk they did was against bots? are u serious? just go pk and have fun.
From what do you have afraid? with kos u loose members? No, with kos u loose carebears, QQme have 200 members, Crimson have 200 Members are we failling? lol no
After all the times you personally PMed me infering to attack QQme, and turn your fight unbalanced, where do you get off mentioning lies about Kingdom.
Thats some dumbass logic you got, stopping this blaming it on Kingdom and Kylin not intervening in your fight. What would you two rather have seen? me answering Crimsons attempts to kos QQme, turn it into a 2v1? or would Crimson need a 3v1 to actually bid on something? See from my point of view, there is still actually still LS land there, so our last "Major" kos has not ended too long ago, there gose how were carebears. Ok lets enter a fantasy, say we are carebears, where the hell dose that connect with your fight?
I honestly dont care your kos stopped
The lies ,brainwash **** about Kylin being some huge threat or whatever is just cowards stuff. Come flat out, be men, say your intentions.0 -
Who the **** cares about what KD or Kylin have been doing.
KNOWN FACT: Crimson can't fight by themselves, they always need somebody else to fight w/ them. Someone posted some SS here in forum about people in crimson being scared to face QQme. Crimson why don't you fight Kylin by yourselves and let's see the outcome. Don't go sucking on QQme's balls/p.ussies and beg them for help on one carebear faction. QQme i thought you guys were better than this, you guys were suppose to kill Crimson, what happened? Did your D1cks started to shrink? Damn HL and w/ no balls **** players.0 -
Foxie u are really pathetic , first u use a alt to write here .. what a coward.
Second for what I read you are KD, when you start to have a kos come talk with the big mens till there u are just a little kid, are you afraid of something by trying to put QQme against Crimson? b:laugh
Will Crimson and QQme be ally/neutral to the end of the days? I dont think so, but for now we are helping the server course the best option for u will be CrimsonvsQQmevsKylim that way u can carebear to the end of the days.
Use your main coward dont come with alts
Crimson cant fight 1vs1 ? we are doing that with QQme for sooo long and was fun like hell now stop to be carebear and fight
About balls LeslieFoxy, u know my nick in game, I dont hide behind a alt, come pk me
And Icon was a time in the past you deserve my consideration, after seeing your atitude that is over, and I put u against who? All we know that you dont mind ppl call u names if u can continue to upgrade your gear and btw I dont pk Kylim because they are a threat, I pk because is fun to pk and this is a pvp serverNova_ : Rofl. I was talking in guildchat feeding peoples ego and getting everyone hyped up, mainly to dilute some of the bad taste from constant crimson PKing all day.0 -
Fail server is fail, quit while you're ahead. Aion comes soon0
Just live with the fact that Crimson will never ever fight their own fight. They got no balls period.0
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »Foxie u are really pathetic , first u use a alt to write here .. what a coward.
Second for what I read you are KD, when you start to have a kos come talk with the big mens till there u are just a little kid, are you afraid of something by trying to put QQme against Crimson? b:laugh
Will Crimson and QQme be ally/neutral to the end of the days? I dont think so, but for now we are helping the server course the best option for u will be CrimsonvsQQmevsKylim that way u can carebear to the end of the days.
Use your main coward dont come with alts
Aaaannndd this is why QQme is a sellout. This is the main reason ive always hated Crimson; Theyre little bit.ches when its unfair tipped in their favor and then they try to divert attention to whatever else.. The fact that QQme is supproting this just makes me sick.0 -
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »I dont pk Kylim because they are a threat, I pk because is fun to pk and this is a pvp server
LOL Crimson are p.ussies, you say you pk for fun but inside your thinking "omg thank god i don't have to deal w/ qqme's balls again". Like i said Fight your own fights, grow some balls, until then you're the most pathetic guild to ever been created.0 -
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »Crimson cant fight 1vs1 ? we are doing that with QQme for sooo long and was fun like hell now stop to be carebear and fight
Here's a fun idea, let QQme fight Kylin, and let Crimson drop Kos on Kylin, KoS Kingdom, let's see if your pathetic guild have balls to do that.0 -
would be fun LeslieFoxy but u must have balls of steal since you dont put your name here, coward and come this pu ssy talk about balls lol what a joke
This is how hard I will **** you : : Rofl. I was talking in guildchat feeding peoples ego and getting everyone hyped up, mainly to dilute some of the bad taste from constant crimson PKing all day.0 -
I wonder if crimson got the balls to KoS and fight Kingdom alone, i doubt they'll do that though because they got carebear mentality, once a carebear always a carebear.0
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »
This is how hard I will **** you :
Sheo you can't pk for shi.t! Even a lvl 30 fresh out of a blue name would **** your ****, that's how easy kill you are noob.0 -
Icon - Harshlands wrote: »
The lies ,brainwash **** about Kylin being some huge threat or whatever is just cowards stuff. Come flat out, be men, say your intentions.
kylin never was or could have ever became a real "threat". they are just annoying parasites that were trying to play both sides trying to get what they could out of both guilds.
-giving out crimson locations to qqme and qqme locations to crimson.
-pking both guilds noobs randomly then saying that their members didnt know they couldnt. (how long does it take to spread a rule through a guild? 2 months?)
-MDStaring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.0 -
Starrr - Harshlands wrote: »kylin never was or could have ever became a real "threat". they are just annoying parasites that were trying to play both sides trying to get what they could out of both guilds.
-giving out crimson locations to qqme and qqme locations to crimson.
-pking both guilds noobs randomly then saying that their members didnt know they couldnt. (how long does it take to spread a rule through a guild? 2 months?)
Why can't one of them KoS Kylin, and the other KoS Kingdom, if they weren't a threat like you're saying why the need of 2vs1 hmm0 -
I would love to KOS KD, at least we would be able to kill stupid **** like yourself.
Btw stop hiding behind an alt. You are the one always telling us to grow some balls, why don't you do it yourself and post with you main acc? Hypocrite, much?
Also, you've been saying we need someone else to fight for us, but you forget we've been fighting by ourselfs for what 1-2months? Did we disband or lose anything at all? Nop we didn't we sticked together and faught qqme while you, carebears, were carebearing your way up.
About our alliance with KD, well, tbh if t wasn't for us, kd would be dead by now. Everyone wanted to kos kd when the server started, but we stepped up and backed them. So, please stfu and get your facts straight.
@Icon, you lost all the respect I had for you. I thought you were a reasonable person, and not a cocky guy like you're demonstrating to be with your recent posts.0 -
Sheo - Harshlands wrote: »
And Icon was a time in the past you deserve my consideration, after seeing your atitude that is over, and I put u against who? All we know that you dont mind ppl call u names if u can continue to upgrade your gear and btw I dont pk Kylim because they are a threat, I pk because is fun to pk and this is a pvp server
Lmao. U had a KoS with QQme before. Ergo u pked, so u had fun. Oooo wait a forgot. U can only have fun when its 2 vs 1 and u over run a weaker opponent. Btw gratz on ur deep shoot on Icon. Really shows ur character.Onesht - Lost City wrote: »Aaaannndd this is why QQme is a sellout. This is the main reason ive always hated Crimson; Theyre little bit.ches when its unfair tipped in their favor and then they try to divert attention to whatever else.. The fact that QQme is supproting this just makes me sick.
They are getting c0cky cause the dont have any challenge. QQme s no longer an issue, KD doesnt Kos then and Kylin is getting ganged by 2 fronts.
Time for more Crimson to get out of the cave and look important. Although most of then have protections on since day 1.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mord - Harshlands wrote: »I would love to KOS KD, at least we would be able to kill stupid **** like yourself.
Btw stop hiding behind an alt. You are the one always telling us to grow some balls, why don't you do it yourself and post with you main acc? Hypocrite, much?
Also, you've been saying we need someone else to fight for us, but you forget we've been fighting by ourselfs for what 1-2months? Did we disband or lose anything at all? Nop we didn't we sticked together and faught qqme while you, carebears, were carebearing your way up.
About our alliance with KD, well, tbh if t wasn't for us, kd would be dead by now. Everyone wanted to kos kd when the server started, but we stepped up and backed them. So, please stfu and get your facts straight.
@Icon, you lost all the respect I had for you. I thought you were a reasonable person, and not a cocky guy like you're demonstrating to be with your recent posts.
BTW im w/ QQme, NOT the carebear factions. Only reason i joined QQme was to KILL CRIMSON. You guys were never around when we had KoS, but when the KoS was off you guys started to show up. Now you guys come in the pwi forum boasting your assess like your some kind of tough assess but in reality you guys got no balls and need someone to fight w/ you. I don't care what your history with KD or anybody else, FACT: you guys are scared of QQme and will never beat anyone without anyone's help.0 -
Mord - Harshlands wrote: »I would love to KOS KD, at least we would be able to kill stupid **** like yourself.
Btw stop hiding behind an alt. You are the one always telling us to grow some balls, why don't you do it yourself and post with you main acc? Hypocrite, much?
Also, you've been saying we need someone else to fight for us, but you forget we've been fighting by ourselfs for what 1-2months? Did we disband or lose anything at all? Nop we didn't we sticked together and faught qqme while you, carebears, were carebearing your way up.
About our alliance with KD, well, tbh if t wasn't for us, kd would be dead by now. Everyone wanted to kos kd when the server started, but we stepped up and backed them. So, please stfu and get your facts straight.
@Icon, you lost all the respect I had for you. I thought you were a reasonable person, and not a cocky guy like you're demonstrating to be with your recent posts.
How do u know she is KD? :O
For ur words i can see that soon Crimson will beg Antihero to KoS KD.
Funny i never so Crimson helping us in any way. All i saw was Sheo in our GC begging help "OMG PENDULUM AT SWAMPS KILLING X PLEASE HELP".
When we get there it was the victim, Pend and us. No more Crimson on sight.
Sure, crimson sucks, crimson is so bad at everything, crimson is the ****ing devil..yet you guys weren't able to take us down...guess why. Try t call yourself, maybe read your forum, and see why we are going for kylin, instead of accusing us of things you know nothing about.
Please use your main acc on your next post. kkthxbai0 -
Aurian - Harshlands wrote: »How do u know she is KD? :O
For ur words i can see that soon Crimson will beg Antihero to KoS KD.
Funny i never so Crimson helping us in any way. All i saw was Sheo in our GC begging help "OMG PENDULUM AT SWAMPS KILLING X PLEASE HELP".
When we get there it was the victim, Pend and us. No more Crimson on sight.
Instead of flame us just STFU and remember. U ONLY ACT LIKE GOD WHEN U HAVE A STRONGER FACTION TO BACK U UP.
Shut up carebear b:shutupb:chuckle0 -
Mord - Harshlands wrote: »Sure, crimson sucks, crimson is so bad at everything, crimson is the ****ing devil..yet you guys weren't able to take us down...guess why. Try t call yourself, maybe read your forum, and see why we are going for kylin, instead of accusing us of things you know nothing about.
Please use your main acc on your next post. kkthxbai
Go lvl noob. Kthnxbai b:bye0 -
Aurian - Harshlands wrote: »How do u know she is KD? :O
For ur words i can see that soon Crimson will beg Antihero to KoS KD.
Funny i never so Crimson helping us in any way. All i saw was Sheo in our GC begging help "OMG PENDULUM AT SWAMPS KILLING X PLEASE HELP".
When we get there it was the victim, Pend and us. No more Crimson on sight.
Instead of flame us just STFU and remember. U ONLY ACT LIKE GOD WHEN U HAVE A STRONGER FACTION TO BACK U UP.
Sure, aurian, kd rocks so bad...lols..
You don't imagine how many times we were asked to help kd's as well, so please, don't talk about something you know nothing about.0 -
LeslieFoxy - Harshlands wrote: »Go lvl noob. Kthnxbai b:bye
Yeah I might not be an high lvl wtfpwn player, but at least I don't hide myself behind an alt.
And now quoting from you: "Grow some ballz".0 -
Mord - Harshlands wrote: »Sure, aurian, kd rocks so bad...lols..
You don't imagine how many times we were asked to help kd's as well, so please, don't talk about something you know nothing about.
Like i said instead of talking here, go lvl you noobie. Kthnxbaib:shutupb:bye0 -
LeslieFoxy - Harshlands wrote: »Shut up carebear b:shutupb:chuckle
I'am a huge carebear indeed.Mord - Harshlands wrote: »Aurian, cresce e aparece. N
Please don't tell me to grow up. The proff is there. 3 day of alliance and most Crimson are here talking **** about Kylin and KD. I didn't saw u do that when QQme was **** ur sorry ****.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Okay you guys are just stupid. Why do you people constantly sit there and cry about Crim + QQ ally right now??? If you don't like it do something about it. If you can't then it's time for you to stfu. Stop dragging KD into this, they don't have a part in this story. Anywho I think we'd all be better off with out Kylin. Just because Crimsson and QQme teams up to fight another faction doesn't make either of them "pussies." Idiots.0
Are you afraid of this noobie? If you aren't, then post with your main acc, othewise, stfu.0
Swiftfire - Harshlands wrote: »Okay you guys are just stupid. Why do you people constantly sit there and cry about Crim + QQ ally right now??? If you don't like it do something about it. If you can't then it's time for you to stfu. Stop dragging KD into this, they don't have a part in this story. Anywho I think we'd all be better off with out Kylin. Just because Crimsson and QQme teams up to fight another faction doesn't make either of them "pussies." Idiots.
That's not what i'am saying at all. My point is Crimson likes to talk a lot but only when they have people to back then up. I don't like to listen (in this case read) **** by people without backbones.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Swiftfire - Harshlands wrote: »Okay you guys are just stupid. Why do you people constantly sit there and cry about Crim + QQ ally right now??? If you don't like it do something about it. If you can't then it's time for you to stfu. Stop dragging KD into this, they don't have a part in this story. Anywho I think we'd all be better off with out Kylin. Just because Crimsson and QQme teams up to fight another faction doesn't make either of them "pussies." Idiots.
CRIMSON PUSSIES! Stop suckin' on QQme's balls and get your own balls. Crimson talks big now that QQme isn't on their balls now, but when they were kos, they rarely show up. Pathetic.0 -
Mord - Harshlands wrote: »I would love to KOS KD, at least we would be able to kill stupid **** like yourself.
Btw stop hiding behind an alt. You are the one always telling us to grow some balls, why don't you do it yourself and post with you main acc? Hypocrite, much?
Also, you've been saying we need someone else to fight for us, but you forget we've been fighting by ourselfs for what 1-2months? Did we disband or lose anything at all? Nop we didn't we sticked together and faught qqme while you, carebears, were carebearing your way up.
About our alliance with KD, well, tbh if t wasn't for us, kd would be dead by now. Everyone wanted to kos kd when the server started, but we stepped up and backed them. So, please stfu and get your facts straight.
@Icon, you lost all the respect I had for you. I thought you were a reasonable person, and not a cocky guy like you're demonstrating to be with your recent posts.
Your losing loyal members for a reason, wheres your integrity.
You know though, everythings cause and effect,
Crimson drops kos on QQme to kos Kylin->
I lost respect for Crimson ->
I made posts, ignorance is not bliss ->
You lost respect for me, for pointing out the obvious, because you have none for yourself.0
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